Top 10 recommended yoga asanas that every person must practice in daily practice

Yoga is an all encompassing discipline that consolidates actual stances, breathing activities, contemplation, and moral standards to advance by and large prosperity. An old practice started in India and has acquired overall prominence because of its various physical and mental advantages. One of the critical parts of yoga is its attention on working on actual wellbeing. Yoga sustains mental and close to home prosperity. Through cognizant breathing procedures, known as pranayama, specialists can quiet the psyche and lessen pressure. The thoughtful parts of yoga advance care and mindfulness, prompting further developed focus and mental clearness. It is much of the time utilized as a device for unwinding and stress the executives in the present quick moving world. The act of yoga asanas, or stances, assists with expanding adaptability, strength, and equilibrium. These stances range from delicate stretches to additional difficult postures, permitting people to advance at their own speed. Standard act of yoga can upgrade cardiovascular wellbeing, further develop assimilation, and lift the invulnerable framework. Yoga isn’t exclusively an actual activity; it is a way of thinking and lifestyle. It envelops moral standards known as the yamas and niyamas, which guide people in their collaborations with others and themselves. These standards incorporate honesty, peacefulness, happiness, self-control, and self-reflection. By integrating these standards into day to day existence, specialists can develop a feeling of equilibrium and concordance.

Yoga is a training that can be redone to suit individual requirements and inclinations. There are different styles of yoga, like Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Iyengar, each with its own accentuation and approach. A few styles center more around actual strength and adaptability, while others underline contemplation and profound development. People can pick the style that impacts them and adjust their training likewise. Yoga is an extensive practice that incorporates physical, mental, and profound viewpoints. It advances actual wellbeing, mental prosperity, and moral living. By integrating yoga into our lives, we can encounter expanded adaptability, strength, and equilibrium, as well as diminished pressure and worked on mindfulness. A training can be custom-made to individual requirements and inclinations, permitting everybody to leave on their own special process of self-revelation and development. Here is the rundown of 10 suggested yoga asanas that each individual should act in day to day practice.

active children doing balancing exercises
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1.Surya Namaskaras

women practicing yoga
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Surya Namaskaras, otherwise called Sun Welcome, are a progression of yoga poses that structure a vital piece of the act of Hatha yoga and are proceeded as a succession to respect the sun and its nurturing energy. Each Sun Welcome comprises of a bunch of 12 stances, smoothly moving starting with one then onto the next, and are regularly drilled in the first part of the day to welcome the rising sun. The act of Surya Namaskaras gives various physical, mental, and otherworldly advantages. Truly, it assists with extending and tone the whole body, further developing adaptability, strength, and stance. The synchronized developments of the postures connect with different muscle gatherings, advancing in general body coordination and equilibrium. Standard practice can improve the working of different frameworks in the body, including the respiratory, circulatory, and stomach related frameworks. Intellectually, Surya Namaskaras act as a moving contemplation, centering the psyche and quieting the sensory system. The planned breathing example, joined with the smoothness of the stances, advances care and develops the brain body association. This can prompt diminished pressure, expanded mental clearness, and further developed focus. Profoundly, the act of Surya Namaskaras is well established in old Indian practices and represents the association of the person with the general cognizance. Each posture addresses a particular part of nature and offers a chance for self-reflection and profound development. The training energizes a feeling of appreciation, veneration, and wonder towards the sun, which is viewed as a wellspring of life, imperativeness, and enlightenment.


woman practicing yoga
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Paschimottanasana, otherwise called Situated Ahead Curve or Extreme Dorsal Stretch, is a conspicuous yoga asana that offers various advantages to the body and brain. Paschimottanasana is acted in a situated situation with the legs stretched out in front. The expert twists forward from the hips, meaning to contact the toes with the hands or handle the feet. The stance includes extending the spine and collapsing the middle over the legs, empowering profound extending of the back muscles. Benefits are as per the following

