A Plant is a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site. This plant absorbs water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll. When you plant a seed, plant, or young tree, you put it into the ground so that it will grow there. Medicinal plants have long been utilized in traditional medicine and worldwide ethnomedicine. A single plant contains widely diverse phytochemicals. the effects of using a whole plant as medicine are uncertain. Drug research makes use of ethnobotany to search for pharmacologically active substances in nature, and has in this way discovered hundreds of useful compounds. Here are the most powerful 10 medicinal plants.


Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. It is a member of Asteraceae/Compositae family and represented by two common varieties viz. German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile. The hollow, bright gold cones of the flowers are packed with disc or tubular florets and are ringed with about fifteen white ray or ligulate florets. It contains various bioactive phytochemicals that could provide therapeutic effects. This herb smells slightly like an apple. Chamomile has been used as an herbal remedy since the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in 500 BC. Chamomile preparations are commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. Essential oils of chamomile are used extensively in cosmetics and aromatherapy. Chamomile is mostly used in the form of herbal tea and it is consumed more than one million cups per day. Chamomile tea relaxes nerves and soothes the nervous system, therefore helping you sleep better. Chamomile tincture may also be prepared as one part chamomile flower in four parts of water having 12% grain alcohol, which is used to correct summer diarrhea in children and also used with purgatives to prevent cramping.

It is also used in toothache, earache, neuralgia and in cases of external swelling. Inhalation of the vaporized essential oils derived from chamomile flowers is recommended to relieve anxiety, general depression. It is used as antioxidant, mild astringent and healing medicine. Externally, chamomile has been used to treat diaper rash, cracked nipples, chicken pox, ear and eye infections, disorders of the eyes including blocked tear ducts, conjunctivitis, nasal inflammation and poison ivy. It is also effective in arthritis, back pain, bedsores and stomach cramps. With the use of flavonoids consumed in food may reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease in elderly men. It stimulates immune system and provides some protection against cancer. It protects the skin from free-radical damage. It accelerates cell and tissue regeneration, helps tighten the pores and slows down the ageing process. It fights against inflammation and teething problems. It maintains sugar balance in the blood and reduce heartburn.


Dandelion is a type of herb that is native to Europe. It is also found throughout mild climates of the northern hemisphere. Dandelion are a family of flowering plants that grow in many parts of the world. From root to flower, dandelion are highly nutritious plants, loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dandelion greens can be eaten cooked or raw and serve as an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. It provides several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been cherished for its tremendous healing properties since ancient times. Dandelion is also called blood purifier, laxative agent, liver cleanser and fatigue remover. It Contains full of Potent Antioxidants to neutralize or prevent the negative effects of body.

Dandelion may be effective in reducing inflammation caused by disease. Chicoric and chlorogenic acid are two bioactive compounds in dandelion to help reduce blood sugar. It Reduces Cholesterol and fights with cancer. It also supports for healthy bones. It helps in skincare treatment and boosts immune system. Dandelion is often consumed as a tonic under the presumption that it “cleanses” the liver. These beautiful yellow flowers are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which help the body fight infections such as bacteria that cause urinary tract infection. These leaves reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease. For centuries, they’ve been used to treat a myriad of physical ailments, including cancer, acne disease and digestive disorders.


Echinacea is the name of a group of flowering plants in the daisy family. Echinacea is a type of herb that is native to areas east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. It is also grown in western States, as well as in Canada and Europe. Echinacea plants contain caffeic acid, alkamides, phenolic acids, rosmarinic acid, polyacetylenes. Echinacea was used in traditional herbal remedies by the Great Plains Indian tribes. Echinacea, also called purple coneflower, is one of the most popular herbs worldwide. Echinacea is widely used to fight infections, especially the common cold, the flu, and other upper respiratory infections. These plant’s upper parts and roots are used in tablets, tinctures, extracts and teas. Echinacea is also used against many other infections including urinary tract infections, herpes, HIV/AIDS, human papilloma virus, bloodstream infections , tonsillitis, streptococcus infections, syphilis, typhoid, malaria, ear infection, swine flu, warts, and nose and throat infections called diphtheria.

Echinacea is best known for its beneficial effects on the immune system. Other uses include anxiety, low white blood cell count, chronic fatigue syndrome , rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, acid indigestion, pain, dizziness, rattlesnake bites, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and improving exercise performance. Sometimes people apply echinacea to their skin to treat boils, gum disease, abscesses, skin wounds, ulcers, burns, eczema, psoriasis, sun-related skin damage, herpes simplex, yeast infections, bee stings, snake and mosquito bites, and hemorrhoids.

4.Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper herb is a type of chili pepper. It gives hot taste. How hot a cayenne pepper is depends on its capsaicin content. Bright red Capsicum annuum is a member of the Solanaceae family. They were originally grown in Central and South America. It grows around the world in places such as India, East Africa, Mexico, and certain areas of the United States. Many people consider cayenne peppers to be the king of medicinal herbs. It boosts our Metabolism. These peppers boast an impressive nutrition profile, which includes a variety of antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. It reduces high blood pressure.

The capsaicin in cayenne peppers shows promise in reducing the risk of cancer. Capsaicin creams can help relieve itching and improve the appearance of psoriasis-affected areas. It may have pain-relieving properties. Capsaicin stimulates the nerves in your stomach that send signals for protection against injury. Cayenne is also sometimes used to treat muscle and joint pain. Capsaicin has long been explored as a means of treating neuropathic pain given the lack of effective pharmaceutical remedies. Cayenne peppers may reduce your hunger, helping you eat less and feel fuller for longer. It reduces acidity. It’s also used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including to improve poor circulation, reverse excessive blood clotting, lower high cholesterol and prevent heart disease.


Calendula officinalis is in the plant family known as Asteraceae or Compositae. Calendula marigolds are yellow-orange in color and form small florets of petals that are harvested and dried for their numerous properties. Marigold has long been recognised as a medicinal flower to address cuts, soars and general skin care. Marigold flowers originated in Egypt and the Romans. It usually blooms during the warmer months of the year from May through October. It contains essential oils and a high concentration of flavonoids, such as carotene. Topical treatment with a diluted marigold solution or tincture accelerates healing of wounds and rashes. It contains natural anti-inflammatory properties and supports skin healing.

Marigold helps to soothe the mucus membranes of the throat whilst easing the pain. The extract demonstrates antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal and immuno-stimulating properties that were shown to reduce eye infections. It reduces eye infections and protects from UV and oxidative damage. It is used for sore throats, gingivitis, tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. Marigolds are highly valuable for medicinal purposes like headaches, swelling, toothache. They have been used in cooking. Purposes of Marigold are like make-up, coloring food dying fabrics & medicinal uses. Flavonoids present in marigold flowers have been found to exhibit cytotoxic and inhibitory activities against colon cancer, leukemia & melanoma cells. These flowers can be used to naturally fend off mosquitoes, pests & other insects.


Peppermint is an aromatic herb in the mint family. It can be found naturally in North America and Europe. It can be used to add peppermint flavor to foods. It kills germs, boosts blood circulation and prevents vomits. It relieves pains and eliminates mucus. Peppermint has antiviral activity against Influenza type A. It also relieves indigestion. It also fortifies the nervous system and helps to relive headaches. Peppermint essential oil can be extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant and is used for a variety of different purposes. It’s oil used in these conditions like nausea, and other digestive issues, as well as the common cold.

A fresh, pleasing scent added to soaps and cosmetic products by using this oil. Peppermint oil can also be used as flavoring agent in foods and in products such as mouthwashes. Peppermint oil is antibacterial against some species of bacteria including Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Peppermint oil may provide safe and effective relief from chronic itching. Any kind of cramping effect or over-contraction of the muscles that gives rise to nausea is also relaxed with the use of Peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is a multitasking machine with a plethora of beauty, health and household benefits. Peppermint oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Peppermint oil is very useful for your hair and scalp.


Sage is a staple herb in various cuisines around the world. Its other names include common sage, garden sage and Salvia officinalis. It belongs to the mint family, alongside other herbs like oregano, rosemary, basil and thyme. Sage has a strong aroma and earthy flavor. Sage packs a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants are molecules that help fortify your body’s defenses, neutralizing potentially harmful free radicals that are linked to chronic diseases. Sage contains over 160 distinct polyphenols, which are plant-based chemical compounds. A sage-based mouthwash was shown to effectively kill the Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which is notorious for causing dental cavities. The leaves of common sage have been used traditionally as a remedy against diabetes.

Sage can help support your brain and memory in several ways. Sage may help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, which can build up in your arteries and potentially cause damage. Sage extracts not only suppress the growth of cancer cells but also stimulate cell death. Sage is also used as a natural cleaning agent. Sage is used for digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas, stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. It is also used for reducing overproduction of perspiration and saliva; and for depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. Sage is applied directly to the skin for cold sores; gum disease; sore mouth, throat or tongue; and swollen, painful nasal passages. In manufacturing, sage is used as a fragrance component in soaps and cosmetics. People who regularly use sage as a spice seem to have a 54% lower chance of developing lung cancercompared to those who don’t use sage.

8.Lady Ferns or Athyrium

plant is native to the continental US and Alaska. Ferns have a strong appeal to gardeners. Fern There is something about their seemingly fragile nature and delicate beauty. Athyrium plants consist of more than 230 species that are largely distributed in the Sino-Himalayan region and the Western Pacific islands. It is often abundant in damp, shady woodland environments and is often grown for decoration. Its genus name is from Greek. It usually found in cool moist locations along streams and in moist meadows at the edge of a forest. The deciduous leaves are about 75 cm (30 inches) long and 25 cm (10 inches) wide and grow in circular clusters. It’s called lady fern because the spores are produced on the backside of the pinnules beneath an eyelid shaped covering (called an indusia) thought to be reminiscent of the eye of the fairer sex. The genus are curved or horseshoe-shaped spore-producing clusters (sori) that are covered by a fringed membranous protective structure.

Fern is best introduced into a garden using a containerized plant or by propagating the rhizome. Athyrium species have demonstrated antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliferative and anti-HIV potential. Christmas Fern used for chills, fever, pneumonia, red spots on skin, listlessness, tuberculosis, and hoarseness. Bracken Fern used for tuberculosis, infections, and chest pain. Maidenhair smoked for asthma. Ferns used for Gynecology and also for blood. It is also used for digestion. Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) used externally for rheumatism and internally for joint pain. Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) used for arthritis. Species are being used in traditional medicine worldwide to treat various ailments such as cough, rheumatic pain, scorpion stings, sores, burns and scalds, intestinal fever, pain, specifically breast pain during child birth, to increase milk flow, as an antiparasitic, anthelmintic, and carminative.

9.Tea Tree

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree native to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Never swallow tea tree oil. The tea tree was named by eighteenth century sailors, who made tea that smelled like nutmeg from the leaves of the tree growing on the swampy southeast Australian coast. Do not confuse the tea tree with the unrelated common tea plant that is used to make black and green teas. Tea tree oil holds great significance by balancing all Ayurvedic tridoshas – Vata, pitta, and Kapha doshas. Australians crush tea tree leaves to extract the oil, which is then inhaled to treat coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing. Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi. Tea tree oil makes an ideal natural hand sanitizer. The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil make it an effective wound healer.

Tea tree oil can be used to treat and disinfect minor cuts and abrasions by killing S. aureus and other bacteria that can cause infection in open wounds. Tea tree oil may be useful in treating symptoms of psoriasis, such as infection and inflammation, while boosting immunity. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has many benefits for the nails and hair. Tea tree oil can be a powerful weapon against acne. Tea tree oil makes a great all-purpose cleaner. Tree oil reduces inflamed skin due to skin sensitivity. It can also be used as a deodorant, insect repellent. Shampoo containing tea tree oil had a 40% improvement in dandruff. Antifungal medications are considered standard treatment for athlete’s foot. Tea tree oil’s antifungal compounds terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineole may help reduce the growth of this mold on fruits and vegetables. Tea tree oil was more effective in suppressing allergic contact dermatitis than other treatments.


Thyme is an herb from the mint family that you probably recognize from spice set. Its range of use is impressive, and it has over 400 subspecies. Thymol is one of a naturally occurring class of compounds known as biocides. Ancient Egyptians used it in their embalming practices, while ancient Greeks used it as incense. Thyme is packed with vitamin C and is also a good source of vitamin A. It’s a good source of fiber, copper, iron, and manganese. Thyme is a Mediterranean herb with dietary, medicinal, and ornamental uses. Thymol can reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs, including penicillin. Thyme is known for its antibacterial properties and it might have a future as an acne-fighting ingredient.

Oil of thyme hold many fungicidal properties. Thyme is also a popular ingredient in natural deodorants. The tiger mosquito is native to tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia. A combination of thymol, alpha-terpinene, and carvacrol was effective in killing off tiger mosquito larvae. Thyme essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cough remedy. Thyme to help lower your heart rate. Thyme extract can repel mosquitoes. Thyme might protect people from colon cancers. Wild thyme caused cell death in breast cancer cells.

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Tree is a woody plant that regularly renews its growth. Most plants classified as trees have a single self-supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in most species the trunk produces secondary limbs, called branches. A tree is any plant with the general form of an elongated stem, or trunk, leaves or branches at some distance above the ground. Trees usually reproduce using seeds. Trees are best known for providing us with oxygen, but they’re also beautiful living organisms that can live for thousands of years. Trees play a significant role in reducing erosion and moderating the climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store large quantities of carbon in their tissues. Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants. They provide an inner peace.. ‘Ancient and Famous Trees’ refers to trees that are on the List of Ancient and Famous Trees under Protection for being over a hundred years old, for belonging to precious species, being distinctive, for having a rare shape or due to their special historical or cultural significance. Here are the 10 Famous Trees in the world.

1.Cedars of God

Cedars of God is the most famous cedar patch and one of the last vestiges of old-growth small forests. It is of about 400 Lebanon Cedar trees in the mountains of northern Lebanon. It is also one of the rarest sites where the Cedrus libani still grows. The forest is rigorously protected. The “Committee of the Friends of the Cedar Forest” initiated a reforestation program in 1985. It is the symbol of the country, its pride, and features prominently on the Lebanese flag. Their bark is dark gray but the wood is beautiful light tone, hard and astonishingly decay resistant. These are tall trees with large trunks and massive, irregular heads of spreading branches.

These trees remain ever green, never shed their leaves, and are always fragrant. It is said that god himself planted these cedars. Cedar trees survive five millenniums. Phoenicians used cedar wood to build their ships. The ancient Egyptians used its resin in mummification and King Solomon used the famous trees in the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.In the Ottoman Empire Cedar tree timber was used to construct railways. Cedar trees symbolize resilience, immortality, strength, and elevation. The mountains of Lebanon were once covered with Cedar trees.

2.Tree of Life

The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a mesquite tree which grows in the middle of Arabian desert. The meaning of the Tree of Life is “A Connection to Everything” represents you are never alone you should be connected to the world. Tree of Life explains how family grows and expands throughout many generations. Tree of Life symbolizes individuality, strong throughout their life time for unique experiences. It is also a symbol for peacefulness and relaxation. The tree is said to be 400 to 500 years old. A soil and dendrochronology analysis conducted in the 1990s concluded that the tree was an Acacia planted in 1582. Both its age and its location definitely make this tree a survivor, which is considered to be a remarkable natural wonder of the world witnessed by most who visit Bahrain.

Its long roots probably have found some underground water source, but it is still a miracle as it is the only green living organism live a vast and barren desert. Bahrain has little to no rain throughout the year. The local inhabitants believe that this was the actual location of the Garden of Eden. The tree is a local tourist attraction and is visited by approximately 65,000 people every year. The yellow resin is used to make candles, aromatics and gum; the beans are processed into jam, meal and wine.

3.General Sherman

General Sherman, named to honor United States Union Army General Williom T. Sherman, is the largest of three trillion trees on Earth. General Sherman is a Giant Sequoia located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California since 1931. Potwisha Indians led cattleman Hale Dixon Tharp to Giant Forest in September 1858. Naturalist John Muir, who visited Tharp later, explored and named Giant Forest in 1875. Although both men neither claimed or received credit for its discovery. The famous trees of the Giant Forest are among the largest trees in the world, if measured by volume.

At 11.1 meter (36.5 ft) along the base he General Sherman tree is the largest of them all. While it is the largest tree known, the General Sherman Tree is neither the tallest known living tree on Earth , nor is it the widest, nor is it the oldest known living tree on Earth. With a height of 83.8 metres (275 ft), a diameter of 7.7 m (25 ft), an estimated bole volume of 1,487 m3 (52,513 cu ft), and an estimated age of 2,300–2,700 years, it is nevertheless among the tallest, widest, and longest-lived of all trees on the planet. It is the world’s largest tree. It is old, but not that old. The General Sherman was named after the American Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman.

