Top 10 Most Famous Awards and Highest Honors in the World

An Honor is an award or other sign of acknowledgment offered to pay tribute to an accomplishment. It Is a great inclination when difficult work and devotion are compensated and therefore every industry should have a function that remembers top entertainers. Everybody loves getting grants. The Honors are badge of honor that society gives to somebody who does an extraordinary accomplishment. Here is a rundown of top 10 most well known grants in the entire world.

1.Nobel Prize

the world’s top-most, most popular and most well known grant is THE NOBEL PRIZE. The Nobel Prize is a worldwide honor regulated by the Nobel Establishment in Stockholm, Sweden, and in view of the fortune of Alfred Nobel, Swedish creator and business visionary. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank laid out The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Financial Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, pioneer behind the Nobel Prize. Each prize comprises of a decoration, an individual certificate, and a money grant. These awards are given in the fields of Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, Harmony and Financial aspects. These awards were laid out by Alfred Nobel, the creator of explosive. At present each prize accompanies 9 million Swedish kronor (almost 1,000,000 US Dollars).

2.The Academy Awards

The Foundation Grants, otherwise called the Oscars, are grants for creative and specialized merit for the entertainment world. They are introduced yearly by the Foundation of Movie Expressions and Sciences (AMPAS), in acknowledgment of greatness in artistic accomplishments as surveyed by the Institute’s democratic enrollment. Best Movie, Best Entertainer, Best Entertainer and Best Chief are among the most anticipated declarations when Oscars are given. The Foundation Grants are viewed by a larger number of people as the most esteemed, huge honors in media outlets in the US and around the world.

Champs get a brilliant statuette portraying a knight delivered in the Workmanship Deco style. The significant honor classes are introduced during a live broadcast Hollywood service that is regularly held in February or Walk. It is the most established overall diversion grants ceremony.[7] The first Foundation Grants were held in 1929, The primary Institute Grants show was hung on May 16, 1929, at a confidential supper capability at The Hollywood Roosevelt Inn with a crowd of people of around 270 individuals. the second function in 1930 was the first transmission by radio, and the 1953 service was the first broadcast.

3.The Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize is an honor given for accomplishments in reporting, writing, and melodic structure. It was laid out in 1917 by Joseph Pulitzer, a Hungarian-American paper distributer, who passed on cash in his will to lay out the honor. The award is controlled by the Pulitzer Prize Board, which is made out of 18 individuals, including five writers, five scholastics, and eight individuals from general society. The board is liable for choosing the champs from the sections put together by columnists, journalists, and authors.
The Pulitzer Prize is viewed as perhaps of the most esteemed grant in news-casting and writing.

It is frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of American Reporting” and has been granted to the absolute most unmistakable figures in American history, including Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, and Martin Luther Lord Jr. Champs of the Pulitzer Prize get a testament and a money grant, which is right now set at $15,000. Likewise, they are frequently welcome to give talks and disclose appearances to examine their work and its effect on society. To guarantee reasonableness in the choice cycle, the Pulitzer Prize Board works under severe rules that deny irreconcilable situations and expect that judges recuse themselves assuming they have any association with a section. The board likewise keeps the names of the appointed authorities secret until after the champs have been reported. Generally, the Pulitzer Prize is a profoundly regarded and pursued grant that perceives greatness in news-casting, writing, and music. It plays had a critical impact in molding American culture and keeps on rousing people in the future of scholars, writers, and authors.

4.Fields Medal

The Fields Decoration is perhaps of the most lofty honor in arithmetic, frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of Math”. It is granted like clockwork to somewhere in the range of two and four mathematicians younger than 40 for their remarkable commitments to the field of math. The decoration was first granted in 1936 out of appreciation for Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields, who laid out the honor in his will. The honor is overseen by the Worldwide Numerical Association (IMU), which is answerable for choosing the victors. To be qualified for the Fields Decoration, a mathematician should be younger than 40 on January first of the year in which the award is granted.