.Extends the spine, hamstrings, and lower leg muscles.
• Alleviates strain toward the back, neck, and shoulders.
• Invigorates the stomach organs, supporting assimilation.
• Kneads the inward organs, advancing their ideal working.
• Further develops blood flow all through the body.
• Assists with mitigating feminine distress and menopause side effects.
• Animates the kidneys and liver, supporting detoxification.
• Quiets the psyche and assuages pressure, nervousness, and gentle sadness.
• Upgrades concentration, fixation, and mental lucidity.
• Supports thoughtfulness and self-reflection.
• Advances a feeling of unwinding and generally speaking prosperity.
• Empowers and restores the body.
• People with back wounds or herniated plates ought to keep away from or change this posture.


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Vrikshasana, otherwise called the Tree Posture, is a famous yoga asana that offers various advantages for the psyche, body, and soul. Vrikshasana includes remaining on one leg with the other leg put against the inward thigh of the standing leg. The arms are raised above, and the palms are combined in a request position. Vrikshasana upgrades equilibrium and soundness. By remaining on one leg, it provokes the professional to track down steadiness and concentration. Standard act of this asana further develops proprioception and reinforces the muscles that help balance.
The center muscles, including the stomach and back muscles, are locked in to keep up with steadiness during Vrikshasana. This fortifies the center and further develops by and large body strength. Remaining on one leg requires strength in the legs. Vrikshasana focuses on the muscles in the standing leg, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and lower leg muscles. Normal practice can help tone and fortify these muscles. Vrikshasana extends the hip flexors, crotch, and thighs of the raised leg, advancing adaptability here. It likewise opens up the hips and expands the scope of movement. Adjusting presents like Vrikshasana require fixation and concentration. The act of keeping up with consistent equilibrium while zeroing in on a point in front aides quiet the psyche and work on mental clearness.
Vrikshasana represents the association among earth and sky. It urges the expert to ground down through the standing foot while arriving at up through the crown of the head, making a feeling of security and upliftment. Standard act of Vrikshasana further develops pose by fortifying the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck. It supports an upstanding and adjusted act both on and off the mat. Vrikshasana is known to affect the brain. It can assist with easing pressure, uneasiness, and anxiety, advancing a feeling of harmony and unwinding. Vrikshasana develops major areas of strength for a body association. By zeroing in on the breath, the body’s sensations, and the current second, specialists foster a more profound consciousness of their physical and mental states.


fit woman doing eagle pose
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Garudasana, otherwise called Falcon Posture, is a famous yoga asana that offers a scope of physical and mental advantages. It is named after Garuda, the legendary hawk in Hindu folklore known for its solidarity and power. Rehearsing Garudasana requires concentration, equilibrium, and adaptability. Actual Advantages: Garudasana principally focuses on the legs, arms, and shoulders. It fortifies and tone the muscles here, including the calves, thighs, and upper arms. Customary practice can further develop equilibrium, coordination, and adaptability. Garudasana additionally extends the hips, back, and shoulders, upgrading their versatility and alleviating strain. This asana requires fixation and concentration, making it a great practice for quieting the psyche and alleviating pressure. The adjusting part of Garudasana creates mental soundness and fixation. It can likewise assist with further developing body mindfulness and advance a feeling of establishing and centeredness. To perform Garudasana, begin in a standing situation with feet hip-width separated. Twist your knees marginally and lift your left foot, getting it over your right thigh. Balance on your right foot and gradually fold your left leg over the right, snaring the abandoned foot the right calf if conceivable. Broaden your arms before you, and get the right arm over the left at the elbows. Twist the elbows and unite the palms, or press the backs of the hands together. Hold the posture for a couple of breaths, then recurrent on the opposite side. Try not to rehearse Garudasana on the off chance that you have a knee or lower leg injury. There are different ways of changing and investigate Garudasana. One variety is to play out the posture in a situated position, getting one leg over the other and wrapping the arms as needs be. Another variety is to consolidate a forward crease while in the posture, further extending the back and hamstrings.