4.Avenue of the Baobabs

The baobab trees can live up to be 800 years old. It originally stood in a dense tropical forest in the area. The baobab trees, known locally as renala (Malagasy for “mother of the forest”), are up to 2,800 years old. The Avenue of the Baobabs itself is only around 260m(850 ft) long with no more than 25 trees standing about 30 tall. The Avenue of the Baobabs is a group of famous trees lining the dirt road between Morondava and Belon’i Tsiribihina in western Madagascar. Along a 260 m (850 ft) stretch of the road is a grove of 20–25 Adansonia grandidieri baobabs. An additional 25 or so trees of this species are found growing over nearby rice paddies and meadows within 9.9 acres (4 ha) of land. The trees, which are endemic to Madagascar, are about 30 m (98 ft) in height. Some 7 km (4.3 mi) to the northwest are the Baobab Amoureux, which are two notable Adansonia za trees that have become twisted to each other as they grew.

Despite its popularity as a tourist destination, the area has no visitor center or gate fees, and local residents receive little income from tourism. Fanamby, a Malagasy non-governmental organization, has launched an ecotourism project aimed at conservation of the area and economic improvement for the local community since 2014 and has inaugurated infrastructures to help them promote the area in 2018. More and more of the forest around Morondova has been cleared for agriculture to help the growing population in the area. One of the main reason that the once dense Baobab forest is gone is that the roots of the tree can handle the constantly waterlogged soil well as compared to few other trees in the area that soak up the rainwater. Another reason is that every year some of the Baobabs are hit by lightning and also from the cyclones that hit’s the west coast of Madagascar every year.

5.Socotra Dragon Tree

The Dragon blood tree is arguably the most famous and distinctive plant of the island of Socotra. It has a unique and strange appearance, having the shape of an upside-down umbrella. This evergreen species is named after its dark red resin, that is known as “dragon’s blood”. The huge packed crown provides sufficient shade in order to reduce evaporation. It has many branches; it grows by dichotomy, which means that each branch is divided into two until the leaves finally grow on the branches’ ends. It produces a lot of green leaves that are renewed every three or four years; they fall and other leaves grow in their place. The island of Socotra’s 34-million-year separation from mainland Arabia has given rise to a unique flora – 37% of its plant species are found nowhere else.

It grows in rocky grounds and on high locations, where it preserves water for many years; it is drought-tolerant and can adapt to arid conditions in which there is less water and soil. This resin is of great importance, as it contains an effective substance known as draco, which has multiple medical uses such as treating wounds, infections and burns; to stop blood clot ; treating stomach ulcerations etc. Wood of dragon blood tree is used for the manufacture of beehives, while leaves are used for the manufacture of ropes. Local people value it as food for livestock: feeding very small quantities of berries to cows and goats improves their health, though they cause sickness in excess.

  1. Lone Cypress

Lone Cypress has been called one of the most photographed trees in North America. The Lone Cypress Tree near Monterey is probably the most famous point along the 17-Mile Drive, a scenic road through Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach. The Monterey Cypress is a species of cypress that is endemic to the Central Coast of California. In the wild, these species are confined to two small populations, near Monterey and Carmel. Land, tree and ocean were the basis of this development, and therefore The Lone Cypress became the perfect symbol.

The tree is believed to be about 250 years old, and is its registered trademark since 1919. The Lone Cypress stands atop a granite outcropping above the ever-churning Pacific Ocean. Macrocarpa is a medium-sized evergreen tree, which often becomes irregular and flat-topped as a result of the strong winds that are typical of its native area. It grows to heights of up to 40m in perfect growing conditions, and its trunk diameter can reach 2.5m. The seed cones are globose to oblong, 20–40 mm long. It is also found in western Oregon, and New Zealand as an ornamental tree.

7.BOab Prison Tree

The Boab Prison Tree is a large hollow tree just south of Derby in Western Australia. The Boab Prison Tree, Derby is a 1,500-year-old, large hollow Adansonia gregorii tree 6 kilometres south of Derby. The tree is now a tourist attraction. It is protected under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972. This remarkable tree has a circumference of over 14 metres and has an oblong slit in the bark, through which the hollow centre is visible – this is common among older boab trees when the soft spongy trunk tissue dies off, causing the trunk to become hollow.

Evidence indicates that police on patrol from Wyndham in the 1890s noticed that holes in the upper branches indicated that the tree was hollow and so cut an opening into the tree to use it as a lockup for Aboriginal prisoners on their way to Wyndham for sentencing. It also states that it “has accommodated 30 prisoners at one time”. Anthropologist Herbert Basedow was one of the first Europeans to document the Derby Boab Tree. It is reputed to have been used in the 1890s as a lockup for Indigenous Australian prisoners on their way to Derby for sentencing. In recent years a fence was erected around the tree to protect it from vandalism.

8.Cotton Tree

The tree is widely planted in southeastern Asian countries and regions like such as in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, southern China and Taiwan, etc. The tree grows to 240 ft (73 m) as confirmed by climbing and tape drop with reports of Kapoks up to 77 meters (252 feet). The trees produce several hundred 15 cm (6 in) pods containing seeds surrounded by a fluffy, yellowish fibre that is a mix of lignin and cellulose. According to legend, the Cotton Tree became an important symbol in 1792 when a group of former African American slaves, who had gained their freedom by fighting for the British during the American War of Independence, settled the site of modern Freetown. They landed on the shoreline and walked up to a giant tree just above the bay and held a thanksgiving service there to thank God for their deliverance to a free land.

Ceiba pentandra is a tropical tree of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae, native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, northern South America, and to West Africa. It is also known as the Java cotton, Java kapok, silk-cotton or samauma. It is widely planted in parks and on roadsides there because of its beautiful red flowers which bloom in March/April. The flowers are very attractive to local wildlife, with many birds like the Japanese white-eye, a type of fruit eating bird, which often draws a hole in an unopened Bombax ceiba flower bud. The flower-bud is eaten as a vegetable in India. At the peak of its flowering season, elderly people may often be seen gathering the fallen flowers from the ground to dry, which they later use to prepare tea or soup.

9.Arbol del Tule

Arbol del Tule, a Montezuma Cypress, is located in the town center of Santa Maria del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is the widest tree in the world. It is so large that it was originally thought to be multiple trees, but DNA tests have proven that it is only one tree. It has the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world although the trunk is heavily buttressed, giving a higher diameter. It is short of about only 35.4 meters in height, stout about 11.62 meters in diameter, and old about 1,500 years.

Its gnarled bark that truly inspires the imagination. In its knots and crooks, visitors have found likenesses of human faces, lions, jaguars, elephants, and a veritable bestiary of other creatures. Residents celebrate the famous Tule Tree the second Monday of October. A belief of the Ayuuk (Mixe) is that the tree is the walking stick of one of their gods that took root and grew into the famous tree. The tree is on a well. In the past this well was partially diverted, which made the existence of the tree threatened because of a shortage of water. Later on, measures were taken to assure sufficient supply of water.

  1. Major Oak

The Major Oak is a huge oak tree in the heart of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. According to local folklore, it was Robin Hood’s shelter where he and his band of outlaws slept. The famous tree is about 800 to a 1000 years old. It weighs an estimated 23 tons, has a girth of 33 feet (10 metres), a canopy of 92 feet (28 metres). It was voted “Britain’s favourite tree”. The Major Oak may be several trees that fused together as saplings, or the tree could have been pollarded.

In 1790, Major Hayman Rooke, a noted antiquarian, included the tree in his popular book about the ancient oaks of Sherwood. Nowadays, the Major Oak provides a home and shelter to hundreds of living things; beetles, bats, fungi, squirrels and spiders amongst much more. It’s been fenced off since the 1970’s, allowing our visitors to appreciate its magnificence whilst also giving it a little room to breathe and stay healthy.

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A Metal is any of a class of substances characterized by high electrical and thermal conductivity as well as by malleability, ductility, and high reflectivity of light. Approximately three-quarters of all known chemical elements are metals. The vast majority of metals are found in ores. Metals are usually crystalline solids. Metals have a relatively simple crystal structure distinguished by a close packing of atoms and a high degree of symmetry. From multi-level parking garages to skyscrapers amidst a bustling city, modern industrial processes need materials that are capable of withstanding a lot. On the hunt for strong materials, engineers turn to metals because of their strength, availability, and versatility. Strength of a metal depends on four properties like tensile strength, compressive strength, yield strength, and impact strength. In terms of tensile strength, tungsten is the strongest out of any natural metal (142,000 psi). Here are the 10 strongest metals in the world.


Tungsten W is found naturally on Earth almost exclusively as compounds with other elements. In terms of tensile strength, tungsten is the strongest out of any natural metal (142,000 psi).It has the highest melting point of all the elements discovered, melting at 3,422 °C (6,192 °F; 3,695 K). It also has the highest boiling point, at 5,555 °C (10,031 °F; 5,828 K). Tungsten is one of the toughest metals. But in terms of impact strength tungsten is weak. Its density is 19.25 grams per cubic centimeter. Pure single-crystalline tungsten is more ductile. Naturally occurring tungsten consists of four stable isotopes (182W, 183W, 184W, and 186W) and one very long-lived radioisotope, Tungsten also has 11 meta states.

Tungsten is a mostly non-reactive element with water and it is immune to attack by most acids and bases. It does not react with oxygen does not react to air at room temperature. The world’s reserves of tungsten are 3,200,000 tonnes; they are mostly located in China (1,800,000 t), Canada (290,000 t), Russia (160,000 t), Vietnam (95,000 t) and Bolivia. Tungsten is extracted from its ores in several stages. Tungsten is used in making Bullets and missiles. Tungsten is often used in electrical and military applications. Tungsten used in incandescent light bulb filaments, X-ray tubes, electrodes in gas tungsten arc welding, superalloys, and radiation shielding. Tungsten compounds are often used as industrial catalysts.


Iron is extracted from iron ore by removing the oxygen. While steel is technically an alloy rather than a metal, it is the strongest alloy currently available. Today, steel is one of the most common manmade materials in the world. The most important properties of steel are great formability and durability, good tensile and yield strength and good thermal conductivity. Very important stainless steel property is its resistance to corrosion. The Steel industry is often considered an indicator of economic progress. Steel is made from iron and carbon and is a highly versatile alloy. In its pure form, iron is soft and generally not useful as an engineering material. To strengthen it, converting it into steel by adding small amounts of carbon. Steel is possibly the most important engineering and construction material in the world. There are many measurement systems used to define the properties of a given steel. For example, Yield strength, ductility and stiffness are determined using tensile testing. Toughness is measured by impact testing; and hardness is determined by measuring resistance to the penetration of the surface by a hard object.

The relationship between stress and strain is a measure of the elasticity of the material, and this ratio is referred to as Young’s modulus. A high value of Young’s modulus is one of the steel’s most differentiating properties; it is in the range 190-210 GPa. The physical properties of steel are related to the physics of the material, such as density, thermal conductivity, elastic modulus, Poison’s ratio etc. It is used to fabricate everything from sewing needles to oil tankers. Because of its high tensile strength and low cost, steel is used in buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, trains, cars, machines, electrical appliances, and weapons. On average, 50 percent of a car is made of steel. Steel is used in the production of farm vehicles and machines. Most of the appliances in modern homes, such as refrigerators, televisions, sinks, ovens and so on are made of “plain” steel.

  1. Chromium

Chromium Cr is the hardest metal. Chromium is a steely-gray lustrous, brittle, hard metal. It is known to have high corrosion resistance. When polished, it gains a very shiny surface, which is used to plate other metals. Chromium is also highly valued as a metal that is able to be highly polished while resisting tarnishing. It is poisonous in excess. Chromium is mined as chromite ore. Globally this ore is available in India, South Africa, Finland, Zimbabwe, Kazakihstan and the Philippines. The name of the element Chromium is derived from the Greek word chroma, meaning color. Chromium(VI) is a strong oxidising agent in contrast to the molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) oxides. Chromium is extremely the third hardest element behind carbon (diamond) and boron. Chromium has a melting point of 1907 °C (3465 °F), which is relatively low compared to the majority of transition metals.


Titanium Ti is one of the strongest metals out there, with an ultimate strength of more than 430 Megapascals. It is one of the least dense metals, making it an ideal option for industrial uses that require a strong metal with a high melting point. Titanium has excellent resistance to corrosion in seawater. Titanium is stronger than steel, lighter in weight. Titanium is widely distributed and constitutes 0.44 percent of Earth’s crust. The metal is found combined in practically all rocks, sand, clay, and other soils. Titanium is not attacked by mineral acids at room temperature or by hot aqueous alkali. Titanium readily reacts with oxygen at 1,200 °C (2,190 °F) in air, and at 610 °C (1,130 °F) in pure oxygen, forming titanium dioxide. Pure titanium is ductile, about half as dense as iron and less than twice as dense as aluminum; it can be polished to a high lustre.

A compound of titanium and oxygen was discovered (1791) by the English chemist and mineralogist William Gregor and independently rediscovered (1795) and named by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth. These alloys are mainly used in aircraft, spacecraft and missiles because of their low density and ability to withstand extremes of temperature. They are also used in golf clubs, laptops, bicycles and crutches. Power plant condensers use titanium pipes because of their resistance to corrosion. Titanium metal connects well with bone, so it has found surgical applications such as in joint replacements and tooth implants. It is extensively used as a pigment in house paint, artists’ paint, plastics, enamels and paper. It is also a good reflector of infrared radiation.


Iron Fe is also a brittle and hard substance. Iron dissolves in dilute acids. It rusts easily. It is the most important of all metals. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth’s crust. Iron is rare in the Earth’s crust, limited mainly to deposition by meteorites. 90% of all metal that is refined today is iron. Iron can form magnets or be attracted to magnets. Pure iron is quite reactive. Iron reacts readily with oxygen and water to give brown to black hydrated iron oxides, commonly known as rust. The body of an adult human contains about 4 grams of iron, mostly in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both the Earth’s inner and outer core, that account for 35% of the mass of the whole Earth, are believed to consist largely of an iron alloy, possibly with nickel.

Iron is also found combined with other elements in hundreds of minerals; of greatest importance as iron ore are hematite, magnetite, limonite , pyrite, goethite and siderite . The metal is extracted by smelting with carbon and limestone. People have been using iron for more than 5,000 years. In a very finely divided state metallic iron is pyrophoric. It is used in architecture, bearings, cutlery, surgical instruments and jewellery. Iron is Used to make bridges, electricity, pylons, bicycle chains, cutting tools and rifle barrels. Cast iron is used for pipes, valves and pumps. Iron is used in numerous sectors such as electronics, manufacturing, automotive, and construction and building.


In 1801, vanadium was discovered by Andres Manuel del Rio. It has good corrosion resistance, high strength at high temperature, and low density. Vanadium V has high resistance to alkalis, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. It is found in different kinds of mill forms. It has high hardness when compared to most of the steels and metals. At a temperature of about 660°C, vanadium can be easily oxidized in air. It should be prevented from being exposed outside because it can react with oxygen and nitrogen gases. It is produced in China and Russia from steel smelter slag. Vanadium can be welded using TIG welding method if argon or helium is covered at front and back of a work piece.

About 80% of the vanadium produced is used as a steel additive. Vanadium-steel alloys are used for piston rods, armour plate, tools, crankshafts, axles. The vanadium redox battery for energy storage may be an important application in the future. Vanadium(V) oxide is used as a pigment for ceramics and glass, as a catalyst and in producing superconducting magnets. It is usually found in carbon containing deposits that include coal, tar sands, oil shale and crude oil. Vanadium is mainly applied in parts having low density, good low temperature ductility, high strength at high temperatures, and good corrosion resistance in bad environments. It is used in jet engines, air frames, nuclear reactors and gears etc.


Lutetium Lu is a silvery white metal, which resists corrosion in dry air, but not in moist air. The lutetium atom is the smallest among the lanthanide atoms, due to the lanthanide contraction. Lutetium has the highest density, highest melting point, and hardness of the lanthanides. It is found with almost all other rare-earth metals. Lutetium is very difficult to separate from other elements. It reacts slowly with water, but dissolves rapidly in acids. Lutetium was independently discovered in 1907 by French scientist Georges Urbain, Austrian mineralogist Baron Carl Auer von Welsbach, and American chemist Charles James. Lutetium usually occurs in association with the element yttrium. It burns readily at 150 °C to form lutetium oxide. Lutetium dissolves readily in weak acids. Lutetium, derived from the Latin Lutetia. It is sometimes used in metal alloys. Lutetium has the highest Brinell hardness of any lanthanide. Lutetium has a concentration of around 0.8 to 1.7 ppm in the Earth’s crust.