The decoration is granted in light of an up-and-comer’s previous exploration and the assumption for future commitments to the field. The victors are chosen by a council of mathematicians delegated by the IMU. The Fields Decoration is joined by a monetary reward, which fluctuates from one year to another. In 2018, the award was set at 15,000 Canadian dollars. Throughout the long term, many recognized mathematicians have been granted the Fields Decoration, including Andrew Wiles, who tackled Fermat’s Last Hypothesis, and Terence Tao, who made huge commitments to numerous areas of math. The granting of the Fields Decoration has in some cases been dubious, for certain pundits contending that it puts an excess of accentuation on individual accomplishment and ignores the cooperative idea of math research. Others have contended that the age limitation might prompt the granting of the decoration to less meriting applicants who end up being youthful.

5.The Grammy Awards

The Grammy Grants, otherwise called the Grammys, is a yearly music grants function that perceives greatness in the recording business. The honors are introduced by the Recording Institute, a non-benefit association comprising of performers, makers, and other music industry experts. The principal Grammy Grants function was held in 1959 and has since become quite possibly of the most esteemed grant in the music business. The honors are introduced in different classifications like Collection of the Year, Record of the Year, Tune of the Year, and Best New Craftsman. Victors are chosen by casting a ballot individuals from the Recording Foundation, which comprises of experts in the music business.
The Grammys have been the subject of discussion throughout the long term, with reactions going from the absence of variety in the champs to allegations of vote fixing. In any case, the honors keep on being a significant occasion in the music business, drawing in probably the greatest names in music. Notwithstanding the honors function, the Recording Institute likewise has different occasions and projects all through the year to help and advance music schooling and the music business overall. These incorporate the MusiCares Establishment, which gives monetary and clinical help to artists out of luck, and the Grammy Gallery, which elements shows on the historical backdrop of music and the recording business. Generally speaking, the Grammys stay a profoundly regarded and lofty honors function, perceiving the best in the music business and supporting the turn of events and advancement of music as a fine art.

6.Ramon Magsaysay Award

The Ramon Magsaysay Grant is a yearly honor laid out in 1957 by the Rockefeller Siblings Asset, out of appreciation for the late President Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines. The honor is given to people or associations in Asia who have shown exceptional administration, boldness, and benevolence in their work.
The honor perceives people or associations who have made huge commitments to the general public in different fields, for example, taxpayer driven organization, public assistance, local area administration, news-casting, writing, imaginative expressions, harmony and worldwide comprehension, and emanant authority.
The honor is viewed as quite possibly of the greatest distinction in Asia, and its champs are known as Magsaysay awardees. The honor conveys a monetary reward, an emblem, and a confirmation. The awardees are chosen by a leading body of legal administrators made out of recognized people from different fields. The Ramon Magsaysay Grant has been given to north of 300 people and associations from various nations in Asia, including India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. A portion of the eminent Magsaysay awardees incorporate Mother Teresa, Corazon Aquino, Mahatma Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Wangari Maathai. The Ramon Magsaysay Grant has been perceived universally for its commitment to advancing civil rights and basic liberties in Asia. The honor has likewise been instrumental in featuring the accomplishments of people and associations that fundamentally affect their networks and society at large.

7.Booker Prize

The Booker Prize, otherwise called the Man Booker Prize, is a lofty scholarly honor given yearly to the best original written in English and distributed in the Unified Realm. The award was laid out in 1969 by Booker McConnell, a global organization that had some expertise in exchanging products and has since become perhaps of the most regarded scholarly honor on the planet. The honor has gone through a few changes throughout the long term. In 2019, the award was renamed the Booker Prize after the Man Gathering, which had supported the honor beginning around 2002, finished its sponsorship. The award cash for the victor was additionally expanded to £50,000, up from the past £25,000. The Booker Prize has been granted to a wide assortment of scholars, including Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Hilary Shelf. The making a decision about board changes every year and comprises of scholarly pundits, journalists, and scholastics.
The determination cycle for the Booker Prize includes the accommodation of books by distributers. The longlist is then picked by a board of judges, which is then trimmed down to a waitlist of six. The champ is browsed the waitlist by the appointed authorities. Winning the Booker Prize is viewed as a significant accomplishment for journalists, and the honor has assisted with sending off the vocations of numerous essayists. Notwithstanding, contention has now and again encompassed the award, for certain pundits contending that it will in general lean toward more standard, business fiction over additional exploratory or testing works. Notwithstanding this contention, the Booker Prize remaining parts quite possibly of the most esteemed scholarly honor on the planet, and winning it can essentially affect an essayist’s profession.

