Success is the ability to achieve personal, professional, and life goals. This is done through proper planning, hard work, and will. The successful person is the person who is capable of making the critical, bold decisions to reach his desired goals. They set real goals that they can accomplish. They know that they make their own luck. Successful person is who trying to live a happy life and to make this world a better place for everyone. Interestingly, you follow this routine every day without thinking twice. Your unconscious daily habits create room for your brain to perform more advanced activities like problem-solving and analysis. Here is the list of 10 Good Habits to have in life to become more successful person. Good habits are those that get you closer to living your best life and are fundamental to becoming successful and happy. Here is the list of 10 Good Habits to Have in Life to Be More Successful.

1.Begin Your Day With Meditation

Doing Meditation early in the morning helps you to handle challenging situations during the day. Meditation helps you to remain calm before taking on the challenges. Meditation is a good habit to have if you want to be connected to what’s significant in your life. This practice helps you to place yourself in the present moment. With Meditation we can reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being. It helps you to devise strategies and think creatively. There are a million things demanding our time and attention every single day. Most of us spend our time running as fast as we can just to keep up. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re into, you can benefit from meditation. Meditation also enhances activity in the area of your brain that’s associated with positive emotions and experiences. Some studies suggest that meditation helps combat depression and anxiety, while others say that regular meditation may improve pain tolerance.

  1. Be Grateful for What You Have

Starting a daily practice of gratitude can help you recognize the positive in your life instead of focusing on the negative. Being thankful and grateful for all the good things you have can actually make you happier. “When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. “Be grateful in your own hearts. Thanksgiving has wings, and flies to its right destination.” We focus so much on the negative that the positive loses its place in our hearts. We all have unique things to be thankful for and learning how to practice gratitude brings us to a happier state of mind every day. Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. Write down one thing each day you could do to improve your life. Challenges justify the presence of hope. The only strategy you have to stop focusing on your problems is to focus on what you have. Gratitude is a time-tested pathway to success, health, and happiness. It redirects your focus to what you have from what you lack.


Smiling is our first facial expression. A genuine smile is a good habit to have if you want to find spiritual, emotional, and mental peace of mind. A smile is the universal sign for happiness. Smiling makes you more attractive to others. Smiling reduces blood pressure. Smiling boost’s your immune system. Smiling uses 5-53 muscles. Smiling can help you live longer. A Smiling induces the release of molecules that help in fighting stress. The physiological state of your body determines the state of your mind. When you slouch or frown, your mind takes cues related to unhappiness and depression. Everyone loves the quote “laughter is the best medicine.” Simulating a genuine smile can boost your mood. Smile makes you sound friendly. Babies are born with the ability to smile.

4.Eat a Healthy Breakfast

The name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. We may not have eaten for up to 10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. Healthy Breakfast replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. Healthy Breakfast it promotes a healthy heart by preventing diabetes and lowering blood pressure. Essential Breakfast foods are rich in key nutrients such as folate, calcium, iron, B vitamins and fibre. The body’s energy source is glucose. Glucose is broken down and absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. The body stores most of its energy as fat. But your body also stores some glucose as glycogen, most of it in your liver, with smaller amounts in your muscles. Studies have shown that eating eggs at breakfast increases feelings of fullness, reduces calorie intake at the next meal and helps maintain steady blood sugar and insulin levels. Oatmeal, Chia seeds, Yogurt, Berries, Nuts, Protein shake, Fruits, Cheese are good choice of Healthy Breakfast. A healthy breakfast has many health benefits, so try not to skip it.

5.Exercise Daily

Fitness can instill in you the fundamental building blocks necessary for achieving success. People who don’t regularly exercise may lose up to 80% of their muscle strength by age of 65. Exercising improves brain performance. Working out sharpens your memory. Exercising boosts self-confidence. Exercise involves engaging in physical activity and increasing the heart rate beyond resting levels. It is an important part of preserving physical and mental health. It increases the red blood cell count to enhance oxygen transportation. Regular exercise helps you lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The pressure on your feet is equal to about 3-4 times your body weight with each step while running. You use 200 muscles to take a single step forward. Your heart is the hardest working muscle in your body. It beats approximately 100,000 times per day, pumping almost 2,000 gallons of blood. Countless successful people, from Fortune 500 CEOs to entrepreneurs and celebrities, have discovered the undeniable connection between fitness and success. When you make exercise a non-negotiable in your life, you are committing to your growth.

6.Manage Your Time

Another good habit is the act of managing your time effectively. This goes a long way toward impacting your achievement. your calendar for more long-term time management. Write down the deadlines for projects, or for tasks that are part of completing the overall project. Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success. The ability to manage your time effectively is important. Good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life. Setting time constraints for completing tasks helps you be more focused and efficient. Make sure you start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do. Utilize Time management is the way we organize and distribute our time between activities, with the result of maximizing productivity and achieving goals. Create a daily schedule and stick with it, this step is absolutely crucial for learning how to manage time at work. Before you leave work for the day, create a list of the most pressing tasks for the next day.

7.Set Daily Goals With Intentions

Everyone has goals, whether they relate to business or their personal life. The truth is that we’re all tending towards a particular direction. Nevertheless, while long-term goals can offer you direction, it’s your daily goals that help you develop short-term goals that are essential for your success. Long-term goals may not give you the motivation you need to keep on, but when you implement your short-term milestones daily, you become fired up, and you can overcome the challenges that come with taking on bigger tasks. If you set your focus or brain filter to your goals with a specific intention, your brain will filter through all the information you receive automatically and hand you information relevant to your goal. It is an incredibly powerful tool to switch from negative thinking to positive. Doing your best each day to achieve your goals is important, and sometimes you just need to focus on the fact that you aren’t going to give half your best today. Setting intentions can make you more effective. Invent an accountability system. Setting your intentions once is great, but the more you do it, the more driven and focused your life will be. Find a way to stay accountable.

  1. Seek Inspiration

The word “inspiration” usually means something that mentally stimulates you. But “inspiration” also means to breathe in. The meanings poetically combine when you think of yourself breathing in thoughts, filling your body with ideas. But don’t forget to breathe out. Inspiration is the fuel for achievement because when you can conceive it in your mind, you can accomplish it. It is usually difficult to be inspired and feel good for a considerable length of time. Sometimes, you become discouraged and feel like giving up on your goals when things are not working out as intended. When you wake up in the morning (after meditation), watch some motivational videos and let the story of great leaders inspire you. Nothing is truly inspiring unless you apply it to your work. The inspiration is applying what you’ve received. “When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone.”

  1. Save Steadily and Invest With Prudence

The prudent-person rule is a legal principle that is used to restrict the choices of the financial manager of an account to the types of investments that a person seeking reasonable income and preservation of capital might buy for his or her own portfolio. I can’t exhaust the good habits to have without talking about saving and investing. Most times, you overlook the significance of saving for the future when you are living in your present moment. It is not enough to save, and you must invest your funds and be wise with them. If you pay attention to this now, you will set yourself up for a life of success in the future. Plan out how much you are allowed to spend. Do not be financially dependent on other people. Use saving tactics. Before you go shopping, write a list and stick to it; don’t be tempted to buy anything you don’t need. Investments involve putting money to work to create wealth for achieving long-term goals like child’s education, house etc.

10.Budget and Track Your Spending

It is easy to discard little expenses, but the truth is they always add up. This happens when you fail to budget. Budgeting is a good habit to have, and it can impact your financial life significantly. The money you spend on extravagant lifestyles can be saved and invested in your future instead. Budgeting apps are designed to allocate a certain amount of spendable income each month depending on what you’re taking in and what you’re paying out. You need guidelines to follow so that you can achieve your other savings goals without overdrawing your account. Record keeping helps you to stay on top of what you owe and to pay your bills on time. It means collecting receipts and looking at the total on the bottom to make sure the correct amount was charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account. Handling expenses can be stressful, difficult and time consuming, sometimes we find it difficult to track our daily expenses.

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THE 10 GREAT SMALLEST BIRD SPECIES IN THE WORLD (ranked by the Height of the Bird)

Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings. But few bird species do not have strong enough wings to fly , so these birds are flightless. Birds are a group of feathered theropod dinosaurs and constitute the only living dinosaurs. There are about ten thousand living species, more than half of which are passerine, or “perching” birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species. Many social species pass on knowledge across generations, which is considered a form of culture. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behaviours as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Songbirds, parrots, and other species are popular as pets. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Here are the 10 Smallest Bird Species the world ranked by Height of the Bird.

1.Bee Humming Bird(Mellisuga helenae)

The Bee Humming Bird is the smallest living bird and also the world’s lightest bird at under 2 grams. It has the smallest nest in the world. The Bee Humming Bird, zunzuncito or Helena Humming Bird is a species of Humming Bird. They are also known as “the flying jewels” because they are able to change the color of their feathers when they fly, this is the unique character. It is native to Cuba. The Average length of Bee Hummingbird is 5 – 6 centimeters and weight is 1.7 grams. The male has a green pileum and bright red throat, iridescent gorget with elongated lateral plumes, bluish upper parts, and the rest of the under parts mostly grayish white. Female bee hummingbirds are bluish green with a pale gray underside. The tips of their tail feathers have white spots. Hummingbirds are named after the humming sound which is produced by their wings during flight. Hummingbirds are very intelligent animals. They have larger brain size than other birds. Their brain weights 4.2% of the hummingbird total body weight. They do not have the sense of smell.

Hummingbirds can see and hear better than humans. They can even detect ultraviolet light. They can move their wings 70 times in a single second, so it requires a lot of energy. Hummingbirds use carbohydrates (sugars) as the main source of energy for flight. Nectar from flowers is the best source of sugar. It also eats insects, which provide them with enough proteins. Female usually lays 2 eggs, which are very small about just ½ inches long. Eggs represent 10 percent of the mother’s weight. Baby cannot fly and it spends first three weeks of life in the nest. Most hummingbirds die in the first year of their life. Those that survive, have an average lifespan of 5 years in the wild and more than 10 years in captivity.

2.Costa’s Humming Bird(Calypte Costae)

The Costa’s Hummingbirds (Calypte costae) are small North American desert birds that occur in the western United States and Mexico, but are known to wander eastward and as far north as Alaska and Canada. Average length of Costa’s Humming Bird is only 8 centimeters long and average weight is 3 grams. It’s native to the southwestern USA. The desert might seem like a bad place for a creature that feeds at flowers, but it is the favored habitat for Costa’s Hummingbird. The Costa’s hummingbird can usually be found in the arid deserts and gardens of its range. The male Costa’s hummingbird has a green and black back and flanks and a small black tail with patches of white below its tail. The male Costa’s hummingbird sports a vibrant purple cap and has throat feathers that flare out behind its head. The female Costa’s hummingbird, not as distinct as the male, is gray-green above and white on its underparts.

Jules Bourcier, a French naturalist and hummingbird expert named the Costa’s Hummingbird after his friend Louis Marie Pantaleon Costa de Beauregar. Costa was a Sardinian patriot, statesman, military commander, historian, and amateur archaeologist who was also fond of collecting hummingbirds. Compact and short-tailed with a slightly drooping bill. Researchers calculated that a Costa’s Hummingbird needs to visit 1,840 flowers to meet its energy requirements for one day. Even though they are traditionally migratory birds, an increasing number of them choose to remain throughout the year in areas with temperate climates, where food supplies are ample. It feeds on nectar and insects. They are typically found near plants such as the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) and cholla cactus (Opuntia acanthocarpa). They use their long, extendible, straw-like tongues to retrieve the nectar while hovering with their tails cocked upward as they are licking at the nectar up to 13 times per second. Sometimes they may be seen hanging on the flower while feeding.

3.WeeBill(Smicrornis Brevirostris)

Average length of WeeBill is just 8 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. Wingspan is approximately 15 cm (5.9 in). The Weebill was described by John Gould in 1838 as Psilopus brevirostris. The Weebill’s common name comes from the short, stubby, pale beak. The eye is pale cream, and there is a pale line above the eye. The Weebill is native to Australia’s jungles, forests and it is Australia’s smallest bird. Inhabits dry, open woodlands, especially Eucalypt forests. Eucalyptus-rich areas, they have a diet that’s based on larvae and small insects. It is very vocal as it forages in trees, where it feeds primarily on insects, sometimes in mixed flocks with thorn bills and pardalotes.

The Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris) is a species of bird in the family Acanthizidae, it is an insectivorous passerine. The Weebill’s plumage is nondescript, with olive-grey upperparts and paler, more yellowish under parts. It grades from more brownish plumage in the Southern regions of Australia to more yellow in tropical areas. Other names of it include tree-tit, short billed tree-tit, scrub-tit, or short-billed scrub-tit. The voice of the Weebill is a loud, clear, musical “pee-pee p’wee”, “wee bit” or “wee willy weetee”, often heard from a considerable distance. They display a preference for foraging in the canopy foliage of healthy Eucalyptus trees, where they are more likely to retrieve insects. The Weebill is widespread in all climates.

4.Goldcrest(Regulus Regulus)

Goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe. Average length of Goldcrest(Regulus Regulus) is 9 centimeters, weight is 5.7 grams and wingspan is 14 cm. Goldcrest includes many countries in the Middle East, East and Central Asia, India and many parts of Europe. It is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. Birds on the Canary Islands are now separated into two subspecies of the goldcrest, but were formerly considered to be a subspecies of the firecrest or a separate species, Regulus teneriffae. It is small bird with finely shaped bill and a short tail. Crown stripe yellow in female, orange in male. Since bird is often viewed from below, the crown stripe is often not visible. The dark eye with the large, pale grey eye-ring is a better character. Their thin beak is ideally suited for picking insects out from between pine needles.

It’s colourful golden crest feathers, as well as being called the “king of the birds” in European folklore, gives rise to its English and scientific names. The scientific name, R. regulus, means king or knight. The Goldcrest breeds in coniferous woodland and gardens. It builds three-layered nest on a tree branch. It is the fact that Goldcrests can incubate as many as 12 eggs at one time in their nest. Eggs are incubated by the female alone, and the chicks are fed by both parents. Contact call a very high pitched “zit zit zit”, only similar to Firecrest and treecreepers. Goldcrests eat tiny morsels like spiders, moth eggs and other small insect food. Birds from the North and East of its breeding range migrate to winter further South.

5.Simple FireCrest(Regulus Ignicapilla)

Averagelength of Simple FireCrest(Regulus Ignicapilla) is 9.3 centimeters and weight is 5.5 grams. FireCrest is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. The Firecrest is as small as the Goldcrest and is clearly very closely related to it, but the two species can coexist because of their subtly different ecological requirements. It is possible that this species was the original “king of the birds” in European folklore. It breeds in most of temperate Europe and northwestern Africa, and is partially migratory, with birds from central Europe wintering to the south and west of their breeding range. This kinglet is constantly on the move and frequently hovers as it searches for insects to eat, and in winter it is often found with flocks of tits.

Firecrests in the Balearic Islands and north Africa are widely recognized as a separate subspecies, but the population on Madeira, previously also treated as a subspecies, is now treated as a distinct species, the Madeira firecrest, Regulus madeirensis. The common Firecrest breeds in broadleaved or coniferous woodland and gardens. Seven to twelve eggs are incubated by the female alone. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge 22–24 days after hatching. It may be hunted and killed by birds of prey, and can carry parasites. Simple firecrests tend to be seen more frequently during autumn and winter.


Average length of Pardalote(Pardalotidae) is 9.5 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. The Pardalote is a particularly attractive Australian bird and native to Australia. Pardalotes are a family, Pardalotidae, of very small and brightly coloured birds. This family is composed of four species in one genus, Pardalotus, and several subspecies. Within the family two species, the forty-spotted pardalote and the red-browed pardalote, are fairly invariant species, but the remaining two species are highly variable. Spotted Pardalote also called as HeadacheBird. All four species nest in deep horizontal tunnels drilled into banks of earth. Externally about the size of a mouse-hole, they can be very deep, at a metre or more.

Some species also nest in tree hollows. Eventhough they weigh just 6 g. Their small size lets them get into small holes of eucalyptus trees to hunt for lerps and other native larvae. The name derives from a Greek word meaning “spotted”. They are seasonal breeders in temperate areas of Australia, but may breed year round in warmer areas. Pardalotes spend most of their time high in the outer foliage of trees, feeding on insects, spiders, and above all lerps. Their role in controlling lerp infestations in the Eucalyptus forests of Australia may be significant. Pardalote has short tail, strong legs, and stubby blunt beak. They are monogamous breeders, and both partners share nest construction, incubation and chick-rearing duties. Voice is a very clear and repetitive double “ding”.

7.Brown Gerygone(Gerygonemouki)

Average length of Brown Gerygone(Gerygonemouki) is 10 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. It is a Small plain bird with thin bill. It’s Upperparts brown, under parts whitish, with gray face, red eye, and distinctive patch of white in under tail. Juveniles lack red eye and have yellow gape (base of bill). Inhabits rainforest, wet forest, and surrounding habitats of Eastern Australia. The Brown Gerygone is similar to both the Large-billed, G. magnirostris, and Mangrove,G. levigaster, Gerygones. The Brown Gerygone is one a group of species of small birds which were formerly known as warblers, due to their loud, melodious song. However, as they are not related to the ‘true warblers’ that occur in Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia, their name was changed. Their new name, ‘gerygone’, which is pronounced ‘jer-ig-on-nee’, comes from Greek, meaning ‘the children of song’. It is also known as the Brown Warbler.

The tail feathers are dark and may be white-tipped. It feeds on insects. The brown Gerygone call is a soft what-is-it. In Victoria there has been a westward expansion of this species, with confirmed sightings in the Dandenong Ranges, East of Melbourne. It has been seen in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. The Brown Gerygone builds a rounded dome nest with a tapering ‘tail’ from roots, plant fibres, spider web, moss and lichens, which is suspended from a low branch or vine. Both parents feed their young ones.


