The 10 Great interesting things about Air

Air refers to the Earth’s atmosphere. Air is the clear gas in which living things live and breathe. It has an indefinite shape and volume. It has mass and weight, because it is matter. Air is a mixture of about 78% of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen, 0.9% of argon, 0.04% of carbon dioxide, and very small amounts of other gases. There is an average of about 1% water vapour. People and other animals need oxygen. Plants produce oxygen during an important process called photosynthesis, which turns the sun’s energy into nutrients. Here is the list of 10 interesting things we should know about Air.

1.Air is mostly gas

activity adventure aerial air
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The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has small amounts of lots of other gases, too, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), neon (Ne), and hydrogen (H2), helium (He), methane (CH4), krypton (Kr), nitrous oxide (NO), xenon (Xe), ozone (O3), iodine (I2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ammonia (NH3) in the atmosphere. Air is all around us, but we can’t see it. Three-fourths of all air resides in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. Air also contains a significant amount of human-made air pollutants. The troposphere also contains water in all three phases like liquid, solid, and gas as well as solid particles, called aerosols. The lower troposphere can contain up to 4% water vapor (H2O) in areas near the tropics. The poles contain only trace amounts of water vapor.

2.Air isn’t just gas

potted plant on wooden stool near bed
Photo by Tim Samuel on

Air is the invisible mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth. Air contains important substances, such as oxygen and nitrogen, that most species need to survive. Air also holds lots of tiny solid particles, such as dust, sea salt, and ash from erupting volcanoes or forest fires. The air is made of chemicals. Many of these particles are so small that they are microscopic. Others are large enough to see. Aerosols affect climate by helping clouds form and shading the planet by scattering or absorbing sunlight. In the last century, manufacturing and widespread use of combustion engines have increased the number of aerosols in the atmosphere as particulate matter spews from smokestacks and exhaust pipes. Burning wood and other materials also add particles to the air. The air is made of chemicals. The troposphere is also influenced by human-made chemicals that can negatively impact human health and the environment. The atmosphere of Earth, commonly known as air, is the layer of gases retained by Earth’s gravity that surrounds the planet and forms its planetary atmosphere. The atmosphere of Earth protects life on Earth by creating pressure allowing for liquid water to exist on the Earth’s surface, absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention, and reducing temperature extremes between day and night.

3.Air is important for living things

woman closing her eyes against sun light standing near purple petaled flower plant
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on

To respire we need oxygen. Even the animals in aquatic habitats need oxygen to sustain. Air is the fundamental element which keeps us alive. In fact, the water bubbles are a result of trapped air. Organisms that live in the soil respire through the oxygen present inside the air. We utilize oxygen almost all the time yet it remains unexhausted. This is because the trees restore this oxygen to the environment in the course of the process of photosynthesis. Plants also use oxygen but their utilization is very minimal as contrasted to their oxygen production. Consequently, the remaining result is that they complement oxygen in the atmosphere. All the Animals and plants are codependent on each other for their subsistence, plants make oxygen and creatures yield carbon dioxide as a by process, hence they survive with one other creating a bionetwork of their specific self. Air presents a lot of diverse expenditures that make it an imperative and indispensable requirement in our daily life, deprived of air Earth would be just like the other lifeless planets in our planetary classification, without any plants, animals or living beings. The effects of air are felt within the natural surroundings, as the trees sway or the cold wind blows. The high velocity air that flows is usually referred to as breeze. We cannot see air but it can be felt around us. Without air, life wouldn’t be into existence.

4.Carbon dioxide in the air can be both good and bad

nature man love people
Photo by Cup of Couple on

Carbon dioxide, known as CO2, is a naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere. Made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, carbon dioxide plays a critical role in the environment, the climate, and even your body. Carbon dioxide one of the main ingredients for photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce their own food from sunlight. Without carbon dioxide, plants would not be able to survive on Earth. Carbon dioxide also regulates your breathing and is a byproduct of respiration. When indoor carbon dioxide levels get too high, though, it can be detrimental to your mental abilities and wellness. Carbon dioxide levels are the highest they’ve been in almost three million years. During the past five decades, humans have added enough carbon dioxide to raise the global concentration of carbon dioxide by about 100 ppm and growing. With some climate models predicting CO2 levels to rise to over 900 ppm by then of the century, many people are concerned about the effects of carbon dioxide on the climate. Large amounts of CO2 are produced when cars and power plants burn coal, oil, and gasoline. This is bad because CO2 is the most important contributor to human-caused global warming.

5.Air also holds water

majestic green trees on lawn near pond in botanical garden
Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

Actually, air does not hold water. Warm air often has more water molecules than cooler air but this is because of the energy level of the water particles. Air is filled with stuff! When air is warmed the water molecules in the air are also warmed, giving them more energy. When water molecules have more energy they are less likely to condense. Therefore, warm air, which is filled with highly-energized water molecules, often contains more water molecules than cooler air, which is filled with water molecules that more easily condense and become water. Hot air expands, and rises; cooled air contracts – gets denser – and sinks; and the ability of the air to hold water depends on its temperature. Air warmed by ocean currents picks up a lot of moisture. As the heated air rises, it expands, which is measured at the surface as low air pressure. Expanding air cools, which forces it to lose its moisture as rain or snow. The opposite is true for sinking air. Such air compresses and warms. In a zone of high pressure like this, moisture is absorbed by the air from its surroundings.

6.Air changes as you go up, up, up

flock of white seagulls
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Air is all around us, but we cannot see it. Gravity from the Earth pulls air down – this is called air pressure. We don’t feel this pressure because our bodies push an equal amount of pressure outward. The air pressure is low on top of a mountain because there is less atmosphere pushing down on you. Air gives the impression of being light, but there is a lot of it roughly pushing down on earth’s surface. This is termed as air pressure. You undergo high air pressure at sea level for the reason that the whole atmosphere is impelling down on you. The air pressure is depleted on top of highlands because there is a lesser amount of atmosphere approaching down on you. That difference in air pressure can produce your ears to pop when you’re taking off in an airplane or driving up a hill.

7.Air is a protective cushion

white cumulus clouds
Photo by Brett Sayles on

The air in our atmosphere acts as insulation, keeping the Earth from getting too cold or too hot. Ozone, another type of gas in the air, also protects us from too much sunlight. Air in the atmosphere can also protect us from meteoroids. When meteoroids contact our atmosphere, they rub against the air and oftentimes are burned into small pieces before reaching Earth. The ozone layer is a natural layer of gas in the upper atmosphere that protects humans and other living things from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Although ozone is present in small concentrations throughout the atmosphere, most (around 90%) exists in the stratosphere, a layer 10 to 50 kilometres above the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer filters out most of the sun’s harmful UV radiation and is therefore crucial to life on Earth. Ozone layer depletion causes skin cancers, eye cataracts and immune deficiency disorders. UV radiation also affects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, altering growth, food chains and biochemical cycles.

8.There is life in the air

seagull flying in cloudy sky
Photo by Hemin Suthar on

The atmosphere is an essential component for life on Earth, since it contains the oxygen that living organisms need to breathe. In addition, it filters out the harmful solar radiations, reflecting them and preventing them from reaching the soil, and allows the Earth’s surface to maintain the right temperature for plants and animals to live. The atmosphere is also the place where the main weather phenomena, that compose the climate, occur. Lots of living things make their homes in soil and water. Earth is the only planet in the solar system with an atmosphere that can sustain life. The blanket of gases that surrounds our home planet not only contains the air that we breathe but also protects us from blasts of heat and radiation emanating from the sun. It warms the planet by day and cools it at night. Earth’s atmosphere is about 300 miles (480 kilometers) thick, but most of it is within 10 miles (16 km) of the surface. Air pressure decreases with altitude. At sea level, air pressure is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (1 kilogram per square centimeter), and the atmosphere is relatively dense. At 10,000 feet (3 km), the air pressure is 10 pounds per square inch (0.7 kg per square cm), which means molecules of gas that make up the atmosphere are less dense. That makes it harder for a person to breathe and get enough oxygen to live, although there is evidence for microbial life high up in the clouds.

9.Air can move fast and far

photography of air balloons
Photo by Melike Benli on

The air around us is always moving. Air is made of atoms and molecules just like everything else around us. When we feel air on our skin, we are feeling its atoms and molecules hitting us. You can create your own “wind” with fans. The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour. Air flowing from areas of high pressure to low pressure creates winds. Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. Air moving at the bases of the three major convection cells in each hemisphere north and south of the equator creates the global wind belts. Convection in the atmosphere creates the planet’s weather. When warm air rises and cools in a low pressure zone, it may not be able to hold all the water it contains as vapor. Some water vapor may condense to form clouds or precipitation. When cool air descends, it warms. Since it can then hold more moisture, the descending air will evaporate water on the ground. Air moving between large high and low pressure systems creates the global wind belts that profoundly affect regional climate. Smaller pressure systems create localized winds that affect the weather and climate of a local area.

10.Air pollution can ruin your outdoor plants

green leaves of growing fern
Photo by kira schwarz on

Green environment can provide the cleanest and safest place for humans to live. Trees and plants are oxygen generating factories that cleanse air, absorb carbon dioxide and supply oxygen for animals and humans to breathe. Deforestation and urbanization have left us with lesser number of plants to combat the air pollution around us. While increasing rate of air pollution poses serious health risks for humans, these outdoor plants can help beat the detrimental effects of air pollution and purify the air around us to a great extent. Polluted air contains particles, odors and harmful gasses like nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and ammonia. These pollutants settle on the leaves of trees and plants. The leaves and plant surface absorb these pollutants and through their stomata (pores) and filter these harmful substances from the air. Trees also trap heat and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They also reduce the ground level ozone level and enrich the air around us with life giving oxygen. Air pollution is measured with the Air Quality Index, or AQI. The lower the AQI, the cleaner the air is.

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The 10 Great Items to Recycle to save our Planet

Recycle is to reuse or make available for reuse for biological activities through natural processes of biochemical degradation or modification. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” waste hierarchy. It promotes environmental sustainability by removing raw material input and redirecting waste output in the economic system. The recyclability of a material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state. It can also prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reducing energy use, air pollution and water pollution. Recycling Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals. Disposable waste is bad for the environment, plain. Most of us want to help the environment today by recycling as much as we can. On average, Americans recycled and composted 1.5 pounds of waste of a total of 4.4 pounds per person that year. Here is the list of top 10 items to recycle to save our planet.


assorted plastic bottles
Photo by mali maeder on

Plastic is by far the best thing you can recycle to save our planet. So many plastic products are disposable, but plastic lasts forever in the environment. The fact that plastic takes forever to break down. Even when it does, it creates micro-plastics that are small in size which easily get into all sorts of places it shouldn’t be. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and HDPE are the most commonly recycled plastics, whereas the other types are generally tougher to recycle.You can tell what type of plastic it is by using the number scale from 1-7 found labeled on your plastic products. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic is used for water, soda and juice bottles. PET is labelled as #1 and is the most commonly recycled plastic. If you often drink water from plastic bottles then you should definitely be using a commercial recycling bin at work to collect your plastic waste. HDPE (#2) is the second most commonly recycled form of plastic. If you don’t already have a commercial recycling bin, then you’ll be happy to know that CleanRiver’s are actually made from recycled HDPE. Thicker plastic bottles used for shampoo, detergent and similar items can also be recycled. Recycling them helps the environment tremendously.

  1. Paper
selective focus photography of magazines
Photo by brotiN biswaS on

Newspapers are one of the easiest materials to recycle. Mixed paper is also one of the easiest materials to recycle. Make sure your waste paper ends up at the recycle center. Paper can also be sustainably and easily repurposed. Reuse and repurposing options include reusing waste paper for wrapping, packaging, composting, cleaning, lining pet cages, etc. It saves waste paper from occupying homes of people and producing methane as it breaks down. Because paper fibre contains carbon (originally absorbed by the tree from which it was produced), recycling keeps the carbon locked up for longer and out of the atmosphere. The process of waste paper recycling most often involves mixing used/old paper with water and chemicals to break it down. It is then chopped up and heated, which breaks it down further into strands of cellulose, a type of organic plant material; this resulting mixture is called pulp, or slurry. It is strained through screens, which remove plastic (especially from plastic-coated paper) that may still be in the mixture then cleaned, de-inked (ink is removed), bleached, and mixed with water. Then it can be made into new recycled paper.[4]It is not just newspapers that you can recycle at home. Also, recycle wrapping paper, envelopes, birthday cards and phone books. All sorts of cardboard can be recycled, too. Books, newspapers, and even glossy magazines can be recycled in your outdoor recycling bins at home. As for the office throwing your paper into a dedicated office recycling bin is just as good. If your office doesn’t already have an easy way to recycle paper, consider setting up an office recycling program. Don’t forget about fibre board, paperboard, and cardboard either. Sending one ton of cardboard to the recycling center can save over 9 cubic yards of landfill space and 24 percent of the energy required to make new cardboard.


clear glass panels on white surface
Photo by Just Another Photography Dude on

Glass is made from sand. Now that may seem redundant but the world is actually running out of sand. The whole point of recycling is to help the environment and reduce resource consumption. So better way is to save the sand than to conserve it via glass recycling. It’s also one of the easier materials to recycle. Glass containers used in food and beverage packaging are 100 percent recyclable. They can be substituted for up to 95 percent of raw materials when new glass products are being made, making glass recycling highly friendly to the environment.
Glass that is crushed and ready to be remelted is called cullet. cullet is composed of defective products detected and rejected by a quality control process during the industrial process of glass manufacturing, transition phases of product changes (such as thickness and colour changes) and production offcuts. External cullet is waste glass that has been collected or reprocessed with the purpose of recycling. External cullet (which can be pre- or post-consumer) is classified as waste. To be recycled, glass waste needs to be purified and cleaned of contamination.