It is estimated that nearly 0.03% of lutetium is present in monazite ores. It is used as catalysts in petroleum production and used in polymerization and alkylation. It is used for cracking hydrocarbons. It is used in detectors of positron emission topography that detects cellular activity of the body. It is used in cancer treatment. Lutetium aluminium garnet has been proposed for use as a lens material in high refractive index immersion lithography. It is also used in magnetic bubble memory devices and light-emitting diode light bulbs. Lutetium-177 used as a radionuclide in neuroendrocine tumor therapy and bone pain palliation. Lutetium is considered to be one of the toxic metals. Hence inhalation of this compound is very dangerous as it might lead to fatal conditions. Some skin disorders can occur if we contact with Lutetium.

  1. Zirconium

Zirconium chemical element Zr is extremely resistant to heat and corrosion. Gems that contain zirconium were known in ancient times as zircon. Zircon is a natural semi-precious gemstone found in a variety of colors. Zirconium is lighter than steel and its hardness is similar to copper. Zirconium does not dissolve in acids and alkalis.
Zirconium is a very strong, malleable, ductile, lustrous silver-gray metal. It is solid at room temperature. In powder form, zirconium is highly flammable, but the solid form is much less prone to ignition. The melting point of zirconium is 1855 °C (3371 °F), and the boiling point is 4371 °C (7900 °F).
Zirconium occurs in about 30 mineral species. More than 1.5 million tonnes of zircon are mined each year, mainly in Australia, South Africa and Sri Lanka . Most baddeleyite is mined in Brazil. In 1789, the German chemist, Martin Klaproth analysed a zircon and separated zirconium in the form of its ‘earth’ zirconia, which is the oxide ZrO2.

For the Ancient Egyptians the scarab beetle was a symbol of regeneration and creation, conveying ideas of transformation, renewal and resurrection. The Ancient Egyptians used zircon gemstones in jewellery. Zirconium does not absorb neutrons, making it an ideal material for use in nuclear power stations. Space and aeronautic industries use Zirconium to manufacture high-temperature parts like blades, combustors, and vanes in jet engines. In photographic flashbulbs and surgical instruments, to make the glass for television, in the removal of residual gases from electronic vacuum tubes, and as a hardening agent in alloys, especially steel.
It is extensively used by the chemical industry. Zirconium(IV) oxide is used in ultra-strong ceramics. Scissors and knives can be made from it. It is also used in antiperspirants, cosmetics, food packaging and to make microwave filters. With niobium, zirconium is superconductive at low temperatures and is used to make superconducting magnets. Baddeleyite and impure zirconium (zirconia) are used in lab crucibles.

  1. Osmium

Osmium chemical element Os is a shiny, silver metal that resists corrosion. It is the densest of all the elements and is twice as dense as lead. Of the platinum metals it has the highest melting point, so fusing and casting are difficult. Osmium is un effected by water and acids, but dissolves with molten alkalis.
Most osmium is obtained commercially from the wastes of nickel refining. Osmium is a rare element and found in the Earth’s crust. It is difficult to fabricate. In 1803AD, Osmium was discovered by Smithson Tennant when dissolving an impure sample of platinum in aqua regia, a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids.

It is also a member of the platinum group metals or PGMs (along with Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Iridium and Platinum) as well as being a transition metal. The name Osmium is derived from the Greek word Osme, which means odor. The largest known primary reserves of osmium include South Africa and Canada. It is added to platinum or indium to make them harder. It is used to produce very hard alloys for fountain pen tips, instrument pivots, needles and electrical contacts. It is also used in the chemical industry as a catalyst. It is used in making high-quality pen nibs, compass needles, long-life gramophone needles and clock bearings. Osmium tetroxide, OsO4, is highly toxic. Concentrations in air as low as 10-7 g m-3 can cause lung congestion, skin damage, and severe eye damage.


Tantalum Ta appears as a shiny and silvery metal in its soft and pure form but Tantalum is in the form of hard, rare, blue-grey, lustrous metal. It is highly conductive of heat and electricity. It shows excellent resistance to all acids in normal temperature. This metal is corrosion resistant and is bound to chemical attack below 150 C. It has a high melting point of about 3017 °C and a boiling point of about 5458 °C. The chemical inertness of tantalum makes it a valuable substance for laboratory equipment, and as a substitute for platinum. Tantalum was discovered in Sweden in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg, in two mineral samples one from Sweden and the other from Finland. The name tantalum was derived from the name of the mythological Tantalus, the father of Niobe in Greek mythology. Tantalum carbide, TaC, like the more commonly used tungsten carbide, is a hard ceramic that is used in cutting tools.

Tantalum causes no immune response in mammals, so has found wide use in the making of surgical implants. It can replace bone, for example in skull plates; as foil or wire it connects torn nerves; and as woven gauze it binds abdominal muscle. Tantalum alloys can be used for turbine blades, rocket nozzles and nose caps for supersonic aircraft. It is employed in the manufacture of capacitors. Used as an alloy due to its high melting point and anti-corrosion. It is used mainly as an alloying medium as it is helpful for hardening metals. It is utilized in the chemical industries. It has a high number of medical as well as dental applications. Tantalum causes many health-related problems such as irritation of the skin and eye when inhaled, ingested or when it gets absorbed into the skin.

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Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. A Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Now a days IT has been well organize as one of the major urging forces in the modern economy. IT has changed our daily life over past decades. This is the list of Top 10 IT companies in the world in the year 2020


Microsoft Corporation founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 4th, April 1975. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also produces its own line of hybrid tablet computers, publishes books and multimedia titles, and sells electronic game systems, offers e-mail services, and computer peripherals. 170 countries and are made up of 144,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling the mission of Microsoft organization. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Their revenues for 1975 totalled $16,000. It was the first software company to reach $1 Billion in revenues in 1990. Now worth an estimated market value of Microsoft is $789.25 billion.

Microsoft Corporation chairman Bill Gates introduces the Windows XP operating system at a press conference in 2001. Microsoft is one of the world’s leading technology companies with products that include the Windows operating system, Office productivity applications, and Azure cloud services. LinkedIn, its business-oriented social network, is used by millions to make connections. Outside the office, Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system is second only to Sony’s PlayStation. At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Personal computers become so popular. Microsoft made a program that was compatible with IBM computers. In 1991 Tim Berners Less came up with the World Wide Web as internet we know it. The first laptop computer ‘the Power Book 100’came out. In 1996 Nokia introduced a phone that had internet capabilities. This started a revolution of devices that were small portable computers.


IBM, stands for International Business Machine, is the largest IT Company with over 405,000 employees working in over 170 countries around the world. It is multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York. It is began in the year 1911. IBM provides two major IT solutions – Global Technology Services (GTS) and the Global Business Services (GBS). GTS enclosed the infrastructure support, product maintenance, and the process outsourcing, whereas GBS control consulting, application management services and the systems integration. IBM produces and sells computer hardware, middleware and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

Today around 97% of Banks all over the world are depend on IBM services and composing it the largest host of online transactions. The automated teller machine (ATM), the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card are invented by IBM. IBM has stepped into cloud computing with ‘IBM Cloud’ as a leading platform for the enterprise. IBM’s total revenue for the year 2018 was $79.1 billion and $77.1 billion was the revenue for the year 2019. Revenues for the full year 2020 is $73.6 billion. The year 1953 saw the development of IBM’s 701 EDPM, which, according to IBM, was the first commercially successful general-purpose computer.


Oracle Corp. engages in the provision of products and services that address all aspects of corporate information technology environments. It operates through the following business segments: Cloud and License, Hardware, and Services. The Cloud and License segment markets, sells, and delivers applications, platform, and infrastructure technologies. The Hardware segment provides hardware products and hardware-related software products including Oracle Engineered Systems, servers, storage, industry-specific hardware, operating systems, virtualization, management and other hardware related software, and related hardware support. The Services segment offers consulting, advanced support, and education services. Oracle Corporation is an US based multinational information technology company, headquarter is in Redwood Shores, California.

Oracle is an expert in developing and creating database software technology, cloud systems and enterprise software application, and database management systems. The company sells enterprise software products particularly its own brands of database management systems. The company also develops and builds tools for database development and systems of middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Larry Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation in 1977 with Bob Miner and Ed Oates under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). SDL changed its name to Relational Software, Inc (RSI) in 1979, then again to Oracle Systems Corporation in 1983. In 1995, Oracle Systems Corporation changed its name to Oracle Corporation. Oracle is ranked in 3rd position in this list of Top 10 IT companies in the world 2020.


Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting) is a provider of strategy, consulting, interactive, technology, and operations services with digital capabilities. The company operates in five segments: Communications, Media & Technology, Financial Services, Health & Public Service, Products, and Resources. The Communications, Media & Technology segment helps communications, media, high tech, and software and platform companies accelerate and deliver digital transformation. The Financial Services segment serves the banking, capital markets, and insurance industries. The Health & Public Service segment offers consulting services and digital solutions to healthcare payers and providers, as well as government departments and agencies, public service organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. The Products segment delivers distribution, sales and marketing, research and development, manufacturing, finance, human resources, procurement, and supply chain digital solutions. The Resources segment helps organizations to develop and execute strategies, improve operations, manage change initiatives, and integrate digital technologies.

Accenture, a global professional services company with 482,000 people in more than 120 countries. It has been incorporated in Dublin, Ireland since 2009. Accenture plc is an Irish multinational company selling consulting and processing services. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $44.33 billion in 2020 and had 506,000 employees. In 2015, the company had about 150,000 employees in India, 48,000 in the US, and 50,000 in the Philippines. Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve performance and create sustainable value for stakeholders. Accenture began as the business and technology consulting division of accounting firm Arthur Andersen in the early 1950s. The company’s Accenture Innovation Architecture brings together Accenture Research to identify market and technology trends, Accenture Ventures to invest in growth-stage companies. On 1 February 2021, Accenture acquired Imaginea Technologies, a cloud-native and agile development company. This acquisition also bolsters the Accenture Cloud First division.

5.HP Enterprise

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is an American multinational enterprise information technology company based in Houston, Texas, United States. The Headquarter is in Palo Alto, California. Founded on November 1, 2015 in San Jose, California, as part of the splitting of the Hewlett-Packard company. Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the world’s leading IT firm that offers IT Service & Enterprise products and solutions. From fixing equipment to retrieving critical business data, HP Services has covered around the globe, 24/7. Discover the many ways IT and device services can help protect investments, solve business challenges, and keep focused on reinventing business. Harness HP Print Managed Service better manage costs, increase uptime and enhance security across environment. Secure print network, fleet data and document infrastructure with innovative solutions.

In 1939, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, college friends turned business partners, started the original Silicon Valley startup in the space of a rented Palo Alto garage. Starting with audio oscillators, the friends built the foundation for a company that would grow to become a global leader in enterprise technology. It includes Enterprise Storage, Servers, and Networking (ESSN), HP Enterprise Services, and HP Software Division. HPE is a business-focused organization with two divisions: Enterprise Group, which works in servers, storage, networking, consulting and support, and Financial Services. HPE reported FY2019 annual revenue of $29.135 billion. HP produce and sells hardware devices and software related services to consumers. It also provides SAAS (software as a service), cloud computing, business consulting, support etc.


SAP SE is a German multinational IT company, SAP is specialized in enterprise software service for business operation management and customer relation management. The headquarter of SAP SE is located in Walldorf, Germany and offices over 180 countries. SAP SE is one of the biggest tech companies in the world with 335,000 customers in worldwide. SAP renowned for solving various business issues across all industries. SAP retain its position among the top 10 IT companies in the world for strong performance in the market. The company is especially known for its ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) software. ERP permitted the use of a centralized data storage, improving the maintenance of data. So a database was necessary. SAP is the largest non-American software company by revenue as well as the world’s third-largest publicly-traded software company by revenue.

In June 1972, they founded the SAP “System Analysis and Program Development” company, as a private partnership under the German Civil Code. Their first client was the German branch of Imperial Chemical Industries in Ostringen. In 2014 SAP bought Concur Technologies, a provider of cloud-based travel and expense management software, for $8.3 billion. In 2014, IBM and SAP began a partnership to sell cloud-based services. Likewise, in 2015, SAP also partnered with HPE to provide secure hybrid cloud-based services running the SAP platform. The company announced plans in 2016 to invest heavily into technology relating to Internet of Things (IoT) as part of a strategy to capitalize on the growth in that market. For that purpose, €2 billion is planned for investment in relevant sectors by the end of 2020. The automation of the financial software that lies at the heart of any business & accountancy, budget management, general ledger. SAP has announced full-year financial results indicating a 1% drop in revenue to €27.338bn, with cloud revenue up 17% to €8.085bn.


Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is an Indian-based multinational information technology (IT) service, business solutions and consulting company over 46 counties, headquartered in Mumbai, India. Tata Consultancy Services Limited, initially started as “Tata Computer Systems” was founded in 1968 by division of Tata Sons Limited. Its early contracts included punched card services to sister company TISCO. In 2005, TCS became the first India based IT services company to enter the bioinformatics market. It designed an ERP system in 2006. By 2008, its e-business activities were generating over US$500 million in annual revenues. With cloud based offerings TCS entered the small and medium enterprises market for the first time in 2011. It has its largest workforce based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. TCS became the first Indian IT company to reach $100 billion in market capitalization. In 2016–2017, Parent company Tata Sons owned 72.05% of TCS; and more than 70% of Tata Sons’ dividends were generated by TCS. TCS also serves for some of the important department of Indian Govt. like PS (Pass Seva- India) and so many. TCS is also a leading recruiter in India. In 1980, TCS established India’s first dedicated software research and development centre, the Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC) in Pune.

In April 2018, TCS became the first Indian IT company to reach $100 billion in market capitalization, and second Indian company ever after its market capitalization stood at ₹6,79,332.81 crore ($102.6 billion) on the Bombay Stock Exchange. On 8 October 2020, TCS surpassed Accenture in market capitalization to become the world’s most-valuable IT company with a market cap of $144.73 billion. On 8 October 2020, TCS surpassed Accenture in market capitalization to become the world’s most-valuable IT company with a market cap of $144.73 billion.. TCS and its 67 subsidiaries provides a wide range of information technology-related products and services including application development, business process outsourcing, capacity planning, consulting, enterprise software, hardware sizing, payment processing, software management and technology education services.

  1. Capgemini

Capgemini is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. The Group is guided everyday by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. Specialities of Capgemini are Outsourcing, Process Consulting, Package Based Solutions, Custom Solution Development, Application Management, Business Information Management, Artificial Intelligence, Business Consulting, Cloud, Digital, and Managed Services. Capgemini SE is a French multinational IT Company specialized in IT Services and business consulting services. The headquartered in Paris, France. It is one of the world’s largest IT Company with the strength over 270,000 employees in over 50 countries. Among 270,000 employees nearly 120,000 are in India. Capgemini was founded by Serge Kampf in 1967 as an enterprise management and data processing company.

In 1974 Sogeti acquired Gemini Computers Systems, a US company based in New York. In 1975, having made two major acquisitions of CAP (Centre d’Analyse et de Programmation) and Gemini Computer Systems, and following resolution of a dispute with the similarly-named CAP UK over the international use of the name ‘CAP’, Sogeti renamed itself as CAP Gemini Sogeti. Cap Gemini Sogeti launched US operations in 1981. The name was simplified to Cap Gemini with a new group logo in 1996. Sogeti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capgemini Group. In 2017, Cap Gemini S.A. became Capgemini SE, and its Euronext ticker name similarly changed from CAP GEMINI to CAPGEMINI. With its strong 50 year heritage and deep industry expertise, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. The Group reported in 2020 global revenues of €16 billion.


Cognizant provides information technology, information security, consulting, ITO and BPO services. These include business & technology consulting, systems integration, application development & maintenance, IT infrastructure services, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Engineering, analytics, business intelligence, data warehousing, customer relationship management, supply chain management, engineering & manufacturing solutions, enterprise resource planning, research and development outsourcing, and testing solutions. Cognizant has three areas which makes up their business Digital Business, Digital Operations, and Digital Systems & Technology. Like many other IT services firms, Cognizant follows a global delivery model based on offshore software R&D and offshore outsourcing. The company has a number of offshore development centers outside the United States and near-shore centers in the U.S., Europe and South America. Cognizant is an American (US) based multinational company which was headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey, USA. It was founded as an in-house technology unit of Dun & Bradstreet in 1994, and started serving external clients in 1996. Cognizant had a period of fast growth during the 2000s.