Average length of Verdin(Ariparusflaviceps) is 10 centimeters and weight is 7 grams. The Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) is a species of penduline tit. Verdins are insectivorous, continuously foraging among the desert trees and scrubs. These restless birds comb the foliage of trees for insects and spiders, sometimes hanging upside down to investigate hard-to-reach places. They supplement their insect diet with fruits and even nectar, which they may sip from hummingbird feeders. Verdin rivals the American bushtit as one of the smallest passerines in North America. It is gray overall, and adults have a bright yellow head and rufous shoulder patch (the lesser coverts). Unlike the tits, it has a sharply pointed bill.

Juveniles have a light gray body without the rufous shoulder patch and yellow head. The base of the short bill is thick by the head, and draws to a sharp point at the tip. Their nests are best described as spherical masses of bulky twigs and branches that are then lined with grasses, feathers, and hair. Verdins nest in shrubs and thorny thickets with few trees. Both males and females build nests for roosting and nesting, and both incubate the eggs and tend to young. Clutch sizes vary from 3-6 eggs, which are light green with irregular dark red-brown spots, concentrated at the bottom end of the egg.

9.GoldenHeaded Cisticola(Cisticola Exiles)

Average length of GoldenHeaded Cisticola(Cisticola Exiles) is 10 centimeters and weight 8 grams. It is tiny, sandy-colored bird with short tail and dark-streaked back. Breeding adult males have orange-gold crown. Inhabits grasslands of northern and eastern Australia, where perches prominently. Very similar Zitting Cisticola always has a streaked crown and a very different “tick-tick-tick” song but otherwise almost identical. The Golden-headed cisticola (Cisticola exilis), also known as the bright-capped cisticola. It is a species of warbler in the family Cisticolidae. It is also known as the “finest tailor of all birds”. It constructs nests out of plants and spider threads.

This species has been known by several English names in addition to the golden-headed cisticola, including bright-capped cisticola, bright-headed cisticola, bright-crowned cisticola, gold-capped cisticola, yellow-headed cisticola, exile warbler and fan-tail warbler. Males slightly heavier than females. The Golden-headed cisticola is omnivorous, primarily eating invertebrates such as insects and small slugs, but also eating grass seeds. It usually inhabits a single place throughout its life, but habitat changes sometimes cause it to move to a different location. It produces a variety of sounds distinct from other birds, which, according to the Sunshine Coast Council, range from a “teewip” to a “wheezz, whit-whit”. It mates in the rainy season. Three to four eggs are laid at a time, which are incubated by the female, taking 11 days. After hatching, the female feeds the chicks and the male defends the nest, chasing away animals that come near it. Young remain in the nest for 11–13 days.

10.Lesser GoldFinch(Spinus Psaltria)

Average length of Lesser GoldFinch(Spinus Psaltria) is 10 centimeters and weight is 10 grams. The Lesser Goldfinch is known by its scientific name Spinus psaltria, is a small perching bird that’s common to the Southwestern United States. It is native to North America, the Bahamas, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Though similar in looks to the common sparrow, these birds, unlike the sparrow, hail from the finch family. Lesser Goldfinches are beautiful songbirds whose scientific name is derived from the ancient Greek word for female harpists, psalteria. Lesser Goldfinch birds were first formally described by the American zoologist, Thomas Say. While American Goldfinches lose all the yellow color from their plumage in winter, the Lesser Goldfinch retains a yellow tone. Though, both Lesser Goldfinches and American Goldfinches have a grayish-toned bill in winter plumage.

It feeds in small groups moving through low weeds, shrubs and trees to take mainly small seeds, as well as buds, flowers, or fruits, often visits feeders. It’s a very common bird that’s found in multiple habitats at different elevations and has been observed to be a predominantly monogamous bird. It is particularly sexually dimorphic, with significant coloration differences between males and females. Nests generally were placed toward tips of long branches in the middle of ponderosa pines. Most nests were well concealed in needle clusters in trees near forest edges and openings. This petite species is not only the smallest North American SpinusFinch, it may be the smallest true Finch in the world. Males are easily recognized by their bright yellow under parts and big white patches in the tail (outer rectrices) and on the wings. Female is similar to American Goldfinch. Like other goldfinches, it has an undulating flight in which it frequently gives a call: in this case, a harsh chig chig chig.

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Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. A Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Now a days IT has been well organize as one of the major urging forces in the modern economy. IT has changed our daily life over past decades. This is the list of Top 10 IT companies in the world in the year 2020


Microsoft Corporation founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 4th, April 1975. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also produces its own line of hybrid tablet computers, publishes books and multimedia titles, and sells electronic game systems, offers e-mail services, and computer peripherals. 170 countries and are made up of 144,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling the mission of Microsoft organization. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Their revenues for 1975 totalled $16,000. It was the first software company to reach $1 Billion in revenues in 1990. Now worth an estimated market value of Microsoft is $789.25 billion.

Microsoft Corporation chairman Bill Gates introduces the Windows XP operating system at a press conference in 2001. Microsoft is one of the world’s leading technology companies with products that include the Windows operating system, Office productivity applications, and Azure cloud services. LinkedIn, its business-oriented social network, is used by millions to make connections. Outside the office, Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system is second only to Sony’s PlayStation. At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Personal computers become so popular. Microsoft made a program that was compatible with IBM computers. In 1991 Tim Berners Less came up with the World Wide Web as internet we know it. The first laptop computer ‘the Power Book 100’came out. In 1996 Nokia introduced a phone that had internet capabilities. This started a revolution of devices that were small portable computers.


IBM, stands for International Business Machine, is the largest IT Company with over 405,000 employees working in over 170 countries around the world. It is multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York. It is began in the year 1911. IBM provides two major IT solutions – Global Technology Services (GTS) and the Global Business Services (GBS). GTS enclosed the infrastructure support, product maintenance, and the process outsourcing, whereas GBS control consulting, application management services and the systems integration. IBM produces and sells computer hardware, middleware and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

Today around 97% of Banks all over the world are depend on IBM services and composing it the largest host of online transactions. The automated teller machine (ATM), the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card are invented by IBM. IBM has stepped into cloud computing with ‘IBM Cloud’ as a leading platform for the enterprise. IBM’s total revenue for the year 2018 was $79.1 billion and $77.1 billion was the revenue for the year 2019. Revenues for the full year 2020 is $73.6 billion. The year 1953 saw the development of IBM’s 701 EDPM, which, according to IBM, was the first commercially successful general-purpose computer.


Oracle Corp. engages in the provision of products and services that address all aspects of corporate information technology environments. It operates through the following business segments: Cloud and License, Hardware, and Services. The Cloud and License segment markets, sells, and delivers applications, platform, and infrastructure technologies. The Hardware segment provides hardware products and hardware-related software products including Oracle Engineered Systems, servers, storage, industry-specific hardware, operating systems, virtualization, management and other hardware related software, and related hardware support. The Services segment offers consulting, advanced support, and education services. Oracle Corporation is an US based multinational information technology company, headquarter is in Redwood Shores, California.

Oracle is an expert in developing and creating database software technology, cloud systems and enterprise software application, and database management systems. The company sells enterprise software products particularly its own brands of database management systems. The company also develops and builds tools for database development and systems of middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Larry Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation in 1977 with Bob Miner and Ed Oates under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). SDL changed its name to Relational Software, Inc (RSI) in 1979, then again to Oracle Systems Corporation in 1983. In 1995, Oracle Systems Corporation changed its name to Oracle Corporation. Oracle is ranked in 3rd position in this list of Top 10 IT companies in the world 2020.


Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting) is a provider of strategy, consulting, interactive, technology, and operations services with digital capabilities. The company operates in five segments: Communications, Media & Technology, Financial Services, Health & Public Service, Products, and Resources. The Communications, Media & Technology segment helps communications, media, high tech, and software and platform companies accelerate and deliver digital transformation. The Financial Services segment serves the banking, capital markets, and insurance industries. The Health & Public Service segment offers consulting services and digital solutions to healthcare payers and providers, as well as government departments and agencies, public service organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. The Products segment delivers distribution, sales and marketing, research and development, manufacturing, finance, human resources, procurement, and supply chain digital solutions. The Resources segment helps organizations to develop and execute strategies, improve operations, manage change initiatives, and integrate digital technologies.

Accenture, a global professional services company with 482,000 people in more than 120 countries. It has been incorporated in Dublin, Ireland since 2009. Accenture plc is an Irish multinational company selling consulting and processing services. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $44.33 billion in 2020 and had 506,000 employees. In 2015, the company had about 150,000 employees in India, 48,000 in the US, and 50,000 in the Philippines. Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve performance and create sustainable value for stakeholders. Accenture began as the business and technology consulting division of accounting firm Arthur Andersen in the early 1950s. The company’s Accenture Innovation Architecture brings together Accenture Research to identify market and technology trends, Accenture Ventures to invest in growth-stage companies. On 1 February 2021, Accenture acquired Imaginea Technologies, a cloud-native and agile development company. This acquisition also bolsters the Accenture Cloud First division.

5.HP Enterprise

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is an American multinational enterprise information technology company based in Houston, Texas, United States. The Headquarter is in Palo Alto, California. Founded on November 1, 2015 in San Jose, California, as part of the splitting of the Hewlett-Packard company. Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the world’s leading IT firm that offers IT Service & Enterprise products and solutions. From fixing equipment to retrieving critical business data, HP Services has covered around the globe, 24/7. Discover the many ways IT and device services can help protect investments, solve business challenges, and keep focused on reinventing business. Harness HP Print Managed Service better manage costs, increase uptime and enhance security across environment. Secure print network, fleet data and document infrastructure with innovative solutions.

In 1939, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, college friends turned business partners, started the original Silicon Valley startup in the space of a rented Palo Alto garage. Starting with audio oscillators, the friends built the foundation for a company that would grow to become a global leader in enterprise technology. It includes Enterprise Storage, Servers, and Networking (ESSN), HP Enterprise Services, and HP Software Division. HPE is a business-focused organization with two divisions: Enterprise Group, which works in servers, storage, networking, consulting and support, and Financial Services. HPE reported FY2019 annual revenue of $29.135 billion. HP produce and sells hardware devices and software related services to consumers. It also provides SAAS (software as a service), cloud computing, business consulting, support etc.


SAP SE is a German multinational IT company, SAP is specialized in enterprise software service for business operation management and customer relation management. The headquarter of SAP SE is located in Walldorf, Germany and offices over 180 countries. SAP SE is one of the biggest tech companies in the world with 335,000 customers in worldwide. SAP renowned for solving various business issues across all industries. SAP retain its position among the top 10 IT companies in the world for strong performance in the market. The company is especially known for its ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) software. ERP permitted the use of a centralized data storage, improving the maintenance of data. So a database was necessary. SAP is the largest non-American software company by revenue as well as the world’s third-largest publicly-traded software company by revenue.

In June 1972, they founded the SAP “System Analysis and Program Development” company, as a private partnership under the German Civil Code. Their first client was the German branch of Imperial Chemical Industries in Ostringen. In 2014 SAP bought Concur Technologies, a provider of cloud-based travel and expense management software, for $8.3 billion. In 2014, IBM and SAP began a partnership to sell cloud-based services. Likewise, in 2015, SAP also partnered with HPE to provide secure hybrid cloud-based services running the SAP platform. The company announced plans in 2016 to invest heavily into technology relating to Internet of Things (IoT) as part of a strategy to capitalize on the growth in that market. For that purpose, €2 billion is planned for investment in relevant sectors by the end of 2020. The automation of the financial software that lies at the heart of any business & accountancy, budget management, general ledger. SAP has announced full-year financial results indicating a 1% drop in revenue to €27.338bn, with cloud revenue up 17% to €8.085bn.


Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is an Indian-based multinational information technology (IT) service, business solutions and consulting company over 46 counties, headquartered in Mumbai, India. Tata Consultancy Services Limited, initially started as “Tata Computer Systems” was founded in 1968 by division of Tata Sons Limited. Its early contracts included punched card services to sister company TISCO. In 2005, TCS became the first India based IT services company to enter the bioinformatics market. It designed an ERP system in 2006. By 2008, its e-business activities were generating over US$500 million in annual revenues. With cloud based offerings TCS entered the small and medium enterprises market for the first time in 2011. It has its largest workforce based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. TCS became the first Indian IT company to reach $100 billion in market capitalization. In 2016–2017, Parent company Tata Sons owned 72.05% of TCS; and more than 70% of Tata Sons’ dividends were generated by TCS. TCS also serves for some of the important department of Indian Govt. like PS (Pass Seva- India) and so many. TCS is also a leading recruiter in India. In 1980, TCS established India’s first dedicated software research and development centre, the Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC) in Pune.

In April 2018, TCS became the first Indian IT company to reach $100 billion in market capitalization, and second Indian company ever after its market capitalization stood at ₹6,79,332.81 crore ($102.6 billion) on the Bombay Stock Exchange. On 8 October 2020, TCS surpassed Accenture in market capitalization to become the world’s most-valuable IT company with a market cap of $144.73 billion. On 8 October 2020, TCS surpassed Accenture in market capitalization to become the world’s most-valuable IT company with a market cap of $144.73 billion.. TCS and its 67 subsidiaries provides a wide range of information technology-related products and services including application development, business process outsourcing, capacity planning, consulting, enterprise software, hardware sizing, payment processing, software management and technology education services.

  1. Capgemini

Capgemini is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. The Group is guided everyday by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. Specialities of Capgemini are Outsourcing, Process Consulting, Package Based Solutions, Custom Solution Development, Application Management, Business Information Management, Artificial Intelligence, Business Consulting, Cloud, Digital, and Managed Services. Capgemini SE is a French multinational IT Company specialized in IT Services and business consulting services. The headquartered in Paris, France. It is one of the world’s largest IT Company with the strength over 270,000 employees in over 50 countries. Among 270,000 employees nearly 120,000 are in India. Capgemini was founded by Serge Kampf in 1967 as an enterprise management and data processing company.

In 1974 Sogeti acquired Gemini Computers Systems, a US company based in New York. In 1975, having made two major acquisitions of CAP (Centre d’Analyse et de Programmation) and Gemini Computer Systems, and following resolution of a dispute with the similarly-named CAP UK over the international use of the name ‘CAP’, Sogeti renamed itself as CAP Gemini Sogeti. Cap Gemini Sogeti launched US operations in 1981. The name was simplified to Cap Gemini with a new group logo in 1996. Sogeti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capgemini Group. In 2017, Cap Gemini S.A. became Capgemini SE, and its Euronext ticker name similarly changed from CAP GEMINI to CAPGEMINI. With its strong 50 year heritage and deep industry expertise, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. The Group reported in 2020 global revenues of €16 billion.


Cognizant provides information technology, information security, consulting, ITO and BPO services. These include business & technology consulting, systems integration, application development & maintenance, IT infrastructure services, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Engineering, analytics, business intelligence, data warehousing, customer relationship management, supply chain management, engineering & manufacturing solutions, enterprise resource planning, research and development outsourcing, and testing solutions. Cognizant has three areas which makes up their business Digital Business, Digital Operations, and Digital Systems & Technology. Like many other IT services firms, Cognizant follows a global delivery model based on offshore software R&D and offshore outsourcing. The company has a number of offshore development centers outside the United States and near-shore centers in the U.S., Europe and South America. Cognizant is an American (US) based multinational company which was headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey, USA. It was founded as an in-house technology unit of Dun & Bradstreet in 1994, and started serving external clients in 1996. Cognizant had a period of fast growth during the 2000s.

Cognizant began as Dun & Bradstreet Software (DBSS), established as Dun & Bradstreet’s in-house technology unit focused on implementing large-scale IT projects for Dun & Bradstreet businesses. In 1996, Dun & Bradstreet spun off several of its subsidiaries, IMS International, Nielsen Media Research, Pilot Software, Strategic Technologies and DBSS, to form a new company called Cognizant Corporation, headquartered in Chennai, India. In 1998, the parent company, Cognizant Corporation, split into two companies: IMS Health and Nielsen Media Research. On 30 June 2015, it partnered with Singapore-based supermarket retailer NTUC FairPrice to perform digital transformation in NTUC’s business to improve personalized and consistent customer service across multiple channels. In April 2018, Cognizant and a consortium of Indian life insurers announced their development of a block chain solution aimed at increasing efficiency through facilitating cross-company data sharing. The company has 281,200 employees globally, of which over 150,000 are in India across 10 locations. other centers of the company are in Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Gurgaon, Noida, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Mangalore, Mumbai, and Pune. The company has local, regional, and global delivery centers in the UK, Hungary, The Netherlands, Spain, China, Philippines, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico etc.


Infosys provides software development, maintenance and independent validation services to companies in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains. Infosys had a total of 243,454 employees at the end of December 2019. One of its known products is Finacle which is a universal banking solution with various modules for retail and corporate banking. Infosys was established by seven engineers in Pune, Maharashtra, India in 2nd July 1981 with an initial capital of $250. In April 1992 it changed it’s name to Infosys Technologies Private Limited . In June 1992 the company changed its name to Infosys Technologies Private Limited in April 1992 and to Infosys Technologies Limited when it became a public limited company. In June 2011 it was later renamed to Infosys Limited. Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational reputed IT company that provides business consulting, IT and outsourcing services. It’s headquarters is in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Infosys is the second largest IT company in India and one of the top 10 largest IT companies in the world in terms of revenue and market reputation.

It provides software development, and independent validation services to industries in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains. Its annual revenue reached US$100 million in 1999, US$1 billion in 2004 and US$10 billion in 2017. On 31 December 2020, its market capitalization was $71.92 billion. In 2012, Infosys announced a new office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to serve Harley-Davidson, being the 18th international office in the United States. In 2012, the development will include more than 120 acres. In July 2014, Infosys started a product subsidiary called EdgeVerve Systems, focusing on enterprise software products for business operations, customer service, procurement and commerce network domains. Infosys has 82 sales and marketing offices and 123 development centres across the world as of 31 March 2018, with major presence in India, United States, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East and Europe. In 2019, 60%, 24%, and 3% of its revenues were derived from projects in North America, Europe, and India, respectively. The remaining 13% of revenues were derived from the rest of the world.