file of junks in the room
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on

If you didn’t already know, most electronic waste contains recyclable materials that can be harmful for the environment if left to sit in a landfill. If you need help identifying e-waste and would like to prevent improper electronic waste disposal. Whether it’s developing the latest battery technology, controlling pollution while meeting product demand, or managing energy and water resources, you are part of a collaborative community. Technological change is happening so quickly that most electrical products are discarded before they are obsolete and by 2050, we are on track to produce 120 million tonnes of electronic waste per year. Some of the most prevalent health effects are associated with poor working and living conditions that predispose people to physical injury, stress and exposure to mosquitoes. Burning and dismantling devices causes the release of various chemicals into the air. Heavy metals and other toxic particles have the potential to cause many adverse health effects.


steel waste
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Metal can be found in a variety of products, such as the previously mentioned e-waste. Metal must be mined from the earth, which damages the area and environment those mines are dug. The good news is most metals can be recycled together as recycling plants will sort them for you. Some local businesses can recycle scrap metal for you as well if needed. Metals can be used for industrial purposes such as the manufacture of trucks, cars, airplanes, ships, and railways. They can also be used to manufacture domestic items such as cutlery, crockery and even in packaging. The good thing about metal recycling is that metal can be recycled over and over without altering its properties. The most common recyclable metals include aluminum and steel. The other metals, for example, silver, copper, brass and gold, are so valuable that they are rarely thrown away to be collected for recycling.


close up shot of batteries
Photo by Simon Gough on

Technically batteries can be considered e-waste, and metal waste. The difference is batteries don’t go in the recycling bin OR the garbage bin. That doesn’t mean batteries can’t be recycled though. The chemicals that can leak out of them are extremely harmful to the planet, and can contaminate other waste that would otherwise be recyclable. Therefore they need to be recycled separately from all other forms of waste. The broken battery pieces go into a vat, where the lead and heavy materials fall to the bottom while the plastic rises to the top. At this point, the polypropylene pieces are scooped away and the liquids are drawn off, leaving the lead and heavy metals. Each of the materials then begins its own recycling journey. We’ll begin with the plastic, or polypropylene.


stacked vehicle tire lot
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Car tires and other commercial rubber materials found in various products are difficult to recycle. Unfortunately most rubber products are burned, even when they’re properly discarded. At the very least you can search for a recycling facility that specifically takes care of tires. They can retread the tire, or dispose of it in a way that won’t poison the Earth. Tires are meant for single use, typically lasting three to four years before their tread wears out. At the end of their lives, some are shredded and turned into artificial field turf or playground surfaces. But many end up burned or in landfills, releasing toxic chemicals into the air or leaching them into the ground.


collection of female clothes on rack in boutique
Photo by Maria Orlova on

Textile recycling is less common than one would hope, which is unfortunate for the environment because they take several hundred years to break down. To recycle clothing, check your local mall or retailers as they often have bins where you can donate your used and unwanted textiles. It involves recovering old clothing and shoes for sorting and processing. End products include clothing suitable for reuse, cloth scraps or rags as well as fibrous material. Interest in garment recycling is rapidly on the rise due to environmental awareness and landfill pressure. For entrepreneurs, it provides a business opportunity. In addition, various charities also generate revenue through their collection programs for old clothing.

9.Organic Materials

bright yellow flower in glass vase
Photo by Jill Burrow on

Organic waste is actually good for the planet and rarely harms it. The environmental benefits of recycling is biodegradable waste in a specific container is worthwhile. Making compost is simple, all it requires is an organic waste bin and time. Organic wastes are materials originating from living sources like plants, animals, and microorganisms that are biodegradable and can be broken down into simpler organic molecules. The most common sources of organic wastes include agriculture, household activities, and industrial products. Green waste like food wastes, food-soiled paper, non-hazardous wood waste, landscape waste, and pruning wastes are some of the examples of biodegradable or organic wastes.

10.PPE & Medical Waste

photo of medical professionals wearing personal protective equipment
Photo by Anna Shvets on

A few disposable masks lying around the neighbourhood which can be extremely harmful to wildlife. Recycling medical waste is much more expensive (especially red bag waste). Unfortunately, this higher price tag often means that recyclable materials get thrown out with regular trash anyway. Single-use personal protective equipment (from masks to gloves etc.) are hard to recycle in traditional recycling systems as they cost more for local recyclers to collect and process than the resulting materials are worth. The polypropylene-dominant mixture from the face mask is densified into a crumb-like raw material that’s used in plastic lumber and composite decking applications. The elastane or rubber band portion is ground into a fine mesh regrind and mixed with recycled plastics as an additive to provide flexibility and malleability to products. Gloves are processed into a rubberized powder which is used for flooring tiles, playground surface covers and even athletic fields. The resulting recycled material is used by third parties to manufacture a variety of new products including outdoor furniture, plastic shipping pallets, outdoor decking, watering cans, storage containers, bins, tubes for construction applications, etc.

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The 10 great Best Smart TV Brands in the world in the year 2021

TV is a system for converting visual images into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen. Smart TV, also known as a connected TV (CTV), is a traditional television set with integrated Internet and interactive Web 2.0 features, which allows users to stream music and videos, browse the internet, and view photos. Now a days we are in a smart generation and getting TV with better resolution, smart design, incredible clarity, exquisite sound quality, etc. Here is the best smart TV brands in the world 2021.


man and woman sitting on a couch in front of a television
Photo by cottonbro on

All the sets in the Sony 2021 TV range feature Sony’s Ambient Optimization technology, Dolby Vision HDR and are AirPlay 2-enabled. Bluetooth with A2DP is also standard across all the Sony Bravia XR sets too. The big addition on the usability side is the switch from Android TV to the new Google TV platform. That brings the same excellent and intuitive look and feel as found in the Chromecast with Google TV media streamer. All the TVs use the YouView tuner in the UK and come with support for both Alexa and Google Assistant. Sony continues with Netflix Calibrated Mode in the majority of its models and has IMAX Enhanced certifications with the upper ranges, too. Most sets are also ready to work with the Calman calibration software.
Along with the LED TVs, the company manufactures few amounts of OLED TVs. Offering both the IPS panel and VA features the TVs have a well contrast ratio.


person in black and white striped socks lying on bed
Photo by Taryn Elliott on

Founded in Seoul in 1958 as GoldStar, LG Electronics today makes home appliances, mobiles, tablets, and televisions. LG launched its first Android smartphone in 2009, and its first Android tablet in 2011. The company is known for its flagship G series of smartphones and a wide range of products including smart TVs. With their sleek, clean styling and design, LG TVs are the focal point of any room. Patented technologies and innovative features allow LED & OLED televisions to deliver unbeatable detail, colour and contrast. LG televisions offer high resolution picture quality with infinite detail. Developed using a vast database of over one million visual data points, the deep-learning algorithm recognizes content quality, while the 4th generation α9 AI processor removes noise, and optimizes contrast and saturation. The result is crisp, high-quality visuals. Upgraded deep-learning technology makes faces appear more vivid, and on-screen text much sharper and clearer to read. The LG SM9500 and LG NANO85 are the LG’s IPS featured TV.


Founded back in 1969 as Samsung Electric Industries, Suwon, South Korea-headquartered Samsung Electronics today makes everything from televisions to semiconductors. The company appears to be striding forward in 2021, with highlights that include consumer Micro LED models, ‘Neo QLEDs’ with astonishingly small Mini LEDs, and a new version of the One Connect box that can be attached to the TV’s pedestal stand. Samsung has been talking about Micro LED for quite some time now, 2021 has finally seen the launch of consumer models. Micro LED is a next-gen TV technology that essentially takes the best qualities of OLED and removes more or less all of its shortcomings. Micro LEDs can actually go much brighter than OLEDs, though, theoretically resulting in even more spectacular contrast. The Samsung Q800T QLED comes with higher built-in features using mainly the VA panels. The Samsung Q90T QLED comes with some extra offering an ultra viewing angle. Samsung’s Tizen OS system is also used in its smart TVs. Generally, Samsung’s 2021 prices have been fairly reasonable too.


Sharp ups its TV game for 2021 with 4K models arriving with Android TV, HDR, Dolby Atmos and Harman Kardon speakers at affordable prices. Sharp Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation that designs and manufactures electronic products. Founded in September 1912, the company was named after an invention of one of its founders Tokuji Hayakawa. The invention was called Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil. Sharp is known for its LCD panels. The company manufactures TVs and monitors, and is one of the biggest players. Sharp is aiming for a more aesthetically pleasing look with its new TVs, which feature a slim, frameless body that stand on “chic, stylish feet” for that minimalist feel. In terms of connections, the 2021 range features Triple HD tuners to receive TV programmes via cable (DVB-C), antenna (DVB-T/T2) or satellite (DVB-S/S2). The 50-inch models comes with four HDMI inputs, a micro SD card reader and two USB ports. Sharp is launching a range of smart and non-smart models in HD and 4K versions, so customers will have a range of options to suit their needs. They are focusing on the 4K models, which will use Sharp’s AQUOS technology for clear and sharp image quality. The real highlight (in more ways than one) is their support for HDR10 and HLG broadcast HDR, with the DN Series boasting Dolby Vision support for improved tone mapping in terms of brightness and more accurate colours. The Sharp LC-50LBU711U and the Sharp LC-55LBU591U are also some of the great choices. The full HD BG2 and BE0HD have great building features.


A good brand TV is an essential purchase for every home. Hitachi offers a number of options for buyers in different price ranges, screen sizes, types, specifications, etc. The Hitachi 55RH1 HDR Roku Smart LED TV till now hits the most. The Hitachi 50Z6 LED TV and Hitachi 22E30 Class FHD are also considered wonderful TV models. Hitachi 32 inches HD Ready LED TV, Hitachi 40 inches Full HD LED TV and Hitachi 65 inches Smart 4K LED TV are the popular TVs to buy in India. Hitachi Group in India with its strong and growing foothold, manufacture and supplies a diverse range of business and consumer products, services and solutions. Hitachi TVs labelled as 4K (aka Ultra HD or UHD) are televisions with a screen resolution of 3,840 x 2,160, meaning they have roughly 8.3million pixels. In terms of resolution, 4K TVs sit above HD ready and FHD TVs. It’s true that 4K Hitachi TVs are more expensive than the HD and FHD models, but they are still remarkably affordable in the context of the wider TV market. They feature standard-definition HD TV quality displays with a resolution of 1,366 x 768. This is not to be confused with the 1,920 x 1,080 resolution of Full HD (FHD) TVs. Since the evolution of the TV, man has been fascinated by the device. After CRT TV’s Thin tubes are ruling the market today.


There’s a host of changes for this year’s Panasonic TVs, including a new HCX Pro AI chip and custom screens for the entire OLED range – for brighter HDR – while the JZ2000 flagship has shaken things up with side-firing speakers to get a better spread of sound around your living room or home cinema. You’re taking a dent in audio capabilities for cheaper sets, but a consistent picture quality across most of these screens makes that decision easier. It can pick up the JZ980, which ditches the swivel stand of higher-end sets and takes a small hit to motion processing. New LCD models are here too, including successors to the HX940 and HX800 – one of our favorite 40-inch TVs you can still buy – with Panasonic’s consistently broad format support across the entirety of the latest range. The brand with great response, launched its latest model Panasonic HZ2000 4K OLED television.


The Google assistant is also designed for voice control. Using the Philips IoT devices the Philips TVs play nice. There are also many newer models to see in the Philips 5-Series. The company is clearly keen to build on this momentum in 2021 with its recently announced flagship OLED+ TVs (the 986 and 936) to go with the OLEDs and new Mini LEDs launched at the beginning of the year. 2021 is undoubtedly the year of Mini LED, with every major manufacturer – including Samsung, LG and TCL. Mini LED is a new backlight technology that uses LEDs that are – you guessed it – significantly smaller than those used before. This allows far more of them to be crammed in, increasing the number of individual dimming zones and therefore improving contrast. Philips’ new Mini LED models, of which there are two, boast 1000 of these dimming zones, which is vastly more than the number of a typical LCD panel. Philips is claiming a 2000-nit peak brightness figure for its top Mini LED model, whereas even the brightest OLEDs tap-out at less than half of that. new OLED and Mini LED models have two full-speed (48gbps) HDMI 2.1 connections, and the sets support 4K@120Hz (also known as HFR), VRR (Variable Refresh Rate), ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) and eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel), all of which will be big news for gamers in particular. Referred to as the 5th Gen P5 AI processor, this new engine improves upon 2020’s 4th Gen P5 through the addition of features such as a new AI Film mode that’s designed automatically to get the best out of movie content, a more intelligently integrated light sensor that adjusts all content based on ambient lighting, and Fast Motion Clarity. It is said to improve the smoothness and sharpness of fast action, in particular that of sports and games.


A good brand TV is an essential purchase for every home. Toshiba offers a number of options for buyers in different price ranges, screen sizes, types, specifications, etc. Toshiba’s 32LF221U19 Smart LED TV is the best choice anyone can make. With the 720 pixel quality, the TV comes in a 32-inch size. With an RF antenna, HDMI input support, Ethernet port, USB port and everything else the TV is great. The Toshiba 43LF621U10 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV is also the one with the best graphics and pictures. The Toshiba 43LF621U10 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV is also the one with the best graphics and pictures. The Japanese company Toshiba is serving its customers for eight decades or more. Toshiba’s newly launched series comes in various sizes and offers the Fire TV experience with a voice-enabled Alexa remote. Simply ask Alexa to show you a preview of the camera, and a PiP window will serve your needs. There’s support for WPA3, the ability to control compatible audio/video receivers with Alexa, and four HDMI ports.