8.Michelin Star

The Michelin Star is an esteemed culinary rating framework made by the French tire organization, Michelin. The framework was first presented in 1926 and was initially expected to empower car travel in France by featuring extraordinary cafés along well known courses. Today, the Michelin Guide covers cafés in more than 30 nations and is broadly viewed as the highest quality level in top notch food. The Michelin Guide grants one, two, or three stars to cafés in light of a bunch of severe rules. One star shows a “generally excellent” eatery, two stars specify “brilliant cooking that merits a diversion,” and three stars designate “uncommon food that merits a unique excursion.” The models for procuring stars incorporate the nature of fixings, dominance of strategy, concordance of flavors, consistency over the long run, and the culinary expert’s character as reflected in the cooking.

Procuring a Michelin Star is a colossal distinction for any eatery, as it connotes that the foundation has accomplished the most elevated level of culinary greatness. Cafés that get Michelin Stars are in many cases highlighted in the media and can consider a critical expansion in business to be an outcome. In any case, the most common way of procuring a Michelin Star is famously thorough, and numerous skilled culinary experts and cafés are never perceived by the Aide. All in all, the Michelin Star is a profoundly regarded culinary rating framework that perceives eateries for outstanding cooking. While procuring a Michelin Star can be an incredible help to an eatery’s business, a troublesome and demanding interaction requires extraordinary expertise and devotion.

9.The Merlin Award

The Merlin Grant is a lofty acknowledgment in the field of sorcery. It is named after the renowned performer Merlin and is introduced by the Worldwide Entertainers Society (IMS) to performers who have made critical commitments to the specialty of enchantment. The honor was laid out in 1968 and is viewed as quite possibly of the greatest honor a performer can get. Beneficiaries of the honor are chosen by a board of judges from the IMS, which is the biggest association of entertainers on the planet. To be qualified for the Merlin Grant, a performer probably exhibited outstanding expertise and imagination in their exhibitions, as well as added to the progression of the field of enchantment through their developments, composing, or educating.

The actual honor is a gold-plated statuette of Merlin holding a precious stone ball, and it is introduced to the beneficiary at a service went to by individual performers and different individuals from the enchanted local area. There have been numerous renowned entertainers who have gotten the Merlin Grant throughout the long term, including David Copperfield, Siegfried and Roy, Penn and Teller, and Criss Heavenly messenger, among others. It is essential to take note of that the utilization of counterfeiting in any part of the Merlin Grant designation or show process is completely denied and can bring about exclusion or repudiation of the honor.

10.Turing Award

The Turing Grant is viewed as quite possibly of the most lofty honor in software engineering and is frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of Registering.” It is named after Alan Turing, who is viewed as one of the principal architects of software engineering. The honor is given every year by the Relationship for Figuring Apparatus (ACM) to people who have made critical commitments to the field of software engineering. The commitments can be hypothetical or viable and probably fundamentally affected the field. Beneficiaries of the honor get a monetary reward and a bronze sculpture of Alan Turing. The honor is much of the time given to people who have made commitments to regions like calculations, programming dialects, PC engineering, and man-made brainpower.

A few prominent beneficiaries of the Turing Grant incorporate John McCarthy, who is credited with instituting the expression “man-made brainpower,” Tim Berners-Lee, who is the designer of the Internet, and Elegance Container, who is known for her work on PC programming dialects. All in all, the Turing Grant is a profoundly regarded grant in the field of software engineering that perceives people who have made critical commitments to the field. Its significance is reflected in the type of its beneficiaries and the effect their work has had on the field.