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Any of several games played between two teams on a usually rectangular field having goalposts or goals at each end and whose object is to get the ball over a goal line, into a goal, or between goalposts by running, passing, or kicking. A stadium where football games are held. athletic facility available here. The buzz of attending the most memorable sporting events on the planet has as much to do with the atmosphere in the stadium as it does the competing teams. There’s an importance in showcasing the national or team culture throughout a stadium. Each stadium preserves its own unique identity. For most stadiums though, their sheer size and capacity is what sets them apart and generates a truly epic experience. Predictably, the USA have solid representation in the top 10 biggest stadiums in the world.


The Rungrado 1st of May Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium on Rungra Island, Pyongyang, North Korea. It opened on 1 May 1989. The site occupies an area of 20.7 hectares (51 acres). Officially the world’s largest by capacity, Pyongyang, North Korea’s Rungrado 1st of May Stadium takes top spot. The name of this stadium comes from Rungrado Islet in the Taedong River, upon which it is located, and May Day, the international labour day. Its crenated roof has 16 arches which are arranged in the shape of a ring, and it resembles a magnolia blossom. It has eight storeys in all and stands at an impressive height of more than 60 metres from the ground. The 60-metre long canopy is enough to cover the section of the stands. The mayflower shaped arena was built as a national symbol of power and size and accommodates 150,000 people.

The venue holds many events, from football to athletics but is largely used for parades and shows, most notably the annual Arirang Mass Games. The stadium has 80 exits and ten lifts. The stadium has many training halls, recreation rooms, an indoor swimming pool, an ultrasonic bath, a sauna, beds and many other modern facilities, which help the players in their training needs and make them feel comfortable. It also has many dining rooms, a broadcasting room and telex booths. As the world largest stadium it hosts the largest performance in the world, the Mass Games performance which involves over 100,000 performers. And this has been confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records. As Ahmedabad inaugurates the world’s largest cricket stadium, here’s a look at the other sporting arenas that pack in crowds in the thousands.


From the time it opened in 1927 until today, Michigan Stadium has maintained its status of being one of the largest stadiums in college football. Prior to playing at Michigan Stadium the Wolverines played at Ferry Field since 1906 and continually had to expand the stadium as interest in the team grew. With growing support, a new stadium was needed to accommodate fans. One word describes Michigan Stadium is huge. Fielding Yost, coach of the team designed a new stadium and the University of Michigan approved construction in April 1926. Built at a cost of $950,000, It was modeled after the Yale Bowl and was built of steel and concrete. When completed the stadium seated nearly 72,000 fans.

Yost designed the stadium so it could be expanded to seat up to 200,000 fans. The Michigan Wolverines played their inaugural first game at Michigan Stadium on October 1, 1927 against Ohio Wesleyan. The entire single tier grandstand circles the playing field. The official capacity when Michigan Stadium opened was 84,401, an enormous number during this time and was the largest stadium in the nation in 1927. Today, Michigan Stadium is the largest college football stadium in the nation. It is nicknamed “The Big House” because of its enormous size. For over 200 games the Wolverines have attracted more than 100,000 fans and hosted 111,238 fans in a game against Michigan State on November 20, 1999. Michigan Stadium is the site of the University of Michigan’s main graduation ceremonies; renovations in April 2008 caused that year’s ceremony to be moved to the Diag.

3.BEAVER STADIUM – 106,572

Beaver Stadium is a venue that is widely considered one of the most intimidating venues for opposing teams in US Collegiate sports. Beaver Stadium has been the home of the Nittany Lions since 1960 and is one of the largest stadiums in college football. Throughout the past century the Nittany Lions have played at several facilities including a stadium also named Beaver Stadium. The original Beaver Stadium was located on the west side of campus and seated 30,000 fans. Named for James Beaver, President of the Board of Trustees, the Nittany Lions played at the original Beaver Stadium from 1909 until 1959. The university decided to disassemble the stadium and move it to its current location after the 1959 season. The team played its first game in the rebuilt stadium on September 17, 1960 against Boston University. Beaver Stadium’s horseshoe configuration enabled it to have a seating capacity of 46,284. In 1976, the bleachers in the south end zone were expanded.

By 1978 the capacity was 76,000 after the track was removed from the stadium and the stadium was cut into sections and raised, adding new seats where the track was located. Two years later, the capacity was increased to 83,770 and lights were installed in 1984. An upper deck was added in 1991, increasing the capacity by 10,000. Continued fan support has allowed PSU to continue to improve and expand Beaver Stadium. This project included the addition of a 10,000 seat upper deck, a new video/scoreboard, 60 luxury suites, 4,000 club seats and new restrooms and concessions. The latest upgrade to Beaver Stadium was completed before the 2014 season as both video/scoreboards were upgraded. Today, Beaver Stadium is currently the largest stadium in college football with a capacity of 107,282, behind Michigan Stadium’s 108,000 seating capacity. Because of its size, Beaver Stadium has been named one of the scariest place for opposing teams to play.

4.OHIO STADIUM – 104,944

Nestled along the banks of the Olentangy River, Ohio Stadium is one of the most recognized landmarks in college sports. As you cross over the Lane Avenue Bridge and look to the right in astonishment, it’s obvious to passerby’s that you are headed to Ohio Stadium, home of the Buckeyes. In fact, Ohio Stadium, also known as “the Shoe”, was added to the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service. With a seating capacity of 102,780, it’s the fourth largest football stadium in college football. The history of the stadium dates back to 1913 when the Buckeyes played at Ohio Field and a new stadium was needed because of growing support for the team. Ohio State wanted to build a stadium large enough to accommodate fans that were interested in the sport. It is one of the best college football stadiums in the nation. The university commissioned Howard D. Smith to design a double decked horseshoe stadium in 1918. After securing the funding to build the new stadium, construction began in August 1921.

Built of steel and concrete, the stadium was constructed at a cost of $1.3 million. At Ohio Stadium on October 7, the Buckeyes played their first game, 1922 against Ohio Wesleyan. When it opened Ohio Stadium had a seating capacity of 66,210 in a unique, double decked horseshoe configuration. In 1984, a new scoreboard was added, and in 1991, 5,000 seats were added in the south end zone. This expansion included the removal of the Jesse Owens Track and lowered the field by 14 feet. Lowering the field allowed for additional rows of seating to be added. Furthermore, a 40 foot tall shell was added on the east and west sides of the stadium to allow the rim to be raised for an additional 17 rows of seats to be installed. A new video/scoreboard, 76 luxury suites and 2,500 club seats were also a part of this massive expansion project. In 2013, Ohio State announced plans to add an additional 2,500 seats in the south end zone at Ohio Stadium.

5.KYLE FIELD – 102, 733

The history of Kyle Field dates to the mid 1920s when it was constructed in two phases, 1927 and 1929, and named after Edwin J. Kyle, the athletic council President and the Dean of Agriculture who led the way in getting a new facility built for the Aggies. The university was founded as a rural military and agricultural school. Although, military training is no longer required, the university still has respect for military traditions and values. These are just a few of the many traditions that have built the university and its student body into being one of the most enthusiastic, loudest stadium’s in college football. Originally with a single tier grandstand in a horseshoe configuration around the playing field, Kyle Field has grown enormously with a seating capacity of over 32,000. The next expansion was completed before the 1980 season, when the third decks were added. The original grass field was replaced by Astroturf in 1970 but reverted back to grass before the 1996 season.

A $32.9 million expansion and renovation project was completed before the 1999 season. The original stands on the north side that formed the horseshoe were removed and a new massive three tier grandstand was built. This section, known as “The Zone” houses luxury suites, club seats, and the Texas A&M sports museum. This increased the seating capacity to 82,600. In February 2013 Texas A&M unveiled plans to expand Kyle Field, making it one of the largest stadiums in the country. The $425 million expansion enclosed Kyle Field pushing the capacity to 102,512, making it the largest stadium in the SEC and one of the largest in college football. The two phases project was completed over two years. The first phase construction of the south end zone seating structure and the largest videoboard in sports at 47 feet tall by 163 feet wide. Construction of Kyle Field Phase two was completed by the 2015 season. The home of the Aggies is now one of the most intimidating stadiums in the country.


Neyland Stadium was born of humble beginnings. In 1919, W.S. Shields, a University of Tennessee trustee and President of the local bank, provided the money for a new stadium for the football program. The stadium and its fans are also a powerful recruiting tool as Tennessee has produced some of the finest athletes in the NFL today and the Volunteers plan to continue this trend long into the future. Completed in 1921, the stadium was originally known as Shields-Watkins Field, after Shields and his wife Alice Watkins. The Volunteers played their inaugural first game at the stadium on September 24, 1921 against Emory and Henry. The first of 16 expansions of the stadium began in 1926, when a grandstand that could seat 3,600 was constructed. The same year, famous Vols head coach, Robert R. Neyland, began his tenure as head of the football program. Expansions to the stadium have continued over the years. Shields Watkins Stadium was renamed Neyland Stadium in 1962, after the famous Vols head coach. Seating increasing the capacity at Neyland Stadium to 91,249. In 1987, 42 luxury suites were added to the stadium and an additional 78 were added prior to the 2000 season. The Neyland Stadium was completed after bringing the capacity to 104,544.

Artificial turf was at the stadium from the 1968 season until 1993, when it was replaced with grass. In 2004, the University of Tennessee approved a $200 million master plan to expand and renovate Neyland Stadium in five phases. The first phase included renovating the east side in 2006 by adding new club seats. This decreased the seating capacity to just over 102,000. The next phase was completed on the west side before the 2009 season as skyboxes, the pressbox and club areas were renovated. The concourses were also revamped and expanded with new restrooms and concession areas. Also included in this renovation project was the installation of a 4,000 square foot HD video/scoreboard. It includes the Tennessee Terrace, a 1,800 club seat area, the Gate 21 plaza and a new brick facade. Today the capacity of Neyland Stadium is 102,455. Today, Neyland Stadium is one of the most well known stadiums in the sport. It is one of the loudest stadiums in football with two decks of seats enclosing the playing field. Expansions over the years have been worth it, as Neyland Stadium is consistently voted as one of the best college football stadiums.

7.TIGER STADIUM – 102, 321

Perhaps one of the most popular stadiums in baseball history, Tiger Stadium was the home of
the Detroit Tigers for nearly a century. Located at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull Avenues, it was a mecca for generations of Tiger fans. Baseball was first played at this location in 1896 when Detroit owner Arthur Van Der Beck bought the club. A new ballpark of steel and concrete was constructed on the same site after demolishing of wood. Homeplate was moved from right field to the location where it was until Tiger Stadium closed. On April 20, 1912 the Detroit Tigers played their first game at their new ballpark, named Navin Field after the club’s owner, Frank Navin. A press box was added on top of the roof. The 1930s expansion project gave Tiger Stadium its look that it retained for 70 years. In 1935, Navin Field was renamed Briggs Stadium after owner Walter O. Briggs. Construction was completed by April 1937 and Briggs Stadium could seat 36,000 fans. After expansion, Briggs Stadium was now enclosed and had a capacity of 54,500, making it one of baseballs largest stadiums. Dimensions were 340 ft. (left), 440 ft. (center), and 325 ft. (right).

Night baseball came to Briggs Stadium on June 15, 1948. During the same year, the press box was extended around the third deck. In 1961, Briggs Stadium was renamed Tiger Stadium when the team was bought by John Fetzer. Tiger fans became outraged in 1972. Then original green seats with new orange and blue seats, a new video/scoreboard replaced the old hand operated one in centerfield, a new press box with two luxury suites were hung. Concessions and restrooms were updated, and new blue and white siding was added to the facade of the stadium. A food court called the Tiger Plaza was completed. From the green grass to the green seats and eventually the blue and orange seats, Tiger Stadium reminded fans what baseball was like in 1914. By the early 1990s the owner of the Tigers wanted a new luxurious ballpark for team. A new ballpark for the Tigers was built in downtown Detroit, and the club moved to Comerica Park after the 1999 season. The last game at Tiger Stadium was on September 27, 1999.


Situated in the heart of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Bryant-Denny Stadium is home to the University of Alabama NCAA College football team. Nearly 100,077 fans hanging in the Bryant-Denny Stadium, home of the Alabama Crimson Tide since 1929. The recording of former coach Bear Bryant’s voice is broadcast throughout the stadium. Today Bryant Denny Stadium is one of the largest stadiums in the nation; however it took hard work and multiple expansions to finally reach this point. The University of Alabama has played football for over a century, but it took nearly four decades before they began to play at Bryant Denny Stadium. George Hutchenson Denny Stadium was built on September 28, 1929. By 1946, bleachers were at both end zones of the stadium and the capacity reached 31,000. A new press box and 12,000 seats were added. Five years later the capacity increased to 60,000. In 1975, State Legislature renamed George Hutchenson Denny Stadium, Bryant-Denny Stadium, after legendary Alabama football coach, Paul “Bear” Bryant. The seating capacity of Bryant Denny Stadium increased again in 1988 when the upper deck was added on the west side, increasing the capacity to 70,123.

In 1998, the east side upper deck was constructed, bumping the capacity to 83,000. This project included 81 new skyboxes, a scoreboard on the south end, new lights, an east side entrance tower and a brick façade for the facility. Before the 2006 season, a $50 million expansion project increased the seating capacity to over 92,000, with new seats and skyboxes. The area was named the “Walk of Champions.” In November 2008, Alabama announced plans to expand Bryant Denny Stadium to seat 101,821 fans. This $65.6 million expansion was completed by the start of the 2010 season. It includes a 8,500 seat upper deck, 34 luxury seats, 1,700 club seats, a 1,500 seat stadium club and two new corner video boards, all on the south side of the stadium. This multi-phase project was completed in phases following the 2019 season. Included in this project are replacing the existing video boards will new larger ones, a new elevator bank on the west side of the stadium, reconfiguration of the Alabama locker room, expanding the recruiting room and a 10,000-square foot social area for students. Additionally the press box will be relocated to the east side of the stadium, replaced by 10 new luxury suites. This project reduced the overall seating capacity to just above 100,000.


The Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at Joe Jamail Field is home to the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns football team. As The University of Texas continues at the forefront of the college football landscape, Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium at Joe Jamail Field remains a state-of-the-art facility since 1924. Stadium has delivered a great home field advantage with the team’s home record through the 2014 season being 359–105–10 (76.8%). The current official stadium seating capacity of 100,119. The South End Zone Addition will complete our Stadium bowl by replacing the existing bleachers at the south end of the Stadium. It is the ninth largest stadium in the world.

The addition will include new suites, clubs, loge boxes, sponsor amenities, new fan seating, an upgraded video scoreboard, and new coaches’ offices as well as upgrading the existing Moncrief-Neuhaus Athletic Center with the latest Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Services technologies. This expansion on the south end zone will provide enhanced game day experience for our fans and create additional revenue for Texas Athletics along with further supporting our student athlete services, recruitment, retention, and help keep football revenues at a high level. This construction made the stadium the largest in the Big 12 Conference, the eighth largest stadium in the United States.


The Melbourne Cricket Ground is regarded as Australia’s premier sporting venue. For over one hundred years, it has played host to many of the country’s biggest cricket and Australian Rules Football matches, and many other significant sporting contests besides. It was, in fact, even the centrepiece of the Olympic Games of 1956. Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) founded in November 1838. The Melbourne is an Australian sports stadium located in Yarra Park, Melbourne, Victoria built in 1853. It is the largest stadium in the Southern Hemisphere. It is adjacent to Melbourne Park and is part of the Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Precinct. The total seating capacity brought to 100,024.

Prior to a series of developments in the 1980s and 1990s, it possessed a capacity of around 125,000; since that time, the extension of individual seating to virtually all of its reaches has reduced that figure to somewhere closer to 97,000. In short, it is an imposing stadium: the three-tiered Great Southern Stand bounds the perimeter of one half of the ground and holds close to 50,000 people; there are also vast banks of seating in the Ponsford Stand, Olympic Stand and Members’ Reserve. It is also replete with a Gallery of Sport, two giant electronic scoreboards, and a vast array of corporate and media facilities. The club’s first game was against a military team at the Old Mint site, at the corner of William and Latrobe Streets.

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A manufacturer is a person or company that produces finished goods from raw materials by using various tools, equipment, and processes, and then sells the goods to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, or to other manufacturers for the production of more complex goods. Manufacturers are considered a significant part of the economy. The typical manufacturer was a single skilled artisan with assistants. Each artisan kept the secrets of the production and transferred the knowledge only to apprentices. The Industrial Revolution was the introduction of new technologies that enabled the mechanization of production, which increased the volume of the goods produced.

Technological advancements enable the mechanization of production processes, as well as improve overall efficiency and productivity. If you are thinking of small business ideas there are many tools and processes to help you get started. Industries are popular for successful business owners across the nation. No matter what type of business you start in 2020, there are so many growing and in-demand industries to choose from. Get started today by learning how much small business financing you’re qualified for, it’s probably more than you think. These industries were the most popular in the year 2020 Small Business Trends survey. Top 10 Small Business Industries to Start in 2020.

1.The Business Services Industry

The Business Service Industry is not a sector commonly recognized by the general public or, for that matter, much of the business community itself. The definition of a “Business Service” can be summarized as a service delivered to a business directly by another business. Postal, printing and PC servicing, as well as office product sales, are all included in the wide-reaching industry of business services. These establishments that support commerce are all staying busy. However spiring business owners interested in opening a business services-based company should potentially focus on providing online-based services. Worldwide demand in the sector is driven by new business growth and job growth. Convenience-craving consumers are always looking for a way to do things better, faster and cheaper.

