The 10 Great Items to Recycle to save our Planet

Recycle is to reuse or make available for reuse for biological activities through natural processes of biochemical degradation or modification. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” waste hierarchy. It promotes environmental sustainability by removing raw material input and redirecting waste output in the economic system. The recyclability of a material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state. It can also prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reducing energy use, air pollution and water pollution. Recycling Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals. Disposable waste is bad for the environment, plain. Most of us want to help the environment today by recycling as much as we can. On average, Americans recycled and composted 1.5 pounds of waste of a total of 4.4 pounds per person that year. Here is the list of top 10 items to recycle to save our planet.


assorted plastic bottles
Photo by mali maeder on

Plastic is by far the best thing you can recycle to save our planet. So many plastic products are disposable, but plastic lasts forever in the environment. The fact that plastic takes forever to break down. Even when it does, it creates micro-plastics that are small in size which easily get into all sorts of places it shouldn’t be. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and HDPE are the most commonly recycled plastics, whereas the other types are generally tougher to recycle.You can tell what type of plastic it is by using the number scale from 1-7 found labeled on your plastic products. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic is used for water, soda and juice bottles. PET is labelled as #1 and is the most commonly recycled plastic. If you often drink water from plastic bottles then you should definitely be using a commercial recycling bin at work to collect your plastic waste. HDPE (#2) is the second most commonly recycled form of plastic. If you don’t already have a commercial recycling bin, then you’ll be happy to know that CleanRiver’s are actually made from recycled HDPE. Thicker plastic bottles used for shampoo, detergent and similar items can also be recycled. Recycling them helps the environment tremendously.

  1. Paper
selective focus photography of magazines
Photo by brotiN biswaS on

Newspapers are one of the easiest materials to recycle. Mixed paper is also one of the easiest materials to recycle. Make sure your waste paper ends up at the recycle center. Paper can also be sustainably and easily repurposed. Reuse and repurposing options include reusing waste paper for wrapping, packaging, composting, cleaning, lining pet cages, etc. It saves waste paper from occupying homes of people and producing methane as it breaks down. Because paper fibre contains carbon (originally absorbed by the tree from which it was produced), recycling keeps the carbon locked up for longer and out of the atmosphere. The process of waste paper recycling most often involves mixing used/old paper with water and chemicals to break it down. It is then chopped up and heated, which breaks it down further into strands of cellulose, a type of organic plant material; this resulting mixture is called pulp, or slurry. It is strained through screens, which remove plastic (especially from plastic-coated paper) that may still be in the mixture then cleaned, de-inked (ink is removed), bleached, and mixed with water. Then it can be made into new recycled paper.[4]It is not just newspapers that you can recycle at home. Also, recycle wrapping paper, envelopes, birthday cards and phone books. All sorts of cardboard can be recycled, too. Books, newspapers, and even glossy magazines can be recycled in your outdoor recycling bins at home. As for the office throwing your paper into a dedicated office recycling bin is just as good. If your office doesn’t already have an easy way to recycle paper, consider setting up an office recycling program. Don’t forget about fibre board, paperboard, and cardboard either. Sending one ton of cardboard to the recycling center can save over 9 cubic yards of landfill space and 24 percent of the energy required to make new cardboard.


clear glass panels on white surface
Photo by Just Another Photography Dude on

Glass is made from sand. Now that may seem redundant but the world is actually running out of sand. The whole point of recycling is to help the environment and reduce resource consumption. So better way is to save the sand than to conserve it via glass recycling. It’s also one of the easier materials to recycle. Glass containers used in food and beverage packaging are 100 percent recyclable. They can be substituted for up to 95 percent of raw materials when new glass products are being made, making glass recycling highly friendly to the environment.
Glass that is crushed and ready to be remelted is called cullet. cullet is composed of defective products detected and rejected by a quality control process during the industrial process of glass manufacturing, transition phases of product changes (such as thickness and colour changes) and production offcuts. External cullet is waste glass that has been collected or reprocessed with the purpose of recycling. External cullet (which can be pre- or post-consumer) is classified as waste. To be recycled, glass waste needs to be purified and cleaned of contamination.


file of junks in the room
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on

If you didn’t already know, most electronic waste contains recyclable materials that can be harmful for the environment if left to sit in a landfill. If you need help identifying e-waste and would like to prevent improper electronic waste disposal. Whether it’s developing the latest battery technology, controlling pollution while meeting product demand, or managing energy and water resources, you are part of a collaborative community. Technological change is happening so quickly that most electrical products are discarded before they are obsolete and by 2050, we are on track to produce 120 million tonnes of electronic waste per year. Some of the most prevalent health effects are associated with poor working and living conditions that predispose people to physical injury, stress and exposure to mosquitoes. Burning and dismantling devices causes the release of various chemicals into the air. Heavy metals and other toxic particles have the potential to cause many adverse health effects.


steel waste
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Metal can be found in a variety of products, such as the previously mentioned e-waste. Metal must be mined from the earth, which damages the area and environment those mines are dug. The good news is most metals can be recycled together as recycling plants will sort them for you. Some local businesses can recycle scrap metal for you as well if needed. Metals can be used for industrial purposes such as the manufacture of trucks, cars, airplanes, ships, and railways. They can also be used to manufacture domestic items such as cutlery, crockery and even in packaging. The good thing about metal recycling is that metal can be recycled over and over without altering its properties. The most common recyclable metals include aluminum and steel. The other metals, for example, silver, copper, brass and gold, are so valuable that they are rarely thrown away to be collected for recycling.