Cognizant began as Dun & Bradstreet Software (DBSS), established as Dun & Bradstreet’s in-house technology unit focused on implementing large-scale IT projects for Dun & Bradstreet businesses. In 1996, Dun & Bradstreet spun off several of its subsidiaries, IMS International, Nielsen Media Research, Pilot Software, Strategic Technologies and DBSS, to form a new company called Cognizant Corporation, headquartered in Chennai, India. In 1998, the parent company, Cognizant Corporation, split into two companies: IMS Health and Nielsen Media Research. On 30 June 2015, it partnered with Singapore-based supermarket retailer NTUC FairPrice to perform digital transformation in NTUC’s business to improve personalized and consistent customer service across multiple channels. In April 2018, Cognizant and a consortium of Indian life insurers announced their development of a block chain solution aimed at increasing efficiency through facilitating cross-company data sharing. The company has 281,200 employees globally, of which over 150,000 are in India across 10 locations. other centers of the company are in Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Gurgaon, Noida, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Mangalore, Mumbai, and Pune. The company has local, regional, and global delivery centers in the UK, Hungary, The Netherlands, Spain, China, Philippines, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico etc.


Infosys provides software development, maintenance and independent validation services to companies in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains. Infosys had a total of 243,454 employees at the end of December 2019. One of its known products is Finacle which is a universal banking solution with various modules for retail and corporate banking. Infosys was established by seven engineers in Pune, Maharashtra, India in 2nd July 1981 with an initial capital of $250. In April 1992 it changed it’s name to Infosys Technologies Private Limited . In June 1992 the company changed its name to Infosys Technologies Private Limited in April 1992 and to Infosys Technologies Limited when it became a public limited company. In June 2011 it was later renamed to Infosys Limited. Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational reputed IT company that provides business consulting, IT and outsourcing services. It’s headquarters is in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Infosys is the second largest IT company in India and one of the top 10 largest IT companies in the world in terms of revenue and market reputation.

It provides software development, and independent validation services to industries in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains. Its annual revenue reached US$100 million in 1999, US$1 billion in 2004 and US$10 billion in 2017. On 31 December 2020, its market capitalization was $71.92 billion. In 2012, Infosys announced a new office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to serve Harley-Davidson, being the 18th international office in the United States. In 2012, the development will include more than 120 acres. In July 2014, Infosys started a product subsidiary called EdgeVerve Systems, focusing on enterprise software products for business operations, customer service, procurement and commerce network domains. Infosys has 82 sales and marketing offices and 123 development centres across the world as of 31 March 2018, with major presence in India, United States, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East and Europe. In 2019, 60%, 24%, and 3% of its revenues were derived from projects in North America, Europe, and India, respectively. The remaining 13% of revenues were derived from the rest of the world.

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An Airline is an organization providing a regular public service for passengers and goods of air transport on one or more routes. It is a system that provides scheduled flights for passengers or cargo. Wright brothers of India invented the Aeroplane. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services. An Air Transportation system includes its equipment, routes, operating personnel, and management. Not all airlines are created equal. The best international airlines not only connect travelers with some of the coolest destinations on the planet but also do it with the grace. We are looking for leadership and airlines that innovate to make a real difference to the passenger experience particularly in economy class. A full service airline typically offers passengers in flight entertainment, checked baggage, meals, beverages and comforts such as blankets and pillows in the ticket price. There are still tiny airlines out there, and some of them operate with class, quality and impeccable safety. List of the best small airlines includes one that’s been shuttling between the same two destinations for 40 years. To pick this list of ten great small airlines around the world, we scheduled Airlines that serve 20 or fewer destinations. None of these Airlines had ever had a fatal crash, looked at awards and ratings from independent sources.

1.Druk Air

Drukair crowned winner for the Best Airline Marketing award 2013. The seats are tiny, but apparently so are most people in Bhutan, the home country of little Druk Air. The national airline of Bhutan, Druk Air is also known as brug mkha’ ‘grul las ‘dzi and is headquartered in the western dzongkhag of Paro. Drukair operates a most scheduled flight network within the South Asian region from its major operating base at Paro Airport and currently consists of eight destinations in five countries. It was founded in the year 1981, the formation of the airline marked the end of the self imposed isolation which the country was practicing. The first ever flight took off on 11th February from Paro Airport and was bound for Calcutta in India utilizing Dornier Do 228 aircraft. Due to the unusual location of the airport, deep in a valley 2,235 metres above sea level, the airline then could operate only 18–20 seat STOL-capable aircraft with operating capabilities which included a high service ceiling, high rate of climb and high maneuverability.

The first Airbus A319 arrived in Bhutan on 19 October 2004. Until 23 August 2010 Drukair was the only airline flying into Bhutan. In a region where much airline service is either dangerous or officious, Druk Air’s service meets Bhutan’s unusual goal of enhancing the country’s “gross national happiness.” The airline’s short flights to seven destinations often give passengers a close view of Mount Everest while they’re eating their free, hot curries. The airline’s skilled pilots have never crashed on the daring descents into Paro Airport, one of the most perilous landings in the world. Currently Drukair operates flights from Paro to Bagdogra, Bangkok, Delhi, Dhaka, Gaya, Guwahati, Kathmandu, Kolkata, Mumbai, Thimpu and Singapore. From two destinations in 1983, today, Drukair operates seven times a week to Bangkok where five flights go via Kolkata and two flights through Gaya, thrice to Kathmandu, 3 times to Delhi and bi weekly to Singapore. Druk Air generally release its schedule 3 to 6 months beforehand.


FlyBaboo was founded in 2003 and it reaches parts of the Mediterranean limits. There are dozens of small regional European airlines, but Baboo, a Geneva-based airline that flies to 15 destinations within Europe. Baboo got stellar scores on review sites, because of a lot of small customer-service touches: food from a local bakery, little goodie bags for kids, and even perfumed towels for passengers. Baboo was recently purchased by Swiss regional airline Darwin; hopefully that won’t lead to a decline in service. Main destinations are London city – Athens – Bordeaux – Toulouse – Bucharest – Geneva – Nice – Rome – Florence – Venice – Valencia – St. Tropez – Biarritz – Ibiza – Larnaca Lugano.

3.Nature Air

Being “carbon neutral” is important in Costa Rica, a small country whose jungle is both a natural resource and a major tourist attraction. The airline had its origins in 1989 with the founding of Travelair, a scheduled domestic air service in Costa Rica. Nature Air was founded in 2003. The best and safest of Costa Rica’s domestic airlines, Nature Air donates money to reforestation projects to offset the exhaust its planes, like all planes, belch into the atmosphere. The airline also has its own terminal in San Jose, which is quieter and more pleasant than the international terminal, and unusually large “panoramic” windows on its small planes, so you can ogle Costa Rica’s jungle scenery on your way to one of its 17 destinations. Between 2001 and 2016, the airline grew under its new management team and brand, boosted by the increasing popularity of Costa Rica as an eco-tourism and adventure travel destination.

In 2010, Nature Air advertised 74 daily flights to 15 destinations in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama. It is claiming to be the world’s first carbon neutral airline, it was one of the first airlines to publicize its sustainability credentials during a period of rapidly-expanding interest in eco-tourism. Nature Air received a number of awards, including a Global Vision Award for Sustainability from Travel and Leisure magazine in 2011. This airline served destinations including Golfito, Barra Colorado, Liberia, Nosara Beach, Palmar, Puerto Jimenez, Punta Islita, Quepos, San Jose, Tamarindo, Tambor and Tortuguero. Along with their domestic services, Nature Air also offered two international routes to Bocas del Toro in Panama and Managua in Nicaragua.

  1. New England Airlines

New England Airlines is an airlines/aviation company based out of 56 Airport Rd, Westerly, Rhode Island, United States. One of America’s tiniest scheduled airlines, NEA has been a lifeline for the residents of Block Island, RI for more than 40 years. It was and is the only scheduled airline with its primary bases of operation in Rhode Island. NEA is aviation from an earlier time, still run by its founder, with no ambition to expand or connect to larger airlines, flying its little 12-minute runs every hour or seven days a week. All are in the heart of the USA’s congested Northeast Corridor.

It has been providing daily scheduled air service to Block Island as a certificated Commuter (a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis) Airline since 1970. Air services, provided by New England Airlines, are offered daily from Westerly, RI. The airline is noted for its provision of cargo delivery services, including Chinese food delivered from the mainland to the Block Island airport in as little as 90 minutes. According to records, half of the business comes from charter requests for business workers in the New York area and other locations along the northeast coast.


OpenSkies is the last of a bunch of “all-business-class” airlines that plied routes between the U.S. and Europe over the past few years. It’s owned by British Airways, but flies between New York and Paris. Its headquarters were located in Rungis, near Paris. The airline launched as a brand of BA European Limited in June 2008, but in April 2009 the name was transferred to Elysair. The airline was a full-service carrier and offered three class service cabins. Wanted to reduce its dependence on its Heathrow Airport hub. The routes that OpenSkies operated were made possible due to the EU-US Open Skies Agreement, which permits any airline based in the United States or the European Union to operate services to and from any EU or American location.

BA European Limited, trading as Openskies, launched originally with a United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Type A Operating Licence. This permitted the airline to carry passengers, cargo, and mail on aircraft with 20 or more seats. OpenSkies’ first flight, from New York, was on 19 June 2008, using a single Boeing 757 transferred from the BA fleet. The comfort it offers somewhere between coach and business class, with prices more like coach is a civilized way to travel, even if OpenSkies’ planes can be a little run down.

6.Porter Airlines

Porter’s hub airport is a big part of its appeal. It flies to 14 destinations with a hub at Toronto’s Billy Bishop Island Airport, which is right next to downtown and offers airline-lounge-style amenities for all travelers. Porter’s operation at the Toronto airport was launched in 2006 with some controversy. Porter opened a new, larger passenger terminal at the island airport in March 2010. In 2013, Porter made a proposal to expand Toronto Island airport to allow jets. Porter Airlines is a regional airline headquartered at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport on the Toronto Islands in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Owned by Porter Aviation Holdings, formerly known as REGCO Holdings Inc., Porter operates regularly scheduled flights between Toronto and locations in Canada and the United States using Canadian-built Bombardier Q400 turboprop aircraft.

Porter has been acting as a backbone to the economy and has become a frontrunner in providing mini trucks for transporting goods. Porter helps all type of businesses, traders, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, contractors, individuals such as house shifters, luggage shifting and deliveries by facilitating efficient and reliable logistics to cater to their transport needs. Porter Airlines is Canada’s third-largest scheduled carrier. Rated top small airline in the world in Condé Nast Traveler’s 2013 Readers Choice Awards, Porter is committed to offering speed, convenience and service as part of a premium travel experience. Rated a 4-star airline, Porter charms fliers with an upbeat attitude and cute, own-branded snacks on even short flights. It’s a terrific alternative to the chilly, impersonal Air Canada experience. has been acting as a backbone to the economy here and has become a frontrunner.

7.Skywest Airlines, Australia

Having been in operation for nearly 50 years, Skywest Airlines has established a strong foundation in the corporate charter industry in the region, catering to mining companies, tourists, and business travelers. It ferries an average of 810,000 passengers per year on its Fokker 50 turboprops and Fokker 100 jet planes, and its recently acquired Airbus A320 aircraft. A regional carrier based in Perth, Skywest Airlines Pty. Ltd. flies to 24 destinations in Western Australia, Darwin, and Melbourne. It also offers charter flights to domestic destinations, as well as to Bali in Indonesia. Based at the Perth Airport, Skywest Airlines operates on a fleet of 22 aircraft with 14 more on order. Founded in 1963, Skywest initially started its air carrier service with charter flights under the name Carnarvon Air Taxis. Then based out of Carnarvon in Western Australia, it operated a fleet of small aircraft, and changed its name to Skywest Aviation in 1979 upon moving its main hub to Jandakot Airport in Perth.

By 1980, it acquired Stillwell Airlines and changed its name yet again to its present brand, Skywest Airlines. In the course of its history, It has effectively merged with TransWest Airlines, was purchased by the Perron group, then subsequently sold to TNT/News Ltd, after which it operated as an air carrier under Ansett Australia. In 2004, it became subject of a hostile takeover by CaptiveVision Capital Ltd., a Singaporean investment company. After announcing a 10-year alliance with Virgin Australia in January 2011, 10% of its shares were purchased by Virgin Australia Holdings in April 2012. It is a member of the Virgin Australia’s Velocity Rewards Frequent Flyer program, and offers in-flight meals, an in-flight bar, and extensive legroom in all its seating classes.

8.St. Barth Commuter

St Barth Commuter is an airline providing scheduled and non-scheduled services to and from the exclusive island of Saint Barthelemy. Our fleet of Cessna Caravan performs over 9000 flights each year throughout the Caribbean carrying 40000 passengers. The airline was founded in 1995 and began services to Saint Maarten with a single Britten-Norman BN2A Islander. In 2005 the fleet was increased and added new routes to San Juan, Puerto Rico and the French side of Saint Martin, Marigot.

The airline is wholly owned by Bruno Magras. St Barth Commuter is a French airline based in Saint-Barthelemy in the Caribbean. The best of the tiny airlines which crisscross the Caribbean, St. Barth Commuter is “the cream of the crop on St. Barts.” The eensy little, privately-owned airline shuttles people between the larger airports on St. Martin/St. Maarten and St. Barth’s airport, avoiding the need for ferries. Flying into St. Barts is a hoot, too: you land on a tiny airstrip between two volcanic hills, braking mere feet from sunbathers on the beach, according to Flippin.

9.V Australia

Established in 2004, Virgin Australia Holdings owned the long haul V Australia airlines. Virgin Blue announced the rebranding of V Australia and Pacific Blue Australia in 2011. These services came under a single brand name called Virgin Australia. Since 2011, it is popularly known as V Australia. Part of the Virgin empire, V Australia flies to a shifting handful of destinations, but its core route shuttles travelers between Los Angeles and Australia. V Australia has 5 airlines under its fleet. V Australia served the following destinations such as Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Abu Dhabi and Los Angeles and in addition Johannesburg, Phuket and Nadi. V Australia has interline agreements with Alaska Airlines to Seattle, Delta Air Lines and Horizon Air to Portland. In addition, V Australia signed a codeshare agreement with Etihad Airlines. The airline has placed orders with Boeing for 77-300R aircraft for international routes. The first aircraft named Didgeree Blue was delivered to V Australia in Seattle in 2009.

In 2010, 2 Boeing 777 orders were placed for delivery in 2012. However, in 2012, due to unprofitability on some routes the airline ceased 777-300R services to Johannesburg and Phuket. In 2011, with a partnership with Etihad Airways services were deployed from Sydney to Abu Dhabi. We can quickly and easily find flights from V Australia Airlines to the lowest price. Safety is a major priority for Virgin Australia International Airlines. When you fly to global destination on its vast network, you are in safe hands. The journey will be memorable and you will land on time. V brings that Virgin flair to long-haul travel with great in-flight entertainment, two bars, soothing lighting, USB charging ports at every seat and the ability to send text messages when you’re over the Pacific. Like other Virgin airlines, it’s young, fun, and reasonably priced.

10.Virgin America

Flying to 15 destinations with a hub at San Francisco, Virgin’s U.S. carrier is currently the most celebrated low-cost airline in the U.S. It won Skytrax’s award for best low-cost airline in North America, and Zagat’s award for best mid-sized U.S. airline. 2018, Virgin America was a US-based airline which provides low-fare services between the East and West coasts of the United States. The airline was a subsidiary of Virgin and was based at San Francisco International Airport, California. Virgin America flew to many destinations across North America but some of its most popular included Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Palm Springs, San Diego, Denver, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Kahului, Honolulu, Chicago, Boston, Las Vegas, Newark, New York City, Portland, San Jose and Orange County. At the time that it stopped flying, it flew to over 35 destinations, the majority of which were taken on by Alaska Airlines.

In April 2016, it was announced that Virgin America was to be acquired by Alaska Airlines. The integration of the two airlines was completed in 2018. The Virgin American Elevate program was merged into the Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan program, allowing all passengers to transfer their air miles and membership over to Alaska Airlines. During its time of operation, Virgin America was awarded many accolades, including ‘Best Domestic Airline’ in Conde Nast Traveller’s Reader Choice Awards. When Virgin America merged into Alaska Airlines, it flew to several destinations across Canada, Mexico and the US. This included destinations such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C, Honolulu, Austin, Dallas, New York City, Seattle, Toronto, Cancun and many more. Virgin America already had a reputation for making flying fun again. It paired a playful brand personality with a great customer experience, introducing perks like touch-screen entertainment, personal power outlets, and Wi-Fi on every flight.