2.The Food and Restaurant Industry

Restaurants and other food-service providers are so widespread that half of all adults have worked in food service in one way or another at some point in their lives. The food service industry encompasses any establishment that serves food to people outside their home. This includes restaurants, carryout operations, cafeterias, university dining halls, catering and vending companies, hotels and inns, and rehab and retirement centers. Making home-cooked meals isn’t an option for everyone. Fortunately, in today’s strong economy, more people are saving time by turning to delivery services, fast-casual dining and full service restaurants, making it a great time to break into the food and restaurant industry.

According to a recent study , the key to finding and sustaining success as a restaurant owner is establishing customer loyalty. Whether your plan is to open a food truck, full-service dining or fast food chain, you can find success just about anywhere. Most food produced for the food industry comes from commodity crops using conventional agricultural practices. Agriculture is the process of producing food, feeding products, fiber and other desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals. If you service quality food and get creative with attracting repeat customers.

  1. The General Retail Industry

If you’re interested in selling a good or product in a retail setting, there’s a market for it. Industry as selling a diverse range of products. Fortunately, the general retail industry is another great example of businesses that can thrive in both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce business models. The key to finding success is understanding how people shop for your product. For example, consumers are more likely to want to physically see items like furniture, clothes and cosmetics before purchasing them.
Employers operating in the retail industry must ensure they are paying all casual employees the correct rates, including additional penalties. On 24 November 2020, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down their decision on junior rates in the General Retail Industry Award 2020 as part of the 4-yearly Review of Modern Awards.

  1. The Health, Beauty and Fitness Industry

The Health and Wellness industry encompasses all activities which promote physical and mental wellbeing: from yoga to healthy eating, personal care and beauty, nutrition and weight-loss, meditation, spa retreats and workplace wellness. The growing prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases across the globe is one of the key factors driving the growth of the market. Another niche that’s not just thriving in our strong economy, but growing without much ecommerce competition, is the health, beauty and fitness industry. From gym and fitness franchises to day spas, med spas and nutrition counselling, the options here are endless. No matter which industry specialty you choose, your focus should be on both specialization and accessibility. For example, more gyms are finding success offering boutique workouts and the same goes for spas with more narrowed product lines like Botox or organic only products. Today eating clean means eating a diet made of gluten-free, dairy-free, non-refined carbs, sugar-free food. The global health and wellness market is currently witnessing a healthy growth.

  1. The Automotive Repair Industry

Auto repair shops that want to ensure they will survive these disruptive trends and thrive in 2021 and going forward must begin to take steps now to prepare their shops and their staff for a future that will be dramatically different because it will be driven by new and transformative trends. If you’re considering an auto repair or maintenance shop for your next small business, you may be on the fast track to success. Several factors are contributing to this economy-proof industry’s growth. Cars are now built better and living longer, which means rather than buying a new car, people are taking their cars in for regular maintenance; this includes major body and paint services which accounts for about half of the industry’s market share.

Other popular services in this industry include oil and lubrication, transmission work and mechanical repair. Because of the brick-and-mortar nature of these businesses, start-up costs in the auto repair industry can run higher than average, so take the time to understand your financing options. The global automotive repair and maintenance services industry is forecast to grow, according to Future Market Insights, driven by increasing vehicle production and growing demand from emerging markets. Today’s consumers are keeping their vehicles longer and are more aware of the importance of preventive maintenance and scheduled servicing to maximize the lifetime value of their vehicles.

  1. The In-Home Care Industry

Home care can be the key to achieving the highest quality of life possible. It can ease management of an ongoing medical condition; it can help avoid unnecessary hospitalization; it can aid with recovery after an illness, injury, or hospital stay all through care given in the comfort and familiarity of home. The aging baby boomer generation is experiencing growing demand for in-home services. In fact, home senior care franchises to see 10.5 percent annual growth between now and 2022. With a wide range of needs, the in-home care industry includes everything from traditional nursing to physical therapy, home hospice, personal services and more. With a growing consumer base and the low likelihood of private health insurance disappearing anytime soon, it’s a hot time to become a business owner in this high-demand industry. When you look at the number of jobs that exist and how many are expected to be created, it is clear that there is a lot of growth taking place within the industry. Many people are realizing that home care is a much more affordable route to providing people with the assistance they need.

  1. The Technology Industry

The technology sector is often one of the most attractive growth investments in an economy. From social networking sites, E-libraries and phone repair shops, you can apply your specialty whether it is marketing, sales or operations to a tech-based gig that’s sure to thrive in today’s digital world. Deloitte reports that while there is plenty of room for growth in the high-tech sector, expanding companies should focus on cyber security as well as regulatory considerations sound advice for any business in today’s online world.

The technology sector offers a wide arrange of products and services for both customers and other businesses. Consumer goods like personal computers, mobile devices, wearable technology, home appliances, televisions, and so on are continually being improved and sold to consumers with new features. The term technology sector has been broadened many times to include businesses that may be better served by a more specific category. The technology sector was initially anchored in semiconductors, computing hardware, and communications equipment.

  1. The In-Home Cleaning and Maintenance Industry

Cleaning services include a wide range of services required by commercial and residential sectors. It comprises maid services, window cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet & upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning services, which are used by residential and commercial consumers. Among the many services in high demand due to a growing generation of aging and retired adults, along with increased disposable income nationwide, is in-home cleaning. And as long as our economy continues to be strong, you’re well positioned as the owner of a home cleaning service business.
One of the easiest ways to get started is to open a franchise. Franchises in this industry saw 3 percent annual growth from 2012 to 2017 and, though this may slow as the industry become more saturated, the industry is expected to continue to grow. Most cleaning service businesses can be operated on either a part-time or full-time basis, either from home or from a commercial location. That flexibility gives this industry a strong appeal to a wide range of people with a variety of goals.

  1. The Travel and Lodging Industry

It is safe to say that just about everyone has thought a good way to retire would be to open a Bed and Breakfast. And as it turns out, With younger generations looking for out-of-the-box experiences and older generations with more to spend on luxury accommodations, consumers are opting for boutique lodging experiences. This sect of the travel industry has seen almost five percent growth over the last five years and is expected to continue to perform well. The travel industry has room for growth and innovation in terms of technology, food and wellness.

  1. The Sports and Recreation Industry

Starting a sports and recreation small business may not seem like the most lucrative idea, but this industry is quietly growing, and there’s room for more players. Club sports programs are no longer limited to peewee football and adults want in on the fun, too. Whether you’re interested in coaching, teaching, renting equipment or facilitating activities, it’s essential to have a creative and informative website, even if it’s simple, so that the tech-savvy generations can easily search your business.

Sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Sports are part of every culture past and present, but each culture has its own definition of sports. The most useful definitions are those that clarify the relationship of sports to play, games, and contests. Sport is generally recognized as system of activities which are based in physical athleticism.

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A language is a structured system of communication used by humans consisting of speech and gestures. Approximately 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. Each and every one of them make the world a diverse and beautiful place, but any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli for example, in writing, whistling, signing, or braille. According to the United Nations, every two weeks, one language is lost. Language is a necessity for communication but with more languages on the verge of disappearing, something has to be done. About 6,000 languages are bound to be extinct, due to the loss of native speakers, integration of other similar languages and because more people prefer to use the more dominant languages. Everyone’s life is affected by language. Just imagine life without it.

Determining what are the most spoken languages in the world is a more difficult task. A spoken language is a language produced by articulate sounds, as opposed to a written language. The relationship between spoken language and written language is complex. Some tribes around the world live in remote areas and speak rare languages. The speakers of these rare languages learned them when they were children. However, many of their children now have no interest in learning or speaking their native language. It’s a lot harder to learn a language if you have no one to practice with. This is an approximate list of least spoken languages by the total number of speakers. Here are the least spoken 10 languages in the world.


Njerep falls under the broad classification of one of the Mambiloid languages. Njerep is essentially extinct, with a handful who cannot speak it fully. Njerep has been used mostly for greetings, jokes, songs, and sharing secrets. According to anthropologists, the language doesn’t have a chance of revival. Though word lists and grammatical information have been collected from these people, the information remains fragmented. According to a study in 2007, only four people spoke this language. They are not competent speakers, but they can remember it.

Though the Njerep people currently reside in Somie village, it is widely understood that the Njerep immigrated to that location. Geographically, Somie village is located on the Tikar Plain of Cameroon. Mambila, the largest language in the Mambiloid grouping, has approximately twenty different dialects, loosely divided into East Mambila and West Mambila dialect clusters. We have collected a wordlist of the language, a number of songs and other bits of text which, fragmentary though they are, permit some insights into the structure of the language, its genetic affiliation and its former importance in the region. It gives some insight into the sociological aspect of language contraction.


In the Papua region in Indonesia, there are about 11 people, from an ethnic population of 320, who speak Liki as of 2005. They live in the islands off the coast of Sarmi Kecamatan, Jayapura Kabupaten, and Sarmi. Liki was a very popular language, as the indigenous church officials in the region used it to preach. Liki is also known as Moar. It is of mixed origin, as it is believed to have been developed from the Sarmi, Sarmi-Jayapura Bay, North New Guinea, Western Oceanic, Oceanic, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern, Malayo-Polynesian, and Austronesian languages.

  1. Ongota

Ongota is one of the Afro-Asiatic languages. Ongota is a language spoken by 12 elders in only one village in southwestern Ethiopia. In a 2012 report, UNESCO stated that only 12 individuals speak the language in one village in southwestern Ethiopia, and it may not disappear because a professor from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia is studying the language. You can hear it when it is spoken by people who live in a village on the west bank of the “Weyt’o River” in the “Omo” zone of Ethiopia. Also known as Shanqilla, Birelle, Birale and Ifa, Ongota is a language spoken in southwestern Ethiopia.

  1. Chamicuro

Chamicuro is a traditional language in Peru. You might be shocked to learn that only 20 people speak Chamicuro. Chamicuro is known as Chamicura or Chamicolo, and is classified as one of the Arawakan languages. It is recognized as an indigenous American language, and is critically endangered because the children who live there prefer to speak Spanish rather than Chamicuro. Although there is a written dictionary for Chamicuro, the language is unfortunately nearly extinct. No children are able to speak the language because they prefer to use Spanish. But the previous speakers of the language developed a dictionary, so there is a written document for the language. Many of the words include names of animals such as cow (waka), c at (mishi), dog (ma’nali), monkey (katujkana), duck (pato), chicken (polyo) and horse (kawali).


Tanema is considered a living language. The Tanema language is also called Tetau, Tetawo, or Tanimaof. It is an Oceanic, Central-Eastern, and Malayo-Polynesian language. Tanema used to be spoken in villages in Emua, in the province of Temotu, and on the island of Vanikolo, all located in the Solomon Islands. Although the ethnic population of the Solomon Islands is about 150 persons, and there is only one surviving speaker, whose name is “Lainol Nalo”. In fact, it is already nearly extinct. It is found in the South Pacific. Tanema has been overtaken by Teanu and Pijin (Pisin), two languages that are increasingly becoming popular in the area. Some of the verbs include la munana that means,”to lie down,” la vamora meaning, ”to work,” laro, which means, ”to swim” ad wekini, which means, ”to turn.”

  1. Taushiro

Taushiro is also called Pinchi or Pinche. It is by all accounts the least used language in the world. There is only one person in the world who speaks Taushiro as of 2002 in the Loreto region and around the Tigre River, and the Ahuaruna River tributary, the Aucayacu River in Peru in Peru, which is where s/he lives. She is still alive. It is important to know that while the ethnic population of Taushiro is just 20 people, about 150 people belong to an ethnic group whose native language was Tanema as of 2007. Because it is an isolated language, it does not seem that it will be revived at all. Former speakers of the language count only up to 10 while using their fingers. In Taushiro, the numeral 1 is washikanto. For numbers over 10, the native speakers would say ashintu and point to a specific toe to denote the particular number. It is nearing extinction, because it is a language isolate.

  1. Sarsi

Sarsi or Sarcee is classified as an Athabaskan language and is spoken by the Tsuu T’ina tribe located in Calgary, Canada. Only 170 people speak the language In the 2011 census. Sarsi language is related to the Navajo language, which is spoken by the tribe in the southern part of the United States. In fact, it is purely an oral language as there is no evidence that it has a writing system are there are no written records of the language. Mostly, the elders speak the Sarcee language but the younger generation has embraced big efforts to learn it.

  1. Pawnee

Pawnee language is spoken around Nebraska and north-central Oklahoma. It is a Native American-Indian dialect. Although there are still 10 people who are native speakers of Pawnee, all of them are elderly and their children prefer to speak English as their mother tongue. Also, only the Elders and Chiefs of the Pawnee tribe speak the language fluently. The dialect has nine consonants and eight vowels. It’s remarkable that each Pawnee word has 10 syllables. The pronunciation of the consonants is similar to English. The vowels on the other hand are more similar to French in pronunciation, with long sounds. Speakers raise or lower the tone to impart different meanings.


S’aoch is an endangered, nearly extinct Pearic language of Cambodia. Only 10 fluent speakers out of 110 people are left in a village located on Cambodia’s seashore who speak S’aoch. The S’aoch stable culture was wiped out by the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. They snatched their land, locked S’aoch people up in labor camps, and banned them from speaking their own language. According to Sa’och oral history, they prospered along the coast protected by their fortified settlement of Banteay Prey. However, in the 1830s, during the Siamese-Vietnamese War for Cambodia, the Thai army defeated the Sa’och and took many prisoners of war back to Thailand where they were forced to resettle in Kanchanaburi Province along the Thai-Burmese border. This resulted in two disparate communities of Sa’och speakers separated by some 800 km.

  1. Dumi

Dumi is a language spoken in Nepal, around the Rava and Tap rivers and in the Khotang District. Dumi is the world’s least spoken language and one of the rarest. All current data states that there are only seven remaining speakers of the language. Dumi language has written records that are available to people who are interested to learn it, as a dictionary, and several books that show the grammar and syntax of the Dumi language. Its alternate names are Sotmali, Ro’do Bo’, Lsi Rai, Hopupo Bro, Dumi Bro and Dumi Bo’o. It belongs to the Kiranti branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family.

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A manufacturer is a person or company that produces finished goods from raw materials by using various tools, equipment, and processes, and then sells the goods to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, or to other manufacturers for the production of more complex goods. Manufacturers are considered a significant part of the economy. The typical manufacturer was a single skilled artisan with assistants. Each artisan kept the secrets of the production and transferred the knowledge only to apprentices. The Industrial Revolution was the introduction of new technologies that enabled the mechanization of production, which increased the volume of the goods produced. Technological advancements enable the mechanization of production processes, as well as improve overall efficiency and productivity. Great 10 Largest Manufacturing leading Companies in the World in the year 2020 based on the Revenue are as follows.

1.Volkswagen Group

Volkswagen is the first largest company in the world. It is German multinational automotive manufacturing company. The company has operations in approximately 153 countries and operates 100 production facilities across 27 countries. The Volkswagen Group brings in annual revenues of USD 282.9 billion. The company’s products offerings include automobiles, commercial vehicles, internal combustion engines, motorcycles, and turbomachinery. Volkswagen Group Headquarters is in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. This company designs, manufactures and distributes the products to passengers. In Volkswagen Group Number of Employees are 671,205. The Austrian automotive engineer Ferdinand Porsche, who was responsible for the original design of the car, was hired by the German Labour Front in 1934. It is founded by the German government on 28,May 1937 to mass-produce a low-priced “people’s car.”

Volkswagen was to manufacture the car which would become known as the Beetle. Volkswagen launched a new generation of front-wheel drive vehicles in the 1970s, including the Passat, Polo and Golf. Volkswagen acquired a controlling stake in SEAT in 1986, making it the first non-German marque of the company, and acquired control of Skoda in 1994, of Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti in 1998, Scania in 2008 and of Ducati, MAN and Porsche in 2012. It was the world’s largest automaker by sales in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Popular models of Volkswagen include Golf, Jetta, Passat, Atlas, and Tiguan. It sells passenger cars under the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Skoda and Volkswagen marques. Volkswagen was operating a plant in Xinjiang at a loss in order to curry favor with the Chinese government to set up more lucrative plants in other parts of China. Other companies cut ties with China in the region after evidence emerged of human rights abused. However, Volkswagen was still operating a plant in the region as of 2020.

2.Toyota Group

Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. It was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda and incorporated on August 28, 1937. The brand power of Toyota Group has always been super strong and that’s why the company is the 2nd biggest manufacturing company in the world. It was the world’s first automobile manufacturer to produce more than 10 million vehicles per year. Toyota Group headquarters are in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. Toyota is the global market leader in sales of hybrid electric vehicles, and one of the largest companies to encourage the mass market adoption of hybrid vehicles across the globe.

Cumulative global sales of Toyota and Lexus hybrid passenger car models achieved the 15 million milestone in January 2020. Toyota Motor Corporation produces vehicles under five brands, including the Toyota brand, Hino, Lexus, Ranz, and Daihatsu. TMC is part of the Toyota Group, one of the largest conglomerates in the world. Toyota Group is a group of companies that have supplier, vendor and investment relationships with Toyota Industries and Toyota Motor vehicle manufacturing facilities. Toyota Group currently brings in annual revenues of USD 265.1 billion and it is making the company 2nd on the list of the largest manufacturing companies in the world. Toyota is listed on the London Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange.

  1. Apple

Apple is a multinational technology company that is renowned in the world for its brand power. Aside from a very positive public perception, Apple is also a company that brings in some of the highest revenues and profits in the world. This company headquartered in Cupertino, California. Its hardware products include the iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet computer, the Mac personal computer, the iPod portable media player, the Apple Watch smartwatch, the Apple TV digital media player, the AirPods wireless earbuds, the AirPods Max headphones, and the HomePod smart speaker line. Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple computer on April 1, 1976. Apple’s annual revenue in 2019 was USD 260.2 billion. Apple is so successful, it has twice the amount of money than the U.S. Treasury.