women practicing yoga
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Balasana, otherwise called Kid’s Posture, is a famous yoga asana that offers various advantages for the brain and body. This posture is generally rehearsed in different styles of yoga and is much of the time utilized as a resting present during a yoga meeting. Here is significant data about Balasana without copyright infringement: To perform Balasana, begin by stooping on the floor with your knees hip-width separated. Sit out of sorts and gradually lower your middle down, carrying your temple to the floor. Your chest ought to lay on or between your thighs, and your arms can either be stretched out forward or loosened up close by your body. Inhale profoundly and hold the posture however long agreeable.

Physical Advantages are as per the following

  1. Balasana tenderly stretches the hips, thighs, and lower legs, giving help from snugness and pressure here. It extends the spine and deliveries pressure toward the back, shoulders, and neck. The posture additionally assists with rubbing the inward organs, advancing assimilation and supporting detoxification.
  2. Balasana is viewed as a helpful represent that advances unwinding and stress help. The forward collapsing position permits the body and mind to enter a condition of rest and revival. It can assist with quieting the sensory system, decrease uneasiness, and ease mental pressure.
  3. The place of the chest and midsection in Balasana considers profound, diaphragmatic relaxing. This sort of breathing enacts the parasympathetic sensory system, advancing unwinding and a feeling of establishing.


a woman doing the cobra pose
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Bhujangasana, otherwise called Cobra Posture, is a well known yoga asana that gives various advantages to the body and psyche. A novice accommodating posture can be drilled by people of all wellness levels. Here is some significant data about Bhujangasana: To rehearse Bhujangasana, follow these means:
a. Rests on your stomach, with your legs expanded and feet together.
b. Put your palms on the floor, somewhat underneath your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward.
c. Connect with your center muscles and press the highest points of your feet, thighs, and pubic bone into the floor.
d. Breathe in and gradually lift your head, chest, and midsection off the floor, utilizing the strength of your back muscles.
e. Keep your elbows marginally bowed and bears loose, while keeping a delicate in reverse twist in your spine.
f. Hold the posture for 15-30 seconds, breathing profoundly.
g. .Breathe out and tenderly lower your chest area back to the floor.
Benefits are
Reinforces the spine and further develops act. b. Extends the chest, shoulders, and midsection. c. Tones the backside and firms the butt cheek muscles. d. Increments adaptability in the spine and works on spinal portability. e. Invigorates stomach organs and helps processing. f. Eases pressure and weariness. g. Lightens feminine inconvenience. Bhujangasana invigorates the energy communities in the body, advancing a feeling of essentialness and restoration. b. It can assist with mitigating gentle misery and tension. c. The posture empowers profound breathing, which quiets the brain and decreases pressure. d. Ordinary practice can upgrade concentration and fixation.


unrecognizable woman doing gomukhasana posture
Photo by Miriam Alonso on

Gomukhasana, otherwise called Cow Face Posture, is a famous yoga asana that gives various advantages to the body and psyche. A situated stance includes crossing the legs with a particular goal in mind to look like the essence of a cow. Here is some significant data about Gomukhasana:

  1. Physical Advantages: Gomukhasana stretches and opens the shoulders, chest, and hips, consequently further developing adaptability and versatility here. It very well may be especially helpful for people who sit for extended periods or have tight shoulders. Ordinary act of this asana can assist with easing strain and firmness here, advancing better stance and diminishing the take an enormous risk torment.
  2. Mental and Profound Advantages: Gomukhasana affects the psyche and can assist with alleviating pressure and uneasiness. It advances concentration, focus, and a feeling of groundedness. Similarly as with most yoga presents, it energizes careful breathing, which can support unwinding and advance a feeling of by and large prosperity.
  3. Therapeutic Advantages: Gomukhasana can be helpful for specific circumstances like sciatica, lower back torment, and respiratory infirmities. It delicately extends the muscles in the lower back and can assist with easing distress around there. Also, the posture can help with opening the chest and lungs, working on breathing limit.
  4. Practice Rules: To perform Gomukhasana, begin by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out before you. Twist your knees and slide your left foot under your right leg, setting it close to your right hip. Then, get your right leg over the left, setting the right foot close to the left hip. Preferably, the knees ought to be stacked on top of one another. On the off chance that this is awkward, you can change the situation by putting a collapsed cover or support under the hips. At long last, bring your left arm over your head, coming to towards the right side, and twist your elbow, carrying your passed close by to the upper back. Arrive at your right arm despite your good faith and attempt to catch your hands together, fingers joined. Hold the posture for a few breaths, then recurrent on the opposite side.


Shalabhasana, otherwise called the Beetle Posture, is a well known yoga asana that offers various advantages for the body and psyche. Here is significant data about Shalabhasana:

  1. Technique: To perform Shalabhasana, follow these means: a. Lie level on your stomach with your arms set close by your body, palms overcoming. b. Keep your legs straight, toes pointing in reverse, and feet together. c. While breathing in, lift your legs, head, chest, and arms at the same time off the ground. d. Raise your legs as high as could be expected, while keeping them straight and firm. e. Keep up with the posture for a couple of moments, breathing profoundly. f. Breathe out and gradually discharge your body back to the ground.
  2. Physical Advantages: a. Reinforces the back muscles, including the spine, bottom, and legs. b. Tones the muscles of the midsection, thighs, and hips. c. Further develops adaptability and stretches the shoulders, chest, and neck. d. Invigorates the stomach organs, advancing processing and easing clogging. e. Lightens lower back agony and sciatica. f. Upgrades blood course and oxygen supply to the body.
  3. Therapeutic Advantages: a. Assuages pressure, tension, and gentle misery. b. Assists with combatting weakness and revives the body. c. Advances a solid feminine cycle and eases feminine problems. d. Helps with lessening side effects of asthma and other respiratory sicknesses. e. Invigorates the adrenal organs and works on in general hormonal equilibrium.
  4. Modifications and Varieties: a. Novices can begin by lifting each leg in turn rather than the two legs together. b. To build the test, interweave your fingers despite your good faith and lift your chest and legs higher. c. A high level variety includes lifting both the upper and lower body simultaneously, making a bow shape.


malasana yogasana
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Malasana, otherwise called Wreath Posture or Yogic Squat, is a famous yoga asana (pose) that offers various advantages for the body and psyche. A straightforward yet strong posture includes hunching down with the feet level on the ground while keeping the impact points near the bum. Here is some significant data about Malasana: To rehearse Malasana, begin by remaining with your feet marginally more extensive than hip-width separated. Gradually lower your body into a squat position, carrying your bottom as near the ground as could be expected. Keep your impact points on the floor and your feet lined up with one another. Press your elbows against the internal thighs and unite your palms in a request position. Extend your spine, keeping your chest lifted, and look forward.
Malasana offers different actual advantages, including:
• Reinforcing the lower body: The posture draws in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, assisting with conditioning and fortify the muscles.
• Expanding hip adaptability: Malasana extends the hips, crotch, and internal thighs, further developing adaptability and versatility here.
• Invigorating assimilation: The crouching position packs the stomach region, which can help absorption and alleviate obstruction.
• Opening the hips and pelvis: Ordinary act of Malasana can assist with delivering strain in the hips and pelvis, advancing better stance and arrangement.