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Success is the ability to achieve personal, professional, and life goals. This is done through proper planning, hard work, and will. The successful person is the person who is capable of making the critical, bold decisions to reach his desired goals. They set real goals that they can accomplish. They know that they make their own luck. Successful person is who trying to live a happy life and to make this world a better place for everyone. Interestingly, you follow this routine every day without thinking twice. Your unconscious daily habits create room for your brain to perform more advanced activities like problem-solving and analysis. Here is the list of 10 Good Habits to have in life to become more successful person. Good habits are those that get you closer to living your best life and are fundamental to becoming successful and happy. Here is the list of 10 Good Habits to Have in Life to Be More Successful.

1.Begin Your Day With Meditation

Doing Meditation early in the morning helps you to handle challenging situations during the day. Meditation helps you to remain calm before taking on the challenges. Meditation is a good habit to have if you want to be connected to what’s significant in your life. This practice helps you to place yourself in the present moment. With Meditation we can reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being. It helps you to devise strategies and think creatively. There are a million things demanding our time and attention every single day. Most of us spend our time running as fast as we can just to keep up. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re into, you can benefit from meditation. Meditation also enhances activity in the area of your brain that’s associated with positive emotions and experiences. Some studies suggest that meditation helps combat depression and anxiety, while others say that regular meditation may improve pain tolerance.

  1. Be Grateful for What You Have

Starting a daily practice of gratitude can help you recognize the positive in your life instead of focusing on the negative. Being thankful and grateful for all the good things you have can actually make you happier. “When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. “Be grateful in your own hearts. Thanksgiving has wings, and flies to its right destination.” We focus so much on the negative that the positive loses its place in our hearts. We all have unique things to be thankful for and learning how to practice gratitude brings us to a happier state of mind every day. Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. Write down one thing each day you could do to improve your life. Challenges justify the presence of hope. The only strategy you have to stop focusing on your problems is to focus on what you have. Gratitude is a time-tested pathway to success, health, and happiness. It redirects your focus to what you have from what you lack.


Smiling is our first facial expression. A genuine smile is a good habit to have if you want to find spiritual, emotional, and mental peace of mind. A smile is the universal sign for happiness. Smiling makes you more attractive to others. Smiling reduces blood pressure. Smiling boost’s your immune system. Smiling uses 5-53 muscles. Smiling can help you live longer. A Smiling induces the release of molecules that help in fighting stress. The physiological state of your body determines the state of your mind. When you slouch or frown, your mind takes cues related to unhappiness and depression. Everyone loves the quote “laughter is the best medicine.” Simulating a genuine smile can boost your mood. Smile makes you sound friendly. Babies are born with the ability to smile.

4.Eat a Healthy Breakfast

The name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. We may not have eaten for up to 10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. Healthy Breakfast replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. Healthy Breakfast it promotes a healthy heart by preventing diabetes and lowering blood pressure. Essential Breakfast foods are rich in key nutrients such as folate, calcium, iron, B vitamins and fibre. The body’s energy source is glucose. Glucose is broken down and absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. The body stores most of its energy as fat. But your body also stores some glucose as glycogen, most of it in your liver, with smaller amounts in your muscles. Studies have shown that eating eggs at breakfast increases feelings of fullness, reduces calorie intake at the next meal and helps maintain steady blood sugar and insulin levels. Oatmeal, Chia seeds, Yogurt, Berries, Nuts, Protein shake, Fruits, Cheese are good choice of Healthy Breakfast. A healthy breakfast has many health benefits, so try not to skip it.

5.Exercise Daily

Fitness can instill in you the fundamental building blocks necessary for achieving success. People who don’t regularly exercise may lose up to 80% of their muscle strength by age of 65. Exercising improves brain performance. Working out sharpens your memory. Exercising boosts self-confidence. Exercise involves engaging in physical activity and increasing the heart rate beyond resting levels. It is an important part of preserving physical and mental health. It increases the red blood cell count to enhance oxygen transportation. Regular exercise helps you lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The pressure on your feet is equal to about 3-4 times your body weight with each step while running. You use 200 muscles to take a single step forward. Your heart is the hardest working muscle in your body. It beats approximately 100,000 times per day, pumping almost 2,000 gallons of blood. Countless successful people, from Fortune 500 CEOs to entrepreneurs and celebrities, have discovered the undeniable connection between fitness and success. When you make exercise a non-negotiable in your life, you are committing to your growth.