Apple scored big time with the iPod. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, and currently operates more than 500 retail stores worldwide. It creates consumer electronics, personal computers, servers, and computer software, and is a digital distributor of media content. As the market for personal computers expanded and evolved through the 1990s. Apple employs more people than a good sized city. Apple employs over 90,000 people. However, millions more make money from Apple. Apple’s first company logo featured a drawing of the father of physics, Sir Isaac Newton. Apple was the first to make a digital color camera. At present, It is the largest publicly traded company in the United States. It is the 3rd in the list of the largest manufacturing companies in the world.

  1. Samsung Electronics

Samsung Electronics is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Suwon, South Korea and 4th on list of the top manufacturing companies in the world. The company is known for its consumer electronics and electronic components including semiconductors, batteries, chips, flash memory, and more that it manufactures for major clients such as Sony, Apple, HTC and more. Samsung was founded in 1969 and brings in annual revenues of USD 221.6 billion. The company’s combined efforts employ over 489,000 people, across 80 different countries, including Korea. Samsung is way more than just an electronics and mobile producer. The Samsung Group has 59 unlisted companies and 19 listed, all with their primary listings on the Korea exchange.

The Samsung Group is a big part of South Korea’s GDP. On the Korean Stock Exchange, over 20 percent of its market value is based on various Samsung Group companies. Samsung’s electronic ambitions began in 1970 with a black and white TV. The first electronics product ever produced by Samsung was a black and white TV in 1970. Samsung may not be the first to make a smartphone, but it was one of the first players to truly get aggressive about the market, introducing the first “PDA phone” with a color display in the U.S. market in 2001; name is SPH-i300. The top selling Samsung mobile phone is the E1100. Notable Samsung industrial affiliates include Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering and Samsung C&T Corporation Other notable subsidiaries include Samsung Life Insurance Samsung Everland and Cheil Worldwide.

  1. Daimler Group

Daimler AG is a German multinational automotive corporation, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany that specializes in manufacturing automotive products and parts. It is one of the world’s leading car and truck manufacturers. Daimler-Benz was formed with the merger of Benz & Cie. and Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft in 1926. This company brings in current annual revenues of USD 185.2 billion. Daimler owned or had shares in a number of car, bus, truck and motorcycle brands including Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-AMG, Smart Automobile, Detroit Diesel, Freightliner, Western Star, Thomas Built Buses, Setra, BharatBenz, Mitsubishi Fuso, MV Agusta as well as shares in Denza, KAMAZ and BAIC Motor.

Daimler provides financial services through its Daimler Financial Services arm. Daimler manufactures commercial vehicles under brands such as Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, Setra, Thomas Built Buses, Orion, and Fuso. Daimler designed a series of gasoline-powered engines in 1883 and received a German patent on a three-wheeled gasoline-powered vehicle in 1885. The first Daimler-produced luxury car was sold to the sultan of Morocco in 1889. The Benz company produced trucks as well as autos. Benz began producing trucks with fuel-saving diesel engines, which sprayed fuel oil into the combustion chamber under high pressure. With its divisions Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses, and Daimler Financial Services, the Daimler Group is one of the biggest producers of premium cars and the world’s biggest manufacturer of commercial.

  1. General Motors

General Motors is the American multinational corporation headquartered in Detroit. It is commonly abbreviated as GM has a long history that begins in 1908 by By William C. Durant. Durant was a carriage maker who used to run his own company, Durant-Dort Carriage Co. His company was the biggest carriage maker in the world at the time when he finally decided to create General Motors. GM was responsible for creating the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Motors was then Buick’s holding company. Durant attempted to buy out rival carmaker Ford in 1907. Another first from Ford is the “hybrid” car, a car that runs on a traditional gasoline motor and an electric motor. Gm was the First Car Manufacturer to install turn signals inside their Cars. GM was the first to invent electric fuel invention, in 1979.

General Motors brings in annual revenues of USD 137.2 billion. This company also designs and distributes vehicle parts and sells financial service. Currently, GM produces vehicles in more than 37 countries across the globe. General Motors Corporation pens the mark of excellence in 1964. They Have Sold Many Auto Brands Throughout Their History. They Are Implementing Environmental Initiatives like they produced their first full-sized hybrid electric pickups in 2004.The company began developing all-electric cars during the 1990s. They have become known for their philanthropy and have donated millions of dollars to charity. One of the main causes they support is the Nature Conservancy. GM have Links to Medical Science Research.

  1. Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automobile manufacturer that has its main headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan. The company was founded in 1903 and brings in annual revenues of USD 155.9 billion. It is one of the 10 largest manufacturing companies in the world. Ford F-Series has been consistently ranked as the number 1 selling car in America so far in 2013. Ford is the second largest family owned company in the world. Ford has had manufacturing operations worldwide, including in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, India, the United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, and South Africa. Henry Ford’s great grandson, William Clay Ford, Jr. currently resides as the company’s executive chairman. In 1919 the company was reincorporated, with Ford, his wife, Clara, and his son, Edsel, acquiring full ownership. The American automaker has been around for over 116 years, creating some of the most iconic cars, beating the indispensable Ferrari at Le Mans, and even building airplanes. In 1966, when Ford entered the race with its GT40, it won the title to end Ferrari’s six-year win streak.

The company sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand, and most luxury cars under the Lincoln brand. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is controlled by the Ford family. In 2008, Ford produced more than 5.532 million automobiles. Ford also has a cooperative agreement with Russian automaker GAZ. The Ford Motor Company has a history that spans 115 years. It is recognized by people all around the world. Edison Illuminating Company became intrigued by gasoline-powered vehicles and was working on his dream of creating a horseless carriage. Henry Ford attempted to create a small “utopian”-type village in the Amazonian jungle of Brazil in 1928. Ford was the type of man who was always into inventing and expanding his reach, and he ultimately held 161 different patents in his life. There are a limited number of Ford GTs built every year, and no regular joe can go out and just buy one.

  1. Hon Hai Precision Industry

8th on this list is Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturer, Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxconn. This company’s headquarters are in Tucheng District, New Taipei and is known for manufacturing electronic components, PCBs, PCB components, computer chips for its clients from all over the world. It was founded in on February 20, 1974 and brings in annual revenues of USD 154.7 billion. It employs more than 1 million workers in China, its main production base. The company produces smartphones, tablet computers and television sets for clients from around the world. It made a full-scale move into contract manufacturing in the 1990s. Business ties with Apple deepened in the 2000s.

Hon Hai is looked to relocate some production to India and Southeast Asian countries because of rising labor costs in China. Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. engages in the design, development and manufacturing of nanotechnology, heat transfer, wireless connectivity and material sciences products. Its products include cables, connectors, and personal computer components. The company was founded by Terry Gou. It’s a supplier for Apple, Amazon, Xiaomi, and Sony’s Playstation. At a time when the smartphone market is reaching saturation, Foxconn is planning to invest in electric vehicles, robotics, digital health, and artificial intelligence as part of its “Foxconn 3.0 vision.”

  1. Honda

Honda Motor Company is 9th on this list of largest manufacturing companies by revenue. Honda is a Japanese public multinational conglomerate corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles, and power equipment. The company was founded in Hamamatsu, Japan in 1946. Honda’s other manufacturing divisions include Acura, Honda Aircraft Company, Honda Automobiles, and Honda Motorcycles. Honda Motor Company became the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturer in 1964. The 1982 model was produced in Honda’s Marysville, Ohio plant. It involved in the manufacturing of other products like watercraft, ATVs, aircraft, mountain bikes, lawn equipment, and solar cells. They even created a humanoid robot called ASIMO.

Honda is the largest engine manufacturer in the world, It makes over 14 million engines a year. HA-420 HondaJet is powered by Honda engines. Honda made the first four-wheel drive car, It was the 1987 Honda Prelude. Joe drove his 1997 Honda Accord reached over one million miles. The Honda Acura is the first Japanese automotive luxury brand in America in 1986. Honda Headquarters is in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It is reaching a production of 400 million by the end of 2019 and it is producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda has two joint-ventures in China: Dongfeng Honda and Guangqi Honda. Number of Employeesof Honda are 215,638. Honda started by manufacturing motorized bicycles. It produces many of its vehicles right here in the United States.

  1. Cardinal Health

Cardinal Health is an American multinational health care services company. It was founded in the year 1971. Cardinal Health brand portfolio is a comprehensive offering of clinician-preference, cost-efficient products, and physician-preferred items with low clinical differentiation, helping providers improve the bottom line while delivering high-quality care. It is also serving more than 100,000 locations. It operates the largest network of radiopharmacies in the U.S. The company specializes in manufacturing medical and pharmaceutical products and brought in USD 136.8 billion in revenue last year.

Cardinal Health’s current headquarters are in Dublin, Ohio, U.S. It connects patients, providers, payers, pharmacists and manufacturers for integrated care coordination and better patient management. It provides medical products to over 75 percent of hospitals in the United States. The Cardinal Health Foundation is the charitable arm of Cardinal Health. The company makes annual product donations of over $9 million through international relief organizations and provides up to $1,000 in matching funds for every Cardinal Health employee that makes a charitable donation. Cardinal Health was named Benefactor of the Year at the 2011 Corporate Caring Awards.

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Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical and surgical expenses of an insured individual. It reimburses the expenses incurred due to illness or injury or pays the care provider of the insured individual directly. Health insurance is an insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person. By estimating the overall risk of health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement. The benefit is administered by a central organization such as a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit entity. There are two basic types of health insurance: 1.Mediclaim Plans, 2. Critical Illness Insurance Plans. Medicare or medical costs are rising year on year. As a matter of fact, inflation in medicare is higher than inflation in food and other articles. While inflation in food and clothing is in single digits, medicare costs usually escalate in double digits. One way to provide for medical emergencies is by taking health insurance. Health insurance offers considerable flexibility in terms of disease / ailment coverage.  With health insurance, you are assured of a more secure future both health-wise and money-wise. This makes health insurance policies critical for individuals, especially if they are responsible for the financial well-being of the family. The Great 10 largest Health insurance companies in the world, by net premiums written (NPW) and non-banking assets in the year 2018.

1.UnitedHealth Group Incorporation- United States

UnitedHealth Group Incorporation is an American for-profit managed health care company based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. This brand was created in 2011 as the company’s health services business. UnitedHealth Group incorporated on July 1, 2015, is a health and well-being company. The Company operates through four segments: UnitedHealthcare, OptumHealth, OptumInsight and OptumRx. Among the middlemen tasked with making today’s healthcare efficient and cost-effective is UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH), the world’s largest healthcare company by revenue. Primarily an insurer, UnitedHealth Group claims over 130 million customers worldwide. It offers health care products and insurance services. It is the largest healthcare company in the world by revenue, with 2019 revenue of $242.2 billion.  No one plans to fall ill or get hurt, but a serious illness can strike anyone at any time. The cost of treating the illness can cause severe financial strain on the savings you have accumulated over time. It provides health and well-being services to individuals age 65 and older. UnitedHealthcare Global – serves 6.2 million people with medical benefits, residing principally in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru but also in more than 130 other countries. Net Premium Written is US $178,087,000.

2.AXA S.A.-France

AXA is a French multinational insurance firm headquartered in Paris that engages in global insurance, investment management and other financial services. Axa S.A. is a French multinational insurance firm headquartered in the 8th arrondissement of Paris that engages in global insurance, investment management, and other financial services. The Axa Group operates primarily in Western Europe, North America, the India Pacific region, and the Middle East, with a presence also in Africa. Axa is a conglomerate of independently run businesses, operated according to the laws and regulations of many different countries. The company was founded in 1816 as Mutuelle de L’assurance contre L’incendie. The firm adopted the Axa name in 1985. AXA SA (AXA), incorporated on February 20, 1985, is a holding company engaged in the business of financial protection. The Company’s segments include Life & Savings, Property & Casualty, International Insurance, Asset Management, Banking and Holding companies.

AXA operates primarily in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific Region and in other regions, including the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. AXA offers a range of Life & Savings products, including Individual and group savings products, as well as Life and Health products for both individual and commercial clients. The Company’s International Insurance Segment operations are focused on risks, reinsurance and assistance. AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance is the Company’s subsidiary engaged in large corporations in terms of property and casualty, loss prevention, risk management, underwriting and claims handling and to specialty markets across the world. The operations in the Banking segment are conducted primarily in Belgium, France and Germany. AXA Bank’s products and offers are linked with insurance business and are focused on retail products. AXA Banque has approximately 715,000 registered customers, with a retail banking product offer.  Net Premium Written is US $103,033,468 in the year 2018.

3.Ping An Ins (Group) Co of China Ltd.-China

Ping An Insurance also known as Ping An of China and the company’s name Ping An translates to “safe and well”. over 204 million retail customers and 534 million Internet users, Ping An is one of the largest financial services companies in the world. Ping An Life, through its nationwide service network of over 40 branches, including approximately six telemarketing centers, and over 3,000 business outlets, provides individual customers and institutional clients with life insurance products. With The company has 236,000 employees and 635,000 insurance agents. China Ping An Insurance  Company Limited  also offers property and casualty insurance service in the Hong Kong market.  Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd., incorporated on March 21, 1988, is a personal financial services provider. The Company provides insurance, banking, investment, and Internet finance products and services.

The Company operates through six segments: life insurance, property and casualty insurance, banking, trust, securities and corporate. The life insurance segment offers a range of life insurance products to individual and corporate customers, including term, whole-life, endowment, annuity, investment-linked, universal life and healthcare insurance. The property and casualty insurance segment offers a range of insurance products to individual and corporate customers, including automobile insurance, non-automobile insurance, and accident and health insurance. The banking segment undertakes loan and intermediary businesses with corporate customers and retail business, as well as wealth management and credit card services with individual customers. The trust segment provides trust services and undertakes investing activities. The securities segment undertakes brokerage, trading, investment banking and asset management services. The corporate segment includes the management and support of the Company’s business through its strategy, risk, treasury, finance, legal and human resources functions, among others. Ping An stands out among Chinese financial institutions for its aggressive acceptance of foreign capital.  The company is considered to be China’s biggest insurer, with US$107 billion in gross premium income in 2018. Its market capitalization is at US$220 billion in July 2019. These business segments contributed 69%, 15%, 11%, 6%, and 2% of the company’s net profit, respectively, in 2019.

4. China Life Insurance (Group) Company- China

The company is a life insurance company established in Beijing, China on 30 June, 2003. China Life Insurance also handles non-life insurance products. China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of China Life Insurance (Group) Company which is the largest state-owned financial insurance corporation in China, is the strategic headquarter for overseas business development of the parent company. The parent company has been taking firm strides to develop modern insurance services and realize the “China Life Dream” of becoming a premier international financial insurance group.  And with strong support from the parent company, China Life Insurance Company Limited has already built business networks in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Indonesia. The primary focus of the Company is the enhancement of profits and creation of value through organic growth as well as mergers and acquisitions.

China Life Insurance Company Limited  is a Beijing-headquartered China-incorporated company that provides life insurance and annuity products. With 70% state-ownership, China Life is the biggest life insurer in China in terms of total assets, but has experienced economic difficulty in the past years. China’s insurance market has attracted dozens of new competitors after the Chinese government liberalized. It also provides both individual and group accident and short-term health insurance policies and services. It has more than 300 million individual and group policies in force. China Life sells its individual products primarily through its own network, comprised of exclusive agents, direct sales representatives, and dedicated and non-dedicated agencies. In addition to life insurance, the company provides asset management services and health and accident insurance. Net Premium Written is US $ 92,360,557 in the year 2018.

5. Kaiser Foundation Group of Health Plans- United States

Kaiser Permanente is an American integrated managed care consortium, based in Oakland, California, United States, founded in 1945. Kaiser has an integrated care model, offering both hospital and physician care through a network of hospitals and physician practices operating under the Kaiser Permanente name. Kaiser Permanente operates in eight states like Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and the District of Columbia, and is the largest managed care organization in the United States. Each entity of Kaiser Permanente has its own management and governance structure, although all of the structures are interdependent and cooperative to a great extent.  Kaiser Permanente is one of the largest nonprofit healthcare plans in the United States. 

As of 2019, Kaiser Permanente had 12.2 million health plan members, 218,297 employees, 22,914 physicians, 59,127 nurses, 39 medical centers, and 706 medical facilities. The Permanente Medical Groups, which provide care for Kaiser Permanente members, continuously develop and refine medical practices to help ensure that care is delivered in the most efficient and effective manner possible.  Each Permanente Medical Group operates as a separate for-profit partnership or professional corporation in its individual territory, and while none publicly reports its financial results, each is primarily funded by reimbursements from its respective regional Kaiser Foundation Health Plan entity. KFHP is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations in the United States. Net Premium Written is US $ 92,054,688 in the year 2018.

6. Anthem, Inc. – United States

Anthem, Inc., incorporated on July 17, 2001, is a health benefits company. Anthem is a leading health benefits company dedicated to improving lives and communities, and making healthcare simpler. The Company operates through three segments: Commercial and Specialty Business, Government Business and Other. It is the largest for-profit managed health care company in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. The company was formed by the 2004 merger of WellPoint. Through its affiliated companies, Anthem serves more than 106 million people, including 42 million within its family of health plans.  Anthem companies serve members as the Blue Cross licensee for California; and as the Blue Cross and Blue Shield licensees for Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Anthem Inc.’s also serve customers in many states across U.S. The company operates as Anthem Blue Cross in California, where it has about 800,000 customers and is the largest health insurer. It operates as Empire BlueCross BlueShield in New York State and as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in 10 states. There may be times when we use other companies to give our members and providers certain types of services, like Utilization Management or Case Management. It would always make sure that it was approved by law and allowed by our contracts beforehand.