Vizio aim is make high quality technology & content affordable to everyone. The V-series TVs of the Vizio brand are some of the low-pricey yet high-quality TVs. To find the best smart TVs at an affordable price the brand Vizio comes to mind automatically. the company uses Dolby Vision HDR support with 4K picture quality. TV available with a size of 50-inch. Vizio gives easy, instant access to all your favorite apps, movies and shows. Built for next-gen gaming consoles, the V-Gaming Engine features AMD Free Sync, Auto Game Mode and VRR for the low input lag and seamless graphics that will take your play to the next level. The TVs are featured with Smart Cast for easy access to Youtube, Netflix, and other platforms. Vizio smart TVs are well compatible with the Alexa speakers or any Google home speakers. They impact lives with powerfully immersive products that bring people together & enhance the home. Vizio is offering LCD types the Vizio V-Series(V505-G9) TV comes with a size of 50-inch.


TCL launches 2021 C-Series Smart TVs in India with mini-LED. The new C-series Smart TVs come with mini-LED and QLED displays. The products include the TCL C725, the C825 and the C728. The C825 is India’s first mini-LED 4K TV. The TCL C825 focuses on the picture quality and brings thousands of mini LEDs in local zones for precise contrast control. It also has a peak brightness of 1000 nits and support for displaying a billion colors. The TCL C728 is TCL’s first TV targeted at gamers. The TV comes with a quantum dot technology for better picture quality and Dolby Vision IQ support. The QLED TV also supports 120HZ MEMC support for higher number of frames in games. The TV also comes with its own games via Air Console that brings social games to the TV without any extra hardware required. The TCL C725 is a more value 4K QLED TV that features HDR 10+ support and MEMC support for smoother multi-media content. There is also a built-in Onkyo sound bar and Dolby Atmos support. The company has offered many models with different screen sizes and features. They’re often available at a lower cost than their competitors, and most people should be pleased with their higher-end models.

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Cloth is a material produced by weaving or knitting fibres. Fabric is a pliable substance constructed by the entwining web of fibers which can be natural as well as an artificial set of filaments. Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing from cold, rain and other climatic conditions. Clothing is made of fabrics or textiles, but over time it has included garments made from animal skin and other thin sheets of materials and natural products found in the environment, put together. Different types of fabrics have different properties that can strongly influence how you treat your clothing. Here is the list of top 10 types of farics in the world.


close up photo of three sweatshirts
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

wool, animal fibre forming the protective covering, or fleece, of sheep or of other hairy mammals, such as goats and camels. Prehistoric man, clothing himself with sheepskins, eventually learned to make yarn and fabric from their fibre covering. Wool fibre is chiefly composed of the animal protein keratin. Colour, usually whitish, may be brown or black, especially in coarse types, and coarse wools have higher lustre than fine types. Wool is characterized by waviness with up to 30 waves per inch (12 per centimetre) in fine fibres and 5 per inch (2 per centimetre) or less in coarser fibres. Coarser than such textile fibres as cotton, linen, silk, and rayon, wool has diameters ranging from about 16 to 40 microns (a micron is about 0.00004 inch). Length is greatest for the coarsest fibres. Fine wools are about 1.5 to 3 inches (4 to 7.5 centimetres) long, extremely coarse fibres may be as much as 14 inches in length.


white folded male t shirt on dark background
Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

Cotton is a supreme material. The cotton fiber is made up cellulose which is a natural polymer. Cotton is a flimsy and mushy fiber that develops along with the seeds of the cotton plant. The cotton thread post extracting is spun into cloth later. The cloth can be utilized to spin and build clothes for individuals and can be used for several additional purposes. Today, the world uses more cotton than any other fiber, and cotton is a leading cash crop in the U.S. Cotton is a part of our daily lives from the time we dry our faces on a soft cotton towel in the morning until we slide between fresh cotton sheets at night. It has hundreds of uses, from blue jeans to shoe strings. Objects like bandages are usually constructed with the help of cotton filaments. It feels crispy and sturdy. It can be both knit or woven. It doesn’t drape as well as wool or viscose.


curtains with soft crumpled textile with creases
Photo by Skylar Kang on

Linen is very strong, absorbent, and dries faster than cotton. Linen is comfortable to wear in hot weather and is valued for use in garments. It also has other distinctive characteristics, notably its tendency to wrinkle. Linen is the most sustainable fabric. It is 100% biodegradable, produces zero waste, and retains carbon that is released into the atmosphere. Linen feels rustic and creases very easily. Linen drapes better than cotton but worse than viscose. It makes nice summer garments. Linen textiles appear to be some of the oldest in the world; their history goes back many thousands of years. It can stand high-temperature ironing but is much easier to iron when wet. Growing linen requires less water, rain water is enough. No harmful junk is required to produce linen. Flax seeds require very little fertilizer, and no pesticides or defoliants. Linen actually protects and fertilizes the soil. 85% of the world’s linen comes from Europe.


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Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on

Silk is one of the categories of types of fabrics which is constructed from an organic protein filament. Silk is hypoallergenic. This natural protein fiber will not irritate those with sensitive skin. The protein fiber of silk largely constitutes fibroin, which is widely produced from the cocoons of larvae of the Mulberry Silkworms. The shimmering appearance of silk is due to the triangular prism-like structure of the silk fibre, which allows silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles, thus producing different colors. These worms have been familiar and used in China, South Asia, and Europe since ancient eras. Silk is dissimilar from plenty of faux fibers, silk has a mushy, smooth and anti-skid surface. Although it’s one of the sturdiest natural filaments, it has low resilience and can lose its firmness with time. A highly versatile fabric, silk has proven to be ideal for a variety of uses – from formal wear to sleepwear, from parachutes to rugs, from medical sutures to prosthetic arteries. Sometimes silk satin is hard to separate from polyester satin but silk doesn’t feel as “cold” as polyester and it is more expensive. US is the largest silk importer in the world. Silk production also occurs in hymenoptera, silverfish, mayflies, thrips, leafhoppers, beetles, lacewings, fleas, flies, and midges. Other types of arthropods produce silk, most notably various arachnids, such as spiders.


wrinkled silk cloth
Photo by Artem Podrez on

Polyester is a synthetic fiber derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum. Developed in a 20th-century laboratory, polyester fibers are formed from a chemical reaction between an acid and alcohol. In this reaction, two or more molecules combine to make a large molecule whose structure repeats throughout its length. Polyester fibers can form very iong molecules that are very stable and strong. You can make almost any garment out of polyester. Polyester is used in the manufacture of many products, including clothing, home furnishings, industrial fabrics, computer and recording tapes, and electrical insulation. It does not absorb moisture, but does absorb oil. It is not as warm as natural fibres and may feel sweaty when the weather is hot. Polyester suiting makes nice trousers and skirts and polyester satin.

6.Viscose or Rayon

bouquet of flowers in vase with petals in ice
Photo by Sunsetoned on

Is also called Rayon. Viscose is somewhere between natural and man-made fabrics since it is made out of wood with chemical processes. It is not as breathable as cotton or wool but it drapes beautifully. Viscose is a semi-synthetic fiber, but it needs extensive processing using chemicals. It’s a manufactured fiber, originating in natural wood cellulose, or protein, while synthetic fibers are completely man-made. Fabric comes in all shapes, sizes, weights, and constructions. It originally known as artificial silk. Viscose shrinks and feels oddly hard when wet. It is also heavier than cotton or polyester. Viscose is the generalized term for a regenerated manufactured fibre, made from cellulose, obtained by the viscose process. Viscose jersey is a good choice for draped tops and dresses.


spiral notebooks placed on white cloth with burning candle
Photo by Diana Agapova on

Crepe is being a type of fabric and then finally we go back to the fibres with silk. It is a type of weave and thus crepe can be, for example, wool or polyester. Crepe fabric is made out of a highly twisted yarn that results in a pebbled surface in which it is hard to see the weave and the weft. triple crepe is very heavy. It results in a unique rippling, three-dimensional texture. Garments and other textiles made with crepe fabric are generally delicate and used for ceremonial occasions. Crepe is still used by Orthodox Greek women for mourning, and various cultures of the Indian subcontinent incorporate crepe into their traditional garments. Today, crepe is most commonly used in high fashion and other types of decorative apparel design.


assorted clothes hanged on a clothes rack
Photo by cottonbro on

Jersey isn’t a type of fibre but a way the fabric is made out of yarn. It was originally made of wool, but is now made of wool, cotton, and synthetic fibers. Jersey is knitted while most of the fabrics are woven. The interloped stitches make jersey fabric stretchy and comfortable. However, the properties of the jersey fabric greatly depend on the fibre content. Cotton jersey is crispier and less drapey than viscose. Linen jersey is uneven and breathable and silk jersey still has its sheen. The double jersey is knit using two sets of needles, does not curl at the edges (when cut), and has a more stable structure. The fabric can be a very stretchy single knitting, usually light-weight, jersey with one flat side and one piled side. Since medieval times, Jersey, Channel Islands, where the material was first produced, had been an important exporter of knitted goods[1] and the fabric in wool from Jersey became well known.


background of smooth rippled brown silk fabric
Photo by Anete Lusina on

Chiffon is a term that is used to refer to a wide variety of different types of fabrics that all share similar qualities. This type of fabric is sheer , which means that it is light and semi-transparent with a simple weave. Chiffon is lightweight fabric type. This type of fabric was originally made from silk, and it was both expensive and in high demand among upper-class women in Europe and the United States. Chiffon fabric was first made in France, but the production of this substance expanded worldwide. Today’s chiffon is still made from polyester, manufacturers of this sheer and alluring material have also tried using rayon to make chiffon. In some cases, cotton may also be used, but this pill-prone and relatively delicate substance isn’t as suited for chiffon as many other synthetic or semi-synthetic materials. To some degree, chiffon is still made from silk, but silk chiffon is now seen as a luxury textile, and it is only available in the form of relatively expensive chiffon garments. It can be used for scarves, sheer blouses or lined dresses.


ceramic teapot and onion on silk cloth
Photo by Sunsetoned on

Lawn fabric or cloth is a type of plain weave fabric that is commonly made with cotton. But lawn was originally manufactured from linen. Lawn is lightweight, breathable fabric with a smooth texture. It is very fine fabric that is made out of high thread-count yarn. Generally Lawn is made from high count yarn. 60’s to upper counted yarn is mostly used for manufacturing of lawn fabric. It provides with a silky texture. Due to the way it is woven, lawn cloth is usually semi-transparent. More rarely, lawn cloth is dyed during the production process, and it may still be printed even if it is dyed. Nowadays Lawn is a very familiar term to us. Many of us prefer lawn fabric though it is so comfortable to wear containing great drapability. Mostly nowadays it is renowned for ladies wear. It is very smooth and silky and makes lovely shirts and summer dresses. Many woven summer pyjamas are also made out of lawn. Light colored lawns are a bit sheer.

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The most powerful countries influence global economic trends, preoccupy policymakers, and have a strong defense and military capabilities. A superpower is a state with a dominant position characterized by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. This is done through the combined means of economic, military, technological, political and cultural strength as well as diplomatic and soft power influence. Here is the list of 10 powerful countries in the world for the year 2020-2021

1.United States

cityscape with high rise buildings in downtown
Photo by Charles Parker on

United States has the best long-term economic growth prospects among the major powers. United States spends more on defense than the following seven countries combined (China, Saudi Arabia, India, France, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom). Economists have shown that long-run growth depends on a country’s geography, demography, and political institutions. The United States has an edge in all three categories. United States is a natural economic hub and military fortress. It’s packed with resources and has more economic arteries like navigable waterways and ports than the rest of the world combined. America is the only nation that is simultaneously big, young, and highly educated. The world’s most powerful countries also are the ones that consistently dominate news headlines, preoccupy policymakers and shape global economic patterns. Their foreign policies and military budgets are tracked religiously. This is the era of the U.S. as sole superpower, and the country’s domination of the global order should continue for decades, at least. The United States is a flawed democracy. United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. One benefit is security. As the only country that can carry out a major war abroad, the United States has the luxury of dealing with foreign threats “over there,” far from its homeland, and keeping death and destruction at arm’s length.

GDP – $21.4 trillion
Population – 328 million


blue yellow and green lighted pagoda tower
Photo by Ruiyang Zhang on

China has the second largest economy on the planet. It has the third strongest military. China will challenge the US hegemony. China is also investing on projects around the world. They will probably have the second strongest armed forces. There is an ongoing discussion that China is emerging as a new superpower and replacing the US from the global power structure. China is still behind but on its way to surpassing the US in military power with increased spending on weapons technology and developing several secretive weapons. Like the Soviet Union in the past, China now faces several geopolitical and cultural challenges before it can reach global superpower status similar to the US. Although China has developed a hybrid system to grow spectacularly on the economic front, it is still a one-party Communist country. Chinese Communist Party systematically sacrifices economic efficiency and inequality to maintain political control. China’s economic success has been attributed to the country’s large and inexpensive labor population, as well as low social expenses. However, with the number of young Chinese decreasing and the number of senior Chinese rising, it is unclear if China’s economy can maintain its rapid growth.