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Fish is any of a large group of vertebrate animals that live in water, breathe with gills, and usually have fins and scales. It is cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrate animal. The world is full of amazing creatures. We have already seen vast amounts of creatures around the world. Lots of them possess different kinds of heights and weights. Sometimes we just got astonished by seeing them in such kinds of fish. In whatever way, we rarely have seen smallest creatures because those smallest creatures are mainly hiding behind deep of the sea or any arduous places that are too much confounding to reach. Some tiny creatures we can’t even see with our open eyes. You can be amazed when you will learn that there are different fishes on the ocean, which are considered as the tiniest and smallest fishes in the world. Here is the list of 10 Smallest Fishes discovered in the World.

  1. Dwarf Pygmy Goby

The Dwarf Pygmy Goby or Philippine goby or Pandaka Pygmaea is a subtropical species of fish from mangrove areas in Southeast Asia. It is known as one of the smallest fishes. It can only be found in subtropical waters in subtropical countries. It has full-grown males can reach from 0.9 cm to 1.1 cm while its female can reach highest 1.5 cm. Adults weigh around 4 milligrams. Its mainland is Philippine. Lifespan of Dwarf Pygmy Goby is 2 months. In Philippine, it’s also been known as ‘’Bia’’ and ‘’Tabios’’. Recently, Pandaka Pygmaea also is seen in Indonesia and Singapore.

The look of this fish is so crystal clear. It looks so translucent and pale. Pandaka pygmaea lives in shallow, tropical brackish water and mangrove areas where mainly found on muddy bottoms or among plants. Also known before as National Fish in the Philippines on 1994 until recently they changed it to milk fish. A colorless and nearly transparent species, the dwarf pygmy goby has a moderately elongated and robust body. Males are slender with nearly straight dorsal and ventral profiles, while the females appear stouter with the dorsal profile slightly curved.

  1. Paedocypris

Paedocypris is a smallest new genus of paedomorphic cyprinid fish from highly acidic blackwater peat swamps in Southeast Asia. Paedocypris is a class of small cyprinid fish from Southeast Asian islands like Sumatra, Bintan. Paedocypris progenetica has been claimed to be one of the smallest species of fish in the world. The most little size female Paedocypris can be grown at highest 7.9 mm. The largest individual of this species grown was 10.3 mm. It’s an almost impossible thing to see these fishes swimming around. First of all, it’s too much tiny and this species only found in swamps and streams where watercolors are literally dark and shadowy.

Their miniature transparent bodies lack the typical features characteristic of adult fish, for instance a bony skull structure around its brain, and it retains the postanal larval fin-fold along the ventral edge of the caudal peduncle, characteristic of fish larvae. Paedocypris has many ‘larval’ features typically associated with paedomorphic fish (e.g. narrow frontals that leave the brain unprotected dorsally by bone and a precaudal larval-fin-fold), but, uniquely among fishes, males also possess highly modified pelvic fins with hypertrophied muscles and a keratinized pad in front of the pelvic girdle, which, we hypothesize, function together as a clasping or holding device, thereby suggesting an unusual reproductive mode.

  1. Schindleria brevipinguis

Schindleria brevipinguis is kind of a fish which considered to be species of marine fish. It is indigenous to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and to Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea. It is generally known as stout infant fish. Lifespan of Schindleria brevipinguis Is 2 months. Schindleria brevipinguis is one of the tiniest fish in the world along with Pandaka Pygmaea and Paedocypris. The male version of this fish can be reached at highest 7.7mm. The female version of S. Brevipinguis can be reached at highest 8.4mm. The highest length of this species usually can be reached at 10mm.

The first stout infantfish was captured in 1979 by the Australian Museum’s Jeff Leis during fieldwork in the Lizard Island / Carter Reef area of the Great Barrier Reef. It is transparent without pigmentation, except for its eyes, and lacks teeth, scales and certain characteristics typical of other fishes. Scientists note that the stout infantfish’s unusual appearance corresponds with its extremely short lifespan, which is believed to be approximately two months. Schindleria brevipinguis apparently provides an even more extreme example of paedomorphosis than its congeners.

  1. Knipowitschia

Knipowitschia is a small fish species is claimed to have initiated in Eurasia. Knipowitschia is a class of the marine group and can be found in fresh waters and brackish waters. The family of Knipowitschia is Gobiidae and subfamily is Gobiinae. It is also known as Dwarf gobies. Dwarf gobies which live in the Indian Ocean usually reach 1 cm in length. It is an animal of Animalia kingdom though. Lifespan of Knipowitschia if less than 2 years. Genus name almost certainly honours Nikolai Mikhailovich Knipovich, a biologist who led a number of expeditions to the Caspian Sea.

A short-lived species which inhabits shallow, well vegetated habitats – streams, lakes, estuaries, lagoons, lower reaches of rivers, springs and brooks. Feeds on invertebrates. southern and easternmost of the genus Knipowitschia in the Mediterranean region. byblisia sp.nov. is placed in a group of species with reduced cephalic lateral-line canals and reduced squamation. This species is characterized by the presence of axillary and caudal peduncular patches of scales, by a distinct reduced head canal system with only the postorbital section of the supraorbital canal developed and with longitudinal and transversal rows of free neuromasts in the interorbit.

  1. Jawfish

The Jawfishes are generally found in the Pacific Ocean. It can also be found in tepid parts of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. The scientific name of Jawfish called ‘’Opistognathidae’’. Lifespan of Jawfish is more than 1 year. The species-level taxonomy is decomposable, and the family comprises several undescribed taxon. Jawfishes are physically comparable with Blennies. Jawfish species can be up to 10 cm with extended parts of the body.But, there are some different Jawfish called as ‘’Giant Jawfish’’ who possess comparatively large body parts and can grow up to 0.5 m. It usually stay in the lair; they dig up at grainy places. Jawfishes generally extends their species through oral incubation.

The pregnancy time can vary regarding different species. Their kingdom is Animalia and phylum is Chordata. Giant jawfish heads, mouths, and eyes are large in size relative to the rest of their bodies. Jawfishes possess a single, long dorsal fin with 9-12 spines and a caudal fin that can be either rounded or pointed. Jawfishes typically reside in burrows they construct in sandy substrate. They will stuff their mouths with sand and spit it out elsewhere, slowly creating a tunnel. The Yellowhead Jawfish can attain a length of 5 inches and it is a cute fish with a great personality. The Yellowhead Jawfish eats very small live foods that wander near its burrow in the wild and it can be enticed with small pieces of mussel, daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms, or other meaty foods.

  1. Dartfish

Dartfishes are a group of fish, formerly considered to be a subfamily, Ptereleotrinae, of goby-like fishes in the family Microdesmidae of the order Gobiiformes, Authorities now consider the species in the family Microdesmidae are within the Gobiidae, although the researchers do not define the taxonomic status of this grouping within that family. Before considering as a subfamily, they were raised to family status and now redistributed as a subfamily.

Lifespan of Dartfish is more than 5 years. They are saltwater fishes because their body parts are made from salty waters, and they can’t survive without saltwater places. The scientific name of Dartfishes is Nemateleotris magnifica. They are an animal from kingdom Animalia, and their class is Actinopterygii. They ordinarily look reddish.


There is a little difference between Dartfish and Firefish. The firefish goby is a great little fish for a reef tank. LifeSpan of Firefish is 3 Years. It could be a magnificent addition to a reef tank. It doesn’t harass other fishes or corals. Firefish usually spend the whole day by flying around the tank. It can reach up to highest length 3.0’’ which makes it as one of the smallest fishes around the world. The fish possess a yellow shaded head, and its subsequent part is the reddish type look. The Firefish is one of the more popular fish in the marine hobby.

It is a magnificent fish with brilliant coloration, a unique body shape, and unparalleled personality. Also known as the Firefish Goby, Fire Goby, and Magnificent or Fire Dartfish, Nemateleotris magnifica has a yellow head, white anterior, and pinkish to orange-red posterior. The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are highlighted in black. In addition to its striking coloration, the Firefish Goby is also heralded as a sweet-tempered fish with lots of personality. Along with algae and zooplankton growing in the aquarium, the diet of the Firefish Goby should consist of vitamin-enriched brine fish, mysis shrimp, and prepared marine foods.

  1. Ocellaris Clownfish

The ocellaris clownfish also known as the false percula clownfish or common clownfish, is a marine fish belonging to the family Pomacentridae, which includes clownfishes and damselfishes. Lifespan of Ocellaris Clownfish is nearly 3-6 years. Black Amphiprion ocellaris with white bands can be found near northern Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan. Orange or red-brown Amphiprion ocellaris also exist with three similar white bands on the body and head. Amphiprion ocellaris can be distinguished from other Amphiprion species based on the number of pectoral rays and dorsal spines.

The life cycle of Amphiprion ocellaris varies in whether they reside at the surface or bottom of the ocean. Its body has a stocky appearance and oval shape. This species is found in the Eastern Indian Ocean and in the western Pacific Ocean. It is a marine fish and associating to the family Pomacentridae. The binomial name of Ocellaris Clownfish is ‘’Amphiprion ocellaris’’. It grows up to 11 cm which makes it another member of the smallest fish world.

9.Royal Gramma

Due to their relatively peaceful nature, diet, and small size, the royal gramma is considered an ideal inhabitant for most reef aquaria containing coral and other invertebrates. Lifespan of Royal Gramma is nearly 5 years. They are very protective of their territories and are known for chasing out other small fish. They tend to stay in one area of the tank and, when startled, will dart back into their holes. They will vigorously guard their hiding places and, when threatened, will open their mouths wide in a threatening gesture to ward off the intruders. They are, however, resistant to most diseases and make very good beginner fish. It will also accept frozen and meaty foods, such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp in the wild. The royal gramma is very easy to feed; but rotating their foods is said to keep them from becoming picky. Captive royal gramma will also eat flake and pellet foods.

The Royal Gramma is a small fish and you should expect yours to grow to around 3 inches in size. The largest captive bred Royal Gramma was measured to be 3.1 inches. Royal Gramma is one of the smallest but one of the most beautiful, colorful, appealing fish in the world. Royal Gramma also known as ‘’fairy basslet’’. It can be found in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. They are also very popular for aquarium cuz of their catchy looks. The Royal Gramma Basslet brings a burst of color to any saltwater aquarium. It has a bright purple to violet colored anterior contrasted by a vibrant yellow posterior. Native to the deep-water reefs of the Caribbean, this member of the Grammidae family prefers extensive rockwork caves in which to hide and somewhat subdued lighting. They are also one of the most congenial fishes around and literally does no harm to others. They are so easy to fodder and mostly eat flakes.

  1. Neon Goby

The Neon Goby is extremely hardy and a great beginner marine fish. Lifespan of Neon is nearly 12-18 months. Neon Goby, usually known as ‘’Elacatinus’’ is a class of small marine gobies. They can be found in tepid parts of West Atlantic, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The Neon Blue Goby, or Neon Goby, is known for its gorgeous electric blue stripes. The head and sleek body of the Neon Blue Goby are dark blue with a striking horizontal, light-blue stripe on each side of the body. These signature stripes begin above the eyes and run the entire length of the body. The Neon Blue Goby is a very hardy fish and because of its small size, it makes a great addition to smaller nano reef aquariums.

In the home aquarium, the Neon Blue Goby needs to be fed a variety of live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores. The Neon Goby should be fed once per day. Members of the cleaner goby group, you may see them nibbling around larger fish to help keep them clean and healthy. The Neon Goby can be found throughout the Caribbean, from southern Florida and Texas all the way down to Belize. Most of these fish available to the hobby are captive bred, protecting wild populations. These tiny fish make their homes among the crevices of reef structures. They have a very similar body shape to the Yellowline Goby, and have been breed together for gobies with a yellow to blue stripe.

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A manufacturer is a person or company that produces finished goods from raw materials by using various tools, equipment, and processes, and then sells the goods to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, or to other manufacturers for the production of more complex goods. Manufacturers are considered a significant part of the economy. The typical manufacturer was a single skilled artisan with assistants. Each artisan kept the secrets of the production and transferred the knowledge only to apprentices. The Industrial Revolution was the introduction of new technologies that enabled the mechanization of production, which increased the volume of the goods produced.

Technological advancements enable the mechanization of production processes, as well as improve overall efficiency and productivity. If you are thinking of small business ideas there are many tools and processes to help you get started. Industries are popular for successful business owners across the nation. No matter what type of business you start in 2020, there are so many growing and in-demand industries to choose from. Get started today by learning how much small business financing you’re qualified for, it’s probably more than you think. These industries were the most popular in the year 2020 Small Business Trends survey. Top 10 Small Business Industries to Start in 2020.

1.The Business Services Industry

The Business Service Industry is not a sector commonly recognized by the general public or, for that matter, much of the business community itself. The definition of a “Business Service” can be summarized as a service delivered to a business directly by another business. Postal, printing and PC servicing, as well as office product sales, are all included in the wide-reaching industry of business services. These establishments that support commerce are all staying busy. However spiring business owners interested in opening a business services-based company should potentially focus on providing online-based services. Worldwide demand in the sector is driven by new business growth and job growth. Convenience-craving consumers are always looking for a way to do things better, faster and cheaper.

2.The Food and Restaurant Industry

Restaurants and other food-service providers are so widespread that half of all adults have worked in food service in one way or another at some point in their lives. The food service industry encompasses any establishment that serves food to people outside their home. This includes restaurants, carryout operations, cafeterias, university dining halls, catering and vending companies, hotels and inns, and rehab and retirement centers. Making home-cooked meals isn’t an option for everyone. Fortunately, in today’s strong economy, more people are saving time by turning to delivery services, fast-casual dining and full service restaurants, making it a great time to break into the food and restaurant industry.

According to a recent study , the key to finding and sustaining success as a restaurant owner is establishing customer loyalty. Whether your plan is to open a food truck, full-service dining or fast food chain, you can find success just about anywhere. Most food produced for the food industry comes from commodity crops using conventional agricultural practices. Agriculture is the process of producing food, feeding products, fiber and other desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals. If you service quality food and get creative with attracting repeat customers.

  1. The General Retail Industry

If you’re interested in selling a good or product in a retail setting, there’s a market for it. Industry as selling a diverse range of products. Fortunately, the general retail industry is another great example of businesses that can thrive in both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce business models. The key to finding success is understanding how people shop for your product. For example, consumers are more likely to want to physically see items like furniture, clothes and cosmetics before purchasing them.
Employers operating in the retail industry must ensure they are paying all casual employees the correct rates, including additional penalties. On 24 November 2020, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down their decision on junior rates in the General Retail Industry Award 2020 as part of the 4-yearly Review of Modern Awards.

  1. The Health, Beauty and Fitness Industry

The Health and Wellness industry encompasses all activities which promote physical and mental wellbeing: from yoga to healthy eating, personal care and beauty, nutrition and weight-loss, meditation, spa retreats and workplace wellness. The growing prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases across the globe is one of the key factors driving the growth of the market. Another niche that’s not just thriving in our strong economy, but growing without much ecommerce competition, is the health, beauty and fitness industry. From gym and fitness franchises to day spas, med spas and nutrition counselling, the options here are endless. No matter which industry specialty you choose, your focus should be on both specialization and accessibility. For example, more gyms are finding success offering boutique workouts and the same goes for spas with more narrowed product lines like Botox or organic only products. Today eating clean means eating a diet made of gluten-free, dairy-free, non-refined carbs, sugar-free food. The global health and wellness market is currently witnessing a healthy growth.

  1. The Automotive Repair Industry

Auto repair shops that want to ensure they will survive these disruptive trends and thrive in 2021 and going forward must begin to take steps now to prepare their shops and their staff for a future that will be dramatically different because it will be driven by new and transformative trends. If you’re considering an auto repair or maintenance shop for your next small business, you may be on the fast track to success. Several factors are contributing to this economy-proof industry’s growth. Cars are now built better and living longer, which means rather than buying a new car, people are taking their cars in for regular maintenance; this includes major body and paint services which accounts for about half of the industry’s market share.

Other popular services in this industry include oil and lubrication, transmission work and mechanical repair. Because of the brick-and-mortar nature of these businesses, start-up costs in the auto repair industry can run higher than average, so take the time to understand your financing options. The global automotive repair and maintenance services industry is forecast to grow, according to Future Market Insights, driven by increasing vehicle production and growing demand from emerging markets. Today’s consumers are keeping their vehicles longer and are more aware of the importance of preventive maintenance and scheduled servicing to maximize the lifetime value of their vehicles.

  1. The In-Home Care Industry

Home care can be the key to achieving the highest quality of life possible. It can ease management of an ongoing medical condition; it can help avoid unnecessary hospitalization; it can aid with recovery after an illness, injury, or hospital stay all through care given in the comfort and familiarity of home. The aging baby boomer generation is experiencing growing demand for in-home services. In fact, home senior care franchises to see 10.5 percent annual growth between now and 2022. With a wide range of needs, the in-home care industry includes everything from traditional nursing to physical therapy, home hospice, personal services and more. With a growing consumer base and the low likelihood of private health insurance disappearing anytime soon, it’s a hot time to become a business owner in this high-demand industry. When you look at the number of jobs that exist and how many are expected to be created, it is clear that there is a lot of growth taking place within the industry. Many people are realizing that home care is a much more affordable route to providing people with the assistance they need.