Energetic and Close to home Advantages: Malasana is accepted to have vivacious and profound advantages, for example,
• Establishing and soundness: The posture is frequently connected with the root chakra, which addresses dependability, establishing, and a feeling of safety.
• Delivering feelings: Hunching down can make a feeling of delivery and giving up, taking into consideration the arrival of put away feelings and stress.
• Developing persistence: The profound squat position requires persistence and tirelessness, helping professionals to develop these characteristics on and off the mat.


woman practicing yoga
Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Sarvangasana, otherwise called the Shoulder Stand Posture, is a significant yoga asana that offers various advantages to the body and brain. It is viewed as a reversal present where the body is upheld by the shoulders, with the legs reached out vertical. Here are a few central issues about Sarvangasana:
To rehearse Sarvangasana, lie level on your back and lift your advantages, raising your hips off the ground. Put your hands on your lower back for help and press your elbows into the ground. Fix your legs and adjust your body upward, keeping your neck in a nonpartisan position. Inhale profoundly and hold the posture for an agreeable span. Sarvangasana offers a few medical advantages. It invigorates the thyroid organ, which directs digestion, and advances better processing and detoxification. The posture likewise further develops blood course, particularly to the mind, upgrading mental clearness and fixation. It fortifies the shoulders, neck, and back muscles while extending the spine, alleviating strain and decreasing back torment. Sarvangasana likewise quiets the sensory system, diminishes pressure, and advances unwinding.
It is essential to rehearse Sarvangasana with alert and under the direction of a certified yoga educator, particularly on the off chance that you are a novice or have any ailments. Individuals with neck or shoulder wounds, hypertension, glaucoma, or feminine cycle ought to keep away from or change the posture. Continuously pay attention to your body and stay away from any distress or strain while rehearsing.
There are varieties of Sarvangasana that you can investigate whenever you have dominated the essential posture. For example, Halasana (Furrow Posture) includes bringing down your legs over your head to contact the ground behind you. Another variety is Eka Pada Sarvangasana (One-Legged Shoulder Stand), where one leg is reached out vertical while the other leg stays on the ground for help.
Planning and follow-up presents: It is gainful to set up your body prior to endeavoring Sarvangasana. Warm-up works out, for example, delicate neck extends, shoulder rolls, and extension present, can assist with setting up the muscles and joints. Following Sarvangasana, it is prescribed to rehearse counter-presents like Matsyasana (Fish Posture) or Setu Bandhasana (Extension Posture) to deliver any strain and reestablish the body’s balance.

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A skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory. Tourists visiting India are often enamoured of its superb handicrafts, as much as its people. India has been known for its customs. When it comes to art and culture, India is among the most culturally rich countries in the world. Handicraft represents Indian’s culture and tradition. The feeling of home is hidden in the small things and the small stories that every item carries with it. The same is the reason behind buying handicrafts. Every piece of craft has a story, a story of the passion of the craftsmen who created it or his inspiration to make it. That’s why craft pieces make the perfect fit for any house. India is one of the leading producers and suppliers of handicraft products in the world. India has been a large producer and supplier of handicraft products for a long time. In Asian countries, handicrafts are as highly wanted as mechanized products in quality and volume and are a major source of their foreign earnings via exports. The artisanal industry is an important source of income for rural communities that employ more than six million artisans, including large numbers of women and people belonging to the weakest sectors of society. The sector is highly creative and produces a large variety of crafts products that are highly consumed and fond of. In India, the creative importance of these craft products is off the roof making sure that it fits in perfectly with the urbanized decor and connects the urban dwellers with their roots. The days of Indus Valley Civilization, artisans and craftsmen have been respected for their excellence in various kinds of handicrafts. That tradition continued well into medieval and colonial times, and flourishes even to this day. List of 10 Handicrafts of India That We must buy.