GDP – $14.3 trillion
POPULATION – 1.40 billion


saint basil s cathedral
Photo by Julius Silver on

US, Russia, and China remain the planet’s most powerful countries even as other countries have seen their positions fall, according to this year’s global power rankings. It discusses the geographical scope of Russia’s influence, includes a socio-economic analysis, examines Russia’s hard-, soft-, and sharp-power toolkit as well as identifies the domestic determinants of Moscow’s behaviour. Russia’s power is difficult and problematic. Indeed, various branches of the country’s abilities have a diversified potential. In other words, the Kremlin’s means do not have the same impact on every region; and every country is vulnerable to Russia’s influence to varying degrees. Moreover, some of Russia’s capabilities are hardly measurable, due to their specificity. At the same time, it must not be forgotten that the concept of power is always relative. The capabilities of other actors need to be taken into account as well. Comparative studies are essential in this matter. It is worth to note that the various theoretical approaches to international relations provide us with different answers to the question of how powerful Russia is. The post-Soviet space as an area of Russia’s special interest and influence. Russia is also present globally, trying to influence its partners in several regions of the world. She also included the oligarchy and Russia’s unique “patronal politics” as an inseparable component of its economy. Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal, bullies its neighbors and asserts its power farther abroad in conflicts like that in Syria. Russia is not poised to become a rival superpower like the Soviet Union was. Russia’s military budget is ten times smaller than America’s. Russia’s economy is one of the world’s largest, and it is fueled by its vast natural resources. Oil and natural gas production are among the top sectors, with agriculture, forestry, fishing, and manufacturing also contributing to the economy.

GDP – $1.70 trillion
POPULATION – 144 million


brown wooden house on green grass field near green trees and mountains
Photo by Mateusz Sałaciak on

Germany, the most populous nation in the European Union, possesses one of the largest economies in the world. Germany possesses a highly skilled, affluent workforce. It has seen its role in the international community grow steadily since reunification. Germany employs a social market economy – open-market capitalism that also carries certain social service guarantees. Its economy is one of the world’s largest and Germany is one of the globe’s leading importers and exporters. Industry and agriculture are other significant economic sectors. Services like industries such as telecommunications, health care and tourism, contribute the greatest amount to the country’s economy. Germany belongs to major international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, Group of 20, NATO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Germany is one of the world’s most popular migration destinations, though its open-door policy has become a point of contention in the wake of crimes committed within the country’s borders recently. Germany the most populous country in the European Union. Its economy is one of the greatest in the world, and Germany is a major importer and exporter. The country’s economy is dominated by services, which include businesses like telecommunications, health care, and tourism. Germany is Europe’s largest economy and the world’s fourth-largest. Long renowned for its strong and stable economy and for being particularly well governed.

GDP – $3.86 trillion
POPULATION – 83.1 million

5.United Kingdom

city view at london
Photo by Dominika Gregušová on

The United Kingdom is a highly developed nation that exerts considerable international economic, political, scientific and cultural influence. The capital city, London, is a major international financial center and one of the most visited cities in the world. The banking and tourism industries are parts of a larger service sector that powers much of the nation’s economic growth. United Kingdom located off the northwest corner of Europe, the country includes the island of Great Britain – which contains England, Scotland and Wales – and the northern portion of the island of Ireland. The industrial revolution began in the U.K., and manufacturing – led by the automobile and aerospace industries – is a declining though still significant part of the nation’s economy. The United Kingdom has attracted immigrants for centuries. Beginning in the second half of the 20th century, the sources of immigration began to diversify, coming from South Asia, Africa and the Caribbean as well as from Central and Eastern Europe. Immigration has become a major focus of public debate in the 21st century. It has a long history of major contributions to the arts and sciences. The United Kingdom is the fifth richest country in the world in terms of GDP.

GDP – $2.83 trillion
POPULATION – 66.8 million


woman taking picture near lake with view of mount fuji
Photo by Casia Charlie on

Japan, one of the world’s most literate and technically advanced nations, is an East Asian archipelago country made up of four primary islands and more than 6,800 others. The country is among the world’s largest producers of motor vehicles, electronic equipment and steel. The service sector makes up the highest percentage of the economy in terms of gross domestic product and employment. It is famous for its traditional arts, including tea ceremonies, calligraphy and flower arranging. The country has a legacy of distinctive gardens, sculpture and poetry. Japan is home to more than a dozen UNESCO World Heritage sites and is the birthplace of sushi, one of its most famous culinary exports. The country has developed many forms of martial arts. Domestically, Japan grapples with the economic consequences of having the world’s oldest population and declining birth rates. Most of Japan is covered by mountains and heavily wooded areas, the country’s people lead a distinctly urban lifestyle. Culturally influenced by its neighbors, today the country blends its ancient traditions with aspects of Western life. Japan is a member of several international organizations, including the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank.

GDP – $5.08 trillion
POPULATION – 126 million


eiffel tower in paris france
Photo by Nextvoyage on

France located in Western Europe, France is one of the world’s oldest countries, and its reach extends around the globe through science, politics, economics. The World Bank classifies France as a wealthy and high income nation. It guarantees services like education, health care. It was one of the first nations to champion the rights of the individual. France has a rich cultural heritage. French literature began in the Middle Ages, and the country has a long history in fine arts, music and dance. Cinema occupies an important place in the country’s cultural life. French cuisine is popular around the world, as is the wine produced in the country. France is a founding member of the United Nations and has a permanent seat on its Security Council. Other major groups it belongs to include the European Union, World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and NATO. In Asia, Africa, and the Americas, France established its first colonial empire. Because France is the most visited country in the world, tourism is the country’s primary source of revenue and Technology is a powerful tool. Manufacturing is one of France’s most important businesses, contributing billions of euros to the country’s GDP. Its military forces are the largest in the European Union. France today is a democracy with a separation of power falling between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The French people have traditionally been a mix of Celtic, Germanic and Latin ethnicities. Waves of immigration in the 20th and 21st centuries, however, are altering the country’s population.

GDP – $2.72 trillion
POPULATION – 67.1 million

8.South Korea

bell housed in stone pavilion
Photo by Carlos Cuadros on

The South Korean government, a democracy, largely respects most political, civil, and socio-economic rights but significant human rights concerns remain. South Korean developing missile as powerful as nuclear weapon. South Korea is in the final stages of developing a surface-to-surface ballistic missile as powerful as a tactical nuclear warhead. The new weapon can carry a warhead of up to three tonnes with a flight range of 350 to 400 km. The missile is designed to destroy underground missile facilities and bases by penetrating underground tunnels to effectively nullify nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) ahead of their launches. As of 2020 and 2021, South Korea has the tenth highest budget in the world, and the ROK Armed Forces are recognized as the world’s sixth most powerful military. South Korea has the best army in Asia. South Korea boasts biggest economy, with its rate of growth overshadowing that of the Western world. But although South Korea, particularly its pop culture, is already noticeable internationally, its soft power is yet to become a global force. The country shows willingness to proactively shape global processes and the international order.

GDP – $1.65 trillion
POPULATION – 51.7 million

9.Saudi Arabia

man in white long sleeve shirt standing near a mosque
Photo by Ahmed Nashed on

The territory that now constitutes Saudi Arabia was the site of several ancient cultures and civilizations. The prehistory of Saudi Arabia shows some of the earliest traces of human activity in the world.[14] The world’s second-largest religion,[15] Islam, emerged in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has been ranked most powerful country in the world and first in the Islamic and Arab world for 2021. This ranking is based on several factors, including: political stability, economic impact, defense budget, state weapons, scientific alliances, military power and global influence. The United States has been re-elected as the world’s most powerful country for the year 2021. The Armed Forces of the United States are among the best-funded in the world. Saudi Arabia has the biggest defense expenditure in the world. Saudi Arabia 2020 population is estimated at 34,813,871 people at mid year according to UN data. The population density in Saudi Arabia is 16 per Km2 (42 people per mi2). Saudi Arabia,[c] officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA),[d] is a country in Western Asia. Saudi Arabia’s commitment to its Vision 2030 it a clear step in the nation’s journey towards diversifying its economy and showcasing its openness on the global stage, all while building on the nation’s top strengths and capabilities. KSA’s homegrown brands are helping to spearhead this transformation across their relevant industries – from stc establishing a digital hub for the whole region, to accommodate future growth in the IT sector, SABIC developing programs to help the creation and development of small and local businesses, to Saudi Aramco sponsoring Future Investment Initiatives. Saudi Arabia is readily showcasing its position globally.

GDP – $793 billion
POPULATION – 34.3 million

10.United Arab Emirates

white and brown concrete building under cloudy sky during daytime
Photo by Pixabay on

Emirates is a nation in Western Asia located on the Arabian Peninsula’s eastern end. The United Arab Emirates is a small country and it is rapidly expanding. The UAE is an elective monarchy formed from a federation of seven emirates, consisting of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain. The UAE’s oil and natural gas reserves are the sixth- and seventh-largest in the world. Ruler of Abu Dhabi is investing oil revenues into healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The UAE’s economy is the most diversified of all the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, while its most populous city, Dubai, is a global city and international hub.[20][21] The country has become less reliant on oil and gas, and is economically focusing on tourism and business. The UAE is recognised as a regional and a middle power. The UAE is a member of the United Nations. The country’s 65,000-strong standing army isn’t very large, but it is backed up by a sizable military budget. The UAE army is regarded as one of the region’s most highly sophisticated militaries. Land Forces include Values derived from multiple sources. ‘Tanks’ value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), light tanks, and tank destroyers. ‘Armored Vehicles’ value includes APCs, IFVs, MRAPs, and Armored Cars. Naval Forces include Total Assets’ value, ‘Aircraft Carriers’, ‘Submarines’.

GDP – $421 billion
POPULATION – 9.77 million

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A road is a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use. Since the dawn of civilization and the invention of the wheel, humanity has found the need to create paths and improve existing paths in order to facilitate easier and faster movement of people and goods. as the automobile and truck have offered ever higher levels of mobility, vehicle ownership per head of population has increased. Road needs have been strongly influenced by this popularity and also by the mass movement of people to cities and thence to suburban fringes – a trend that has led to increasing travel needs and road congestion and to low-density cities, which are difficult to service by public transport. Quality of roads may change from country to country. Road quality is determined by the extensiveness of a country’s road network, as well and the condition of that network. Countries are ranked based on assigned scores which range from 1 to 7. A score of 1 indicates that the quality of roads is extremely poor, while a score of 7 means the quality of road infrastructure which is extremely good. Here is the list of 10 Countries with The Best Roads in the world.

1.United Arab Emirates

architecture buildings city cityscape
Photo by Pixabay on

The UAE has the best road network globally. The UAE may be ranked number one in the world for road quality but it lags behind other nations when it comes to road safety and traffic congestion. The average value for the United Arab Emirates during that period was 6.29 points with a minimum of 5.9 points in 2018 and a maximum of 6.65 points in 2013. The latest value from 2019 is 6 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. The UAE continues to construct and maintain roads in accordance with international standards, using the best technology that fits the country’s environmental conditions. The roads’ projects aim to improve efficiency of traffic and connect parts of the country with a modern road network. The UAE has a road network, which connects different emirates with each other. This achievement has been attributed to sophisticated road infrastructural projects undertaken across the country, which are in line with the nation’s Vision 2021 program. Ministry of Interior Development replaced traditional lights with power-saving LED lamps on all federal roads spanning 710 km. The LEDs are less pollutant to the environment with less carbon emission than traditional lights.


city at night through the hole in wire fence
Photo by Leon Macapagal on

Singapore is ranked at the top in Asia and second globally in terms of road infrastructure in the country. Singapore roads may not be as safe. The average value for Singapore during that period was 6.44 points with a minimum of 6.05 points in 2014 and a maximum of 6.66 points in 2006. The latest value from 2019 is 6.5 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Singapore roads are so good that they have Grand Prix races on it. There is no need for a special track. The quality of the roads in Singapore have been consistently ranked as among the very best in the world, above even nations like the US and the UK. The cost of parking in Singapore was also the lowest among the top 10 cities. Drivers in Singapore may actually be more dangerous than drivers in other high wealth countries such as United States, Japan, United Kingdom and Canada.


aerial view of road in the middle of trees
Photo by Deva Darshan on

Switzerland is ranked third in road quality. The European nation is renowned throughout the world for its excellent infrastructure and also ranks first in terms of electricity supply and second in the quality of its railroad infrastructure. The average value for Switzerland during that period was 6.34 points with a minimum of 5.86 points in 2015 and a maximum of 6.66 points in 2008. The latest value from 2019 is 6.3 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. The Federal Roads Office FEDRO is the Swiss technical agency for road infrastructure and individual road transport. The motorway network is thus the backbone of mobility in Switzerland. FEDRO is the agency in charge of the motorways, and in this capacity is responsible for the adequate functionality, safety, acceptability and availability of this infrastructure. Every country has its idiosyncrasies when it comes to driving. Swiss roads are generally safe, and driving culture is to follow the rules. Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, signs largely follow the general European conventions concerning the use of shape and color to indicate their function. The Swiss road signs are defined in the Road Signs Act, which is based on several laws and ordinances. Here Highways are indicated with green signs, and main roads by blue signs.