6.Manage Your Time

Another good habit is the act of managing your time effectively. This goes a long way toward impacting your achievement. your calendar for more long-term time management. Write down the deadlines for projects, or for tasks that are part of completing the overall project. Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success. The ability to manage your time effectively is important. Good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life. Setting time constraints for completing tasks helps you be more focused and efficient. Make sure you start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do. Utilize Time management is the way we organize and distribute our time between activities, with the result of maximizing productivity and achieving goals. Create a daily schedule and stick with it, this step is absolutely crucial for learning how to manage time at work. Before you leave work for the day, create a list of the most pressing tasks for the next day.

7.Set Daily Goals With Intentions

Everyone has goals, whether they relate to business or their personal life. The truth is that we’re all tending towards a particular direction. Nevertheless, while long-term goals can offer you direction, it’s your daily goals that help you develop short-term goals that are essential for your success. Long-term goals may not give you the motivation you need to keep on, but when you implement your short-term milestones daily, you become fired up, and you can overcome the challenges that come with taking on bigger tasks. If you set your focus or brain filter to your goals with a specific intention, your brain will filter through all the information you receive automatically and hand you information relevant to your goal. It is an incredibly powerful tool to switch from negative thinking to positive. Doing your best each day to achieve your goals is important, and sometimes you just need to focus on the fact that you aren’t going to give half your best today. Setting intentions can make you more effective. Invent an accountability system. Setting your intentions once is great, but the more you do it, the more driven and focused your life will be. Find a way to stay accountable.

  1. Seek Inspiration

The word “inspiration” usually means something that mentally stimulates you. But “inspiration” also means to breathe in. The meanings poetically combine when you think of yourself breathing in thoughts, filling your body with ideas. But don’t forget to breathe out. Inspiration is the fuel for achievement because when you can conceive it in your mind, you can accomplish it. It is usually difficult to be inspired and feel good for a considerable length of time. Sometimes, you become discouraged and feel like giving up on your goals when things are not working out as intended. When you wake up in the morning (after meditation), watch some motivational videos and let the story of great leaders inspire you. Nothing is truly inspiring unless you apply it to your work. The inspiration is applying what you’ve received. “When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone.”

  1. Save Steadily and Invest With Prudence

The prudent-person rule is a legal principle that is used to restrict the choices of the financial manager of an account to the types of investments that a person seeking reasonable income and preservation of capital might buy for his or her own portfolio. I can’t exhaust the good habits to have without talking about saving and investing. Most times, you overlook the significance of saving for the future when you are living in your present moment. It is not enough to save, and you must invest your funds and be wise with them. If you pay attention to this now, you will set yourself up for a life of success in the future. Plan out how much you are allowed to spend. Do not be financially dependent on other people. Use saving tactics. Before you go shopping, write a list and stick to it; don’t be tempted to buy anything you don’t need. Investments involve putting money to work to create wealth for achieving long-term goals like child’s education, house etc.

10.Budget and Track Your Spending

It is easy to discard little expenses, but the truth is they always add up. This happens when you fail to budget. Budgeting is a good habit to have, and it can impact your financial life significantly. The money you spend on extravagant lifestyles can be saved and invested in your future instead. Budgeting apps are designed to allocate a certain amount of spendable income each month depending on what you’re taking in and what you’re paying out. You need guidelines to follow so that you can achieve your other savings goals without overdrawing your account. Record keeping helps you to stay on top of what you owe and to pay your bills on time. It means collecting receipts and looking at the total on the bottom to make sure the correct amount was charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account. Handling expenses can be stressful, difficult and time consuming, sometimes we find it difficult to track our daily expenses.