  1. The Technology Industry

The technology sector is often one of the most attractive growth investments in an economy. From social networking sites, E-libraries and phone repair shops, you can apply your specialty whether it is marketing, sales or operations to a tech-based gig that’s sure to thrive in today’s digital world. Deloitte reports that while there is plenty of room for growth in the high-tech sector, expanding companies should focus on cyber security as well as regulatory considerations sound advice for any business in today’s online world.

The technology sector offers a wide arrange of products and services for both customers and other businesses. Consumer goods like personal computers, mobile devices, wearable technology, home appliances, televisions, and so on are continually being improved and sold to consumers with new features. The term technology sector has been broadened many times to include businesses that may be better served by a more specific category. The technology sector was initially anchored in semiconductors, computing hardware, and communications equipment.

  1. The In-Home Cleaning and Maintenance Industry

Cleaning services include a wide range of services required by commercial and residential sectors. It comprises maid services, window cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet & upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning services, which are used by residential and commercial consumers. Among the many services in high demand due to a growing generation of aging and retired adults, along with increased disposable income nationwide, is in-home cleaning. And as long as our economy continues to be strong, you’re well positioned as the owner of a home cleaning service business.
One of the easiest ways to get started is to open a franchise. Franchises in this industry saw 3 percent annual growth from 2012 to 2017 and, though this may slow as the industry become more saturated, the industry is expected to continue to grow. Most cleaning service businesses can be operated on either a part-time or full-time basis, either from home or from a commercial location. That flexibility gives this industry a strong appeal to a wide range of people with a variety of goals.

  1. The Travel and Lodging Industry

It is safe to say that just about everyone has thought a good way to retire would be to open a Bed and Breakfast. And as it turns out, With younger generations looking for out-of-the-box experiences and older generations with more to spend on luxury accommodations, consumers are opting for boutique lodging experiences. This sect of the travel industry has seen almost five percent growth over the last five years and is expected to continue to perform well. The travel industry has room for growth and innovation in terms of technology, food and wellness.

  1. The Sports and Recreation Industry

Starting a sports and recreation small business may not seem like the most lucrative idea, but this industry is quietly growing, and there’s room for more players. Club sports programs are no longer limited to peewee football and adults want in on the fun, too. Whether you’re interested in coaching, teaching, renting equipment or facilitating activities, it’s essential to have a creative and informative website, even if it’s simple, so that the tech-savvy generations can easily search your business.

Sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Sports are part of every culture past and present, but each culture has its own definition of sports. The most useful definitions are those that clarify the relationship of sports to play, games, and contests. Sport is generally recognized as system of activities which are based in physical athleticism.

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A language is a structured system of communication used by humans consisting of speech and gestures. Approximately 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. Each and every one of them make the world a diverse and beautiful place, but any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli for example, in writing, whistling, signing, or braille. Almost half of the world’s population claims one of only 10 languages as their mother tongue. Determining what are the most spoken languages in the world is a more difficult task. In today’s increasingly globalized world, having a shared means of communication or an international language, rather it is more important than ever. A spoken language is a language produced by articulate sounds, as opposed to a written language. The relationship between spoken language and written language is complex. This is an approximate list of languages by the total number of speakers. Top 10 languages of the world are as follows.


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English is an Indo-European language and belongs to the West Germanic group of the Germanic languages. English is still the most-spoken language around the world, not due to its native speakers alone, but because many others learn it as a second language. It is a part of the West Germanic language family and is present in six of seven continents as an official language. While English and Mandarin Chinese come close when looking at their total number of speakers, English has a wider geographical distribution. English is classified as an official language in 67 different countries worldwide. With over 1.1 billion speakers worldwide, English is currently the closest we’ve come to a lingua franca, a common language that connects people from different backgrounds.

The relative ease with which English can be picked up and the pervasive soft power of US culture means that English will continue to dominate the world stage for the foreseeable future. English is the majority native language in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, an official and the main language of Singapore, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. English speakers are called “Anglophones”. It is also an official language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa. English language, which is comprised of over 1,000,000 words. a common language that connects people from different backgrounds.

  1. Mandarin Chinese

The second most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is spoken in 13 countries. 1,117 million people will speak Mandarin Chinese in the world. Mandarin Chinese is recognized as an official language in just five regions. It has the largest number of native speakers of any language and is spoken by 70% of all Chinese speakers. Many people fear learning Mandarin due to its 50,000 different characters, but 2,500 characters would be enough to understood. Mandarin originated in North China and most Mandarin languages and dialects are found in the north. It is used as one of the working languages of the United Nations. It is also one of the most frequently used varieties of Chinese among Chinese diaspora communities internationally and the most commonly taught Chinese variety.

The English word “mandarin” originally meant an official of the Ming and Qing empires. Traditionally, seven major groups of dialects have been recognized. Aside from Mandarin, the other six are Wu, Gan and Xiang in central China and Min, Hakka and Yue on the southeast coast. It is the native language of two-thirds of the population. Mandarin is the dominant form of Chinese in China. There is an estimated 100,000 Chinese characters. Mandarin has four tones and an additional neutral tone. Mandarin Chinese is not the official language in Hong Kong nor in Macau. Mandarin is the official language in 3 countries. It’s Considered One of the Hardest Languages to Learn. Chinese Has Different Calligraphy Styles .

  1. Hindi

Hindi is an Indo-European language. Hindi became the official language of India in 1965. Hindi and Urdu are almost completely mutually intelligible, so they are sometimes classified as one language, Hindustani, instead of two separate languages. Totally 615 million people will speak Hindi in the world. India has 23 official languages, with Hindi/Urdu chief among them. Mainly in northern India and parts of Pakistan, Hindi uses devnagri script, while Urdu uses Persian notation. At the time of writing, the debate about its role in Indian education and society has once again flared up: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist, is seeking to have Hindi displace English in the southern Indian states as the primary language of official communication and education, a strategy that has been met with resistance.

Each letter of the Hindi alphabet has its own independent and distinct sound. India’s Hindi-speaking regions celebrate Hindi Day annually on 14th September. The word Hindi got its name from the Persian word ”Hind” which means “land of the Indus River”. Devnagari is written from left to right and consists of 11 vowels and 33 consonants. The alphabetical table of Hindi is called ‘Varnmala’ meaning ‘garland of letters’. Approximately 77% of Indians can read, write, speak or understand Hindi. The interesting fact about Hindi is it is taught in 176 of the world’s universities out of which 45 alone are in America. Hindi is one of the seven languages that are used to make web addresses.

  1. Spanish

Spanish is also the official language of a country in Central Africa, Equatorial Guinea. It has also seen an incredible development in its number of speakers due to its growing cultural influence. Totally 534 million people will speak Spanish in the world. Spanish only falls in second place behind Chinese, which is spoken by over a billion people and far outranks any other language. There are 21 countries that have Spanish as the official language. For many people in these 21 countries, it’s the only way to communicate and all official correspondence and documents are in Spanish. It is one of the easiest languages to learn. Spanish and English Share Large Vocabulary.

Spanish speakers often refer to their language as espanol as well as castellano, which is the Spanish word for “Castilian.” The earliest Spanish texts were written over 1000 years ago. The demand of learning Spanish is increasing. It is the official language or the de facto language of Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Like most languages, Spanish has its own very unique words which can’t be translated in other languages.

  1. French

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. In 1635, the French Academy was established, and it was the first organization ever to rule over a language. Totally 280 million people will speak French in the world. French is an official language in 29 countries, such as France, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Congo, Mali, Senegal, and it is spoken on every continent. Along with English, French remains an influential language in the diplomatic world. Out of all the countries in the world, France is the most visited, boasting over 75 million tourists every year. Over 1.5 million Americans are native French speakers. Kinshasa is the world’s second largest French speaking city, after Paris, and before Montreal and Brussels. French is still a working language of the UN, the EU, and dozens of international organizations including the International Red Cross committee, International Labor Organization, Amnesty International, and Doctors without Borders.

New York, California and Florida have joined Louisiana and New England as the main centers of French in United States. French Popularity is Increasing. 29% of English Vocabulary Comes From French. French is Easier to Learn. A French-speaking person or nation may be referred to as Francophone in both English and French. French is also one of six official languages used in the United Nations. It is spoken as a first language in France; Canada ; Belgium ; western Switzerland ; Monaco; parts of Luxembourg; parts of the United States; northwestern Italy; and various communities elsewhere. Homephones are words sharing the same pronunciation but with different spellings and meanings. French has a great number of homophones.

  1. Standard Arabic

Arabic, like Chinese, is so vastly different in its respective dialects as to be effectively a number of languages, grouped as one for the sake of convenience. Totally 274 million people will speak Standard Arabic in the world. Modern Standard Arabic is a primarily written form, closely related to the Classical Arabic of the Quran. Arabic is the official language of the 26 countries that form the Arab League. As in other Semitic languages, Arabic has a complex and unusual method of constructing words from a basic root. IT IS AT LEAST 1,500 YEARS OLD. THE WORDS ARE WRITTEN FROM RIGHT TO LEFT; NUMBERS ARE WRITTEN FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. Arabic is widely taught in schools and universities and is used to varying degrees in workplaces, government and the media. Arabic has influenced many other languages around the globe throughout its history.

Some of the most influenced languages are Persian, Turkish, Hindustani , Kashmiri, Kurdish, Bosnian, Kazakh, Bengali, Malay , Maldivian, Pashto, Punjabi, Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Sicilian, Spanish, Greek, Bulgarian, Tagalog, Sindhi, Odia and Hausa and some languages in parts of Africa. it is one of the six official languages of the UN, the others being English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Most of the countries that use Arabic as their official language are in the Middle East. Arabic is the sixth most-spoken language worldwide. The Arabic alphabet does not include capital letters. In the family tree of languages, Arabic belongs to the Afroasiatic family which is spread across the Middle East and a large part of Africa, consisting of 6 branches and around 300 living languages.

  1. Bengali

Bengali is the only language in the world to be also known for its language movements and people sacrificing their life for their mother language. Totally 265 million people will speak Bengali in the world. West Bengal, now part of India, from its counterpart East Bengal, now Bangladesh. It is the most widely spoken language of Bangladesh and the second most widely spoken of the 22 scheduled languages of India, after Hindi. It is the language of Kolkata. Bengali is the fifth most-spoken native language and the seventh most spoken language by total number of speakers in the world. It is spoken by significant populations in other states including Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Uttarakhand. There are two standard styles in Bengali: the Sadhubhasa and the Chaltibhasa.

The four main dialects roughly approximate the divisions of the Bengali-speaking world, known as Radha (West Bengalproper); Pundra, or Varendra (the northern parts of West Bengal and Bangladesh); Kamrupa (northeastern Bangladesh); and Bangla (the dialects of the rest of Bangladesh). Both the national anthems of Bangladesh (Amar Sonar Bangla) and India (Jana Gana Mana) were composed in Bengali. Bengali, also called Bangala, Bangla, Bangla-Bhasa, belongs to the Eastern group of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken in West Bengal; Tripura; Jharkhand, Dhanbad, Manbhum, Singhbhum, and Santal Parganas; Odisha, Mayar and Bales; Bihar; Assam, and Goalpara district (Ethnologue). Bengali has 29 consonants and it has 7 oral vowel phonemes.

  1. Russian

Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russians in Eastern Europe. Russian is also the second-most widespread language on the Internet, after English. Russian shares strong similarities with Belorussian and Ukrainian. Russian is the 8th most-spoken language in the world. A few English words are of Russian origin. Totally 258 million people will speak Russian in the world. Famed for its inscrutable grammar and quite lovely Cyrillic script, it remains one of the six languages spoken in the UN. The Cyrillic alphabet has 33 letters; 10 vowels, 21 consonants, and 2 that have no sound. There are only about 200,000 words in the Russian language. Approximately 110 million Internet users speak Russian. If you want to be an astronaut, you have to learn Russian. Russian speakers outperform English speakers at distinguishing shades of blue. Word for German in Russian is nemetski, which means “those who can’t speak”. English speakers only understand 10% of the Russian language.


The fastest-growing European language after English is Portuguese. Totally 234 million people will speak Portuguese in the world. It is also the second-most spoken language, after Spanish, in Latin America. Portuguese was officially declared a language in 1290. avid Portuguese traders and conquerors brought their language to Africa, Asia and the Americas. The spread of Portuguese may have initially been tied to European colonization, but the colonized countries developed their own vibrant cultures that transformed the language forever. Today, Portuguese is spoken by 220 million native speakers in countries like Brazil, Goa, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bisseau, Sao Tome and Príncipe, and Macau. It’s also the language of Machado de Assis, Bossa Nova, Mia Couto, Fernando Pessoa, and Agualusa. Portuguese language, Portuguese Português, Romance language that is spoken in Portugal, Brazil, and other Portuguese colonial and formerly colonial territories.

Standard Portuguese was developed in the 16th century, basically from the dialects spoken from Lisbon to Coimbra. In 2008 the Portuguese parliament passed an act mandating the use of a standardized orthography based on Brazilian forms. It also has a presence on almost all of the continents. In fact, it is the official language in nine different countries: Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Principe. There are over 5 million native Portuguese speakers in Africa. According to UNESCO, the language has high growth potential as an “international communication language in Southern Africa and South America.” Portuguese and Spanish are not mutually intelligible. It is the fastest-growing European language in the world – behind English.


Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a polite language. Totally 200 million people will speak French in the world. While Indonesians speak a variety of indigenous languages at home, the official language for formal education, governance, judiciary, administration, national mass media and several forms of communication is Bahasa Indonesia. It is easy to learn. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, such as gold, copper, tin, natural gas and crude oil. It has made a name for itself as a manufacturing center. Several of the major countries in the world are trade partners of Indonesia. Indonesian is a member of the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family. Bahasa Indonesia is a standardized dialect of Malay which had been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries, and which achieved the status of an official language with the declaration of independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands in 1945. The two languages are very similar in their sound system, grammar, and vocabulary.

Besides Indonesia, the language is also spoken in the Netherlands, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and the U.S. Standard Indonesian is based on the formal variety of the language spoken in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Indonesian has been widely spoken in Southern Asia. It is spoken as a mother tongue by only 7% of the population of Indonesia, but altogether more than 200 million people speak it, with varying degrees of proficiency. The main purpose of loaning words from the Indonesian language is to describe things which are uniquely Indonesian like flora and fauna of the country, known as Cockatoo and Komodo. Both these English words have Indonesian roots. Indonesia is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to the supply of natural resources like natural gas, crude oil, gold and copper. This is why more and more businesses are investing in Indonesian translation, in order to expand their business at the said location. It became the official language of Indonesia in 1945.

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Personal ornaments, such as necklaces, rings, or bracelets, that are typically made from or contain jewels and precious metal. From a western perspective, the term is restricted to durable ornaments. For many centuries metal such as gold used in different carats from 21, 18, 12, 9 or even lower, often combined with gemstones, has been the normal material for jewelery. Jewelery may be made from a wide range of materials. Gemstones and similar materials such as amber and coral, precious metals, beads, and shells have been widely used, and enamel has often been important. Despite sky-high prices, the demand for high-end designer men and women’s jewelry brands only continues to grow. With billions of dollars spent in this market annually, you may be considering making your first luxury jewelry purchase or adding to your ever growing collection. Ornamental pieces that are made of materials which may or may not be precious such as gold, silver, glass, and plastic, are often set with genuine or imitation gems, and are worn for personal adornment. It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with precious stones. Here are the top 10 designer jewelery brands in the World in the year 2020.

1.Tiffany & Co.

It is an American luxury jewellry and specialty retailer. First called Tiffany & Young, Tiffany & Co. began as a stationery and fancy goods store in New York. It sells jewelry, sterling silver, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances, water bottles, watches, personal accessories, and leather goods. Tiffany is known for its luxury goods, particularly its diamond and sterling silver jewelry. Initially with the help of Charles Tiffany’s father who financed the store for only $1,000 with profits from a cotton mill. The store initially sold a wide variety of stationery items, and operated as “Tiffany, Young and Ellis” as of 1838 at 259 Broadway in Lower Manhattan. Today, however, it is a household name that has been in business since 1837. Awarded for its silver craftsmanship, Tiffany and Co. remains America’s leading silversmith. The brand showcases their more extravagant and rarest of pieces in their annual Blue Book collection that started in 1845. Some of their most popular and famous pieces include the Return To Tiffany, Tiffany Key and Tiffany Soleste and of course, their signature 6 prong engagement rings. Tiffany & Co. is famed for their little blue box, synonymous with quality, luxury and style.