close up shot of batteries
Photo by Simon Gough on

Technically batteries can be considered e-waste, and metal waste. The difference is batteries don’t go in the recycling bin OR the garbage bin. That doesn’t mean batteries can’t be recycled though. The chemicals that can leak out of them are extremely harmful to the planet, and can contaminate other waste that would otherwise be recyclable. Therefore they need to be recycled separately from all other forms of waste. The broken battery pieces go into a vat, where the lead and heavy materials fall to the bottom while the plastic rises to the top. At this point, the polypropylene pieces are scooped away and the liquids are drawn off, leaving the lead and heavy metals. Each of the materials then begins its own recycling journey. We’ll begin with the plastic, or polypropylene.


stacked vehicle tire lot
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Car tires and other commercial rubber materials found in various products are difficult to recycle. Unfortunately most rubber products are burned, even when they’re properly discarded. At the very least you can search for a recycling facility that specifically takes care of tires. They can retread the tire, or dispose of it in a way that won’t poison the Earth. Tires are meant for single use, typically lasting three to four years before their tread wears out. At the end of their lives, some are shredded and turned into artificial field turf or playground surfaces. But many end up burned or in landfills, releasing toxic chemicals into the air or leaching them into the ground.


collection of female clothes on rack in boutique
Photo by Maria Orlova on

Textile recycling is less common than one would hope, which is unfortunate for the environment because they take several hundred years to break down. To recycle clothing, check your local mall or retailers as they often have bins where you can donate your used and unwanted textiles. It involves recovering old clothing and shoes for sorting and processing. End products include clothing suitable for reuse, cloth scraps or rags as well as fibrous material. Interest in garment recycling is rapidly on the rise due to environmental awareness and landfill pressure. For entrepreneurs, it provides a business opportunity. In addition, various charities also generate revenue through their collection programs for old clothing.

9.Organic Materials

bright yellow flower in glass vase
Photo by Jill Burrow on

Organic waste is actually good for the planet and rarely harms it. The environmental benefits of recycling is biodegradable waste in a specific container is worthwhile. Making compost is simple, all it requires is an organic waste bin and time. Organic wastes are materials originating from living sources like plants, animals, and microorganisms that are biodegradable and can be broken down into simpler organic molecules. The most common sources of organic wastes include agriculture, household activities, and industrial products. Green waste like food wastes, food-soiled paper, non-hazardous wood waste, landscape waste, and pruning wastes are some of the examples of biodegradable or organic wastes.

10.PPE & Medical Waste

photo of medical professionals wearing personal protective equipment
Photo by Anna Shvets on

A few disposable masks lying around the neighbourhood which can be extremely harmful to wildlife. Recycling medical waste is much more expensive (especially red bag waste). Unfortunately, this higher price tag often means that recyclable materials get thrown out with regular trash anyway. Single-use personal protective equipment (from masks to gloves etc.) are hard to recycle in traditional recycling systems as they cost more for local recyclers to collect and process than the resulting materials are worth. The polypropylene-dominant mixture from the face mask is densified into a crumb-like raw material that’s used in plastic lumber and composite decking applications. The elastane or rubber band portion is ground into a fine mesh regrind and mixed with recycled plastics as an additive to provide flexibility and malleability to products. Gloves are processed into a rubberized powder which is used for flooring tiles, playground surface covers and even athletic fields. The resulting recycled material is used by third parties to manufacture a variety of new products including outdoor furniture, plastic shipping pallets, outdoor decking, watering cans, storage containers, bins, tubes for construction applications, etc.

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A skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory. India has been known for its customs. When it comes to art and culture, India is among the most culturally rich countries in the world. Handicraft represents Indian’s culture and tradition. The feeling of home is hidden in the small things and the small stories that every item carries with it. The same is the reason behind buying handicrafts. Every piece of craft has a story, a story of the passion of the craftsmen who created it or his inspiration to make it. That’s why craft pieces make the perfect fit for any house. India is one of the leading producers and suppliers of handicraft products in the world. India has been a large producer and supplier of handicraft products for a long time. In Asian countries, handicrafts are as highly wanted as mechanized products in quality and volume and are a major source of their foreign earnings via exports. The artisanal industry is an important source of income for rural communities that employ more than six million artisans, including large numbers of women and people belonging to the weakest sectors of society. The sector is highly creative and produces a large variety of crafts products that are highly consumed and fond of. In India, the creative importance of these craft products is off the roof making sure that it fits in perfectly with the urbanized decor and connects the urban dwellers with their roots. The days of Indus Valley Civilization, artisans and craftsmen have been respected for their excellence in various kinds of handicrafts. That tradition continued well into medieval and colonial times, and flourishes even to this day. Handicrafts products of India are many and distinct from each other. From the Dokra tribal jewelry for West Bengal to the gemstone paintings by the artisans of Jaipur, handicrafts products of India are distinctly different from each other. The various handicrafts products of India can be classified under the following heads, The handicraft items are made from a variety of things like Wood, Stone, Metal, Glass, Cane & Bamboo and Pottery. Here is the list of classification of 10 Handicraft products.

1.Handlooms and Textiles

Indian hand woven fabrics have been known since time immemorial. The handlooms and textile products range from designer textile items to products of home furnishing. Though India was famous even in ancient times as an exporter of textiles to most parts of the civilized world, few actual fabrics of the early dyed or printed cottons have survived. This, it is explained is due to a hot, moist climate and the existence of the monsoons in India. Handlooms are an important craft product and comprise the largest cottage industry of the country. Millions of looms across the country are engaged in weaving cotton, silk and other natural fibers. In the world of handlooms, there are Madras checks from Tamil Nadu, Ikats from Andhra and Orissa, tie and dye from Gujarat and Rajasthan, brocades from Banaras, jacquards form Uttar Pradesh. The famed Coimbatore saris have developed while imitating the Chanderi pattern of Madhya Pradesh. The states of Kashmir and Karnataka are known for their mulberry silk. Andhra Pradesh has made a significant contribution to the history of hand-printed textiles in India. Printing is native to the land, its pigments being obtained from the flowers, leaves and barks of local trees and it chemicals obtained from clay, dung and river sands. India has been well known for textile since very ancient times. The origin of Indian textiles can be traced to the Indus valley civilization. Still we can say India is textile hub and it has thousands of clusters which beautifully weave and give is the most beautiful fabrics which mesmerize our eyes. Kalamkari is a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile. There are two distinctive styles of kalamkari art in India — the Srikalahasti style and the Machilipatnam style. Chikankari is an art, which results in the transformation of the plainest cotton and organdie into flowing yards of magic.