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A language is a structured system of communication used by humans consisting of speech and gestures. Approximately 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. Each and every one of them make the world a diverse and beautiful place, but any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli for example, in writing, whistling, signing, or braille. Almost half of the world’s population claims one of only 10 languages as their mother tongue. Determining what are the most spoken languages in the world is a more difficult task. In today’s increasingly globalized world, having a shared means of communication or an international language, rather it is more important than ever. A spoken language is a language produced by articulate sounds, as opposed to a written language. The relationship between spoken language and written language is complex. This is an approximate list of languages by the total number of speakers. Top 10 languages of the world are as follows.


text on shelf
Photo by Pixabay on

English is an Indo-European language and belongs to the West Germanic group of the Germanic languages. English is still the most-spoken language around the world, not due to its native speakers alone, but because many others learn it as a second language. It is a part of the West Germanic language family and is present in six of seven continents as an official language. While English and Mandarin Chinese come close when looking at their total number of speakers, English has a wider geographical distribution. English is classified as an official language in 67 different countries worldwide. With over 1.1 billion speakers worldwide, English is currently the closest we’ve come to a lingua franca, a common language that connects people from different backgrounds.

The relative ease with which English can be picked up and the pervasive soft power of US culture means that English will continue to dominate the world stage for the foreseeable future. English is the majority native language in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, an official and the main language of Singapore, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. English speakers are called “Anglophones”. It is also an official language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa. English language, which is comprised of over 1,000,000 words. a common language that connects people from different backgrounds.

  1. Mandarin Chinese

The second most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is spoken in 13 countries. 1,117 million people will speak Mandarin Chinese in the world. Mandarin Chinese is recognized as an official language in just five regions. It has the largest number of native speakers of any language and is spoken by 70% of all Chinese speakers. Many people fear learning Mandarin due to its 50,000 different characters, but 2,500 characters would be enough to understood. Mandarin originated in North China and most Mandarin languages and dialects are found in the north. It is used as one of the working languages of the United Nations. It is also one of the most frequently used varieties of Chinese among Chinese diaspora communities internationally and the most commonly taught Chinese variety.

The English word “mandarin” originally meant an official of the Ming and Qing empires. Traditionally, seven major groups of dialects have been recognized. Aside from Mandarin, the other six are Wu, Gan and Xiang in central China and Min, Hakka and Yue on the southeast coast. It is the native language of two-thirds of the population. Mandarin is the dominant form of Chinese in China. There is an estimated 100,000 Chinese characters. Mandarin has four tones and an additional neutral tone. Mandarin Chinese is not the official language in Hong Kong nor in Macau. Mandarin is the official language in 3 countries. It’s Considered One of the Hardest Languages to Learn. Chinese Has Different Calligraphy Styles .

  1. Hindi

Hindi is an Indo-European language. Hindi became the official language of India in 1965. Hindi and Urdu are almost completely mutually intelligible, so they are sometimes classified as one language, Hindustani, instead of two separate languages. Totally 615 million people will speak Hindi in the world. India has 23 official languages, with Hindi/Urdu chief among them. Mainly in northern India and parts of Pakistan, Hindi uses devnagri script, while Urdu uses Persian notation. At the time of writing, the debate about its role in Indian education and society has once again flared up: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist, is seeking to have Hindi displace English in the southern Indian states as the primary language of official communication and education, a strategy that has been met with resistance.

Each letter of the Hindi alphabet has its own independent and distinct sound. India’s Hindi-speaking regions celebrate Hindi Day annually on 14th September. The word Hindi got its name from the Persian word ”Hind” which means “land of the Indus River”. Devnagari is written from left to right and consists of 11 vowels and 33 consonants. The alphabetical table of Hindi is called ‘Varnmala’ meaning ‘garland of letters’. Approximately 77% of Indians can read, write, speak or understand Hindi. The interesting fact about Hindi is it is taught in 176 of the world’s universities out of which 45 alone are in America. Hindi is one of the seven languages that are used to make web addresses.

  1. Spanish

Spanish is also the official language of a country in Central Africa, Equatorial Guinea. It has also seen an incredible development in its number of speakers due to its growing cultural influence. Totally 534 million people will speak Spanish in the world. Spanish only falls in second place behind Chinese, which is spoken by over a billion people and far outranks any other language. There are 21 countries that have Spanish as the official language. For many people in these 21 countries, it’s the only way to communicate and all official correspondence and documents are in Spanish. It is one of the easiest languages to learn. Spanish and English Share Large Vocabulary.