The name was shortened to Tiffany & Company in 1853. In 1878, Tiffany won the gold medal for jewelry and a grand prize for silverware at the Paris Exposition. In 1879, Tiffany purchased one of the world’s largest yellow diamonds which became known as the Tiffany Diamond. In November 2019, LVMH announced its purchase of Tiffany & Co for $16.2 billion. At the time, the deal was expected to close in June 2020. The deadline, however, had been extended twice. First to August 24, 2020 and later to November 24, 2020, but, in early September 2020, LVMH stated that the purchase would not be concluded; Tiffany filed a lawsuit in response. In late October 2020, LVMH agreed to purchase Tiffany & Co for reduced price of $15.8 billion Tiffany operates 326 stores globally in countries such as the United States, Japan, and Canada, as well as Europe, the Latin America and Pacific Asia regions. Range of price is $15,500-$15 million. Most expensive Tiffany & Co. piece sold at auction is A platinum round 3.09-carat diamond solitaire ring with VS1 clarity, sold at $60,000 in 2016.

2.Harry Winston

Mr. Winston’s innovative design philosophy in which the individual gemstones, rather than the metal settings, would dictate each design helped to revolutionize fine jewelry designs, and remains at the cornerstone of a timeless aesthetic that continues to inspire all Harry Winston creations. Winston’s father Jacob started a small jewelry business after he and Winston’s mother immigrated to the United States from Ukraine. While growing up, he worked in his father’s shop. When he was twelve years old, he recognized a two-carat emerald in a pawn shop, bought it for 25 cents, and sold it two days later for $800. Winston started his business in 1920 and opened his first store as in New York City in 1932 with Harry Winston itself, as the founder. Winston was among the most noted jewelers in the world, well-known to the general public. He was soon crowned the “King of Diamonds” and “Jeweler to the Stars” for his high-end creations. Harry Winston was an American jeweler. He donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958 after owning it for a decade.

He also traded the Portuguese Diamond to the Smithsonian in 1963 in exchange for 3,800 carats of small diamonds. From the acquisition of some of the world’s most famous gemstones, including the Jonker, Hope, and Winston Legacy Diamonds, to adorning generations of famous faces, from Hollywood legends to international Heads of State, for over eight decades, the Harry Winston name has been synonymous with the best that there is. One of the most notable pieces he acquired was the 45.42 carat Hope Diamond, a heart-shaped greyish-blue diamond crown centerpiece, which was passed along to King George IV of the United Kingdom. Today, it is found in Washington DC as part of the Smithsonian Institution displays. the House of Harry Winston continues its tradition of creativity, rarity, and quality without compromise in its retail salons around the world, including: New York, London, Paris, Geneva, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Range of price is $4,000-$20 million. Most expensive The Gulf Pearl Parure, a 325-carat natural pearl and diamond parure sold at $4,189,165 in 2006 by Harry Winston.


Founded in 1847 by Louis Francois Cartier, the brand earned its reputation as “The Jeweler of Kings, the King among Jewelers,” pioneering the combination of platinum and diamond. House of Cartier is identified with quality, prestige, and history, and has served as crown jeweler to 19 royal houses. Cartier is one of the world’s leading luxury goods companies. The company designs, manufactures, and distributes jewelry, watches, fragrance, pens, lighters, silver, and crystal. Their most notable lines include the Love collection, Juste un Clou and Panthere. These distinctive collections are widely popular with celebrities with variations available in different color golds and with or without diamond embellishment. Although wristwatches had been in stock since 1888, they became popular only with Cartier’s introduction of the Santos watch in 1911.

The prototype model was a gift from Louis Cartier to Brazilian aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont. Other products introduced by Cartier were the Tank watch and the “Love Bracelet.” Cartier was extremely creative during Louis’s management. For its “Jewels of the Nile” exhibition in New York, the store was completely decorated in an Egyptian theme, complete with a pyramid and two live peacocks. This jewelry collection was a more modern version of Louis Joseph Cartier’s designs from the early 1900s. Most expensive Cartier sold at auction A 25.6-carat Burmese Ruby, called the Sunrise Ruby. It was dubbed as the most expensive ruby, gemstone, and non-diamond gemstone in the world, and sold at $30,335,698 in 2015. Range of price is $1,000-$2.76 million.


Louis-Ulysse Chopard is the son of a farmer from Sonvilier, quickly conquered Switzerland and the world at the age of 24. The artisan watchmaker created works of art with innovative designs, which early on helped him export to such illustrious places as the court of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Qualities like precision and reliability were very sought-after characteristics in watches, dating all the way back to the 19th century. With unique chronometers and pocket watches, Louis-Ulysse Chopard aimed to fulfill and exceed these “desires”. Chopard is a Swiss brand started by Louis-Ulysse Chopard in the 1860s, originally known for creating watches and pocket watches for women. Chopard’s Independence allows it to support crafts with a glorious past that are a source of great pride today. The company is headquartered in Geneva and has a site in Fleurier, Canton of Neuchatel, that manufactures watch movements. When Chopard was sold to Karl Scheufele in 1963, the brand was noted for its Art-Deco inspired timepieces and Happy Diamonds line. The Maison’s independence has guided its development strategy since its founding, an approach made possible by a family shareholding structure.

Chopard has become more well known for its red carpet appearances and A-lister connections in terms of its stunning jewellery, its watch division is where the brand first started and gained its reputation. This is expressed through the watch industry’s highest level of vertical integration. Everything sold by Chopard is made in one of its three production sites, a unique phenomenon within the profession. This policy goes hand in hand with a culture of craftsmanship. The brand’s signature free floating diamonds behind the watch glass was created in the mid 1970s. It is now the corporate partner the Cannes Film Festival, official timekeeper of the Grand Prix of Monaco and the Mille Miglia. Chopard prides itself on the use of ethically sourced gold and aims to eventually use sustainable gold across all pieces that they produce. Range of price is $2,000-$16.26 million. Most expensive suite of Emerald and Diamond jewels, sold at $1,171,932.51 by Chopard.

5.Van Cleef & Arpels

Van Cleef & Arpels is a French luxury jewelry, watch, and perfume company. After their marriage in 1895, Alfred van Cleef and Estelle Arpels started a luxurious line in 1906 that still exists today. Opening their first store in Place Vendome in Paris, in the 1940s Van Cleef and Arpel in Palm Beach followed by New York. On 2 December 1933, this company received French Patent No. 764,966 for a proprietary gem setting style it calls Serti Mysterieux, or “Mystery Setting”, a technique employing a setting where the prongs are invisible. Each stone is faceted onto gold rails less than two-tenths of a millimeter thick. The technique can require 300 hours of work per piece or more, and only a few are produced each year. Diamonds were still used, but only as highlights. These attractive and wearable jewels were very popular in the 1950s, as confidence returned to a world.

Initially it was only possible to use this new setting on a flat surface such as a box or minaudiere but as the ‘Mystery Set’ technique evolved it was used on more challenging curved surfaces. Emeralds are particularly difficult to cut and match in colour compared to sapphires or rubies, and are thus used more rarely. Among some of the exceptional accomplishments of this maison is their patented, innovative creation called Mystery Set. Van Cleef and Arpels are renowned for their playful use of animals, flowers and nature in their designs. The iconic Ballerina brooch was first conceived in New York in 1940, inspired by Louis Arpels and his nephew Claude, who were friends of George Balanchine, co-founder of the School of American Ballet. Range of price is $1,500-$490,000. Most expensive Van Cleef & Arpels sold at auction 8.24-carat Ruby and Diamond ring, sold at $4,226,500 in 2011.


Graff origins began in England in 1960, when Laurence Graff founded the company. Graff is a British multinational jeweller based in London. The brand is famous for its large diamond designs and also widely known for buying and resetting prominent diamonds. Graff has over 50 stores around the world including New York, Las Vegas, Melbourne, Monte Carlo, Courchevel, Kiev, Beijing and Taipei. Graff has corporate offices in London, New York, Geneva, Hong Kong and Tokyo. A member of the Graff family oversees every stage of a diamond’s journey, from the sourcing of the rough stone through to the cutting, polishing and final setting of each bridal jewel. Believed by many to be the bearer of good fortune, the butterfly is a signature motif at Graff from which countless creative visions take flight. In 1973 Graff became the first jeweller to receive the Queen’s Award to Industry and Export.

Some of the most famous Graff diamonds have included the Graff Pink, a pink emerald cut diamond of over 20 ct, and the Delaire Sunrise, the largest emerald cut Fancy Vivid Yellow diamond in the world. A vertically integrated company, Graff operations comprise the design, manufacture and retail distribution of jewellery and watches. Graff adheres to the Kimberley Process, never knowingly buying or trading rough diamonds from areas where this would encourage conflict or human suffering. The majority of Graff diamonds are laser engraved with unique Gemological Institute of America (GIA) tracking numbers, which whilst invisible to the naked eye, allow for their origin to be traced. Range of price is $1,350-$46.2 million. Most expensive Graff sold at auction The Graff Pink, a rare 24.78-carat pink diamond is sold at $46 million in 2017.

7.David Yurman

David Yurman Enterprises is a privately held American designer jewelry company. This line was founded by David and Sybil Yurman in 1980. It has been known to sculpt designs reminiscent of the American Craft Movement. One of the popular designs is their signature cable bracelet in sterling silver and gold, embellished with colored gems. The brand uses bright colors and playful, structured designs. Great for everyday wear and especially for stacking bracelets, David Yurman is a popular choice for men and women of all ages. In 1983, Yurman introduced what became his signature piece, the cable bracelet: a twisted helix adorned with gemstones on its end caps. He called the bracelet and related designs “Renaissance,” and it has become one of his most enduring collections. Created through an innovative process Yurman pioneered, the cable motif was awarded two rare design trademarks in the United States since it was instantly recognizable as his signature form. His cable design evolved to become the thread that connects all of his collections.

In the early 1970s, Yurman and Kleinrock moved to Carmel in upstate New York and formed a company called Putnam Art Works which specialized in sculptural jewelry. Throughout the next decade they exhibited their jewelry designs, sculptures, and paintings at various galleries and craft fairs. They became key figures in the American craft movement. Through Putnam Art Works, the Yurmans learned the marketplace for fine crafts and artisanal jewelry. During the 1980s and 1990s, the David Yurman company was at the forefront of the emerging category of American designer jewelry. There are currently 33 David Yurman boutiques in the United States and 11 international boutiques. The Yurmans formalized a lifelong commitment to charitable causes by establishing the David & Sybil Yurman Humanitarian and Arts Foundation in 2001. David Yurman also created a pin for the Silver Shield Foundation benefitting the families of New York City firefighters and policemen. Range of price is $300-$50,000. Most expensive David Yurman sold at auction18K Gold, Diamond, and Citrine interchangeable necklace is sold at $7,380.


Buccellati Holding Italia is an Italian jewellery and watch company formed by the merger of two previous companies with existing brands Mario Buccellati and Gianmaria Buccellati, which corresponded to the names and surname of two master goldsmiths: father and son. They use their unique engraving skills. In the mid eighteenth, century Contargo Buccellati worked as a goldsmith in Milan. In 1909, at the age of 12, Mario Buccellati apprenticed with the highly respected firm, Beltrami & Beltrami, in Milan. In 1919, Buccellati took over the firm and renamed it Buccellati. Buccellati designs Italian jewels in gold, silver, and platinum. The brand has grown globally and is known for its pieces that reflect Old Hollywood design that takes inspiration from animals and insects. By the 1950s Buccellati had expanded to the US with stores in New York and Florida. Their first watch collection is launched in 2001 in Geneva.

In 1949, Mario Buccellati was commissioned to create an icon by Pope Pius XII for Princess Margaret to mark the extraordinary power of the first visit of a British Royal to Vatican City in hundreds of years. This magnificent work of art can be admired today at the Chianciano Art Museum in Tuscany. In December 2016, China’s Gansu Gangtai Holding Group bought a controlling 85% share in Buccellati. In September 2019, Compagnie Financière Richemont acquired 100% of Buccellati from Gangtai. Family run house Buccellati was founded in 1919 and still uses centuries-old Italian techniques to create its fine jewelry. Inspired by Renaissance and Venetian designs, each piece is uniquely engraved as a mark of the artisans’ meticulous hand-craftsmanship. Katerina Perez also visited the Buccellati boutique in Paris to talk to the designer about her passions, inspiration and the Buccellati brand and to find out what role jewellery plays in her life. Range of price is $2,000-$50,000. Most expensive Buccellati sold at auction Gold Buccellati bracelet, sold at $72,100.


Bvlgari, also spelled Bulgari, is famed for its colored gemstones and diamonds. Bulgari is an Italian luxury brand known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories and leather goods. Since its creation in 1884, it has been a crowd favorite among clients seeking brightly-colored, large pieces with chromatic effect. It’s also because of this brand that the cabochon cut, a popular gemstone cut in antique times, was reestablished. Bulgari was founded in the region of Epirus, Greece, in 1884 by the silversmith Sotirios Boulgaris. During the 1970s, Bulgari stores opened in New York, Geneva, Monte Carlo and Paris.

Bulgari has about 300 stores. The largest is the 10-storey Bulgari Ginza Tower in Tokyo, 940 square meters of retail floor space. The Bulgari Art Award is an annual art award in partnership with the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. At that time it was only the jewelery shop over the years and become an international brand. Bulgari produced with Luxottica, and Bulgari formed a joint venture with Marriott International in 2001 to launch its hotel brand, Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, a collection of properties and resort destinations around the world. Range of price is $1,000-$12 million. Most expensive Bvlgari sold at auction 57.72-carat Bvlgari Sapphire Suitor sold at $5,906,500 in 2011.


Boucheron is a French luxury jewellery and watches house located in Paris, 26 Place Vendome, owned by Kering. Finishing off our list of the top 10 designer jewelry brands is Boucheron. Founded by Frederic Boucheron in 1858 in Paris, France, his designs were influenced by Egyptian and Asian art, thus, creating unfamiliar stone combinations such as onyx and diamonds. He was also first to merge bronze, ivory, and gold. In 1879, Boucheron developed a clasp-less necklace, which was part of its show which won a Grand Prix for Outstanding Innovation in a Jewellery Collection at the 1889 World’s Fair. In 1878, the Russian Prince Felix Youssoupoff purchased a corsage decorated with 6 detachable diamond bows during one of his visits to Paris. In 1921, Boucheron was commissioned to make a tiara for Lady Greville which was later given to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Queen Elizabeth also has a collection of Boucheron jewels.

It has 34 boutiques worldwide and an online e-commerce website launched in 2007. Boucheron makes watches, and jewellery, and licenses its marque for perfumes. In a joint venture with the mobile phone brand Vertu, Boucheron created the world’s first High Jewellery limited edition cell phones out of gold and precious stones. There are only eight pieces of the Cobra model in rose gold set all round with rubies and a pear-cut diamond and emerald eyes. Range of price is $1,000-$285,000. Most expensive Boucheron sold at auction Diamond, Emerald, and Enamel Brooch, sold at $55,974.57.

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10 Great places to visit in the world

The world is filled with such a wide variety of wonderful destinations and beautiful places to visit, it can be quite difficult to compile a list of the best ones. Thinking about a traveler who, for whatever reason, has never set foot outside his or her home town, where would be the first places they might visit?

The list of the world’s best places to visit has to include great cities, like New YorkParisLondon, and so on, each of which is filled with a multitude of individual sites or must-see places to visit. The list also includes specific sites, monuments, and locations, each also worthy of a visit in their own right.

For more ideas on where to go and what to see, read our list of the top places to visit in the world.

  1. Machu Picchu, Peru
photo of machu picchu
Photo by Chelsea Cook on

Machu Picchu is located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru, on a 2,430-metre  mountain ridge.It is located in the Cusco RegionUrubamba ProvinceMachupicchu District, above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometres  northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, cutting through the Cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain climate.

Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438–1472). Often mistakenly referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas”, it is the most familiar icon of Inca civilization. The Incas built the estate around 1450 but abandoned it a century later at the time of the Spanish conquest. Although known locally, it was not known to the Spanish during the colonial period and remained unknown to the outside world until American historian Hiram Bingham brought it to international attention in 1911.

Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. Its three primary structures are the Intihuatana, the Templeof the Sun, and the Room of the Three Windows. Most of the outlying buildings have been reconstructed in order to give tourists a better idea of how they originally appeared. By 1976, 30% of Machu Picchu had been restored and restoration continues.

Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historic Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll.