The jewelry products from the handicrafts industry in India range from exquisite tribal jewelry to beaded, metal, lacquer and silver jewelry. Jewelry boxes with intricate tribal work are also in vogue and widely manufactured. Handmade jewelry is jewelry which has been made by hand instead of machines. Drilling, cutting, etc. can be done with the help of machines. In earlier times, members of the royal family had their own jewelers who crafted excellent jewelry with their hands according to specific needs. Types of Handmade Jewelry are jadau jewelry, kundan jewelry, gold jewelry, ivory jewelry, filigree jewelry, bead jewelry, pachchiikam jewelry, Lac jewelry etc. The gems and jewelery industry occupies an important position in the Indian economy. It is a leading foreign exchange earner, as well as one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The two major segments of the sector in India are gold jewelery and diamonds. Gold jewelery forms around 80 per cent of the Indian jewelery market. India was one of the first countries to start making fine jewelery from minerals and metals and even today, most of the jewelery made in India is hand-made. India was the first country to introduce diamonds to the world, the first to mine, cut and polish them as well as trade them. The cutting and polishing of diamonds and other precious stones is one of the oldest traditions in India.

3.Apparels and Accessories

In fashion, an accessory is an item used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to an individual’s outfit. Accessories are often chosen to complete an outfit and complement the wearer’s look. They have the capacity to further express an individual’s identity and personality. Accessories come in different shapes, sizes, hues, etc. Traditionally carried accessories include purses and handbags, hand fans, parasols and umbrellas, wallets, canes, and ceremonial swords. Accessories that are worn may include jackets, boots and shoes, cravats, ties, hats, bonnets, belts and suspenders, gloves, muffs, necklaces, bracelets, watches,[a] eyewear, sashes, shawls, scarves, lanyards, socks, pins, piercings, rings, and stockings. Ladies and gents apparels and accessories with a distinctive traditional flavor are also manufactured by the artisans from all over the country and constitute a major part of India’s handicrafts products. Fashion accessories and costume jewelery are things that are used to complement fashion. Accessories facilitate highlight address or attire. They can additionally facilitate to cover a weakness of a dress. Trends are endlessly set by adding accessories to different outfits. Accessories change a complete look, from purse to shoes to earrings and beaded necklaces to leg warmers. Accessories could also be used as external visual symbols of religious or cultural affiliation: Crucifixes, human stars, Muslim headscarves, skullcaps and turbans are common examples. India is credited as one of the oldest and protracted country for making jewelery round the globe.


Carpets developed in Central and western Asia as coverings for beaten-earth floors. From time immemorial, carpets covered the floors of house and tent as well as mosque and palace. In the homes of wealthy Eastern families, floor coverings serve an aesthetic as well as a practical function. A carpet is a textile floor covering typically consisting of an upper layer of pile attached to a backing. The pile was traditionally made from wool, but since the 20th century, synthetic fibers such as polypropylene, nylon or polyester are often used, as these fibers are less expensive than wool. The pile usually consists of twisted tufts that are typically heat-treated to maintain their structure. The term carpet is often used in a similar context to the term rug, but rugs are typically considered to be smaller than a room and not attached to the floor. Indian carpets have evolved as an art form over the centuries. These woolen or silk coverings have been in vogue over the years and contribute extensively to India’s foreign earnings. Carpeting adds to the décor by using color, patterns, and pile heights. The carpeting can create the image you want in your home or business. With the hundreds of patterns, cuts, and colors, there are literally thousands of possibilities to “fulfill” the style statement. Carpet can help save energy as it is an important contributor to the insulation of the indoor environment. Carpet insulates floors as it provides a psychological feeling of warmth. Several studies find that carpets absorb sound and carpets with padding further enhance this ability. Carpet traps allergens, dust, and other contaminants, holding them until they can be properly removed.

5.Leather Goods

India is famous worldwide for its leather products. Leather is a prominent industry in India. The main sectors from which its demand is derived are fashion, footwear, furniture, interiors and automotive. While the Indian leather totals upto 13 percent of the world’s total production of skins, around 10 percent of world’s footwear production also comes from India. India’s leather industry is bestowed with skilled manpower, innovative technology, increasing industry compliance to international environmental standards and the support of allied industries. India is the second largest exporter of leather garments and third largest exporter of saddlery and harness in the world. In India, the leather is prepared from the raw-hide skin of different animals like buffalo, goat, cow and sheep. Majorly, buffalo skin and goat skin are used to make leather products that are exported to the other countries. In the past, leather was not only used in the manufacture of clothing and footwear, but also in the manufacture of caps, bags, saddles, shields, etc. Madhya Pradesh is also known for its leather goods such as shoes, bags and clothing. Maharashtra is also famous for its Kolhapuri cocoons. The major production centers for leather and leather products in India are located in the States of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajastan, Kerala. Leather, a material liked by people around the world, has been used over the years by India’s handicraft artisans to produce footwear, bags, belts, cloths and other home accessories.