4.Hong Kong

aerial view of city buildings and traffic jam
Photo by mali maeder on

Hong Kong has the best infrastructure in the world, the World Economic Forum (WEF). WEF measured the quality of road and rail networks and the quality of the electricity supply in 144 countries. The GCI ranked Switzerland as the most competitive country in the world, thanks to its “topnotch academic institutions, high spending on R&D. The average value for Hong Kong during that period was 6.26 points with a minimum of 6.04 points in 2014 and a maximum of 6.59 points in 2009. The latest value from 2019 is 6.1 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Hong Kong public transport system scores high in survey. Hong Kong has been rated as having the most connected, reliable, frequent and well-maintained public transport network against New York and London, but it lags way behind in terms of bike networks and air quality. Hong Kong is a wonderful unique destination for travelers with a surprise around every corner. To create its annual ranking, it looks at each country’s “12 pillars of competitiveness:” institutions; infrastructure; macroeconomic environment; health and primary education; higher education and training; goods market efficiency; labor market efficiency; financial market development; technological readiness; market size; business sophistication and innovation.


view on a road in woods
Photo by Anastasiia on

Netherlands has the best infrastructure in Europe. The quality of the road network and access to electricity supply were also ranked highly. World Economic Forum (WEF) declared that Netherlands was ranked best in Europe regarding its transport network. The average value for the Netherlands during that period was 5.9 points with a minimum of 5.29 points in 2008 and a maximum of 6.4 points in 2019. The latest value from 2019 is 6.4 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. The government is looking at new technologies to solve challenges in the area of transport, the environment and safety. The Netherlands wants to take the lead in new initiatives like the Internet of Things, smart cities and connectivity.


people crossing pedestrian lane
Photo by Abby Chung on

Japan beat the Belt and Road to the punch not only by advancing and financing a large-scale Asian connectivity endeavor, but also by emphasizing the role of quality for more sustainable growth. The average value for Japan during that period was 5.9 points with a minimum of 5.6 points in 2009 and a maximum of 6.1 points in 2016. The latest value from 2019 is 6.1 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Road transport is an essential element of the Japanese transport network, and vital part of the Japanese economy. Each level of the Japanese road network has its own numbering scheme. For national and prefectural routes, numbers of lower value indicate greater significance to the system. Japan’s financial position in Asia provided a solid foundation for an upgraded approach to infrastructure investment.


photo of tram on street
Photo by Lucas Quadros on

France is more touring destination. The average value for France during that period was 6.31 points with a minimum of 5.4 points in 2019 and a maximum of 6.72 points in 2008. The latest value from 2019 is 5.4 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. The quality of roads varies enormously, however: while motorways are generally excellent and most other main roads are also very good, urban roads and minor roads in rural areas can be poorly maintained. Most French motorways are toll roads and are among the most expensive in Europe. It is very simple in France to spend wisely on Infrastructure.


empty highway
Photo by Bekir Donmez on

Portugal ranked the best country for road trips in Europe. The average value for Portugal during that period was 6.04 points with a minimum of 5.43 points in 2006 and a maximum of 6.39 points in 2012. The latest value from 2019 is 6 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Roads in Portugal are defined by the Plano Rodoviário Nacional, which describes the existing and planned network of Portuguese roads. The Portuguese road infrastructure was considered the best in Europe and the second best in the world by the World Economic Forum in its Global Competitiveness Report for 2014–2015.[1] In the 2017–2018 report, it was considered to 8th best in the world.


forced perspective photography of cars running on road below smartphone
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

The average value for Austria during that period was 6.17 points with a minimum of 5.9 points in 2018 and a maximum of 6.45 points in 2009. The latest value from 2019 is 6 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Investment in transport infrastructure has a huge potential in boosting growth and jobs. Member State performance is measured here in indicators such as the perceived efficiency of transport services and progress towards completion of the TEN-T core network. The safety of personnel involved in road traffic is an increasing challenge for organizations of all types due to its rising complexity. With the introduction of a management system according to ISO 39001 and a corresponding certification, organizations demonstrate the importance of these objectives towards stakeholders and show that road traffic safety is taken seriously. The results of the consolidated European road freight, which includes also the journeys of foreign trucks on Austrian territory, are presented, to give a complete picture of the road freight transport in Austria.

10.United States

modern city with modern skyscrapers and roads in sunlight
Photo by Enric Cruz López on

Transportation represents one-third of the weight in ranking the Best States for infrastructure. The average value for the USA during that period was 5.8 points with a minimum of 5.5 points in 2019 and a maximum of 6.2 points in 2008. The latest value from 2019 is 5.5 points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points. Throughout history, transportation has played a key role in the development of the American economy, determining where and when growth happens. This comprehensive subcategory is broken down into four metrics: commute time, road quality, bridge quality and public transit usage. America’s roads are critical for moving an ever-increasing number of people and goods. While traffic fatalities increased annually in the early part of the last decade, they have been declining since 2017.

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A skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory. India has been known for its customs. When it comes to art and culture, India is among the most culturally rich countries in the world. Handicraft represents Indian’s culture and tradition. The feeling of home is hidden in the small things and the small stories that every item carries with it. The same is the reason behind buying handicrafts. Every piece of craft has a story, a story of the passion of the craftsmen who created it or his inspiration to make it. That’s why craft pieces make the perfect fit for any house. India is one of the leading producers and suppliers of handicraft products in the world. India has been a large producer and supplier of handicraft products for a long time. In Asian countries, handicrafts are as highly wanted as mechanized products in quality and volume and are a major source of their foreign earnings via exports. The artisanal industry is an important source of income for rural communities that employ more than six million artisans, including large numbers of women and people belonging to the weakest sectors of society. The sector is highly creative and produces a large variety of crafts products that are highly consumed and fond of. In India, the creative importance of these craft products is off the roof making sure that it fits in perfectly with the urbanized decor and connects the urban dwellers with their roots. The days of Indus Valley Civilization, artisans and craftsmen have been respected for their excellence in various kinds of handicrafts. That tradition continued well into medieval and colonial times, and flourishes even to this day. Handicrafts products of India are many and distinct from each other. From the Dokra tribal jewelry for West Bengal to the gemstone paintings by the artisans of Jaipur, handicrafts products of India are distinctly different from each other. The various handicrafts products of India can be classified under the following heads, The handicraft items are made from a variety of things like Wood, Stone, Metal, Glass, Cane & Bamboo and Pottery. Here is the list of classification of 10 Handicraft products.

1.Handlooms and Textiles

Indian hand woven fabrics have been known since time immemorial. The handlooms and textile products range from designer textile items to products of home furnishing. Though India was famous even in ancient times as an exporter of textiles to most parts of the civilized world, few actual fabrics of the early dyed or printed cottons have survived. This, it is explained is due to a hot, moist climate and the existence of the monsoons in India. Handlooms are an important craft product and comprise the largest cottage industry of the country. Millions of looms across the country are engaged in weaving cotton, silk and other natural fibers. In the world of handlooms, there are Madras checks from Tamil Nadu, Ikats from Andhra and Orissa, tie and dye from Gujarat and Rajasthan, brocades from Banaras, jacquards form Uttar Pradesh. The famed Coimbatore saris have developed while imitating the Chanderi pattern of Madhya Pradesh. The states of Kashmir and Karnataka are known for their mulberry silk. Andhra Pradesh has made a significant contribution to the history of hand-printed textiles in India. Printing is native to the land, its pigments being obtained from the flowers, leaves and barks of local trees and it chemicals obtained from clay, dung and river sands. India has been well known for textile since very ancient times. The origin of Indian textiles can be traced to the Indus valley civilization. Still we can say India is textile hub and it has thousands of clusters which beautifully weave and give is the most beautiful fabrics which mesmerize our eyes. Kalamkari is a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile. There are two distinctive styles of kalamkari art in India — the Srikalahasti style and the Machilipatnam style. Chikankari is an art, which results in the transformation of the plainest cotton and organdie into flowing yards of magic.


The jewelry products from the handicrafts industry in India range from exquisite tribal jewelry to beaded, metal, lacquer and silver jewelry. Jewelry boxes with intricate tribal work are also in vogue and widely manufactured. Handmade jewelry is jewelry which has been made by hand instead of machines. Drilling, cutting, etc. can be done with the help of machines. In earlier times, members of the royal family had their own jewelers who crafted excellent jewelry with their hands according to specific needs. Types of Handmade Jewelry are jadau jewelry, kundan jewelry, gold jewelry, ivory jewelry, filigree jewelry, bead jewelry, pachchiikam jewelry, Lac jewelry etc. The gems and jewelery industry occupies an important position in the Indian economy. It is a leading foreign exchange earner, as well as one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The two major segments of the sector in India are gold jewelery and diamonds. Gold jewelery forms around 80 per cent of the Indian jewelery market. India was one of the first countries to start making fine jewelery from minerals and metals and even today, most of the jewelery made in India is hand-made. India was the first country to introduce diamonds to the world, the first to mine, cut and polish them as well as trade them. The cutting and polishing of diamonds and other precious stones is one of the oldest traditions in India.

3.Apparels and Accessories

In fashion, an accessory is an item used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to an individual’s outfit. Accessories are often chosen to complete an outfit and complement the wearer’s look. They have the capacity to further express an individual’s identity and personality. Accessories come in different shapes, sizes, hues, etc. Traditionally carried accessories include purses and handbags, hand fans, parasols and umbrellas, wallets, canes, and ceremonial swords. Accessories that are worn may include jackets, boots and shoes, cravats, ties, hats, bonnets, belts and suspenders, gloves, muffs, necklaces, bracelets, watches,[a] eyewear, sashes, shawls, scarves, lanyards, socks, pins, piercings, rings, and stockings. Ladies and gents apparels and accessories with a distinctive traditional flavor are also manufactured by the artisans from all over the country and constitute a major part of India’s handicrafts products. Fashion accessories and costume jewelery are things that are used to complement fashion. Accessories facilitate highlight address or attire. They can additionally facilitate to cover a weakness of a dress. Trends are endlessly set by adding accessories to different outfits. Accessories change a complete look, from purse to shoes to earrings and beaded necklaces to leg warmers. Accessories could also be used as external visual symbols of religious or cultural affiliation: Crucifixes, human stars, Muslim headscarves, skullcaps and turbans are common examples. India is credited as one of the oldest and protracted country for making jewelery round the globe.


Carpets developed in Central and western Asia as coverings for beaten-earth floors. From time immemorial, carpets covered the floors of house and tent as well as mosque and palace. In the homes of wealthy Eastern families, floor coverings serve an aesthetic as well as a practical function. A carpet is a textile floor covering typically consisting of an upper layer of pile attached to a backing. The pile was traditionally made from wool, but since the 20th century, synthetic fibers such as polypropylene, nylon or polyester are often used, as these fibers are less expensive than wool. The pile usually consists of twisted tufts that are typically heat-treated to maintain their structure. The term carpet is often used in a similar context to the term rug, but rugs are typically considered to be smaller than a room and not attached to the floor. Indian carpets have evolved as an art form over the centuries. These woolen or silk coverings have been in vogue over the years and contribute extensively to India’s foreign earnings. Carpeting adds to the décor by using color, patterns, and pile heights. The carpeting can create the image you want in your home or business. With the hundreds of patterns, cuts, and colors, there are literally thousands of possibilities to “fulfill” the style statement. Carpet can help save energy as it is an important contributor to the insulation of the indoor environment. Carpet insulates floors as it provides a psychological feeling of warmth. Several studies find that carpets absorb sound and carpets with padding further enhance this ability. Carpet traps allergens, dust, and other contaminants, holding them until they can be properly removed.

5.Leather Goods

India is famous worldwide for its leather products. Leather is a prominent industry in India. The main sectors from which its demand is derived are fashion, footwear, furniture, interiors and automotive. While the Indian leather totals upto 13 percent of the world’s total production of skins, around 10 percent of world’s footwear production also comes from India. India’s leather industry is bestowed with skilled manpower, innovative technology, increasing industry compliance to international environmental standards and the support of allied industries. India is the second largest exporter of leather garments and third largest exporter of saddlery and harness in the world. In India, the leather is prepared from the raw-hide skin of different animals like buffalo, goat, cow and sheep. Majorly, buffalo skin and goat skin are used to make leather products that are exported to the other countries. In the past, leather was not only used in the manufacture of clothing and footwear, but also in the manufacture of caps, bags, saddles, shields, etc. Madhya Pradesh is also known for its leather goods such as shoes, bags and clothing. Maharashtra is also famous for its Kolhapuri cocoons. The major production centers for leather and leather products in India are located in the States of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajastan, Kerala. Leather, a material liked by people around the world, has been used over the years by India’s handicraft artisans to produce footwear, bags, belts, cloths and other home accessories.


Indian painting has a very long tradition and history in Indian art, though because of the climatic conditions very few early examples survive.[1] The earliest Indian paintings were the rock paintings of prehistoric times, such as the petroglyphs found in places like Bhimbetka rock shelters. Miniature paintings and folk art paintings are an artisan’s expression in pictorial form and have long formed an integral part of India’s handicrafts products. India has a very rich culture and tradition and it portrays it through its amazing art and craft. some of the types of Indian paintings are Phad Painting, Madhubani Painting, Warli Painting, Gond Painting, Kalamkari Painting, Cheriyal Scrolls, Patachitra Painting, Tanjore Painting, Kalamezhuthu, Mandana Art, Rajput Painting etc.


The textile industry of India captured the world market with its intricate artwork. Indian garments with its beautiful design and embroideries have long been a favorite in the international market. With a large variety in fabric and richness in their design, the Indian garment industry is flourishing business worldwide. The Garment Industry of India is an Rs -one trillion industry. Overall about 25 % of the volume of its garment production goes into export markets, leaving 75 % for domestic consumption. The Industry covers over one lakh units and employs about 6 million workers, both directly and indirectly in almost equal proportion. The indirect portion helps to sustain the direct production sector in the shape of items associated with the garment industry production including sewing/embroidery thread, buttons, buckles, zippers, metal plates, cardboard sheets, plastic butterflies and packaging material. Fibre-wise, 80% of the production is of cotton garments, 15% of synthetic/mixed garments and the rest of silk and wool garments. Indian sub continent is the second largest manufacturer of garments after China being the global leader in garment production. India is known for its high quality garments for men and most of the garment manufacturers are in the Small and Medium scale industry. India’s Garment Industry isa well-organized enterprise and is among the best in the world. It constitutes of designers, manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, stockists,and wholesalers. Indian Garment Industry has carved out a niche in the global markets and earned a reputation for its durability, quality and beauty. Today’schanging consumer preferences – buying branded apparel and fashion accessories, major boom in retail industry, people shopping at department and discountstores, shopping malls, with rising disposable incomes, government policy focused on fast-track textile export growth, and ambitious goals have created severalinvestment opportunities in India.