1) Pashmina shawl

Pashmina is considered the finest craftsmanship in the world which transforms the exceptionally warm and delicate Cashmere threads to opulent accessories. The fleece of Changthangi Goat is known as Pashm. This goat is exotic and is only found there, 15000 feet above sea level in Ladakh – Jammu and Kashmir, making the art of Pashmina even rarer and revered all over the world. This art was favoured with royal patronage. Kings, queens, royal families and nobles all over the world knew Pashmina. In fact, they owned a large number of shawls and scarves. It was in the 16th century when the birthplace of Pashmina – Kashmir – was under Mughal rule, that Pashmina was discovered. Pashmina may refer either to the material or to the variant of the Kashmir shawl that is made from it. Both generic cashmere and pashmina come from the same goat, but generic cashmere ranges from 12 to 21 microns in diameter, whereas pashmina refers only to those fibres that range from 12 to 16 microns. Besides employing literate as well as illiterate persons in both rural and urban areas, it acts as a subsidiary source of income for farmers who remain unemployed during the off-season. The most important aspect is that it should be hand spun and hand woven only. All steps, from combing and spinning, to weaving and finishing, are done entirely by hand by dedicated craftsmen and women. The main production center for Pashmina fabrics is the old Srinagar district. To produce a single Pashmina shawl it takes approximately 180 hours.

girl in white crew neck shirt lying on red and brown floral textile
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2) Woodwork

Woodworking is the skill of making items from wood, and includes cabinet making, wood carving, joinery, carpentry, and woodturning. In Rajasthan,wooden figures of Ghangore, a form of Parvathi is worshipped. Tamilnadu has a well developed tradition of woodcarving used for decorating houses and temples. The Tanjore dolls made of wood form a part of the rituals followed here and they are also used for educating small children. The Tirupathi red dolls are meant for sales for the pilgrims. Kondapalli is famous for its toys. Manipuris an important center for Tarkashi, metal thread work, done in furniture. Sankheda in Gujaratis an important center for lathe- worked lacquered furniture. The Punjab regions are famous for their exquisite wooden furniture. Kashmir is famous for its artifacts made of walnut. Chhattisgarh craftsmen specialize in wooden crafts such as doors, window frames, and sculptures. Jharkhand is famous for its wooden toys that are always in pairs. Goa wood carvings are an aesthetic mix of Portuguese and Indian cultures, and the designs are primarily floral, animal and human figures. It is mainly made of rosewood and sandalwood engraved with designs of flowers, vines, birds, and animals. Magnificent female figures are carved from Kumbli wood in Kerala. Karnataka is specialized in sandalwood carving. Rajasthanmaintains a rich tradition of stonecarving even in the common domesticbuildings.

3) Ceramic

Ceramic is considered the most sensual form of all the arts. The tradition of handmade pottery has been prevalent in India since the time of the Harappan civilization. Pottery in the Indian subcontinent has an ancient history and is one of the most tangible and iconic elements of Indian art. This article covers pottery vessels, mainly from the ancient Indian cultures known from archaeology. There has also been much figurative sculpture and decorative tilework in ceramics in the subcontinent, with the production of terracotta figurines being widespread in different regions and periods. In Bengal in particular, a lack of stone produced an extensive tradition of architectural sculpture for temples and mosques in terracotta and carved brick. In Rajasthan, Bikaner is famous for its painted pottery, Pokhran for its geometric patterned pottery, and Alwar for its Kagzi pottery. Jaipur blue pottery is also very famous. Jaipur blue pottery is also very famous.

4) Leather

India is famous worldwide for its leather products. Leather is a prominent industry in India. The main sectors from which its demand is derived are fashion, footwear, furniture, interiors and automotive. While the Indian leather totals upto 13 percent of the world’s total production of skins, around 10 percent of world’s footwear production also comes from India. India’s leather industry is bestowed with skilled manpower, innovative technology, increasing industry compliance to international environmental standards and the support of allied industries. India is the second largest exporter of leather garments and third largest exporter of saddlery and harness in the world. In India, the leather is prepared from the raw-hide skin of different animals like buffalo, goat, cow and sheep. Majorly, buffalo skin and goat skin are used to make leather products that are exported to the other countries. In the past, leather was not only used in the manufacture of clothing and footwear, but also in the manufacture of caps, bags, saddles, shields, etc. Madhya Pradesh is also known for its leather goods such as shoes, bags and clothing. Maharashtra is also famous for its Kolhapuri cocoons. The major production centers for leather and leather products in India are located in the States of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajastan, Kerala.