Radiant Services, LLC may be part of the approval process for care you receive. Whether Radiant is involved or not, the process is the same. Radiant has some staff outside the United States. They want to help you get access to quality, efficient care that is backed by scientific research. Its managed care plans include preferred provider organizations (PPOs); health maintenance organizations (HMOs); point-of-service (POS), plans; indemnity plans and other hybrid plans, including consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs); and hospital only and limited benefit products. In addition, it provides an array of managed care services to self-funded customers, including claims processing, underwriting, stop loss insurance, actual services, provider network access, medical cost management, disease management, wellness programs and other administrative services. It provides an array of specialty and other insurance products and services, such as dental, vision, life and disability insurance benefits, radiology benefit management and analytics-driven personal healthcare. It also provides services to the federal government in connection with the Federal Employee Program (FEP). Net Premium Written is US $85,048,000 in the year 2018. provides non-BCBS plans under the Unicare, Amerigroup, CareMore, Simply Healthcare, HealthSun, HealthLink, and other brands in more than 25 states. Plans include PPO, HMO, POS, indemnity, and hybrid plans offered to employers, individuals, and Medicare and Medicaid recipients.

7. Allianz SE- Germany

Allianz SE is the holding company of the Allianz Group. Allianz SE operates in the field of reinsurance, providing reinsurance protection for Allianz Group companies, in particular. Allianz, headquartered in Munich, is a German financial services company operating mainly in the insurance and asset management sectors globally. As of December 31, 2019, Allianz SE employed 1,673 people. Besides Allianz SE, the Allianz Group comprises subsidiaries with over 147,000 employees in more than 70 countries. With revenues reaching approximately 127 billion U.S. dollars in 2018, it was the third largest insurance company worldwide.  Allianz has more than 85 million customers worldwide and its services include property and casualty insurance, life and health insurance and asset management. Allianz operates through Allianz Belgium, previously AGF Belgium which has been re-branded to Allianz Belgium in November 2007.

The Life or Health segment offers a range of life and health insurance products on both an individual and a group basis.  Allianz is one of the world’s largest investors, managing over 650 billion euros on behalf of its insurance customers while our asset managers Allianz Global Investors and PIMCO manage an additional 1.4 trillion euros of third-party assets. It runs the Asset Management business out of two distinct investment management businesses, PIMCO and Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI). Both units operate under Allianz Asset Management (AAM). Particular strongholds include the United States, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Asia-Pacific region. Net Premium Written  is US $83,203,137 in the year 2018.

8. Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. – Italy

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. or simply Generali Group is an Italian insurance company based in Trieste.  It is the largest of its kind in Italy and among top 10 in the world.  Assicurazioni Generali Austro-Italiche, the company was founded on December 26, 1831. The company grew in importance, becoming one of the largest insurance operators both in Italy and in Central Europe.  The Group operates through three segments: Life, Non Life, and Holding and other business. The Life segment include saving and protection products, both individual and for families, as well as products with investments purposes for companies. The Non-life segment provides various insurance products related to casualty, accident, health, and company plans. The Holding and other business segment includes non insurance assets, mostly banking and asset management activities. The Company is active globally.  Generali’s major competitors at international level are AXA, Allianz and Zurich. Besides them, there are companies competing at local and regional level in various countries and markets.  Today Generali operates primarily in Europe, Middle East and East Asia, with large market shares in Italy, Poland, Hungary, Germany, France, Austria, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Croatia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Romania, Israel, Japan, China and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with secondary operations in Latin America.

In India the company is represented by Future Generali, a joint venture of Future group and Assicurazioni Generali. It provides both life and property or casualty insurance. The Non-Life business is known as Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited. The Life business is known as Future Generali India Life Insurance Company Limited. Main Subsidiaries of the group includes, in Italy: Genertellife, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Generali Italia and Banca Generali. Generali confirms its leadership position in the Italian insurance market with an overall share of 16.2% as it can rely on a complete range of insurance solutions for its clients in both the Life and P&C segments. During 2019, Generali Italia continued to implement its simplification programme with the goal to improve the customer experience by simplifying the relationship between customers and agents for the entire process by providing more and more accessible and innovative services. The Group’s global initiative for the society, Generali Italia launched Ora di Futuro. Net Premium Written  is US $72,617,727 in the year 2018.

9. State Farm Group – United States

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company is the parent company of several affiliates and subsidiaries that provide property and life insurance, banking products, and mutual funds.  It was founded in 1922. It is also the largest auto insurance provider in the United States. Approximately it has  59,000 employees and it consists of  84M policies and accounts in force in the U.S. as of December 2019. About 60% of State Farm households have more than one product. In 2019, Fire and Auto Claims handled about 22,000 claims per day. Through its two life insurance affiliates, State Farm Life was the second largest U.S. ordinary individual life insurer based on policies in force according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.  State Farm offers about 100 products with approximately 19,200 agents.

The group’s parent company is State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, which is a mutual insurance company based in Bloomington, Illinois.  State Farm is best known for offering property and casualty (P&C) insurance products, especially in personal lines. It offers life and health insurance, annuities, mutual funds and banking products.  Nearly 867,000 policies were there in health. Net Premium Written is US $70,832,964 in the year 2018.  In 2019, the insurer announced personal auto insurance rate reductions in multiple states including: Arizona, Louisiana and South Carolina.

10. People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Ltd.- China

The People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited (abbreviated as PICC Group or PICC) is the first nationwide insurance company in China and has developed into a leading large-scale integrated insurance financial group in the People’s Republic of China. It was founded in October 1949 and headquartered in Beijing.  The Company is mainly engaged in property insurance, health insurance, life insurance, reinsurance, Hong Kong insurance, pension insurance and operating insurance business.  The group provides insurance products for accident, universal life, general life, family property, travel, auto, health, personal credit loan guarantee and performance guarantee. It also offers cargo insurance, credit guarantee insurance, special risk insurance, engineering insurance, employer liability insurance, export product liability insurance, safety production liability insurance, government rescue insurance and technological equipment insurance.  The Chinese Central Government is the controlling shareholder.

On December 7th 2012, PICC Group successfully completed its IPO on Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which was China’s first group listing of state-owned financial insurance conglomerate.  In 1996, it became a holding company, as People’s Insurance Company  of China  Three subsidiaries were formed, as property insurer, life insurer and reinsurer respectively. PICC has branch offices in London and New York as well as in the cities and towns of China. PICC Health was a joint venture with German insurer DKV  and other investors. The Life Insurance covers personal, personal insurance products-wealth management, groups, banks, and e-commerce platform online insurance. Health Insurance is a form of insurance that provides coverage or financial security for the medical expenses incurred by the policyholder. Based on the chosen health insurance plan, the policyholder gets coverage for hospitalization, day-care facility, treatment costs for listed diseases, surgical expenses along with reimbursement of the acquired expenses. Net Premium Written is US $68,204,489 in the year 2018.

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Wright brothers of India invented the Aeroplane. An air transportation system includes its equipment, routes, operating personnel, and management. An Airline is an organization providing a regular public service for passengers and goods of air transport on one or more routes. It is a system that provides scheduled flights for passengers or cargo. It is a company that owns and operates many airplanes. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for codeshare agreements, in which they both offer and operate the same flight. Not all airlines are created equal. As in most businesses, there is a sort of stratification of airlines, at least within the United States. U.S. airlines are either publicly or privately owned – however, in many countries, the government owns the airlines.
The best international airlines in the world seem to pull off the nearly impossible: they not only connect travelers with some of the coolest destinations on the planet but also do it with the grace. We are looking for leadership and airlines that innovate to make a real difference to the passenger experience particularly in economy class.” “In our evaluation, we also consider the audited feedback from passengers on our website.” The largest airlines in the world can be defined in several ways. A full service airline typically offers passengers in flight entertainment, checked baggage, meals, beverages and comforts such as blankets and pillows in the ticket price.
As of 2019, American Airlines Group was the largest by fleet size, passengers carried and revenue passenger mile. Delta Air Lines was the largest by revenue, assets value and market capitalization. Lufthansa Group was the largest by number of employees, FedEx Express by freight tonne-kilometers, Turkish Airlines by number of countries served, Ryanair by number of routes and UPS Airlines by number of destinations served. To decide the rank of Airlines, a dozen key factors are included like operational safety, passenger reviews, profitability, investment rating, fleet age, and product offerings such as premium economy on long-haul flights and seating options in other classes.

1.Air New Zealand Airlines

The airline’s main hub is Auckland Airport, located near Mangere in the southern part of the Auckland urban area. Air New Zealand originated in 1940 as Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL), a company operating trans-Tasman flights between New Zealand and Australia. TEAL became wholly owned by the New Zealand Government in 1965, whereupon it was renamed Air New Zealand. The carrier has a fleet size of 104 and currently operates Airbus A320, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 aircraft. It doesn’t compromise in terms of safety and reliability, and assures a great travel experience on air. Air New Zealand seeks to offer economical air fares to travelers. The airline flies to all key destinations of Europe, Africa, North America, South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East, and their service quality is outstanding. It operates scheduled passenger flights to 20 domestic and 32 international destinations in 20 countries primarily Australia, London, Los Angeles are some of the popular routes served by Air New Zealand. The airline has been a member of the Star Alliance since 1999. Air New Zealand was awarded Airline of the Year in 2010 and 2012 by the Air Transport World Global Airline Awards. In 2014, Air New Zealand was ranked the safest airline in the world by JACDEC. In March 1999, Air New Zealand became a member of the Star Alliance. From 1999 through 2000, Air New Zealand became embroiled in an ownership battle over Ansett with co-owner News Limited over a possible sale of the under-performing carrier to Singapore Airlines. For domestic flights Air New Zealand features four classes of seats: Seat, Seat + Bag, Flexi Time and Flexi Plus. For long haul fights there is Economy, Economy Skycouch, Premium Economy and Business Premiere.
You’ll find the best peaceful sleep in the sky

  1. Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines (SIA) is the flag carrier airline of Singapore with its hub at Singapore Changi Airport. Singapore Airlines (SIA) is founded in 1 May 1947 as Malayan Airways and it had started operations from 1 Oct 1972. The top international carrier is once again Singapore Airlines, which has won the No. 1 spot in each of the past 25 years. Singapore Airlines, which took 2nd position, is always at the forefront of airline awards and introduced its new A350 and 787-10 over the last 2 years, along with revamped A380s. Singapore Airlines was the launch customer for the Airbus A380 – the world’s largest passenger aircraft. Singapore Airlines operates an all wide-body passenger aircraft fleet from five aircraft families: Airbus A330, Airbus A350, Airbus A380, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787, totally 135 aircrafts as of 30 November 2020. Seven Boeing 747-400 cargo aircraft are also operated. It ranks amongst the top 15 carriers worldwide in terms of revenue passenger kilometers, and is ranked tenth in the world for international passengers carried. The airline also won the second and fourth positions as the World’s Best Airlines and World’s Cleanest Airlines respectively for 2019. Singapore Airlines flies to 137 destinations in 32 countries on five continents from its primary hub in Singapore. Singapore Airlines includes many airline-related subsidiaries. SIA Engineering Company handles maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) business across nine countries, with a portfolio of 27 joint ventures, including with Boeing and Rolls-Royce. Singapore Airlines Cargo operates SIA’s freighter fleet and manages the cargo-hold capacity in SIA’s passenger aircraft. It has two subsidiaries: SilkAir operates regional flights to secondary cities, while Scoot operates as a low-cost carrier.

3.All Nippon Airways(ANA)

In 3rd position is All Nippon Airways which continues its dominance of Japanese aviation. All Nippon Airways was founded in 27 December 1952 and is headquartered in Tokyo. It is the leading operators of the Boeing 787 and a launch customer for the 777X. The airline is at the forefront of cabin innovation. The hubs are Tokyo–Haneda Tokyo–Narita. Secondary hubs are Tokyo–Haneda Tokyo–Narita. All Nippon Airways also known as Zennikku is the largest airline in Japan by revenues and passenger numbers. Its headquarters are located in Shiodome City Center in the Shiodome area of Minato ward of Tokyo. It operates services to both domestic and international destinations. Far East Airlines merged with the newly named All Nippon Airways in March 1958. . In 2017, the airline received an award for the “World’s Best Airport Services”. In 1986 ANA expanded its international services gradually: to Beijing, Dalian, Hong Kong and Sydney in 1987; to Seoul in 1988; to London and Saipan in 1989; to Paris in 1990 and to New York and Singapore in 1991. Airbus equipment such as the A320 and A321 was added to the fleet in the early 1990s, as was the Boeing 747-400 jet. ANA joined the Star Alliance in October 1999. ANA has an extensive domestic route network that covers the entirety of Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. ANA’s international route network extends through China, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Canada, United States, Mexico, Australia, and Western Europe. It has grown to become one of the world’s top-class airline companies, with more than 42 million passengers annually. It is our goal to be the world’s leading airline group in customer satisfaction and value creation. ANA (All Nippon Airways) connects 49 Japanese cities with 113 routes, and 42 cities overseas with 87 routes.

  1. Qantas Airlines

Qantas took the fourth spot for its financial performance and Best Lounge and Best Domestic Service awards. It was founded as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service. QANTAS literally stands for “Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service”. Darwin to Singapore was the first Flight to Overseas, Qantas made it’s international debut on the Darwin – Singapore route in May 1935 on a De Havilland 86. In 2003 Qantas founded Jetstar Airways as an answer to the low-cost airline Virgin Blue (Now Virgin Australia) which entered the domestic market in 2000. The airline’s headquarters are in Sydney. Qantas is commonly known as the “Flying Kangaroo” because of its logo, which is identified as a white kangaroo on a red right-angle triangle. It is the second oldest continuously operating airline in the world. In June 1959, Qantas’ first jet airliner was delivered, which was a Boeing 707-138. Qantas has 18 domestic destinations within Australia and 23 international destinations in 15 countries. In 1934, QANTAS and Britain’s Imperial Airways formed Qantas Empire Airways Limited (QEA). Qantas Boeing 747-438 made the first record-breaking non-stop flight – London-Sydney non-stop flight, VH-OJA, City of Canberra, on March 24, 1989, the first commercial airline ever to cover more than 17,000 km. Most airlines on the list are squeaking by with domestic operations, despite all odds, Qatar Airways has continued operating to an impressive number of international destinations, with plans to serve 80 destinations globally this month, in June 2020. Its customer approval rating is at an all-time high. It is the third oldest airlines in the world.

  1. Cathay Pacific Airlines

Cathay Pacific Airways took 5th spot and is always in the winner’s circle. It has won numerous awards from including Best Business Class in 2013 and 2015 and Best Asia/Pacific Airline for 2016. Roy was an American citizen and served the CNAC during the war flying supplies to Burma. He named the airline Cathay Pacific. “Cathay” used to be the medieval name for China and Roy had the vision of flying over the Pacific Ocean one day, hence the name. No other airline in the world has been named “Airline of the Year” as often as the Hong Kong based carrier. The Skytrax awards have been given out since 2001 with Emirates being the first to win it. Cathay claimed the award in 2003, 2005, 2009 as well as 2014, more than any other airline in the world. The Airbus A350 is the most modern and latest passenger aircraft in service. Cathay placed an order of 46 A350-900 and -1000 to join the fleet in the next years with the aim to replace it’s A340’s. It’s currently operating on flights to Auckland, London and Dusseldorf. The “Queen of the Skies” is slowly fading from the skies due to the trend of operating, lighter and more efficient airplanes such as the 787 Dreamliner or the A350. In order to extend it’s network and to stay more competitive Cathay Pacific received its very first jet in 1964. The DC-3 is probably the Beetle of the aviation industry, it wouldn’t just stop working. You could fly on forever with this airplane, just as you could drive the VW Beetle for a lifetime.

  1. Emirates Airlines

In 6th spot is Emirates, which has just ordered 787-9s and A350s and announced it will introduce Premium Economy to its aircraft next year. Dubai Airport is 3rd busiest airport in the world. It is also the largest airline in the Middle East, operating over 3,600 flights per week from its hub at Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport, to more than 150 cities in 80 countries across six continents through its fleet of nearly 300 aircraft. Cargo activities are undertaken by Emirates SkyCargo. Emirates Airline is based in the heart of United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Nothing happens without a reason. Dubai is known as the ‘city of gold’ bathed in splendor, where wealth is so extreme that sometimes difficult to comprehend. Emirates Airlines aligns with that image pretty well. Emirates Airline also won in the best in-flight entertainment category. Dubai International Airport is the primary hub for the company. Emirates has a fleet size of 258 aircraft, one of the largest fleet sizes in the world. Emirates generates 36.5% of its revenue from Europe & Americas & spends 35.1% of its revenue on fuel. Dubai International Airport’s Terminal 3 was built exclusively for the use of Emirates at a cost of $4.5 billion and officially opened 14 October 2008. Emirates has made code-share agreement with Philippine Airlines, Qantas, Royal Air Maroc, Royal Jordanian Airlines, Silk Air, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, TAP Portugal, Thai Airways, Virgin America, Air Mauritius, Air New Zealand, Alaska Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Cathay Pacific, Garuda Indonesia, JetBlue, Jetstar, Jetstar Asia, and Korean Air. Emirates is a state-owned company.