8.Paper Products

The paper industry of India was always vied for in the export market and considerably rules a strong position in the world. With varied types of paper products like paper bags, table accessories, and decorative, the industry is sure to enjoy its favorable position in the market. India’s share in the demand for paper across the globe were analysed is growing, as the domestic demand is increasing at a steady pace, while the demand in western nations is shrinking. The Indian paper & paper products market is projected to grow from $ 8.6 billion in 2018 to $ 13.4 billion by 2024, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.8% during 2019-2024. Growing manufacturing sector, requirement of better quality packaging of FMCG products marketed through organized retail and the demand for the upstream market of paper products, such as tissue paper, filter paper, tea bags, light weight online coated paper and medical grade coated paper are expected to drive the paper & paper products market in India in coming years. The Indian paper & paper products market has been segmented into raw material, application and region. Based on raw material, the market has been categorized into waste & recycled paper, wood and agro residue. The waste & recycled paper segment is expected to dominate the market during forecast period, owing to growing concerns about the cutting down of trees for producing pulp. Further, based on application, the market has been bifurcated into writing & printing paper, paperboard & packaging, newsprint and specialty paper.


Manipuris an important center for Tarkashi, metal thread work, done in furniture. Sankheda in Gujaratis an important center for lathe- worked lacquered furniture. The Punjab regions are famous for their exquisite wooden furniture. Kashmir is famous for its artifacts made of walnut. Chhattisgarh craftsmen specialize in wooden crafts such as doors, window frames, and sculptures. Jharkhand is famous for its wooden toys that are always in pairs. Goa wood carvings are an aesthetic mix of Portuguese and Indian cultures, and the designs are primarily floral, animal and human figures. It is mainly made of rosewood and sandalwood engraved with designs of flowers, vines, birds, and animals. Magnificent female figures are carved from Kumbli wood in Kerala. Woodworking is the skill of making items from wood, and includes cabinet making, wood carving, joinery, carpentry, and woodturning. In Rajasthan,wooden figures of Ghangore, a form of Parvathi is worshipped. Tamilnadu has a well developed tradition of woodcarving used for decorating houses and temples. Furniture products of India are also shares a great favoritism in the world export market. Beautifully designed Beds, Stools, Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Mirror Frames, Home Temples, Sofa Sets holds a strong position in the market.


From the medieval times the art of Zardozi has flourished, reaching its zenith under the patronage of Emperor Akbar. This gorgeous embroidery reveals artistic use of laid stitch with golden thread. It can be seen in wall hangings, chain stitch on saris, caps and other articles with heavy embroidery. As the embroidery is densely performed, designs done are extremely intricate. Initially, the embroidery was done with pure silver wires and real gold leaves. The making of zari thread is a very tedious job involving winding, twisting, wire drawing and gold plating of thread. The embroidery of zari zardozi is performed in a very interesting manner. Gold wire is carefully revolved around a silver bar tapered at one end. Then they are heated in furnace till gold and silver alloy is formed. The gilt wire, when drawn through a series of holes made on steel plates, comes out glittering as gold. The gold-coated silver wire is then flattened and twisted around silk thread to obtain zari. Zardozi has remained as an appliqué method of embroidery. With one hand the craftsman holds a retaining thread below the fabric. In the other he holds a hook or a needle with which he picks up the appliqué materials. Then he passes the needle or hook through the fabric. After hours of painstaking labor, the result is an exquisite gold-veined work of art. The intricate gold designs are made from silk, velvet, and even fabrics famous in the state of Uttar Pradesh. However, today, artisans use a combination of copper wire, with a gold or silver polish, and a silk thread. This embroidery work is mainly a specialty of Lucknow, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Delhi, Agra, Kashmir, Mumbai, Ajmer, and Chennai. The art of zardozi was revived along with many traditional methods of embroidery in the middle of this century. Zari work was mainly done in Madras and zardozi in Hyderabad until a few decades ago. Today, Uttar Pradesh is home to this finest work of gold and silver embroidery. This craft has caught on to a larger region of Bareilly such as Allampur, Faridpur, Biharkala, Nawabganj and Chandpur.

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A skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory. Tourists visiting India are often enamoured of its superb handicrafts, as much as its people. However, some, if not all, find the best places to buy unique handicrafts in India quite a challenge. Handicraft represents Indian’s culture and tradition. The feeling of home is hidden in the small things and the small stories that every item carries with it. The same is the reason behind buying handicrafts. Every piece of craft has a story, a story of the passion of the craftsmen who created it or his inspiration to make it. That’s why craft pieces make the perfect fit for any house. India is one of the leading producers and suppliers of handicraft products in the world. India has been a large producer and supplier of handicraft products for a long time. In Asian countries, handicrafts are as highly wanted as mechanized products in quality and volume and are a major source of their foreign earnings via exports. The artisanal industry is an important source of income for rural communities that employ more than six million artisans, including large numbers of women and people belonging to the weakest sectors of society. The sector is highly creative and produces a large variety of crafts products that are highly consumed and fond of. In India, the creative importance of these craft products is off the roof making sure that it fits in perfectly with the urbanized decor and connects the urban dwellers with their roots. The most attractive thing about handicraft items is ecological property. Use pieces of wood, recycled plastics, bottles, and other waste materials that make beautiful pieces of craft supplies. The days of Indus Valley Civilization, artisans and craftsmen have been respected for their excellence in various kinds of handicrafts. That tradition continued well into medieval and colonial times, and flourishes even to this day. List of 10 incredible places for handicraft shopping is as follows.

1.Kripal Kumbh, Jaipur, Rajasthan

The Jaipur handicrafts are famous the world over. The artists and craftsmen of Jaipur have modelled these handicrafts into alluring objects of art. Some handicrafts are used for home décor while others are for daily use. While traveling to Rajasthan in West India, make your way to Kripal Kumbh, a small showroom in Jaipur’s Bani park. This showroom was set up in the 1960’s by Kripal Singh Shekhawat, a famous artist of the time. It is believed that blue pottery made its way to Jaipur from Kashmir under the reign of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II during the 19th century. He was so impressed by its design and appearance that he decided it should be taught at all art schools. Today, the showrooms exhibit a variety of pottery designs, both classical and modern. We can buy a wide range of blue pottery items there, from trays to animal figures. Kripal Singh Shekhawat, the founder of Kripal Kumbh, was conferred the Padma Shri in 1774 and awarded with the title “Shilp Guru” by the Government of India in 2002. There are a variety of blue pottery items available at the showroom. These are sugar pots, Egg holders, cups, dinnerware, visiting card holders, coasters, incense holders, paper weights, jars, vases, trays, crockery, jewellery boxes, serving trays. The pottery stands out with its vibrant blue and golden designs, or animal and bird motifs.

2.Must Art Gallery, Delhi

Delhi boasts its rich tradition and sound cultural values. The rich heritage and culture can be seen in the lifestyle, demography, art, crafts and music. Must Art Gallery is an assortment of great pieces of contemporary tribal art paintings and sculptures, THE GOND ART that originated from the tribes of Central India. Must Art Gallery is renowned art gallery offering various Indian Tribal art paintings including Gond art, Warli art, Kalighat art, Madhubani art and others by popular Indian artists. It is constantly growing and innovating to meet the needs of the changing times lies in the conjunction with true soul of indigenous cultures and its people. The gallery enters into the aesthetic awareness of every life through the assimilation and propagation of GOND ART and other art forms, culturally distinctive with its exceptional ethos. It is an effort to make a typical stage to encourage the tribal artists to rise above social and cultural boundaries and paint the language of the universe in their own extraordinary way.

3.Sambhali Boutique, Rajasthan

Sambhali Boutique, located in the centre of Jodhpur, provides an outlet for the clothes, accessories and handicraft items produced by the women in our Sambhali Graduates’ Sewing Centre. Sambhali Trust founded on 16 January 2007, the organisation aims to empower Dalit women and children in Rajasthan through educational programs, vocational training, and social services. The name “Sambhali” means “rising of the deprived women”. It has a rigorous quality control procedure for every item produced in the Sewing Centre, ensuring that only products of exceptional quality are sold within their Boutique. Sambhali Trust is a non-profit organisation, so any profit accured from the sales of items through the Boutique, after paying for raw materials, wages, and shop overheads, we can directly back into the organization supporting its many projects, helping to make the organization self-sustainable. They feel very fortunate that a number of their international volunteers have been skilled dress makers, meaning their graduates have the opportunity to learn how to produce western style garments. As every product is hand-made, orders can be customized to accommodate the customer’s needs, with variations in color, fabric and style easily possible. Their merchandise includes a variety of Indian and Western-style garments, silk and cotton camels and elephants, block-printed scarves, a selection of shoulder bags, and many other items, each one handmade and unique in their own special way. Located in the heart of Jodhpur, the boutique offers a variety of both Indian and Western-style garments, accessories and homeware, ideal to take home for souvenirs or just a treat for yourself to remind you of time spent in Jodhpur. Sambhali Trust is financed mainly through foreign donations and grants.

4.Kala Madhyam, Bangalore

Kala Madhyam is a non-governmental organization established on March 8th 2002. Kala Madhyam is dedicated to supporting and empowering traditional (folk and tribal) artists and artisans. To this end they run the Kala Madhyam Store that has over 15 exquisite folk and tribal paintings, handicrafts (metal art, pottery, apparel, toys etc) from across India and specializes in wall murals. In India, art and craft are not merely decorative. They are conceived from the creative vision of common people; inspired by their deep devotion to god, their spiritual communion with nature and the wisdom of their traditions. Art is therefore, a reflection of the self and community, a socially unifying force. Kala Madhyam is dedicated to supporting and empowering traditional (folk and tribal) Indian artists and artisans through systematic and sustained development efforts. They seek to ensure their social and economic well-being, nurture creative community enterprises, foster global recognition and collaboration for indigenous arts, and promote, protect and preserve the integrity and diversity of Indian art, craft and culture. The organization is operational in Karnataka, India. Kala Madhyam works in the area of Art & Culture, etc. The NGO works towards the promotion of sustainable development.

5.Raghurajpur Heritage Village, Odisha

Raghurajpur is a heritage crafts village out of Puri district, India, known for its master Pattachitra painters. Apart from that, the village is also home to crafts like Tussar paintings, Palm leaf Engravings, Stone carvings, Wood carvings, Cowdung toys and Papier mache toys, and masks. Whenever someone speaks about “Heritage”, everyone instantly remember about Raghurajpur. Raghurajpur is the heritage crafts village of Odisha. It is not just any ordinary village, it is the heart and soul of creativity. Located around 12 kms away from Puri, Raghurajpur is the home of around 500 Chitrakars. Each household has at least one Chitrakar who is highly skilled and immensely creative. Raghurajpur is famous for Pattachitra: paintings on a piece of cloth. There are many types of Pattachitra like Tassar cloth Pattachitra, Palm leaf Pattachitra etc. With evolution and innovation, now the Chitrakars have started painting exquisite Pattachitras on coconuts, betel nuts, clay pots & bottles. They will welcome you to their home. They will show you their art, crafts & paintings patiently. They will tell you about their tales of struggle. They will explain the process of their trade. The art form is used to decorate none other the Lord of the Universe- Lord Jagannath and his siblings. The attachment with the holy trinity elevated the art form helped it gain prominence.In 2000, after a two-year research and documentation project by INTACH, starting 1998, the village was chosen to be developed as state’s first heritage village and developed as a Crafts village, soon the village had an interpretation centre, commissioned artwork on the walls of the artists’ homes and a rest house.

6.Devrai Art Village, Maharashtra

Devrai Art Village is a non profit initiative to connect with nature and celebrate creativity. A core group of highly skilled Adivasi craftsmen and artists from the naxalite affected areas of Gadchiroli & Chattisgarh find a livelihood and a safe refuge here in Panchgani. The unique and distinctivtive style of our product range comes out through combinations of different mediums such as iron, brass, stone, wood, bamboo and fabric. They believe in empowering craftsmen and not in doing charity.
Todays idea of “development” has broken the link which connects us to the whole. In modern times nature is commodified and relationships have turned into transactions. Devrai Art Village attemps to amend this broken link and make the process of creation a joyous experience. This village facilitates their interaction with design schools and resource persons from other areas to enable a cross pollination of ideas. It also facilitates direct interaction of craftsmen with customers in order to obtain insights into the marketing and sale process. It create an environment that offers opportunities to explore the linkages between indigenous art and nature. Devrai Art Village strives to empower the craftsmen by giving them new design ideas and marketing possibilities. More than that we seek to nurture a way of living where Nature is not looked upon as a mere resource but where plants, animals and humans are seen as interdependent and where art can reflect the sacredness of Nature. In the true spirit of a ‘Devrai’ or a sacred grove They are trying to nurture a variety of plants , shrubs and creepers so that it offers a glimpse into a way of being where the man nature connect is not severed under the onslaught of modernism. The unique and distinctivtive style of their product range of comes out through combinations of different mediums such as iron, brass, stone, and terracotta. What we are known for is Rock Dhokra(Fusion of Brass & stone), a completely new invention which we are getting a patent for.