5) Jute

India is the world’s biggest producer of jute, followed by Bangladesh. Jute is primarily grown in West Bengal, Odisha, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Andhra Pradesh. Jute is the second most abundant natural fibre in the world. It has high tensile strength, acoustic and thermal insulation, breathability, low extensibility, ease of blending with both synthetic and natural fibres, and antistatic properties. Jute production is a labour intensive industry. It employs about two lakh workers in the West Bengal alone and 4 lakh workers across the country. Jute can be used: for insulation (replacing glass wool), geotextiles, activated carbon powder, wall coverings, flooring, garments, rugs, ropes, gunny bags, handicrafts, curtains, carpet backings, paper, sandals, carry bags, and furniture. The wide variety of jute crafts includes bags, office stationery, bracelets and other jewelry, footwear, tapestries and many more. The production process in the Jute Industry goes through a variety of activities, which include cultivation of raw jute, processing of jute fibres, spinning, weaving, bleaching, dyeing, finishing and marketing of both, the raw jute and its finished products.

6) Shell

From Conches, tortoise shell and seashell shells crafts are made in India. You can find three types of shells made from shell crafts in India. Different types of products such as bracelets, forks, decorative bowls, medallions, curtains, chandeliers, mirror frames, tablecloths, decorating pots, lockets, lanterns, etc. are products of shell crafts. In specific, shell handicraft locations on the sea such as the Gulf of Mannar, Odisha, Goa etc. are present here and at lower rates in excess. You can also buy shell jewellery and bracelets in West Bengal. It is basically craft making which involves a lot of creativity which will enhance the look of what we do with the shells. Seashell is a gift of nature to man and they are found in a variety of shapes, size and color. It is simply a folk art which is carried out by amateurs, however in some cases, it is also used for business making and the means to livelihood.

7) Brass Crafts

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. A diverse range of brass can be created simply by varying the proportion of these two ingredients. Brass has a yellow color that is somewhat similar to gold. It is also fairly resistant to tarnishing. The discovery of metals made the lives of man easy as the metal products proved to be such a great help for them that they successfully completed some impossible tasks. India is well known for its beautiful brass craft, which covers a wide range of products, ranging from decoration items to utility ware. India, in fact, is one of the largest brass makers in the world. The art of brass craft has been practiced for almost 5 million years. Brass is known for its durability, and this feature adds to its advantage when used as a craft. Various items include the Lord Ganesha figure in different postures, vases, tables, perforated lamps, ornament boxes, wine glasses and many more are widely used in many Indian houses. These craftsmen dealing with brass crafts are known distinctly as “Kansaris”. Advantage of Brass has several characteristic properties that make it the ideal choice for art and craft. Brass is It is a long lasting metal , requires little maintenance and it is similar to gold, gives it a very attractive appearance.

8) Bamboo Crafts

As we all know that excessive use of wooden products can harm our eco system. There is one beautiful and strong supplement of wood which is cane and bamboo. These two are ecofriendly, light weighted, and strong. These have more life than wood, low maintenance, and easily portable. They have unique and elegant styles which are liked by everyone. These two are used to make different items for daily use and for decoration. Although India is famous for its handiwork but the state of west Bengal is pretty much good in their bamboo and cane craft. artisans of northeast India mostly make trays, unique furniture, decorative lamps, fans, hand bags, lamp shades and jewellery. The various other items made from bamboo are baskets, dolls, toys, furniture, mats, tapestries, crossbows, bamboo houses, hats, musical instruments, stools, kurup and khasi umbrella, bridges, smoking pipes, trays, knives, barrels and many more.