Emirates Airlines was first airlines in which showers are available under the plane. Only Emirates Super Jumbo, the Airbus A380 has a shower on board. Most of Emirates 777 come with a First Class. The Dubai based airline is due to welcome it’s 100th “Super Jumbo”. Emirates is the worlds 4th largest airline by scheduled revenue passenger-kilometres flown and operates the biggest Airbus A380 fleet in the world. 42 more 380’s are still on order and expected to join Emirates within the next few years making it 142 in total. The majority of the 20,000 cabin crew employed by Emirates come from the UK, no surprise by an average 20 flights between Dubai and the United Kingdom. Those are followed by Australian crew and Egyptians as well as Indian and Filipino Crew. Emirates was only founded in 1985. The airlines first flight took off on October 25 in 1985 on a Boeing 727, which was provided by the Royal Family to Karachi in Pakistan. Flight EK600 was a historic milestone and the birth of an airline which should 30 years later operate more than 3,600 flights a week to 140 cities in 80 countries around the world. In fact the Gulf carrier only uses 2 kinds of airplanes, the Airbus A380 as well as the Boeing 777. Emirates is the worlds largest operator of both airplane types. This makes 234 planes in total. The greatest thing of such an identical flight is that each of the 98,244 seats Emirates offers is identical. It’s is also the only airline in the world where every seat comes with a personal screen. In 17 hours you could comfortably fly from London to New York, have a Starbucks coffee in Manhattan and fly back to the UK or alternatively you could fly from Auckland, New Zealand to Dubai on the longest Airbus A380 flight in the world. The Dubai based carrier is extremely popular and the brand itself was valued at 7 Billion US-Dollars in 2016. But the airline was also awarded as Skytrax Airline of the year in 2001, 2002, 2013 and 2015. It is the biggest honor an airline can receive within industry. Emirates is the only major airline in the world which is not part of any alliance.

7.Virgin Atlantic Airlines

Moving into 7th spot is Virgin Atlantic which continues to innovate. A guy on a motorcycle used to pick up Virgin Atlantic customers and bring them to the airport. It might seem like a strange investment, but it’s well worth it for Delta, which now gets to fly its customers more frequently to London’s Heathrow Airport. Virgin Atlantic is a British Airline and considered to be of the more luxurious airlines in the world. It has been flying since 1984. The airline began operations on June 22nd, 1984 with the first flight between Gatwick and Newark with a leased Boeing 747-200 aircraft. On its vast network, it reaches out to major destinations in North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe and Asia. The airline was the first to introduce personal televisions to its business class passengers. The airline was ranked as the best airline in Europe. The airline in 2008 flew the first ever commercial flight in the world using biofuel. Subsequently, it made an order of 15 dreamliners which burn 27 percent less fuel than the A340. While British Airways operates all of its transatlantic long-haul flights from its bases at London’s Heathrow and Gatwick Airports, Virgin Atlantic has a secondary base in Manchester in Northern England, as well as operates numerous seasonal point-to-point routes from smaller cities throughout the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in addition to its bases at both Heathrow and Gatwick. These point-to-point routes include Glasgow and Belfast to Orlando using the Boeing 747-400.
Steve Fossett singlehandedly flew around the world in a Virgin plane
In February 2005, the aviation pro and first man to fly around the earth in a balloon successfully circumnavigated the globe in Virgin Atlantic’s lightweight GlobalFlyer plane — the only aircraft to have made a 25,000-mile, round-the-world trip on a single tank of fuel. The personality and language of our brand plays a major role. Virgin Atlantic took to the skies 30 years ago and despite its rise in popularity. Virgin flew its customers’ cats and dogs from the US to London’s Heathrow Airport for the first time in 2003, and has since carried more than 15,000 animals on board.

  1. EVA Air Airlines

EVA Air is ranked in the top 3 ‘Most Loved Airlines’. EVA Air takes 8th spot, EVA Air has always been the leader in Taiwanese aviation and always at the forefront of cabin innovation such as premium economy in 1992. After receiving the 5-Star status, EVA Air was also voted to to be the third most loved airline in the world, ranked behind the Indonesian carrier Garuda and the South Korea-based airline Asiana. EVA Airways Corporation, of which “EVA” stands for Evergreen Airways, is a Taiwanese international airline based at Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan, operating passenger and dedicated cargo services to over 40 international destinations in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. EVA Air is largely privately owned and flies a fully international route network. It is the second largest Taiwanese airline. EVA Air is headquartered in Luzhu, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The company slogan is “Sharing the World, Flying Together”. Its founding in 1989 as an affiliate of shipping conglomerate Evergreen Group. Its cargo arm, EVA Air Cargo, links with the Evergreen worldwide shipping network on sea and land. As of January 2018, EVA Air is the 15th safest airline in the world, with no hull losses, accidents, or fatalities since its establishment. EVA Air introduced their brand new Boeing 787 Dreamliner. On July 1st in 1991, the first commercial EVA Air flight took off from Taipei’s Taoyuan International airport. This was the beginning of a new era for the the first privately owned airline in Taiwan. In 1992, EVA Air introduced a “new” fourth class, these days commonly known as Premium Economy Class, to their 747 Jumbo fleet.

Wider seats, improved service, and wider screens were one of the benefits of the so called “Economy Deluxe” package. EVA Air’s longest flight takes 15hours and 55 Minutes. However, I doubt most Economy Class passengers look forward to a 16 hours flight whenever the plane takes off at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. The flight is among the 25 longest flights in the world, and covers the 12,776 kilometres it takes to Taiwan’s capital Taipei. Another major airline is about to retire it 747 Jumbo fleet on the 27th of March 2017. On the 1st of October 2016, Cathay Pacific is saying farewell to its last Jumbo when the ‘Queen of the Skies’ takes off for a very last adventure to Tokyo. The Taiwanese Airline just recently made an order for 24 787-10 Dreamliners which is the biggest version of Boeing’s latest aircraft worth 8 Billion dollars. That makes EVA Air the 3rd Asian customer for this specific Boeing version. EVA Air operates a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft, with Airbus A330, Airbus A321, Boeing 777, Boeing 787, and ATR 72 (operated by UNI Air) airliners primarily used on passenger routes, along with Boeing 777 freighter aircraft used on cargo routes. The airline was one of the first carriers to introduce the Premium Economy class, which it debuted in 1991. In June 2016, the Taiwanese airline got upgraded from a 4 to a 5-Star Airliner, joining a very privileged club. World class Airlines such as Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, or Hainan Airlines are all part of this amazing alliance. EVA Air is to date without any loss of an aircraft. It is also without passenger fatalities in its operational history, making it the third safest carrier on Earth. This is dominated by Asian carriers, the safest European Airline is the Amsterdam-based KLM.

  1. Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways, another great innovator is in 9th spot with its award-winning catering and Business Class Qsuites. In 1999 airlines such as Qantas, Air Berlin, American Airlines or Finnair teamed up to form the counterpart of Star Alliance and SkyTeam. Qatar sponsors the best team in the world. Qatar Airways is the first airline to operate all new generation aircrafts in it’s fleet. Many big players in the aviation market are undergoing big changes within their fleets, introducing new airplanes, replacing the older ones. While many airlines decided to operate either the Airbus A350, the Dreamliner or the Super Jumbo A380, the Doha based airline decided to make orders for all of them, being the first airliner to operate all 3 of them. The daily service from Doha to Auckland which is due to take off on December 3rd, 2016, is going to be the longest flight on earth. The distance between Qatar’s capital and the biggest city in New Zealand is 14,536 kilometres. The flight attendants are going to announce an estimated flight time of 18 hours and 30 minutes. On January 1st in 2016 an Airbus A350 embarked for a historical flight, being the first airline to land an Airbus 350 on American soil. When the new airliner left Doha Hamad International Airport it wasn’t heading for Los Angeles, Atlanta or New York as you would probably expect.

Qatar Airways is the best airline in the world. According to the World Airlines Award 2015, Qatar Airways was voted the number one airline on earth. The state owned carrier has won in the category best business class and best airline in the Middle East as well as best business class lounge. Seems like the perfect airline for any business trip. On the 15th of January 2015 the brand new Airbus A350-900 took off for it’s first commercial flight from Doha to Frankfurt. Development costs are estimated at 11 billion Euros and to date 777 350’s have been ordered by 43 worldwide customers. Qatar Airways base or better known as Hamad International Airport, was voted “Best Airport” in the Middle East, succeeding the two United Arab Emirates Airports located in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The new hub opened on April 30 in 2014 and is only 10 kilometres south of the Doha city center with is reachable by metro and frequent busses. Only a handful airlines are connecting their hubs with a straight flight to all inhabitant continents, Qatar Airways is one of them. Which also makes Hamad International one of only 5 airports in the world offering a non-stop connection to all 6 of them. Qatar Airways has since become one of the fastest growing carriers in the history of aviation with unprecedented expansion averaging double digit growth year on year. In April 2011, Qatar Airways reached a milestone reaching 100 destinations in its global route map.

  1. Virgin Australia Airlines

The airline took out Best Cabin Crew and Best Economy for 2020. It is an Australian-based airline. Airline has since grown to directly serve 33 cities in Australia, from hubs in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Virgin Australia’s young and stylish fleet currently flies you to over 45 destinations across Australia in addition to a number of international destinations including New Zealand, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. It is the largest airline by fleet size to use the Virgin brand. It commenced services on 31 August 2000 as Virgin Blue as a low-cost airline with two Boeing 737-400 aircraft. The The airline’s headquarters is based in South Bank, Queensland. In 2011, the airline went through a massive transformation—the changing of its brand to Virgin Australia. This included the introduction of a new aircraft livery, new uniforms, and new onboard menu options. New wide-body aircraft were acquired for use to compete with Qantas, and the roll-out of business class across all the Virgin Australia network. It is providing a seamless experience across all international and domestic markets, while retaining the same excellent service. Virgin Australia’s most important commercial partner is Delta (due to their transpacific joint venture), while the airline is owned by Etihad Airways, Hainan Airlines, and Singapore Airlines. Australia’s second-largest airline is Virgin Australia.
In 2001, 14 new routes were launched, expanding to a true national domestic network. Virgin Australia welcomed its millionth Guest onboard in June 2001. In 2003, Virgin Blue Holidays, Virgin Blue’s holiday arm, was launched. Virgin Blue Holdings floated on the Australian Stock Exchange in December 2003, and Patrick Corporation invested a further $137m at the time of the Initial Public Offering. In 2004, Pacific Blue, a New Zealand-based leisure-focussed international airline, was launched, offering flights between Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu. In 2005, another Blue airline, Polynesian Blue, was launched in partnership with the Government of Samoa, with the first flight departing Auckland for Apia. In 2007, plans to establish a long haul international airline, V Australia, were announced, and Pacific Blue launched domestic services in New Zealand. In 2009, V Australia flies for the first time from Sydney to Los Angeles and Brisbane to Los Angeles. In 2012, Virgin Australia was awarded ‘Best Airline’ and ‘Best Staff Service’ in the 2012 Skytrax World Airline Awards. The airline began flying in New Zealand (formerly Pacific Blue), and Virgin Samoa (formerly Polynesian Blue) took-off in Samoa. In 2013, Virgin Australia has officially launched its new wireless in-flight entertainment system. In August 2015, Virgin Australia converted its outstanding order for 17 Boeing B737-800 aircraft to the Boeing 737 MAX 8 model. With the 23 Boeing B737 MAX 8 aircraft already on order, this conversion brings the order for this type to a total of 40 aircraft, with the first delivery for 2018. In 2016, Virgin Australia introduced new Business class and Economy Premium cabins on its long-haul international routes on board Boeing 777 aircraft.

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A desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. Approximately one-fifth of the Earth’s surface is covered by deserts. A region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all. This is an area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil. This area of the ocean in which it is believed no marine life exists. Desert is unsettled area between Mississippi and rocky mountains thought to be unsuitable for human habitation. Experts have several ways of categorizing the different types of deserts, but most will agree on some version of the following four classifications: hot and dry, semiarid, coastal, and cold. Due to intense heat, rain is known to evaporate in hot and dry deserts before it can even reach the ground. Many semiarid deserts get so little rain because tall mountain ranges prevent precipitation from reaching these drier regions. These are the 10 largest deserts in the world by size.

1.Antarctic: 5,500,000 sq. miles

Antarctica is the driest continent. The Antarctic is located in the southern hemisphere and covered by around 7.1 million cubic miles of an ice sheet that is approximately 1.5 miles thick. With a humidity rating of 5% it is the driest region on the planet, and so, Antarctic is classified as a large barren cold desert. The name Antarctica is the romanised version of the Greek compound word ,meaning is “opposite to the Arctic”, “opposite to the north”. Very little snow or rain falls on the continent, but because it is so cold, the small amount of precipitation that does fall does not melt. 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at Russia’s Vostok Station in Antarctica: -89.2°C (-128.6°F) on 21st July, 1983. About 70% of Earth’s fresh water is in the Antarctic ice cap. There are no countries in Antarctica; the continent is governed by an international treaty. There are no permanent residents. But up to 1,000 people may be wintering over at various research stations. It is the fifth-largest continent and nearly twice the size of Australia. At 0.00008 people per square km, it is by far the least densely populated continent. Antarctica is a good place to find meteorites, or rocks that fall from space to Earth. Scientists find more meteorites in Antarctica than any other place in the world. NASA sends teams to Antarctica to learn more about the planet Mars. Antarctica and Mars have a lot in common. Both places are cold. Both places are dry like a desert.

Antarctica and Arctic deserts are classified as cold deserts. Due to their positions at the northern and southern poles of our planet, they are also known as polar deserts. They are the largest deserts in the world. The former makes up the entire continent, while the latter stretches across numerous countries like Canada, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. They are very dry, but not in the traditional sense. They are cold all year round with frigid winters. Instead of sand, the surrounding surface is covered in layers of ice and snow. The average temperature hovers around freezing, but can plummet to -50 degrees Celsius. During wet seasons, cold deserts can get up to eighteen inches of rain every year, but on average, they receive only six to ten. Scientists take turns going there to study the ice. Tourists visit Antarctica in the summer season. One tool that NASA uses is ICESat. That stands for the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite. Using ICESat, NASA can measure changes in the size of Antarctica’s ice sheets. ICESat also helps NASA to understand how polar ice may change and affect the rest of the planet. Melting ice sheets in Antarctica may change sea levels all over the world. Some experts even claim that certain areas in Antarctica have not seen rain in 14 million years. Few plants can survive such brutal conditions. Many of the animals that call these polar regions home have easily adapted to the cold, such as bears, penguins, and seals. About Organisms native to Antarctica include many types of algae, bacteria, fungi, plants, protista.

2.Arctic: 5,000,000 sq. miles

Arctic covers the island groups of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Severny Island and Severnaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean, above 75 degrees north latitude. The Arctic is the second largest desert on the planet and is slightly smaller in size than the Antarctic. It is so cold that the snow that does fall doesn’t melt, so deep snow covers the land and ice. As long as there is some source of moisture and some way to lift or cool the air, it can snow even at incredibly cold temperatures. The top part of the Arctic region, known as the Arctic Circle, receives minimal precipitation and is classified as desert land. The southern region of the Arctic, also known as Tundra, has greater precipitation and therefore, supports a thriving ecosystem. A large part of the Arctic is sea ice. The region is covered with glaciers, snow, and bare rock in a harshly cold environment. It has an area of 161,400 square kilometres (62,300 sq mi). The ecoregion stretches 2,000 km west-to-east, and 1,000 km north-to-south, across the Arctic Ocean north of Norway and Russia. Arctic, northernmost region of the Earth, centred on the North Pole and characterized by distinctively polar conditions of climate, plant and animal life, and other physical features. The term is derived from the Greek arktos (“bear”), referring to the northern constellation of the Bear. It has sometimes been used to designate the area within the Arctic Circle—a mathematical line that is drawn at latitude 66°30′ N, marking the southern limit of the zone in which there is at least one annual period of 24 hours during which the sun does not set and one during which it does not rise. This line, however, is without value as a geographic boundary, since it is not keyed to the nature of the terrain.

The Arctic Desert refers to a number of islands north of 75 degrees north latitude. This includes northern Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Islands and Severnaya Zemlya. Mapped ecoregion boundaries correspond to the arctic desert zone in Kurnaev’s forest map of the USSR. However, northern sections of the Taimyr Peninsula, Novosibirsk Islands and Wrangel Island were excluded from this region as their lower latitudes permit a wider range and higher abundance of species. International interest in the Arctic and subarctic regions has steadily increased during the 20th century, particularly since World War II. Three major factors are involved: the advantages of the North Pole route as a shortcut between important centres of population, the growing realization of economic potentialities such as mineral like petroleum and forest resources and grazing areas, and the importance of the regions in the study of global meteorology. The Arctic lands have developed geologically around four nuclei of ancient crystalline rocks. The largest of these, the Canadian Shield, underlies all the Canadian Arctic except for part of the Queen Elizabeth Islands. It is separated by Baffin Bay from a similar shield area that underlies most of Greenland. The Arctic desert is home to a number of highly adapted species, which can cope with the extreme conditions or, as some long-distant migratory bird species come there only for a short summer season.