Machu Picchu built in the 15th century AD and abandoned less than a 100 years later, the remote site continues to amaze with its perfectly joined, mortarless, intricate stonework. Huge multi-ton blocks of stone are perfectly joined with each other, without the use of mortar or cement.

The journey to Machu Picchu typically starts in the mountain city of Cusco, which was the capital city of the Inca Empire. Cusco is a fascinating place to explore-be sure to spend a few days there before or after your Machu Picchu adventure. It’s possible to hike the Inca Trail from Cusco to Machu Picchu.

  • The Grand Canyon, Arizona
grand canyon during sunset
Photo by David Ilécio on

The Grand Canyon is an awesome place. Its overwhelming size and its intricate and colorful landscape make it without question one of the seven marvels of the natural world.

While it is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is unmatched throughout the world for the vistas it offers to visitors. Geologically it is hugely significant because of the thick sequence of ancient rocks that are beautifully preserved and exposed in the walls of the canyon. These rock layers record much of the early geologic history of the North American continent.

Most of the 5 million annual visitors to the Grand Canyon arrive at the South Rim and experience its beauty from the many overlooks along the canyon edge. There are many miles of paved and unpaved walkways along the rim. The North Rim of the Grand Canyon shares similar outstanding views from a vantage point 1000 feet higher than on the South Rim. Here too are walkways and overlooks that let you take in the grandeur of the canyon.

Strong hikers can climb down to the Colorado River via the Bright Angel Trail or South Kaibab Trail. For a less exhausting experience, mule pack trips use the same trails to take their riders down and up canyon.

With geology formed over the past two billion years, yes billion, the 277 mile-long canyon itself is believed to have been started around five to six million years ago. It was formed by the flow of the Colorado River, which still flows through it and continues to erode the geology along its course. The Grand Canyon is up to 18 miles wide in places and up to a mile deep. Imagine standing on the edge, looking down a sheer rock wall almost a mile to the river below.

Most visitors come to the area referred to as the South Rim, and there is a range of accommodations available, from tents to a rustic luxury canyon-side resort built from logs. There are a few accommodations on the remote North Rim, and these are reserved years in advance.

Many visitors access the canyon via the historic Grand Canyon Railway, which runs from the town of Williams, Arizona. The 64-mile rail line provides an entertaining way to get to the canyon with food and live music onboard. For those driving, the canyon is about a three-and-a-half-hour drive north from Phoenix .

3. Rome, Italy

colosseum rome italy
Photo by Davi Pimentel on

The Roman Forum, also known by its Latin name Forum Romanum is a rectangular forum  surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.

The Eternal City is more like a giant, living museum. Visitors are immersed in and surrounded by thousands of years of history. It include the Colosseum and adjacent Roman Forum; the Pantheon; and Vatican City, a separate country in the middle of central Rome.

Take some time to explore the outskirts of Rome, too. Consider a hike along a tomb-lined section of the Appian Way, the ancient Roman superhighway, and a visit to one of the aqueduct ruins outside the city.

For centuries the Forum was the center of day-to-day life in Rome: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city’s great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome, it has been called the most celebrated meeting place in the world, and in all history. Located in the small valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum today is a sprawling ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations attracting 4.5 million or more sightseers yearly.

Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman Kingdom‘s earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia , and the Temple of Vesta , as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.

Other archaic shrines to the northwest, such as the Umbilicus Urbis and the Vulcanal (Shrine of Vulcan), developed into the Republic‘s formal Comitium (assembly area). This is where the Senate as well as Republican government itself began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.

Over time the archaic Comitium was replaced by the larger adjacent Forum and the focus of judicial activity moved to the new Basilica Aemilia . Some 130 years later, Julius Caesar built the Basilica Julia, along with the new Curia Julia, refocusing both the judicial offices and the Senate itself. This new Forum, in what proved to be its final form, then served as a revitalized city square where the people of Rome could gather for commercial, political, judicial and religious pursuits in ever greater numbers.

4. Maui, Hawaii

shore during sunset
Photo by James Wheeler on

The island of Maui is the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands at 727.2 square miles (1,883 km2) and is the 17th largest island in the United States. Maui is the best island in the world. Travelers around the globe favor “The Valley Isle” so much, they’ve named it a top destination and the best island.

Possessing a luxurious and hip image, Maui hosts world-class resorts, exciting activities and championship golf, all surrounded by staggering natural beauty. The islands’ “aloha spirit” and native host Hawaiian culture provides an unparalleled vacation experience.

In addition to relaxing by the resort pool or on the beach with a great book and the iconic fruity cocktail, visitors can take advantage of activities such as golf, sailing, eco-tours, shopping, ziplining, wine tasting and farm tours plus so much more.

Points of Interest The central Maui town of Kahului/Wailuku is the island’s business center, while West Maui hosts sprawling beaches, upscale hotels of Ka’anapali and the historic whaling town of Lahaina. South Maui is home to a high-end resort district, Wailea plus offers a good spot for snorkeling, diving and wildlife watching. Maui’s best area to explore underwater is the lava rock crescent-shaped Molokini, so take a 25-minute boat ride and explore.

Iao Valley, reposing between the volcanoes near Kahoolawe, is a place the modern world seems to have left behind. There is fascinating and dramatic history here, much of it violent, with the Iao Needle rock pillar having served as a natural altar.

In the case of Hana, the journey may be as important as the destination. With giant waterfalls, artist hamlets and rainbows along the way, make it a day trip and stop for picnic supplies in Pa’ia. The infamous Road to Hana is curvy and minimally maintained. Thank goodness development of this isolated town has been limited so visitor’s can enjoy a truer sense of Hawaii.

This Hawaiian island offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. You can surf, enjoy a meal on the beach at a five-star luxury resort in Wailea, ride a horse across a dormant volcano in Haleakala National Park, or hike through a rainforest in the West Maui Mountains. The natural scenery is amazing-it’s truly one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

When it comes to accommodation, there is something for everyone here, from rustic hippie bungalow bed and breakfasts to five-star luxury resort hotels. Wailea has all the luxury

5. Maasai Mara, Kenya

group of man on a desert
Photo by Follow Alice on

Maasai Mara is one of the most famous and important wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa, world-renowned for its exceptional populations of lion, African leopard, cheetah and African bush elephant .

Maasai Mara, also known as Masai Mara, and locally simply as The Mara, is a large national game reserve in NarokKenya, contiguous with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. It is named in honor of the Maasai people, the ancestral inhabitants of the area, who migrated to the area from the Nile Basin. Their description of the area when looked at from afar: “Mara” means “spotted” in the local Maasai language, due to the many short bushy trees which dot the landscape.

Kenya’s Masai Mara is an incredible bio-diverse area and a popular safari destination. It’s an opportunity to see the “big five” animals (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo) all during one trip .

Maasai Mara is one of the most famous and important wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa, world-renowned for its exceptional populations of lionAfrican leopardcheetah and African bush elephant. It also hosts the Great Migration, which secured it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, and as one of the ten Wonders of the World.

The Greater Mara ecosystem encompasses areas known as the Maasai Mara National Reserve, the Mara Triangle, and several Maasai Conservancies, including Koiyaki, Lemek,  Mara North, Olkinyei, Siana, Maji Moto, Naikara, Ol Derkesi, Kerinkani, Oloirien, and Kimintet

The protected Masai Mara National Reserve park area is huge, over 1,500 square kilometers of mainly grassland, extending all the way to the Serengeti plain of Tanzania. The popular times to visit are during the twice-yearly migrations, the main one being in July and August. Over a million wildebeest and other animals cross the area in huge groups to go from one feeding area to another. Most visitors fly into Nairobi, then take a small bush plane to the Mara.

6. Montreal, Canada

high rise buildings
Photo by Nancy Bourque on

Montreal is the second largest French speaking citiy in the world, after Paris. However, most Montrealers – especially in downtown – are bilingual. Many more speak a third language. In downtown stores, shoppers are greeted with a confident BonjourHi, a term which is becoming more and more popular, indicating bilingualism.

As you listen to the sound of French being spoken around you and explore Old Montreal, wandering down its narrow cobblestone streets-you might think you’re in France. The historic area is filled with quaint shops and cafes; this Canadian city can be a chance to experience a bit of Europe in North America.

The city also has a thriving food scene, with several popular farmers markets, including the Atwater Market and the Jean Talon Market. It’s also known for its bagels, cooked hot and fresh by several iconic must-visit bakeries.

Be sure to visit the beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica and take a drive up to Mount Royal, the big hill (or low mountain) the city is named after. You’ll be rewarded with some amazing views extending all the way to the port.

Montreal has the highest number of restaurants per Capita in Canada and the second in North America after New York. Montreal’s restaurant scene is very cosmopolitan with menus from literally around the world, with an often added French touch.

Montreal is the first North American city to have been designated UNESCO City of Design by the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity in 2006. With this honor, Montreal’s effort and enthusiasm as well as the city’s potential for economic and social development in the field of design is recognized.

Montreal is build around Mont Royal, from where the city received its name. Mont Royal Park, located on the mountain, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the same person who designed New York City’s Central Park. No building in Montreal can be taller than the famous Cross found on Mont Royal!

Montreal has an Underground City, which is a series of interconnected tunnels beneath the city that run for over 32km. The tunnels connect shopping malls, over 2000 stores, 7 metro stations,universities, banks, offices, museums, restaurants and so on. Unlike what is commonly believed, Montrealers use the underground tunnels mostly in the heat of the Summer rather than to escape the cold in Winter!

7. New Zealand

scenic view of the mountains
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on

Auckland lies between the Hauraki Gulf to the east, then extending in Hunua Ranges to the south-east, the Manukau Harbour to the south-west, and the Waitakere Ranges and smaller ranges to the west and north-west. The surrounding hills are covered in rainforest and the landscape is dotted with 53 dormant volcanic cones. The central part of the urban area occupies a narrow isthmus between the Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea and the Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean. Auckland is one of the few cities in the world to have a harbour on each of two separate major bodies of water.

The isthmus on which Auckland resides was first settled c. 1350 and was valued for its rich and fertile land. The Maori population in the area is estimated to have peaked at 20,000 before the arrival of Europeans.  After a British colony was established in 1840, William Hobson, then Lieutenant-Governor of New Zealand, chose the area as his new capital. He named the area for George Eden, Earl of Auckland, British First Lord of the Admiralty. Maori–European conflict over land in the region led to war in the mid-19th century. Auckland was replaced as the capital in 1865 by Wellington, but the city continued to grow, initially because of its port and logging and gold mining in its hinterland, later from pastoral farming , and manufacturing in the city itself. It has throughout most of its history been the nation’s largest city. Today, Auckland’s central business district is New Zealand’s leading economic hub.

The University of Auckland, founded in 1883, is the largest university in New Zealand. The city’s varied cultural institutions—such as the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the Museum of Transport and Technology, and Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki—and national historic sites, festivals, performing arts, and sports activities are significant tourist attractions. Architectural landmarks include the Harbour Bridge, the Town Hall, the Ferry Building and the Sky Tower. The city is served by Auckland Airport, which handles around one million international passengers a month. Despite being one of the most expensive cities in the world, Auckland is recognised as one of the world’s most liveable cities, ranked third in the 2019 Mercer Quality of Living Survey.

With its striking natural beauty, friendly citizens, and recent popularity due to its use as the filming location for the Lord of the Rings films (as well as many others), this island nation is one of the world’s great places to visit. The biodiversity here is amazing-it’s believed New Zealand was one of the last places on earth to have human inhabitants.

Start your visit off in the capital city of Auckland, with its culture, history, and museums. Spend some time on the water and at the beach-Waitemata Harbour has beaches, along with a range of sailing and boating activities.

Visit the Rotorua area to learn about and experience indigenous Maori culture and head to Queenstown to experience the country’s wide range of outdoor extreme action sports. Remember, this is where bungee jumping was invented.

8. Istanbul, Turkey

brown concrete dome building at night
Photo by Burak Karaduman on

Istanbul is a major city in Turkey that straddles Europe and Asia across the Bosphorus Strait. Its Old City reflects cultural influences of the many empires that once ruled here. In the Sultanahmet district, the open-air, Roman-era Hippodrome was for centuries the site of chariot races, and Egyptian obelisks also remain. The iconic Byzantine Hagia Sophia features a soaring 6th-century dome and rare Christian mosaics.

The city held the strategic position between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. It was also on the historic Silk Road. It controlled rail networks between the Balkans and the Middle East and was the only sea route between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. In 1923, after the Turkish War of Independence, Ankara was chosen as the new Turkish capital, and the city’s name was changed to Istanbul. Nevertheless, the city maintained its prominence in geopolitical and cultural affairs. The population of the city has increased tenfold since the 1950s, as migrants from across Anatolia have moved in and city limits have expanded to accommodate them. Arts, music, film, and cultural festivals were established towards the end of the 20th century and continue to be hosted by the city today. Infrastructure improvements have produced a complex transportation network in the city.

Turkey’s capital city is another destination that offers a great mix of culture, food, and history. There are thousands of years of history here, starting with Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans and leading up through the Ottoman Empire.

It’s an Islamic country with a secular government, so it’s a good place for Western tourists to experience Islamic culture. There’s a mix of the new and the timeless here unlike anywhere else. You can spend the night at a wonderful restaurant eating great Turkish food and dancing to Turkish music, then rise (very early) in the morning to the sound of the Ezan or morning Islamic call to prayer. It echoes across the rooftops as it’s broadcast from loudspeakers set atop the minarets of the city’s mosques.

Istanbul has excellent public transit, which means it’s easy to get around and explore all the major sites and monuments. Must-see places include the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, and Topkapi Palace.

9. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

man looking at an ancient temple
Photo by Tiago Cardoso on

Angkor Wattemple complex at Angkor, near SiemreabCambodia, that was built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II (reigned 1113–c. 1150). It is the world’s largest religious structure, covering some 400 acres (160 hectares), and marks the high point of Khmer architecture.

It is located just outside the Cambodian city of Siem Reap, Angkor Wat is the largest religious site in the world. It was created originally as a Hindu temple and mausoleum for the Khmer ruler in the early part of the 12th century and was converted to a Buddhist temple at the end of the 12th century. Just part of a enormous ancient city. Angkor Wat is the temple area, Angor Thom was the city and palace area. There are hundreds of other ruin sites in the area, all part of the ancient capital of Angkor.

Siem Reap and its temples and ruins are now very easily accessible via daily flights from Hong Kong and other large Asian cities. Accommodations range from inexpensive guesthouses to lavish luxury resorts, with everything in between.

10. London, England

city view at london
Photo by Dominika Gregušová on

Several bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark, in central London. The current crossing, which opened to traffic in 1973, is a box girder bridge built from concrete and steel.

Throughout its history, London bridge has been a busy thoroughfare, and was once lined with shops. The road over the bridge was only about 4m wide between the shops. It was so narrow it often jammed with people, horses and carts.

The Old London Bridge of nursery rhyme fame dates from 1176, when Peter, a priest and chaplain of St. Mary’s of Colechurch, began construction of the foundation. Replacing a timber bridge (one of several built in late Roman and early medieval times), Peter’s structure was the first great stone arch bridge built in Britain. It was to consist of 19 pointed arches, each with a span of approximately 24 feet (7 metres), built on piers 20 feet (6 metres) wide; a 20th opening was designed to be spanned by a wooden drawbridge.

The stone foundations of the piers were built inside cofferdams made by driving timber piles into the riverbed; these in turn were surrounded by starlings. As a result of obstructions encountered during pile driving, the span of the constructed arches actually varied from 15 to 34 feet in the width of the protective starlings was so great that the total waterway was reduced to a quarter of its original width, and the tide roared through the narrow archways like a millrace. “Shooting the bridge” in a small boat became one of the thrills of Londoners.

In 1205 Peter of Colechurch died, and three other London citizens completed the bridge by 1209. Almost immediately the bridge became not only an important commercial crossing but also a choice business and residential site. Shops lined both sides of the roadway between the fortified gates at either end; houses were built above the shops, with 138 premises being recorded in 1358. Walkways and additional rooms were extended between the buildings, transforming the roadway into a tunnel-like passage through which merchants and other travelers bustled. In the 1580s, during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign, water mills were installed that added to the uproar.

This historic English city is another destination just filled with incredible places to visit. A trip to London is an opportunity to visit iconic places like the Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London.

Take advantage of the city being a cultural center as well by seeing a West End theater show or watching a musical performance at the Royal Albert Hall. Modern London is also a city of fine dining, luxury hotels, and world-class shopping.

Don’t miss the museums, the vast British Museum is free, and usually quite crowded. Make time to visit The Wallace Collection, a free museum on Oxford Street. It has one of the world’s greatest collections of furniture and porcelain, along with some important Old Master paintings.

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