Indian painting has a very long tradition and history in Indian art, though because of the climatic conditions very few early examples survive.[1] The earliest Indian paintings were the rock paintings of prehistoric times, such as the petroglyphs found in places like Bhimbetka rock shelters. Miniature paintings and folk art paintings are an artisan’s expression in pictorial form and have long formed an integral part of India’s handicrafts products. India has a very rich culture and tradition and it portrays it through its amazing art and craft. some of the types of Indian paintings are Phad Painting, Madhubani Painting, Warli Painting, Gond Painting, Kalamkari Painting, Cheriyal Scrolls, Patachitra Painting, Tanjore Painting, Kalamezhuthu, Mandana Art, Rajput Painting etc.


The textile industry of India captured the world market with its intricate artwork. Indian garments with its beautiful design and embroideries have long been a favorite in the international market. With a large variety in fabric and richness in their design, the Indian garment industry is flourishing business worldwide. The Garment Industry of India is an Rs -one trillion industry. Overall about 25 % of the volume of its garment production goes into export markets, leaving 75 % for domestic consumption. The Industry covers over one lakh units and employs about 6 million workers, both directly and indirectly in almost equal proportion. The indirect portion helps to sustain the direct production sector in the shape of items associated with the garment industry production including sewing/embroidery thread, buttons, buckles, zippers, metal plates, cardboard sheets, plastic butterflies and packaging material. Fibre-wise, 80% of the production is of cotton garments, 15% of synthetic/mixed garments and the rest of silk and wool garments. Indian sub continent is the second largest manufacturer of garments after China being the global leader in garment production. India is known for its high quality garments for men and most of the garment manufacturers are in the Small and Medium scale industry. India’s Garment Industry isa well-organized enterprise and is among the best in the world. It constitutes of designers, manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, stockists,and wholesalers. Indian Garment Industry has carved out a niche in the global markets and earned a reputation for its durability, quality and beauty. Today’schanging consumer preferences – buying branded apparel and fashion accessories, major boom in retail industry, people shopping at department and discountstores, shopping malls, with rising disposable incomes, government policy focused on fast-track textile export growth, and ambitious goals have created severalinvestment opportunities in India.

8.Paper Products

The paper industry of India was always vied for in the export market and considerably rules a strong position in the world. With varied types of paper products like paper bags, table accessories, and decorative, the industry is sure to enjoy its favorable position in the market. India’s share in the demand for paper across the globe were analysed is growing, as the domestic demand is increasing at a steady pace, while the demand in western nations is shrinking. The Indian paper & paper products market is projected to grow from $ 8.6 billion in 2018 to $ 13.4 billion by 2024, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.8% during 2019-2024. Growing manufacturing sector, requirement of better quality packaging of FMCG products marketed through organized retail and the demand for the upstream market of paper products, such as tissue paper, filter paper, tea bags, light weight online coated paper and medical grade coated paper are expected to drive the paper & paper products market in India in coming years. The Indian paper & paper products market has been segmented into raw material, application and region. Based on raw material, the market has been categorized into waste & recycled paper, wood and agro residue. The waste & recycled paper segment is expected to dominate the market during forecast period, owing to growing concerns about the cutting down of trees for producing pulp. Further, based on application, the market has been bifurcated into writing & printing paper, paperboard & packaging, newsprint and specialty paper.


Manipuris an important center for Tarkashi, metal thread work, done in furniture. Sankheda in Gujaratis an important center for lathe- worked lacquered furniture. The Punjab regions are famous for their exquisite wooden furniture. Kashmir is famous for its artifacts made of walnut. Chhattisgarh craftsmen specialize in wooden crafts such as doors, window frames, and sculptures. Jharkhand is famous for its wooden toys that are always in pairs. Goa wood carvings are an aesthetic mix of Portuguese and Indian cultures, and the designs are primarily floral, animal and human figures. It is mainly made of rosewood and sandalwood engraved with designs of flowers, vines, birds, and animals. Magnificent female figures are carved from Kumbli wood in Kerala. Woodworking is the skill of making items from wood, and includes cabinet making, wood carving, joinery, carpentry, and woodturning. In Rajasthan,wooden figures of Ghangore, a form of Parvathi is worshipped. Tamilnadu has a well developed tradition of woodcarving used for decorating houses and temples. Furniture products of India are also shares a great favoritism in the world export market. Beautifully designed Beds, Stools, Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Mirror Frames, Home Temples, Sofa Sets holds a strong position in the market.


From the medieval times the art of Zardozi has flourished, reaching its zenith under the patronage of Emperor Akbar. This gorgeous embroidery reveals artistic use of laid stitch with golden thread. It can be seen in wall hangings, chain stitch on saris, caps and other articles with heavy embroidery. As the embroidery is densely performed, designs done are extremely intricate. Initially, the embroidery was done with pure silver wires and real gold leaves. The making of zari thread is a very tedious job involving winding, twisting, wire drawing and gold plating of thread. The embroidery of zari zardozi is performed in a very interesting manner. Gold wire is carefully revolved around a silver bar tapered at one end. Then they are heated in furnace till gold and silver alloy is formed. The gilt wire, when drawn through a series of holes made on steel plates, comes out glittering as gold. The gold-coated silver wire is then flattened and twisted around silk thread to obtain zari. Zardozi has remained as an appliqué method of embroidery. With one hand the craftsman holds a retaining thread below the fabric. In the other he holds a hook or a needle with which he picks up the appliqué materials. Then he passes the needle or hook through the fabric. After hours of painstaking labor, the result is an exquisite gold-veined work of art. The intricate gold designs are made from silk, velvet, and even fabrics famous in the state of Uttar Pradesh. However, today, artisans use a combination of copper wire, with a gold or silver polish, and a silk thread. This embroidery work is mainly a specialty of Lucknow, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Delhi, Agra, Kashmir, Mumbai, Ajmer, and Chennai. The art of zardozi was revived along with many traditional methods of embroidery in the middle of this century. Zari work was mainly done in Madras and zardozi in Hyderabad until a few decades ago. Today, Uttar Pradesh is home to this finest work of gold and silver embroidery. This craft has caught on to a larger region of Bareilly such as Allampur, Faridpur, Biharkala, Nawabganj and Chandpur.