7.Dilli Haat, Delhi

The DILLI HAAT provides the ambience of a traditional Rural Haat or village market, but one suited for more contemporary needs. Here one sees a synthesis of crafts, food and cultural activity. This Food and Craft Bazar is a treasure house of Indian culture, handicrafts and ethnic cuisine, A unique bazaar, in the heart of the city, it displays the richness of Indian culture on a permanent basis. Dilli Haat, Janakpuri gives ample opportunity for food lovers to savor delectable lip smacking food as there are 14 Nos. of food stalls set up where one will be able to savor the flavors from across the country and 15 food stalls serving cuisines from around the world. Delhi got its third Dilli Haat on 13 July, 2014 as Dilli Haat at Janakpuri was inaugurated in a colorful ceremony by Sh. Parvesh Sahib Singh, Hon’ble MP. Sh. Jagdish Mukhi, Hon’ble MLA and Smt. Rajni Mamtani, Hon’ble Councilor graced the occasion with their presence. Dilli Haat is a paid-entrance open-air market, food plaza, and craft bazaar located in Delhi. The area is run by Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC), and unlike the traditional weekly market, the village Haat, Dilli Haat is permanent. It is located in the commercial centres of South Delhi, opposite INA market. The 6 acres of land on which this complex is situated was salvaged as part of a reclamation project and transformed into a plaza. Extensive foundation work, small thatched roof cottages and kiosks give the plaza a village atmosphere. The culture and the environment of dilli Haat is very good. People from outside come and visit Dilli Haat. It is a good place to visit with family and friends. Some shops are permanent but other sellers are rotated, usually for fifteen days.[1] Products offered may include rosewood and sandalwood carvings, embellished camel hide footwear, sophisticated fabric and drapery, gems, beads, brassware, metal crafts, and silk & wool fabrics. A number of shows promoting handicrafts and handlooms are held at the exhibition hall in the complex. To sell wares, there is an application process; spaces are allocated according to which state the seller is from.[2] In all, Dilli Haat, INA Market has 62 stalls allotted on a rotational basis to craftsmen for a payment of INR 100 per day for a maximum period of 15 days. Dilli Haat was established jointly by Delhi Tourism (DTDC), Government of Delhi and NDMC, D.C. (Handicrafts) and D.C. (Handlooms), Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and opened in March 1994.

8.Tilonia, Rajasthan

Tilonia is a village in Ajmer district in Rajasthan state in western India. It is home of the NGO, Barefoot College founded by renowned social worker Bunker Roy. Tilonia is also home of, Online educational portal co-founded by Kartar Jat. This village has become a model for all remote villages for education, economic and social development. Tilonia is also known as education hub with its meritorious students in Navoday Vidyalaya and village school. At present this esteemed and world renowned college gives training for rural women who are poor from nearly 49 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Social Work and Research Centre, popularly called the Barefoot College, founded by social activist and educator Bunker Roy, has been working on changing all this since 1972. Working in the fields of education, solar power, electrification and sustainability, the organization aims to, “support a journey to empowerment, one village at a time, one woman at a time.” Spread over more than 8 acres of land, the campus of Barefoot College was built between 1980 and 1986, designed by a team of rural ‘barefoot’ architects, masons, blacksmiths, farmers and members of women groups who sat and struggled through the initial basic designing of the campus. This institution believes in imparting informal, non-structured, on-the-job practical training by identifying the poor, unemployed youth who have been unable to finish their formal education and have returned to their respective villages as dropouts.

9.Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh

Moradabad is a city, commissionary sand municipal corporation in Moradabad district of Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Moradabad is situated on the banks of the Ramganga river, at a distance of 167 km (104 mi) from the national capital, New Delhi and 344 km north-west of the state capital Lucknow. Moradabad was founded in 1625 by Rustam Khan, a Mughal general who built the fort north of the city as well as the Jāmiʿ Masjid (Great Mosque). The city, located at a major road and rail junction, is a trade centre for agricultural products. Industries include cotton milling and weaving, metalworking, electroplating, and printing. Grains, cotton, and sugarcane are grown. Sugar milling and cotton weaving are the principal industries. The Raza Library is a place that holds great historical significance in the city. It has some of the greatest manuscripts and an amazing collection of pictures and inscriptions on palm leaves in many different languages.

10.Channapatna, Karnataka

Channapatana is a city and taluk headquarter in Ramanagara District, Karnataka, India. Channapatna is located on the Bangalore – Mysore highway. It is about 55 km from Bangalore and 80 km from Mysore. Channapatna is also called Town of toys. This traditional craft is protected as a geographical indication (GI) under the World Trade Organization, administered by the Government of Karnataka. The use of Lac (lacquer resin) for wood finish, cosmetics, toys, bangles and dye is much earlier in ancient India. The city is famous for its wooden toys and lacquerware. These toys are manufactured in traditional and advanced small-scale industries. Manufacturing and twisting of raw silk, rice, ragi and coconut is a major product of Channapattana taluk. The traditional ivory-wood, other woods—including rubber, sycamore, cedar, pine and teak—are now used as well. Manufacturing stages include procuring the wood, seasoning the wood, cutting the wood into the desired shapes, pruning and carving the toys, applying the colors and finally polishing the finished product. Vegetable dyes are used in the coloring process to ensure that the toys and dolls are safe for use by children. The incredible streets of Channapatna are filled with the colorful wooden toys which one cannot find anywhere else. The small town produces ample wooden toys which are so unique and showcases the unblemished talent of the craftsmen.

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Olympic Games, athletic festival that originated in ancient Greece and was revived in the late 19th century. Before the 1970s the Games were officially limited to competitors with amateur status, but in the 1980s many events were opened to professional athletes. Currently, the Games are open to all, even the top professional athletes in basketball and football (soccer). The ancient Olympic Games included several of the sports that are now part of the Summer Games program, which at times has included events in as many as 32 different sports. In 1924 the Winter Games were sanctioned for winter sports. An ancient Panhellenic festival held every fourth year and made up of contests of sports, music, and literature with the victor’s prize a crown of wild olive. Jamaican Usain Bolt, who won gold medals in three sprint races for the third consecutive time and ended his career, maybe, tied with Carl Lewis and Paavo Nurmi for the most Olympic track and field titles. Here is the list of 10 most dominant American athletes of the 2016 games.

1.Ashton Eaton, track and field

Ashton James Eaton was born on born January 21, 1988 in Portland, Oregon. He holds the world record in the indoor heptathlon event. Eaton was the second decathlete (after Roman Šebrle) to break the 9,000-point barrier in the decathlon, with 9,039 points, a score he bettered on August 29, 2015, when he beat his own world record with a score of 9,045 points. Eaton is only the third Olympian (after Bob Mathias of the US and Great Britain’s Daley Thompson) to achieve back-to-back gold medals in the decathlon. Eaton competed for the University of Oregon, where he was a five-time NCAA champion, and won The Bowerman award in 2010. In 2011, Eaton won the first international medal of his career, a silver, in the decathlon at the 2011 World Championships. The following year, Eaton broke his own world record in the heptathlon at the 2012 World Indoor Championships, and then broke the world record in the decathlon at the Olympic Trials. After setting the world record, Eaton won the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. He successfully defended his Olympic title in Rio 2016 by winning the decathlon gold medal and tying the Olympic record. Eaton ran the 100 meters in 10.46, long-jumped over 26 feet and pole-vaulted 17 feet. His father Roslyn Eaton also played the sport. His mother was an athlete and a dancer.

2.Katie Ledecky, swimming

Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky was born on March 17, 1997 in Washington, D.C.. She is the daughter of Mary Gen (Hagan) and David Ledecky. She is considered one of the greatest female swimmers of all time. She won 7 Olympic gold medals and 15 world championship gold medals, the most in history for a female swimmer. At the 2012 London Olympic Games as a 15-year-old, Ledecky won the gold medal in the women’s 800-metre freestyle. Four years later, she left Rio de Janeiro as the most decorated female athlete of the 2016 Olympic Games, with four gold medals, one silver medal, and two world records. In total, she has won 38 medals (30 golds, 7 silvers, and 1 bronze) in major international competitions, spanning the Summer Olympics, World Championships, and Pan Pacific Championships. she has broken fourteen world records. Ledecky’s success has earned her Swimming World’s Female World Swimmer of the Year a record-breaking five times. Ledecky was also named Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year in 2017, international female Champion of Champions by L’Équipe in 2014 and 2017, United States Olympic Committee Female Athlete of the Year in 2013, 2016 and 2017, and Sportswoman of the Year by the Women’s Sports Foundation in 2017. she is the most dominant athlete in the world.

3.Simone Biles, gymnastics

Simone Arianne Biles was born on March 14, 1997 in in Columbus, Ohio. She is an American artistic gymnast. Biles is considered one of the greatest and most dominant gymnasts of all time. Biles’ seven Olympic medals also ties Shannon Miller for the most Olympic medals won by an American female gymnast. At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Biles won individual gold medals in the all-around, vault, and floor; bronze on balance beam; and gold as part of the United States team, dubbed the “Final Five”.[6] At the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, she won bronze on balance beam, as well as silver with the United States team, after struggling with “the twisties”, a temporary loss of air balance awareness. Biles is a five-time World all-around champion, five-time World floor exercise champion, three-time World balance beam champion, two-time World vault champion, a seven-time United States national all-around champion, and a member of the gold medal-winning American teams at the 2014, 2015, 2018, and 2019 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships. Additionally, she is a three-time World silver medalist and a three-time World bronze medalist. Biles is the gymnast with the most World medals (25) and most World gold medals (19), having surpassed Vitaly Scherbo’s record 23 World medals by winning her 24th and 25th, both gold, at the 2019 competition in Stuttgart. Biles is the sixth woman to win an individual all-around title at both the World Championships and the Olympics.

4.Tianna Bartoletta, track and field

Tianna Bartoletta was born on August 30, 1985 in Elyria, Ohio. She is an American track and field athlete who specializes in the long jump and short sprinting events. At the 2012 Summer Olympics she placed fourth in the 100m race then won her first gold by leading off the world record-setting 4 × 100 m relay team. At the 2016 Summer Olympics she won two more golds, first with a personal best to win the long jump then again leading off the victorious 4 × 100 m relay team. She won three gold medals. She was a winner of the long jump World Championship in 2005 and 2015, plus the long jump World Indoor Championship in 2006. She also was a pusher on the U.S. bobsled team in 2012. In August of 2020 Tianna Bartoletta would be joining SPIRE Institute and Academy as an ambassador. Tianna was named a 2002 American Track & Field Outdoor All-American. became the third athlete in Ohio history to win four events at a state championship meet two years in a row.

5.Maggie Steffens, water polo

Margaret Ann Steffens was born on June 4, 1993. She is an American water polo player. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Steffens set a new Olympic record for the most number of goals scored by an individual player in women’s water polo at the Olympic Games. She won the gold medal with the United States at the 2012,[1] 2016[2] and 2020 Summer Olympics. Steffens played water polo at Monte Vista High School and helped the team win their league championship in 2007, 2008, and 2009. In 2015, Steffens scored four goals in the semifinal game against USC, which Stanford won, 9-8. In 2017, she scored three goals in Stanford’s 8-7 championship victory against UCLA, including the winning goal with 9 seconds left. In 2015 and again in 2017 she was named the MVP of the NCAA tournament. Steffens graduated from Stanford in June, 2017 with a B.S. degree in Science, Technology, and Society.

6.Helen Maroulis, wrestling

Helen Louise Maroulis was born on September 19, 1991 in Rockville, Maryland. Helen Maroulis’s parents are Paula and Yiannis “John” Maroulis. Her father is Greek. She is an American freestyle wrestler who competes in the women’s 55-kg 53-kg and 57-kg categories. Being too careful cost her a chance to become the first American woman to win two Olympic gold medals in freestyle wrestling. She lost to Risako Kawai of Japan 2-1 in the 57-kilogram semifinals. She was a gold medalist at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas, Nevada and a gold medalist at the 2011 Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico. At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil she became the first-ever American to win a gold medal in women’s freestyle wrestling at the Olympic Games. She went to join Missouri Baptist University women’s wrestling team in Saint Louis, Missouri, before ultimately transferring to compete for Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.[6] At the age-group level, Maroulis was a three-time Junior World medalist (bronze in 2008 & 2010, silver in 2011). Maroulis beat Saori Yoshida 4-1 to win a gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics. This was the first Olympic gold medal for the United States in a women’s wrestling event.[8] Maroulis attributes a large portion of her success to the coaching of Valentin Kalika.

7.Matthew Centrowitz, track and field

Matthew Centrowitz Jr. was born on October 18, 1989 in Beltsville, Maryland. Matthew Centrowitz is an American middle-distance runner. He is the 2016 Olympic champion in the 1500 meters. He became a prominent figure in U.S. running when he won a bronze medal at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics. A seasoned competitor with a potent finishing kick, he competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the 1500 meters—where he finished 4th by only 0.04 seconds. At the 2013 World Championships in Athletics, Centrowitz improved on his bronze medal performance with a silver in the same event. At the 2016 World Indoor Championships, he won his first major international championship in the 1500 meters. He then won the gold medal in the 1500 meters at the 2016 Summer Olympics[3] in Rio de Janeiro with the slowest winning time since 1932, becoming the first U.S. runner to win the event since 1908. His time of 4:08.38 for the mile at the Penn Relays in April 2007 established a meet record.[10] That same year, he also went on to set the Maryland state record over 1600 meters in 4:04.09 [11] and won a gold medal at the Pan American Junior Championships held in São Paulo, Brazil in the 1500m run. In 2011, he announced his decision to turn professional, forgoing his further participation on the University of Oregon team. His decision to turn professional resulted in his becoming a Nike-sponsored athlete, and he joined the Nike Oregon Project, where he was coached by Alberto Salazar.