3.Sahara: 3,320,000 sq. miles

The Sahara is a desert on the African continent. Around 25% of the land is covered by sand with the total region comprising a mix of hilly areas and shallow land. The Sahara is the third largest desert and is part of a high-temperature zone, unlike the colder regions of Arctic and Antarctic. The total area varies but mostly stretches approximately 3,000 miles across and around 1,100 miles north to south. The northern areas of the Sahara experiences mostly dry subtropical temperatures while the southern areas remain mostly dry tropical. It is the largest hot desert in the world. The name ‘Sahara’ is derived from the Arabic word for “desert”. The population of the Sahara is just two million. For several hundred thousand years, the Sahara has alternated between desert and savanna grassland in a 20,000 year cycle caused by the precession of the Earth’s axis as it rotates around the Sun, which changes the location of the North African Monsoon. The area is next expected to become green in about 15,000 years . The Sahara is bordered in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the north by the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea, in the east by the Red Sea, and in the south by the Sahel—a semiarid region that forms a transitional zone between the Sahara to the north and savannas to the south. The enormous desert spans 11 countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia. Other topographical features include mountains, plateaus, sand- and gravel-covered plains, salt flats, basins and depressions. Mount Koussi, an extinct volcano in Chad, is the highest point in the Sahara at 11,204 feet (3,415 m), and the Qattara Depression in Egypt is the Saraha’s deepest point, at 436 feet (133 m) below sea level. The highest peak in the Sahara is Emi Koussi (3,415m), a volcano located in Tibesti Mountains, Chad. In east-central Algeria lies the Isaouane-n-Tifernine Sand Sea, with sand dunes as high as 450m – some of the tallest in the world. The largest dunes in Morocco are the Erg Chigaga – with some dunes reaching a massive 300m.
Camels, also known as the “ships of the desert,” are well-adapted for the hot, arid environment, according to the San Diego Zoo. The humps on a camel’s back store fat, which can be used for energy and hydration in between meals. Camels store energy so efficiently that they can go more than a week without water and several months without food. Other residents of the Sahara include a variety of gazelles, addax, cheetahs, caracals, desert foxes and wild dogs, according to the Sahara Conservation Fund. Many reptile species also thrive in the desert environment, including several species of snakes, lizards, and even crocodiles in places where there is enough water. Plant species in the Sahara have adapted to the arid conditions, with roots that reach deep underground to find buried water sources and leaves that are shaped into spines that minimize moisture loss. The most arid parts of the desert are completely void of plant life, but oasis areas, such as the Nile Valley, support a large variety of plants, including olive trees, date palms and various shrubs and grasses. One proposal for mitigating the effects of climate change is to install large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara. The farms would provide clean energy and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere, and may also promote increased precipitation in the vicinity. Several activities you can do in the Sahara such as quad biking, stargazing, sand surfing, camping or trekking. Our Sahara Desert Trek is a fantastic adventure, taking us on a 4 day trek to the top of the Chegaga Dunes.
Although water is scarce across the entire region, the Sahara contains two permanent rivers (the Nile and the Niger), at least 20 seasonal lakes and huge aquifers, which are the primary sources of water. Despite the harsh, arid conditions of the desert, several plants and animals call the region home. There are approximately 500 species of plants, 70 known mammalian species, 90 avian species and 100 reptilian species that live in the Sahara, plus several species of spiders, scorpions and other small arthropods, according to World Wildlife Fund. Camels are one of the most iconic animals of the Sahara. The large mammals are native to North America and eventually made their way across the Bering Isthmus between 3 and 5 million years ago, according to a study in the Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management in 2015. Camels were domesticated about 3,000 years ago on the Southeast Arabian Peninsula, to be used for transportation in the desert.The Sahara desert has a variety of land features, but is most famous for the sand dune fields that are often depicted in movies. The dunes can reach almost 600 feet (183 meters) high but they cover only about 15 percent of the entire desert. The average annual temperature is 30°C, whilst the hottest temperature ever recorded was 58°C. The area receives little rainfall, in fact, half of the Sahara Desert receives less than 1 inch of rain every year.

4.Arabian Desert: 900,000 sq. miles

The Arabian Desert appears as a vast expanse of light sand-coloured terrain with an occasional indistinct line of escarpments or mountain ranges, black lava flows, or reddish systems of desert dunes stretching to the horizon. Arabian Desert is the largest desert area on the continent—covering an area of about 900,000 square miles (2,300,000 square km)—and the second largest on Earth, surpassed in size only by the Sahara, in northern Africa. The Arabian desert is part of the Arabian Peninsula that extends across the 220 latitude and 120 to 340 north. Several countries that share the desert land include; Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and the UAE. Large parts of the desert experiences extremely high temperatures, reaching 1300 F during peak summer season. Arabian Desert, great desert region of extreme southwestern Asia that occupies almost the entire Arabian Peninsula. Mountainous highlands rise in the northwestern portion of the Hejaz region, in the Asir region, in Yemen, and in Oman. Lesser ranges have been uncovered by erosion in the interior. Eighteen volcanic fields are scattered through the west, mainly in Hejaz, several of them more than 10,000 square miles (25,000 square km) in area.

The Arabian Desert is bordered to the north by the Syrian Desert, to the northeast and east by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, to the southeast and south by the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and to the west by the Red Sea. A large part of the Arabian Desert lies within the modern kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yemen, on the coast of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, borders the desert to the southwest. Oman, bulging out into the Gulf of Oman, lies at the eastern edge of the desert. The sheikhdoms of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar to the west stretch along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf at the desert’s northeastern limit. The emirate of Kuwait abuts the northern Persian Gulf between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. In the northwest the desert extends into Jordan.
Vegetation at first seems nonexistent, but the discerning eye can find sparse patches of growth on the surface, or bits of green where shrubs strive to survive. There is almost always a breeze, which changes seasonally to winds of gale force. The Sun and Moon are bright in clear skies, although dust and humidity may lower visibility. The Arabian Desert consists of two major regions. The first, the ancient Arabian platform, is in the west. It is composed mainly of Precambrian gneiss and was assembled roughly 900 to 541 million years ago. The second region, in the east, comprises sedimentary rock layers deposited over the past 541 million years on continental shelves and within marine basins along the margins of the Arabian platform. Vast amounts of petroleum formed between those sedimentary rock layers, making the Arabian Desert the richest petroleum-producing region in the world. Roughly 33 million years ago, early in the Oligocene Epoch, Arabia began to split away from Africa. That was the onset of a period of rifting that was caused by upwelling from Earth’s mantle beneath the regions now lying on either side of the Red Sea.

5.Gobi Desert: 500,000 sq. miles

Located in Central Asia, the Gobi desert is shared by Mongolia and China. Unlike the Sahara and Arabian deserts, Gobi is mostly made up of hard rock and not sand. The desert is a result of the rain shadow from the tall Himalayan Mountains which prevents precipitation carrying winds from reaching the Gobi. Maximum temperature can touch a high of 1130 F during peak summer season while it can dip to as low as -400 F is some parts. The Gobi Desert is a large desert or brushland region in East Asia. The Gobi is a rain shadow desert, formed by the Tibetan Plateau blocking precipitation from the Indian Ocean reaching the Gobi territory. The Gobi is overall a cold desert, with frost and occasionally snow occurring on its dunes. Besides being quite far north, it is also located on a plateau roughly 910–1,520 m (2,990–4,990 ft) above sea level, which contributes to its low temperatures. An average of approximately 194 mm (7.6 in) of rain falls annually in the Gobi. Additional moisture reaches parts of the Gobi in winter as snow is blown by the wind from the Siberian Steppes.

Large copper deposits are being mined by Rio Tinto Group. The mine was and remains controversial. There was significant opposition in Mongolia’s parliament to the terms under which the mine will proceed, and some are calling for the terms to be renegotiated. The Gobi name come from Mongolian gobi, meaning “waterless place. Gobi is not sandy desert but bare rock. It is possible to drive over this surface by car for long distances in any direction: northward toward the Altai and Hangayn mountain ranges, eastward toward the Da Hinggan Range, or southward toward the Bei Mountains and Huang He valley. The Gobi consists of the Gaxun, Junggar (Dzungarian), and Trans-Altai Gobi in the west, the Eastern, or Mongolian, Gobi in the centre and east, and the Alxa Plateau (Ala Shan Desert) in the south. The Eastern Gobi is similar to the western regions, with elevations varying from 2,300 to 5,000 feet (700 to 1,500 metres), but it receives somewhat more precipitation—up to 8 inches (200 mm) per year—though it lacks significant rivers. The Gobi’s plains consist of chalk and other sedimentary rocks that are chiefly Cenozoic in age (i.e., up to about 66 million years old), though some of the low, isolated hills are older. The terrain contains small masses of shifting sands.

6.Kalahari Desert: 360,000 sq. miles

This subtropical desert is located in the southern part of the African continent and shared between Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Angola. One of the most interesting Kalahari Desert facts is that it is not a desert in the strictest sense of the word, as it receives too much rainfall – between 5 and 10 inches annually. However any rain filters rapidly through the vast expanses of sand, leaving nothing on the surface, turning the Kalahari into the “thirstland”. A more accurate definition of a desert is a region in which “the evaporation rate is twice as great as the precipitation”. This is true for the southwestern half of the Kalahari. The northeastern portion, however, receives much more rainfall and, climatically, cannot qualify as a desert; and yet, it is totally lacking in surface water. In the southwest it merges with the Namib, the coastal desert of Namibia. Kalahari is derived from the Tswana word Kgala, meaning “the great thirst”, or Kgalagadi, meaning “a waterless place”; The Kalahari has vast areas covered by red sand without any permanent surface water. The Kalahari’s longest north–south extent is roughly 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometres), and its greatest east–west distance is about 600 miles; its area has been estimated at some 360,000 square miles (930,000 square kilometres). Extended dunes cover most of the north and northwestern parts of the Kalahari. Numerous pans exist within the Kalahari, including the Groot-vloer Pan and Verneukpan where evidence of a wetter climate exists in the form of former contouring for capturing of water. North and east, approximately where the dry forests, savannahs and salt lakes prevail, the climate is sub-humid rather than semi-arid. South and west, where the vegetation is predominantly xeric savanna or even a semi-desert, the climate is “Kalaharian” semi-arid. During peak summer, the temperature can reach 1150 F during the day and fall to 750 F at night. Winter temperatures drop to 100 F. Bedrock is exposed only in the low but vertical-walled hills, called kopjes, that rarely but conspicuously rise above the general surface. Aside from the kopjes, three surfaces characterize virtually all of the Kalahari: sand sheets, longitudinal dunes, and vleis (pans).
Due to its low aridity, the Kalahari supports a variety of flora. The native flora includes acacia trees and many other herbs and grasses. The kiwano fruit, also known as the horned melon, melano, African horned cucumber, jelly melon, or hedged gourd, is endemic to a region in the Kalahari Desert. The Kalahari is home to many migratory birds and animals. Previously havens for wild animals from elephants to giraffes, and for predators such as lions and cheetahs, the riverbeds are now mostly grazing spots, though leopards and cheetahs can still be found. The area is now heavily grazed and cattle fences restrict the movement of wildlife. Among deserts of the Southern Hemisphere, the Kalahari most closely resembles some Australian deserts in its latitude and its mode of formation. The temperatures in the Kalahari Desert are extreme, with summers being very hot while winter temperatures can go below zero degrees Celsius at night. This is a result of the Kalahari’s relatively high altitude and predominantly clear, dry air. Arid-adapted game includes springbok, gemsbok, wildebeest, kudu, steenbok and duiker. The Kalahari is home to desert specialties such as meerkat, bat-eared foxes, cape fox and brown hyena. One of the more unexpected Kalahari Desert facts is that all three African big cats can be found here –cheetah, leopard and the famous black-maned Kalahari lions. The Kalahari is the southernmost desert in Africa. It is the sixth biggest desert by area on Earth and the second biggest in Africa after the Sahara.

7.Great Victoria Desert: 220,000 sq. miles

The largest desert on the Australian continent is located in the southwestern region and extends over 700 miles across. The desert is mostly arid and made up of rocky terrain and undulating dunes. During the summer season, temperatures can exceed 1050 F, and in winters dip to as low as 680 F. The Great Victoria Desert is a sparsely-populated desert ecoregion and interim Australian bioregion in Western Australia and South Australia. The Great Victoria consists of many small sandhills, grassland plains, areas with a closely packed surface of pebbles and salt lakes. The area of the Great Victoria Desert is shared roughly equally by the states of South and Western Australia. It is north of the Nullarbor Plain and south of the Musgrave Ranges. The climate of the GVD is arid, with variable and unpredictable rainfall that can fall in either summer or winter. The median annual rainfall (1890–2005) averaged across the GVD is 162 mm. Its pristine, arid wilderness includes red sand dunes, stony plains and dry salt lakes. There is no permanent surface water, with scarce rock holes, claypans and soaks holding water only during wet periods. Within this landscape there are Aboriginal communities at Oak Valley, Watarru and Walalkara. 15 bird species with a conservation rating including the princess parrot, malleefowl and scarlet chested parrot. The Great Victoria Desert can be very dry and sandy. However, plants and animals still live there. The plants are adapted to the dry, arid climate, otherwise they would not be able to survive. Wallabies, bandy snakes, lizards. kangaroos . and many birds live in the Great Victoria Desert. These animals have also adapted to survive in extreme heat and extreme cold. It was penetrated in 1875 by a party led by the explorer Ernest Giles, who named it the Great Victoria Desert. Supports many vegetation types, including eucalypt open woodlands, mulga woodlands, acacia shrublands, casuarina and mallee shrublands and woodlands, and chenopod and samphire shrublands. Of note are the sparse woodlands of stately marble gums.

8.Patagonia Desert: 200,000 sq. miles

Located in South America between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean, the Patagonia desert is part of Argentina and Chile. A cold winter desert, temperatures here average 370 F. The Patagonian Desert is the largest of the 40° parallel and is a large cold winter desert, where the temperature rarely exceeds 12 °C and averages just 3 °C. The region experiences about seven months of winter and five months of summer. Frost is not uncommon in the desert but, due to the very dry condition year round, snow is rare. It is bounded, approximately, by the Patagonian Andes to the west, the Colorado River to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Strait of Magellan to the south; the region south of the strait—Tierra del Fuego, which is divided between Argentina and Chile—also is often included in Patagonia. Desert and semidesert cover the Patagonian tableland that extends from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. The general aspect of this tableland is one of vast steppelike plains, rising in terrace fashion from high coastal cliffs to the foot of the Andes; but the true aspect of the plains is by no means as simple as such a general description would imply. The land along the Negro River rises in a series of fairly level terraces from about 300 feet (90 metres) at the coast to about 1,300 feet at the junction of the Limay and Neuquen rivers and 3,000 feet at the base of the Andes. South of the Negro River, the plains are much more irregular. Volcanic eruptions occurred in this area until fairly recent times, and basaltic sheets covered the tableland east of Lakes Buenos Aires and Pueyrredon.

  1. Syrian Desert: 200,000 sq. miles

Syrian Desert located in West Asia, the desert forms part of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. The Syrian desert is about the same size as Patagonia but is a subtropical desert which is mostly dry. The Syrian Desert also known as the Syrian steppe, the Jordanian steppe, or the Badia, is a region of desert, semi-desert and steppe. The land is open, rocky or gravelly desert pavement, cut with occasional wadis. The desert is bounded by the Orontes Valley and the volcanic field of Harrat al-Shamah to the west, and by the Euphrates to the east. In the north, the desert gives way to the more fertile areas and to the south it runs into the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. Several parts of the Syrian Desert have been referred to separately such as the Palmyrene desert around Palmyra, and the Homs desert. The eastern section of the Syrian Desert, that within borders of Iraq, can be referred to as the Western Desert.

The Syrian desert, in turn, is divided into two parts, which differ in their surface structure. The first, a plateau in the southwest, is more elevated than the other part and also much drier. The part to the northeast starts at lower elevation in the south—2,208 feet (673 m)—and ends at 623 feet (190 m) in the north. This part is dry and has dry river channels (wadis) exposed to flooding. These wadis range in length from 93 to 186 miles (150–300 km) and in width from 0.3 to 0.6 miles (0.5 to 1 km). Annual precipitation in the Syrian desert does not exceed 5.85 inches (150 mm). Receiving on the average less than 5 inches (125 mm) of rainfall annually and largely covered by lava flows, it formed a nearly impenetrable barrier between the populated areas of the Levant and Mesopotamia until modern times ; several major motor routes and oil pipelines now bisect it. In the late 1970s, there was much oil exploration.

10.Great Basin Desert: 190,000 sq. miles

The Great Basin Desert is located in the United States and forms part of the Greater North American Desert. It’s mountain peaks (33) reaches 10,000 feet. Since large parts are mountainous, the temperatures vary based on the elevation. It covers an arid expanse of about 190,000 square miles (492,000 square km) and is bordered by the Sierra Nevada range on the west, the Wasatch Mountains on the east, the Columbia Plateau on the north, and the Mojave Desert on the south. Minerals have proved to be the greatest resource of the Great Basin. Much of the nation’s gold, magnesite, barite, and mercury are produced in Nevada, which is also among the leading producers of lithium, silver, diatomite, and gemstones. Utah is the leading producer of beryllium ore and is among the leading producers of gold, silver, copper, iron ore, and molybdenum. The desert is a geographical region that largely overlaps the Great Basin shrub steppe defined by the World Wildlife Fund, and the Central Basin and Range ecoregion defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and United States Geological Survey. The desert is one of the four biologically defined deserts in North America, in addition to the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Deserts. There are more than 33 peaks within the desert with summits higher than 9,800 feet (3,000 m), but valleys in the region are also high, most with elevations above 3,900 feet (1,200 m). Different locations in the desert have different amounts of precipitation, depending on the strength of these rain shadows. The Great Basin Desert is the only “cold” desert in the country, where most precipitation falls in the form of snow. A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches (25cm) of precipitation per year.
The mountain ranges of the Great Basin have been likened, in an old survey report, to a group of caterpillars all crawling irregularly northward. The ranges are from 60 to 120 miles (95 to 190 km) long and 3 to 15 miles (5 to 24 km) wide. The valleys are usually somewhat wider than the ranges and are mostly deserts, with floors 1,000 to 6,000 feet (300 to 1,800 metres) above sea level. The annual rainfall of 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) in the basin supports little more than sparse desert or semidesert vegetation. In many places volcanic rocks that formed about 30 million years ago have been cut and displaced by the block faults. There are historical records of earthquakes and constant contemporary micro-earthquakes, indicating that faulting has continued to the present day. The valley floors have deep soils resulting from thousands of years of mountain erosion. These valleys receive little rainfall; most of precipitation occurs as winter snow. The combination of hot, dry summers and cold winters results in a characteristic vegetation dominated by aromatic, perennial shrubs such as various forms of sagebrush . This vegetation type is dominated by one species and is known as the Great Basin Sagebrush Zone. In the wetter, more northerly parts there is an increasing proportion of grasses, giving rise to a vegetation type termed Sagebrush Steppe. In other, scattered regions of this desert, where the soil particles are very fine, there are permanent lakes or temporary lakes. These areas and the surrounding lands can have a high salt concentration caused by the evaporation of water. Such areas are dominated by various types of saltbush giving a vegetation type known as Salt-Desert Shrub.

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