Spanish speakers often refer to their language as espanol as well as castellano, which is the Spanish word for “Castilian.” The earliest Spanish texts were written over 1000 years ago. The demand of learning Spanish is increasing. It is the official language or the de facto language of Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Like most languages, Spanish has its own very unique words which can’t be translated in other languages.

  1. French

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. In 1635, the French Academy was established, and it was the first organization ever to rule over a language. Totally 280 million people will speak French in the world. French is an official language in 29 countries, such as France, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Congo, Mali, Senegal, and it is spoken on every continent. Along with English, French remains an influential language in the diplomatic world. Out of all the countries in the world, France is the most visited, boasting over 75 million tourists every year. Over 1.5 million Americans are native French speakers. Kinshasa is the world’s second largest French speaking city, after Paris, and before Montreal and Brussels. French is still a working language of the UN, the EU, and dozens of international organizations including the International Red Cross committee, International Labor Organization, Amnesty International, and Doctors without Borders.

New York, California and Florida have joined Louisiana and New England as the main centers of French in United States. French Popularity is Increasing. 29% of English Vocabulary Comes From French. French is Easier to Learn. A French-speaking person or nation may be referred to as Francophone in both English and French. French is also one of six official languages used in the United Nations. It is spoken as a first language in France; Canada ; Belgium ; western Switzerland ; Monaco; parts of Luxembourg; parts of the United States; northwestern Italy; and various communities elsewhere. Homephones are words sharing the same pronunciation but with different spellings and meanings. French has a great number of homophones.

  1. Standard Arabic

Arabic, like Chinese, is so vastly different in its respective dialects as to be effectively a number of languages, grouped as one for the sake of convenience. Totally 274 million people will speak Standard Arabic in the world. Modern Standard Arabic is a primarily written form, closely related to the Classical Arabic of the Quran. Arabic is the official language of the 26 countries that form the Arab League. As in other Semitic languages, Arabic has a complex and unusual method of constructing words from a basic root. IT IS AT LEAST 1,500 YEARS OLD. THE WORDS ARE WRITTEN FROM RIGHT TO LEFT; NUMBERS ARE WRITTEN FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. Arabic is widely taught in schools and universities and is used to varying degrees in workplaces, government and the media. Arabic has influenced many other languages around the globe throughout its history.

Some of the most influenced languages are Persian, Turkish, Hindustani , Kashmiri, Kurdish, Bosnian, Kazakh, Bengali, Malay , Maldivian, Pashto, Punjabi, Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Sicilian, Spanish, Greek, Bulgarian, Tagalog, Sindhi, Odia and Hausa and some languages in parts of Africa. it is one of the six official languages of the UN, the others being English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Most of the countries that use Arabic as their official language are in the Middle East. Arabic is the sixth most-spoken language worldwide. The Arabic alphabet does not include capital letters. In the family tree of languages, Arabic belongs to the Afroasiatic family which is spread across the Middle East and a large part of Africa, consisting of 6 branches and around 300 living languages.

  1. Bengali

Bengali is the only language in the world to be also known for its language movements and people sacrificing their life for their mother language. Totally 265 million people will speak Bengali in the world. West Bengal, now part of India, from its counterpart East Bengal, now Bangladesh. It is the most widely spoken language of Bangladesh and the second most widely spoken of the 22 scheduled languages of India, after Hindi. It is the language of Kolkata. Bengali is the fifth most-spoken native language and the seventh most spoken language by total number of speakers in the world. It is spoken by significant populations in other states including Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Uttarakhand. There are two standard styles in Bengali: the Sadhubhasa and the Chaltibhasa.