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Wright brothers of India invented the Aeroplane. An air transportation system includes its equipment, routes, operating personnel, and management. An Airline is an organization providing a regular public service for passengers and goods of air transport on one or more routes. It is a system that provides scheduled flights for passengers or cargo. It is a company that owns and operates many airplanes. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for codeshare agreements, in which they both offer and operate the same flight. Not all airlines are created equal. As in most businesses, there is a sort of stratification of airlines, at least within the United States. U.S. airlines are either publicly or privately owned – however, in many countries, the government owns the airlines.
The best international airlines in the world seem to pull off the nearly impossible: they not only connect travelers with some of the coolest destinations on the planet but also do it with the grace. We are looking for leadership and airlines that innovate to make a real difference to the passenger experience particularly in economy class.” “In our evaluation, we also consider the audited feedback from passengers on our website.” The largest airlines in the world can be defined in several ways. A full service airline typically offers passengers in flight entertainment, checked baggage, meals, beverages and comforts such as blankets and pillows in the ticket price.
As of 2019, American Airlines Group was the largest by fleet size, passengers carried and revenue passenger mile. Delta Air Lines was the largest by revenue, assets value and market capitalization. Lufthansa Group was the largest by number of employees, FedEx Express by freight tonne-kilometers, Turkish Airlines by number of countries served, Ryanair by number of routes and UPS Airlines by number of destinations served. To decide the rank of Airlines, a dozen key factors are included like operational safety, passenger reviews, profitability, investment rating, fleet age, and product offerings such as premium economy on long-haul flights and seating options in other classes.

1.Air New Zealand Airlines

The airline’s main hub is Auckland Airport, located near Mangere in the southern part of the Auckland urban area. Air New Zealand originated in 1940 as Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL), a company operating trans-Tasman flights between New Zealand and Australia. TEAL became wholly owned by the New Zealand Government in 1965, whereupon it was renamed Air New Zealand. The carrier has a fleet size of 104 and currently operates Airbus A320, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 aircraft. It doesn’t compromise in terms of safety and reliability, and assures a great travel experience on air. Air New Zealand seeks to offer economical air fares to travelers. The airline flies to all key destinations of Europe, Africa, North America, South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East, and their service quality is outstanding. It operates scheduled passenger flights to 20 domestic and 32 international destinations in 20 countries primarily Australia, London, Los Angeles are some of the popular routes served by Air New Zealand. The airline has been a member of the Star Alliance since 1999. Air New Zealand was awarded Airline of the Year in 2010 and 2012 by the Air Transport World Global Airline Awards. In 2014, Air New Zealand was ranked the safest airline in the world by JACDEC. In March 1999, Air New Zealand became a member of the Star Alliance. From 1999 through 2000, Air New Zealand became embroiled in an ownership battle over Ansett with co-owner News Limited over a possible sale of the under-performing carrier to Singapore Airlines. For domestic flights Air New Zealand features four classes of seats: Seat, Seat + Bag, Flexi Time and Flexi Plus. For long haul fights there is Economy, Economy Skycouch, Premium Economy and Business Premiere.
You’ll find the best peaceful sleep in the sky

  1. Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines (SIA) is the flag carrier airline of Singapore with its hub at Singapore Changi Airport. Singapore Airlines (SIA) is founded in 1 May 1947 as Malayan Airways and it had started operations from 1 Oct 1972. The top international carrier is once again Singapore Airlines, which has won the No. 1 spot in each of the past 25 years. Singapore Airlines, which took 2nd position, is always at the forefront of airline awards and introduced its new A350 and 787-10 over the last 2 years, along with revamped A380s. Singapore Airlines was the launch customer for the Airbus A380 – the world’s largest passenger aircraft. Singapore Airlines operates an all wide-body passenger aircraft fleet from five aircraft families: Airbus A330, Airbus A350, Airbus A380, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787, totally 135 aircrafts as of 30 November 2020. Seven Boeing 747-400 cargo aircraft are also operated. It ranks amongst the top 15 carriers worldwide in terms of revenue passenger kilometers, and is ranked tenth in the world for international passengers carried. The airline also won the second and fourth positions as the World’s Best Airlines and World’s Cleanest Airlines respectively for 2019. Singapore Airlines flies to 137 destinations in 32 countries on five continents from its primary hub in Singapore. Singapore Airlines includes many airline-related subsidiaries. SIA Engineering Company handles maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) business across nine countries, with a portfolio of 27 joint ventures, including with Boeing and Rolls-Royce. Singapore Airlines Cargo operates SIA’s freighter fleet and manages the cargo-hold capacity in SIA’s passenger aircraft. It has two subsidiaries: SilkAir operates regional flights to secondary cities, while Scoot operates as a low-cost carrier.