8.Michael Phelps, swimming

Michael Fred Phelps II was born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland. Michael Phelps is an American former competitive swimmer. His mother, Deborah Sue “Debbie” Phelps, is a middle school principal. His father, Michael Fred Phelps, is a retired Maryland State Trooper He won total of 28 medals. Michael Fred Phelps holds the all-time records for Olympic gold medals (23),[9] Olympic gold medals in individual events (13), and Olympic medals in individual events (16).[10] When Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games, he broke fellow American swimmer Mark Spitz’s 1972 record of seven first-place finishes at any single Olympic Games. At the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Phelps won four gold and two silver medals, and at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, he won five gold medals and one silver. This made him the most successful athlete of the Games for the fourth Olympics. He has won 82 medals in major international long course competitions, of which 65 were gold, 14 silver, and three bronze, spanning the Olympics, the World Championships, and the Pan Pacific Championships. Phelps’s international titles and record-breaking performances have earned him the World Swimmer of the Year Award eight times and American Swimmer of the Year Award eleven times, as well as the FINA Swimmer of the Year Award in 2012 and 2016. At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro,[14] his fifth Olympics, he was selected by his team to be the flag bearer of the United States at the 2016 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations.

9.Ryan Crouser, track and field

Ryan Crouser was born on December 18, 1992 in Portland, Oregon. Ryan Crouser is an American shot putter and discus thrower. His father, Mitch Crouser , was an alternate on the 1984 Olympic discus team. He is a two time Olympic gold medalist and Olympic Record holder and the World Record holder in the shot put, both indoor and outdoor. He 2021, he threw 22.82 m (74 ft 10+1⁄2 in) to set a new world indoor shotput record (pending ratification) in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. The previous world indoor record of 22.66 m (74 ft 4 in) was set by Barnes in 1989.[2] Crouser also had a 22.70 m (74 ft 5+1⁄2 in) throw in the fourth round that broke the 32-year-old world record. Crouser is the reigning consecutive two-time Olympic champion. He won the gold medal in the shot put at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, setting the Olympic Games record of 22.52 m (73 ft 10+1⁄2 in).[4] He defended the Olympic title at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, improving the Olympic record to 23.30 m (76 ft 5+1⁄4 in). All six of his throws in the competition broke his previous 2016 Olympic Record. In 2020, he was named a finalist for Male Track and Field World Athlete of the Year[6] by World Athletics, the international governing body for track and field. In 2020 he won third on the world all time list.

10.Claressa Shields, boxing

Claressa Maria Shields was born on March 17, 1995 in Flint, Michigan. Claressa Shields is an American professional boxer and mixed martial artist. She has held multiple world championships in three weight classes, including the undisputed female light middleweight title since March 2021; the undisputed female middleweight title from 2019 to 2020; and the unified WBC and IBF female super middleweight titles from 2017 to 2018. As of November 2020, she is ranked as the world’s best active female light middleweight by The Ring[5] and BoxRec,[6] as well as the best active female boxer. Claressa Shields is the only boxer in history, female or male, to hold all four major world titles in boxing—WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO—simultaneously, in two weight classes. She is the first woman to win lineal championships in two weight classes. In a decorated amateur career, Shields won gold medals in the women’s middleweight division at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, making her the first American boxer to win consecutive Olympic medals.

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Books contain information, stories, or poetry etc. of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and leaders are avid readers. Even fictional novels are praised for their excellence by successful businessman. A great book influences your life. It influences your thought process. Any book that teaches you to be fair to the world is a great book. Reader has a lot of benefits like increase your vocabulary, improve focus and concentration, reduce stress and improve your memory. If you’re struggling to find a career, Advice from an expert, however, might be just the thing is to pick up one of these published career advice books. 2021 has brought us some incredible titles of best books to read. Here is the list of powerful memoirs, page-turning novels, and more.

1.Project Hail Mary
by Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival that takes us to places we’ve never dreamed of going. Project Hail Mary is a 2021 science fiction novel by Andy Weir. Set in the near future, the novel centers on middle school-teacher-turned-astronaut Ryland Grace, who wakes up from a coma afflicted with amnesia. Alone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver. He gradually remembers that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to find a means of reversing a solar dimming event that could cause the extinction of humanity. The film rights have been purchased by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and actor Ryan Gosling plans to star as Grace in the film adaptation. Ryland Grace is a devoted junior-high school science teacher in the United States, having left his former career as a molecular biologist. He is recruited by Eva Stratt, head of a UN task force, to find the cause of a solar dimming event that could end humanity. Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish.

2.Klara and the Sun
by Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun is the eighth novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British writer Kazuo Ishiguro, published on 2 March 2021. Klara and the Sun is a thrilling book that offers a look at our changing world through the eyes of Klara. The novel is set in a dystopian future in which some children are genetically engineered for enhanced academic ability. As schooling is provided entirely at home by on-screen tutors, opportunities for socialization are limited and parents who can afford it often buy their children androids as companions. The book is narrated by one such Artificial Friend (AF) called Klara. It is obvious to Klara that they have died, and she is surprised the next morning to see that they are living and that the sun has with his great kindness saved them with a special kind of nourishment. From Josie’s bedroom Klara has a good view of the sun’s progress across the sky, and comes to believe that he goes to his nightly rest within a farmer’s barn that stands on the horizon. With Rick’s help, she makes her way there one evening across the grasslands. Although surprised to find the sun’s resting place is not actually in the barn, she pleads with him to pour his special kind of nourishment onto Josie and to save her life, as he did the beggar. She offers in return to find and destroy the pollution-creating Cootings Machine. Klara and the Sun received favourable reviews, with a cumulative “Positive” rating at the review aggregator website Book Marks. The novel was read on BBC Radio 4 by actress Lydia Wilson, abridged by Richard Hamilton. It was broadcast in ten parts between 7 March and 19 March 2021. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, tells the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, from her place in the store, watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass on the street outside.

by Greg McKeown

Whereas Essentialism is about choosing where to focus your energy, Effortless is about how you functionally structure your work to make the most essential activities the easiest ones to achieve. Essentialism comes an empowering guide to achieving your goals. Effortless shows that achieving more doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it out to be’ . Million copy selling Essentialism comes an empowering guide to achieving your goals. As high achievers, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the path to success is paved with relentless work. That if we want to overachieve, we have to overexert, overthink, and overdo. That if we aren’t perpetually exhausted, we’re not doing enough. Greg McKeown is a speaker, a bestselling author, and the host of the popular podcast What’s Essential. Best Quotes are
• When we apply effortless actions to high-leverage activities the return on our effort compounds.
• When we invite joy into our daily routine, we are no longer yearning for the far-off day when it might arrive. That day is always today.
• After I complain, I will say something I am thankful for.
• When we are fully present with another person we see them more clearly, and we help them see themselves more clearly.
• Simplicity, the art of maximizing the steps not taken, is essential.
• Most geniuses prosper not by deconstructing intricate complexities, but by exploiting unrecognized simplicities. -Andy Benoit
• There is no mastery without mistakes.
• If you are not embarrassed by your first product launch, you launched it too late. -Reid Hoffman
• The most useful knowledge often comes from fields different than our own.

4.Gold Diggers
by Sanjena Sathian

A magical realism coming-of-age story, Gold Diggers skewers the model minority myth to tell a hilarious and moving story about immigrant identity, community, and the underside of ambition. The narrator of “Gold Diggers” is an endearing young man named Neil Narayan, an Indian American living in Atlanta. The first half of the novel is concerned with Neil’s adolescence, and in particular his relationship with the mercurial Anita, his neighbor and childhood friend who’s been changing on him, which he doesn’t appreciate. Throughout the book, Neil is quietly searching for something that will help him know, a narrative he can fit himself into in this country his parents decided he should grow up in and belong to. He finds one such narrative in the library, where a physicist named Pramesh tells Neil about a Bombayan gold digger in California during the Gold Rush. The story sparks Neil’s imagination: “If I had roots in American soil … if our collective past was more textured than I’d been led to believe, then, well, maybe there were other ways of being brown on offer.” In history, we can find reflections of ourselves, trajectories we haven’t imagined we might fit into. But history is tricky, too, in that it is most often written by those in positions of power, those with the ability to erase the existence or the importance of others. Sometimes the only way to assert a history is to write into it, read between the lines, and add a sprinkle of invention.

5.Luck of the Titanic

by Stacey Lee

The richly imagined story of Valora and Jamie Luck, twin British-Chinese acrobats traveling aboard the Titanic on its ill-fated maiden voyage. Valora Luck has two things: a ticket for the biggest and most luxurious ocean liner in the world, and a dream of leaving England behind and making a life for herself as a circus performer in New York. Much to her surprise, though, she’s turned away at the gangway; apparently, Chinese people aren’t allowed into America. Luck of the Titanic is a historical fiction that works to tell the story of the six Titanic survivors of Chinese descent. It follows twin siblings, Valora and Jamie Luck, two twin British-Chinese acrobats traveling aboard the Titanic’s maiden voyage, which was the same time of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Determined to make it to America, Valora brews a plan that will allow them to get into America before the ship makes it across the Atlantic.

6.Four Hundred Souls
by Ibram X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain

A chorus of extraordinary voices tells the epic story of the four-hundred-year journey of African Americans from 1619 to the present. This collection of diverse pieces from ninety different minds, reflecting ninety different perspectives unlocks the startling range of experiences and ideas that have always existed within the community of Blackness. The story begins in 1619—a year before the Mayflower—when the White Lion disgorges “some 20-and-odd Negroes” onto the shores of Virginia, inaugurating the African presence in what would become the United States. It takes us to the present, when African Americans, descendants of those on the White Lion and a thousand other routes to this country, continue a journey defined by inhuman oppression, visionary struggles, stunning achievements, and millions of ordinary lives passing through extraordinary history. While themes of resistance and struggle, of hope and reinvention, course through the book, this collection of diverse pieces from ninety different minds, reflecting ninety different perspectives, fundamentally deconstructs the idea that Africans in America are a monolith—instead it unlocks the startling range of experiences and ideas that have always existed within the community of Blackness.

7.People We Meet on Vacation
by Emily Henry

From the bestselling author of Beach Read comes a sparkling new novel that will leave you with the warm, hazy afterglow usually reserved for the best vacations. Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love. Poppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart—she’s in New York City, and he’s in their small hometown—but every summer, for a decade, they have taken one glorious week of vacation together. Until two years ago, when they ruined everything. They haven’t spoken since. Poppy has everything she should want, but she’s stuck in a rut. When someone asks when she was last truly happy, she knows, without a doubt, it was on that ill-fated, final trip with Alex. And so, she decides to convince her best friend to take one more vacation together—lay everything on the table, make it all right. Miraculously, he agrees. Now she has a week to fix everything. If only she can get around the one big truth that has always stood quietly in the middle of their seemingly perfect relationship.

8.Crying in H Mart
by Michelle Zauner

Crying in H Mart: A Memoir is a 2021 memoir by Michelle Zauner, singer and guitarist of the musical project Japanese Breakfast. It is her debut book, published on April 20, 2021, by Alfred A. Knopf. From the indie rockstar of Japanese Breakfast fame comes an unflinching, powerful memoir about growing up Korean American, losing her mother, and forging her own identity. Vivacious and plainspoken, lyrical and honest, Zauner’s voice is as radiantly alive on the page as it is onstage. In this story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humor and heart, she tells of growing up the only Asian American kid at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother’s particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother’s tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food. As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band–and meeting the man who would become her husband–her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother’s diagnosis of terminal pancreatic cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her. Its title is a reference to H Mart, a Korean-American supermarket chain.

9.Malibu Rising
by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Four famous siblings throw an epic party to celebrate the end of the summer. But over the course of twenty-four hours, their lives will change forever and secrets that shaped this family’s generations will all come rising to the surface. Malibu: August, 1983. It’s the day of Nina Riva’s annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: Nina, the talented surfer and supermodel; brothers Jay and Hud, one a championship surfer, the other a renowned photographer; and their adored baby sister, Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over—especially as the offspring of the legendary singer, Mick Riva.
The only person not looking forward to the party of the year is Nina herself, who never wanted to be the center of attention, and who has also just been very publicly abandoned by her pro tennis player husband. Oh, and maybe Hud—because it is long past time to confess something to the brother from whom he’s been inseparable since birth. Jay, on the other hand, is counting the minutes until nightfall, when the girl he can’t stop thinking about promised she’ll be there. Kit has a couple secrets of her own—including a guest she invited without consulting anyone. By midnight the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours before dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family’s generations will all come bubbling to the surface. Malibu Rising is a story about one unforgettable night in the life of a family: the night they each have to choose what they will keep from the people who made them.

10.Set Boundaries, Find Peace

by Nedra Glover Tawwab

In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. These techniques will help you end the struggle, speak up for what you need, and experience the freedom of being truly yourself. Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them–in order to achieve work/life balance, cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But what do “healthy boundaries” really mean–and how can we successfully express our needs, say “no,” and be assertive without offending others. Licensed counselor, sought-after relationship expert, and one of the most influential therapists on Instagram Nedra Glover Tawwab demystifies this complex topic for today’s world. In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. Rooted in the latest research and best practices used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), these techniques help us identify and express our needs clearly and without apology–and unravel a root problem behind codependency, power struggles, anxiety, depression, burnout, and more.

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