The four main dialects roughly approximate the divisions of the Bengali-speaking world, known as Radha (West Bengalproper); Pundra, or Varendra (the northern parts of West Bengal and Bangladesh); Kamrupa (northeastern Bangladesh); and Bangla (the dialects of the rest of Bangladesh). Both the national anthems of Bangladesh (Amar Sonar Bangla) and India (Jana Gana Mana) were composed in Bengali. Bengali, also called Bangala, Bangla, Bangla-Bhasa, belongs to the Eastern group of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken in West Bengal; Tripura; Jharkhand, Dhanbad, Manbhum, Singhbhum, and Santal Parganas; Odisha, Mayar and Bales; Bihar; Assam, and Goalpara district (Ethnologue). Bengali has 29 consonants and it has 7 oral vowel phonemes.

  1. Russian

Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russians in Eastern Europe. Russian is also the second-most widespread language on the Internet, after English. Russian shares strong similarities with Belorussian and Ukrainian. Russian is the 8th most-spoken language in the world. A few English words are of Russian origin. Totally 258 million people will speak Russian in the world. Famed for its inscrutable grammar and quite lovely Cyrillic script, it remains one of the six languages spoken in the UN. The Cyrillic alphabet has 33 letters; 10 vowels, 21 consonants, and 2 that have no sound. There are only about 200,000 words in the Russian language. Approximately 110 million Internet users speak Russian. If you want to be an astronaut, you have to learn Russian. Russian speakers outperform English speakers at distinguishing shades of blue. Word for German in Russian is nemetski, which means “those who can’t speak”. English speakers only understand 10% of the Russian language.


The fastest-growing European language after English is Portuguese. Totally 234 million people will speak Portuguese in the world. It is also the second-most spoken language, after Spanish, in Latin America. Portuguese was officially declared a language in 1290. avid Portuguese traders and conquerors brought their language to Africa, Asia and the Americas. The spread of Portuguese may have initially been tied to European colonization, but the colonized countries developed their own vibrant cultures that transformed the language forever. Today, Portuguese is spoken by 220 million native speakers in countries like Brazil, Goa, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bisseau, Sao Tome and Príncipe, and Macau. It’s also the language of Machado de Assis, Bossa Nova, Mia Couto, Fernando Pessoa, and Agualusa. Portuguese language, Portuguese Português, Romance language that is spoken in Portugal, Brazil, and other Portuguese colonial and formerly colonial territories.

Standard Portuguese was developed in the 16th century, basically from the dialects spoken from Lisbon to Coimbra. In 2008 the Portuguese parliament passed an act mandating the use of a standardized orthography based on Brazilian forms. It also has a presence on almost all of the continents. In fact, it is the official language in nine different countries: Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Principe. There are over 5 million native Portuguese speakers in Africa. According to UNESCO, the language has high growth potential as an “international communication language in Southern Africa and South America.” Portuguese and Spanish are not mutually intelligible. It is the fastest-growing European language in the world – behind English.


Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a polite language. Totally 200 million people will speak French in the world. While Indonesians speak a variety of indigenous languages at home, the official language for formal education, governance, judiciary, administration, national mass media and several forms of communication is Bahasa Indonesia. It is easy to learn. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, such as gold, copper, tin, natural gas and crude oil. It has made a name for itself as a manufacturing center. Several of the major countries in the world are trade partners of Indonesia. Indonesian is a member of the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family. Bahasa Indonesia is a standardized dialect of Malay which had been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries, and which achieved the status of an official language with the declaration of independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands in 1945. The two languages are very similar in their sound system, grammar, and vocabulary.

Besides Indonesia, the language is also spoken in the Netherlands, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and the U.S. Standard Indonesian is based on the formal variety of the language spoken in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Indonesian has been widely spoken in Southern Asia. It is spoken as a mother tongue by only 7% of the population of Indonesia, but altogether more than 200 million people speak it, with varying degrees of proficiency. The main purpose of loaning words from the Indonesian language is to describe things which are uniquely Indonesian like flora and fauna of the country, known as Cockatoo and Komodo. Both these English words have Indonesian roots. Indonesia is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to the supply of natural resources like natural gas, crude oil, gold and copper. This is why more and more businesses are investing in Indonesian translation, in order to expand their business at the said location. It became the official language of Indonesia in 1945.

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