3.All Nippon Airways(ANA)

In 3rd position is All Nippon Airways which continues its dominance of Japanese aviation. All Nippon Airways was founded in 27 December 1952 and is headquartered in Tokyo. It is the leading operators of the Boeing 787 and a launch customer for the 777X. The airline is at the forefront of cabin innovation. The hubs are Tokyo–Haneda Tokyo–Narita. Secondary hubs are Tokyo–Haneda Tokyo–Narita. All Nippon Airways also known as Zennikku is the largest airline in Japan by revenues and passenger numbers. Its headquarters are located in Shiodome City Center in the Shiodome area of Minato ward of Tokyo. It operates services to both domestic and international destinations. Far East Airlines merged with the newly named All Nippon Airways in March 1958. . In 2017, the airline received an award for the “World’s Best Airport Services”. In 1986 ANA expanded its international services gradually: to Beijing, Dalian, Hong Kong and Sydney in 1987; to Seoul in 1988; to London and Saipan in 1989; to Paris in 1990 and to New York and Singapore in 1991. Airbus equipment such as the A320 and A321 was added to the fleet in the early 1990s, as was the Boeing 747-400 jet. ANA joined the Star Alliance in October 1999. ANA has an extensive domestic route network that covers the entirety of Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. ANA’s international route network extends through China, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Canada, United States, Mexico, Australia, and Western Europe. It has grown to become one of the world’s top-class airline companies, with more than 42 million passengers annually. It is our goal to be the world’s leading airline group in customer satisfaction and value creation. ANA (All Nippon Airways) connects 49 Japanese cities with 113 routes, and 42 cities overseas with 87 routes.

  1. Qantas Airlines

Qantas took the fourth spot for its financial performance and Best Lounge and Best Domestic Service awards. It was founded as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service. QANTAS literally stands for “Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service”. Darwin to Singapore was the first Flight to Overseas, Qantas made it’s international debut on the Darwin – Singapore route in May 1935 on a De Havilland 86. In 2003 Qantas founded Jetstar Airways as an answer to the low-cost airline Virgin Blue (Now Virgin Australia) which entered the domestic market in 2000. The airline’s headquarters are in Sydney. Qantas is commonly known as the “Flying Kangaroo” because of its logo, which is identified as a white kangaroo on a red right-angle triangle. It is the second oldest continuously operating airline in the world. In June 1959, Qantas’ first jet airliner was delivered, which was a Boeing 707-138. Qantas has 18 domestic destinations within Australia and 23 international destinations in 15 countries. In 1934, QANTAS and Britain’s Imperial Airways formed Qantas Empire Airways Limited (QEA). Qantas Boeing 747-438 made the first record-breaking non-stop flight – London-Sydney non-stop flight, VH-OJA, City of Canberra, on March 24, 1989, the first commercial airline ever to cover more than 17,000 km. Most airlines on the list are squeaking by with domestic operations, despite all odds, Qatar Airways has continued operating to an impressive number of international destinations, with plans to serve 80 destinations globally this month, in June 2020. Its customer approval rating is at an all-time high. It is the third oldest airlines in the world.

  1. Cathay Pacific Airlines

Cathay Pacific Airways took 5th spot and is always in the winner’s circle. It has won numerous awards from including Best Business Class in 2013 and 2015 and Best Asia/Pacific Airline for 2016. Roy was an American citizen and served the CNAC during the war flying supplies to Burma. He named the airline Cathay Pacific. “Cathay” used to be the medieval name for China and Roy had the vision of flying over the Pacific Ocean one day, hence the name. No other airline in the world has been named “Airline of the Year” as often as the Hong Kong based carrier. The Skytrax awards have been given out since 2001 with Emirates being the first to win it. Cathay claimed the award in 2003, 2005, 2009 as well as 2014, more than any other airline in the world. The Airbus A350 is the most modern and latest passenger aircraft in service. Cathay placed an order of 46 A350-900 and -1000 to join the fleet in the next years with the aim to replace it’s A340’s. It’s currently operating on flights to Auckland, London and Dusseldorf. The “Queen of the Skies” is slowly fading from the skies due to the trend of operating, lighter and more efficient airplanes such as the 787 Dreamliner or the A350. In order to extend it’s network and to stay more competitive Cathay Pacific received its very first jet in 1964. The DC-3 is probably the Beetle of the aviation industry, it wouldn’t just stop working. You could fly on forever with this airplane, just as you could drive the VW Beetle for a lifetime.

  1. Emirates Airlines

In 6th spot is Emirates, which has just ordered 787-9s and A350s and announced it will introduce Premium Economy to its aircraft next year. Dubai Airport is 3rd busiest airport in the world. It is also the largest airline in the Middle East, operating over 3,600 flights per week from its hub at Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport, to more than 150 cities in 80 countries across six continents through its fleet of nearly 300 aircraft. Cargo activities are undertaken by Emirates SkyCargo. Emirates Airline is based in the heart of United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Nothing happens without a reason. Dubai is known as the ‘city of gold’ bathed in splendor, where wealth is so extreme that sometimes difficult to comprehend. Emirates Airlines aligns with that image pretty well. Emirates Airline also won in the best in-flight entertainment category. Dubai International Airport is the primary hub for the company. Emirates has a fleet size of 258 aircraft, one of the largest fleet sizes in the world. Emirates generates 36.5% of its revenue from Europe & Americas & spends 35.1% of its revenue on fuel. Dubai International Airport’s Terminal 3 was built exclusively for the use of Emirates at a cost of $4.5 billion and officially opened 14 October 2008. Emirates has made code-share agreement with Philippine Airlines, Qantas, Royal Air Maroc, Royal Jordanian Airlines, Silk Air, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, TAP Portugal, Thai Airways, Virgin America, Air Mauritius, Air New Zealand, Alaska Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Cathay Pacific, Garuda Indonesia, JetBlue, Jetstar, Jetstar Asia, and Korean Air. Emirates is a state-owned company.

Emirates Airlines was first airlines in which showers are available under the plane. Only Emirates Super Jumbo, the Airbus A380 has a shower on board. Most of Emirates 777 come with a First Class. The Dubai based airline is due to welcome it’s 100th “Super Jumbo”. Emirates is the worlds 4th largest airline by scheduled revenue passenger-kilometres flown and operates the biggest Airbus A380 fleet in the world. 42 more 380’s are still on order and expected to join Emirates within the next few years making it 142 in total. The majority of the 20,000 cabin crew employed by Emirates come from the UK, no surprise by an average 20 flights between Dubai and the United Kingdom. Those are followed by Australian crew and Egyptians as well as Indian and Filipino Crew. Emirates was only founded in 1985. The airlines first flight took off on October 25 in 1985 on a Boeing 727, which was provided by the Royal Family to Karachi in Pakistan. Flight EK600 was a historic milestone and the birth of an airline which should 30 years later operate more than 3,600 flights a week to 140 cities in 80 countries around the world. In fact the Gulf carrier only uses 2 kinds of airplanes, the Airbus A380 as well as the Boeing 777. Emirates is the worlds largest operator of both airplane types. This makes 234 planes in total. The greatest thing of such an identical flight is that each of the 98,244 seats Emirates offers is identical. It’s is also the only airline in the world where every seat comes with a personal screen. In 17 hours you could comfortably fly from London to New York, have a Starbucks coffee in Manhattan and fly back to the UK or alternatively you could fly from Auckland, New Zealand to Dubai on the longest Airbus A380 flight in the world. The Dubai based carrier is extremely popular and the brand itself was valued at 7 Billion US-Dollars in 2016. But the airline was also awarded as Skytrax Airline of the year in 2001, 2002, 2013 and 2015. It is the biggest honor an airline can receive within industry. Emirates is the only major airline in the world which is not part of any alliance.

7.Virgin Atlantic Airlines

Moving into 7th spot is Virgin Atlantic which continues to innovate. A guy on a motorcycle used to pick up Virgin Atlantic customers and bring them to the airport. It might seem like a strange investment, but it’s well worth it for Delta, which now gets to fly its customers more frequently to London’s Heathrow Airport. Virgin Atlantic is a British Airline and considered to be of the more luxurious airlines in the world. It has been flying since 1984. The airline began operations on June 22nd, 1984 with the first flight between Gatwick and Newark with a leased Boeing 747-200 aircraft. On its vast network, it reaches out to major destinations in North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe and Asia. The airline was the first to introduce personal televisions to its business class passengers. The airline was ranked as the best airline in Europe. The airline in 2008 flew the first ever commercial flight in the world using biofuel. Subsequently, it made an order of 15 dreamliners which burn 27 percent less fuel than the A340. While British Airways operates all of its transatlantic long-haul flights from its bases at London’s Heathrow and Gatwick Airports, Virgin Atlantic has a secondary base in Manchester in Northern England, as well as operates numerous seasonal point-to-point routes from smaller cities throughout the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in addition to its bases at both Heathrow and Gatwick. These point-to-point routes include Glasgow and Belfast to Orlando using the Boeing 747-400.
Steve Fossett singlehandedly flew around the world in a Virgin plane
In February 2005, the aviation pro and first man to fly around the earth in a balloon successfully circumnavigated the globe in Virgin Atlantic’s lightweight GlobalFlyer plane — the only aircraft to have made a 25,000-mile, round-the-world trip on a single tank of fuel. The personality and language of our brand plays a major role. Virgin Atlantic took to the skies 30 years ago and despite its rise in popularity. Virgin flew its customers’ cats and dogs from the US to London’s Heathrow Airport for the first time in 2003, and has since carried more than 15,000 animals on board.

  1. EVA Air Airlines

EVA Air is ranked in the top 3 ‘Most Loved Airlines’. EVA Air takes 8th spot, EVA Air has always been the leader in Taiwanese aviation and always at the forefront of cabin innovation such as premium economy in 1992. After receiving the 5-Star status, EVA Air was also voted to to be the third most loved airline in the world, ranked behind the Indonesian carrier Garuda and the South Korea-based airline Asiana. EVA Airways Corporation, of which “EVA” stands for Evergreen Airways, is a Taiwanese international airline based at Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan, operating passenger and dedicated cargo services to over 40 international destinations in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. EVA Air is largely privately owned and flies a fully international route network. It is the second largest Taiwanese airline. EVA Air is headquartered in Luzhu, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The company slogan is “Sharing the World, Flying Together”. Its founding in 1989 as an affiliate of shipping conglomerate Evergreen Group. Its cargo arm, EVA Air Cargo, links with the Evergreen worldwide shipping network on sea and land. As of January 2018, EVA Air is the 15th safest airline in the world, with no hull losses, accidents, or fatalities since its establishment. EVA Air introduced their brand new Boeing 787 Dreamliner. On July 1st in 1991, the first commercial EVA Air flight took off from Taipei’s Taoyuan International airport. This was the beginning of a new era for the the first privately owned airline in Taiwan. In 1992, EVA Air introduced a “new” fourth class, these days commonly known as Premium Economy Class, to their 747 Jumbo fleet.

Wider seats, improved service, and wider screens were one of the benefits of the so called “Economy Deluxe” package. EVA Air’s longest flight takes 15hours and 55 Minutes. However, I doubt most Economy Class passengers look forward to a 16 hours flight whenever the plane takes off at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. The flight is among the 25 longest flights in the world, and covers the 12,776 kilometres it takes to Taiwan’s capital Taipei. Another major airline is about to retire it 747 Jumbo fleet on the 27th of March 2017. On the 1st of October 2016, Cathay Pacific is saying farewell to its last Jumbo when the ‘Queen of the Skies’ takes off for a very last adventure to Tokyo. The Taiwanese Airline just recently made an order for 24 787-10 Dreamliners which is the biggest version of Boeing’s latest aircraft worth 8 Billion dollars. That makes EVA Air the 3rd Asian customer for this specific Boeing version. EVA Air operates a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft, with Airbus A330, Airbus A321, Boeing 777, Boeing 787, and ATR 72 (operated by UNI Air) airliners primarily used on passenger routes, along with Boeing 777 freighter aircraft used on cargo routes. The airline was one of the first carriers to introduce the Premium Economy class, which it debuted in 1991. In June 2016, the Taiwanese airline got upgraded from a 4 to a 5-Star Airliner, joining a very privileged club. World class Airlines such as Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, or Hainan Airlines are all part of this amazing alliance. EVA Air is to date without any loss of an aircraft. It is also without passenger fatalities in its operational history, making it the third safest carrier on Earth. This is dominated by Asian carriers, the safest European Airline is the Amsterdam-based KLM.

  1. Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways, another great innovator is in 9th spot with its award-winning catering and Business Class Qsuites. In 1999 airlines such as Qantas, Air Berlin, American Airlines or Finnair teamed up to form the counterpart of Star Alliance and SkyTeam. Qatar sponsors the best team in the world. Qatar Airways is the first airline to operate all new generation aircrafts in it’s fleet. Many big players in the aviation market are undergoing big changes within their fleets, introducing new airplanes, replacing the older ones. While many airlines decided to operate either the Airbus A350, the Dreamliner or the Super Jumbo A380, the Doha based airline decided to make orders for all of them, being the first airliner to operate all 3 of them. The daily service from Doha to Auckland which is due to take off on December 3rd, 2016, is going to be the longest flight on earth. The distance between Qatar’s capital and the biggest city in New Zealand is 14,536 kilometres. The flight attendants are going to announce an estimated flight time of 18 hours and 30 minutes. On January 1st in 2016 an Airbus A350 embarked for a historical flight, being the first airline to land an Airbus 350 on American soil. When the new airliner left Doha Hamad International Airport it wasn’t heading for Los Angeles, Atlanta or New York as you would probably expect.

Qatar Airways is the best airline in the world. According to the World Airlines Award 2015, Qatar Airways was voted the number one airline on earth. The state owned carrier has won in the category best business class and best airline in the Middle East as well as best business class lounge. Seems like the perfect airline for any business trip. On the 15th of January 2015 the brand new Airbus A350-900 took off for it’s first commercial flight from Doha to Frankfurt. Development costs are estimated at 11 billion Euros and to date 777 350’s have been ordered by 43 worldwide customers. Qatar Airways base or better known as Hamad International Airport, was voted “Best Airport” in the Middle East, succeeding the two United Arab Emirates Airports located in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The new hub opened on April 30 in 2014 and is only 10 kilometres south of the Doha city center with is reachable by metro and frequent busses. Only a handful airlines are connecting their hubs with a straight flight to all inhabitant continents, Qatar Airways is one of them. Which also makes Hamad International one of only 5 airports in the world offering a non-stop connection to all 6 of them. Qatar Airways has since become one of the fastest growing carriers in the history of aviation with unprecedented expansion averaging double digit growth year on year. In April 2011, Qatar Airways reached a milestone reaching 100 destinations in its global route map.

  1. Virgin Australia Airlines

The airline took out Best Cabin Crew and Best Economy for 2020. It is an Australian-based airline. Airline has since grown to directly serve 33 cities in Australia, from hubs in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Virgin Australia’s young and stylish fleet currently flies you to over 45 destinations across Australia in addition to a number of international destinations including New Zealand, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. It is the largest airline by fleet size to use the Virgin brand. It commenced services on 31 August 2000 as Virgin Blue as a low-cost airline with two Boeing 737-400 aircraft. The The airline’s headquarters is based in South Bank, Queensland. In 2011, the airline went through a massive transformation—the changing of its brand to Virgin Australia. This included the introduction of a new aircraft livery, new uniforms, and new onboard menu options. New wide-body aircraft were acquired for use to compete with Qantas, and the roll-out of business class across all the Virgin Australia network. It is providing a seamless experience across all international and domestic markets, while retaining the same excellent service. Virgin Australia’s most important commercial partner is Delta (due to their transpacific joint venture), while the airline is owned by Etihad Airways, Hainan Airlines, and Singapore Airlines. Australia’s second-largest airline is Virgin Australia.
In 2001, 14 new routes were launched, expanding to a true national domestic network. Virgin Australia welcomed its millionth Guest onboard in June 2001. In 2003, Virgin Blue Holidays, Virgin Blue’s holiday arm, was launched. Virgin Blue Holdings floated on the Australian Stock Exchange in December 2003, and Patrick Corporation invested a further $137m at the time of the Initial Public Offering. In 2004, Pacific Blue, a New Zealand-based leisure-focussed international airline, was launched, offering flights between Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu. In 2005, another Blue airline, Polynesian Blue, was launched in partnership with the Government of Samoa, with the first flight departing Auckland for Apia. In 2007, plans to establish a long haul international airline, V Australia, were announced, and Pacific Blue launched domestic services in New Zealand. In 2009, V Australia flies for the first time from Sydney to Los Angeles and Brisbane to Los Angeles. In 2012, Virgin Australia was awarded ‘Best Airline’ and ‘Best Staff Service’ in the 2012 Skytrax World Airline Awards. The airline began flying in New Zealand (formerly Pacific Blue), and Virgin Samoa (formerly Polynesian Blue) took-off in Samoa. In 2013, Virgin Australia has officially launched its new wireless in-flight entertainment system. In August 2015, Virgin Australia converted its outstanding order for 17 Boeing B737-800 aircraft to the Boeing 737 MAX 8 model. With the 23 Boeing B737 MAX 8 aircraft already on order, this conversion brings the order for this type to a total of 40 aircraft, with the first delivery for 2018. In 2016, Virgin Australia introduced new Business class and Economy Premium cabins on its long-haul international routes on board Boeing 777 aircraft.

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