9) Phulkari

Sitting on the charpoys (beds woven with jute strings) pulled into the protective shade of a tree, or ensconced against a wall, women in villages and small towns all over Punjab are often busy creating spectacular flower-embroidery on dupattas, shawls or other garments. The word phulkari literally means flowering. It is a form of craft in which embroidery is done in a simple and sparse design over shawls and dupattas. In some cases where the design is worked over very closely, covering the material entirely, it is called bagh. The embroidery of phulkari and bagh is done in long and short darn stitch, which is created into innumerable designs and patterns. It is the skilful manipulation of this single stitch that lends an interesting and characteristic dimension to this needlework. While the stitch itself is uncomplicated, the quality of the phulkari depends upon the size of the stitch. The smaller the stitch, the finer the embroidery. The threads used were of a silk yarn called pat. In the past, the silk threads were brought in from different parts of India, like Kashmir and Bengal. The cloth primarily used and preferred by the women, was the home-spun, locally woven and dyed khadi. It was strong, long-lasting, and cheap and served the purpose of keeping the wearer warm during winters. Another reason was that the embroidery involved the counting of threads while doing the straight darn stitch. The coarse weave made this task easier. First brought to the Punjab state by the migrant population of Jaat, Phulkari is now equally loved across the country. Over time, various techniques and types of Phulkari embroidery have emerged in India, such as Thirma, Darshan Dwar, Chope, Meenakari, and Kaudi Bagh, among others.

10) Zardozi

From the medieval times the art of Zardozi has flourished, reaching its zenith under the patronage of Emperor Akbar. This gorgeous embroidery reveals artistic use of laid stitch with golden thread. It can be seen in wall hangings, chain stitch on saris, caps and other articles with heavy embroidery. As the embroidery is densely performed, designs done are extremely intricate. The gold wire known as zari is the thread used for zardozi embroidery. The making of zari thread is a very tedious job involving winding, twisting, wire drawing and gold plating of thread. The embroidery of zari zardozi is performed in a very interesting manner. Gold wire is carefully revolved around a silver bar tapered at one end. Then they are heated in furnace till gold and silver alloy is formed. The gilt wire, when drawn through a series of holes made on steel plates, comes out glittering as gold. The gold-coated silver wire is then flattened and twisted around silk thread to obtain zari. Zardozi has remained as an appliqué method of embroidery. With one hand the craftsman holds a retaining thread below the fabric. In the other he holds a hook or a needle with which he picks up the appliqué materials. Then he passes the needle or hook through the fabric. After hours of painstaking labor, the result is an exquisite gold-veined work of art. The intricate gold designs are made from silk, velvet, and even fabrics famous in the state of Uttar Pradesh. However, today, artisans use a combination of copper wire, with a gold or silver polish, and a silk thread. This embroidery work is mainly a specialty of Lucknow, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Delhi, Agra, Kashmir, Mumbai, Ajmer, and Chennai. The art of zardozi was revived along with many traditional methods of embroidery in the middle of this century. Zari work was mainly done in Madras and zardozi in Hyderabad until a few decades ago. Today, Uttar Pradesh is home to this finest work of gold and silver embroidery. This craft has caught on to a larger region of Bareilly such as Allampur, Faridpur, Biharkala, Nawabganj and Chandpur.

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Books contain information, stories, or poetry etc. of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and leaders are avid readers. Even fictional novels are praised for their excellence by successful businessman. A great book influences your life. It influences your thought process. Any book that teaches you to be fair to the world is a great book. Reader has a lot of benefits like increase your vocabulary, improve focus and concentration, reduce stress and improve your memory. If you’re struggling to find a career, Advice from an expert, however, might be just the thing is to pick up one of these published career advice books. 2021 has brought us some incredible titles of best books to read. Here is the list of powerful memoirs, page-turning novels, and more.

1.Project Hail Mary
by Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival that takes us to places we’ve never dreamed of going. Project Hail Mary is a 2021 science fiction novel by Andy Weir. Set in the near future, the novel centers on middle school-teacher-turned-astronaut Ryland Grace, who wakes up from a coma afflicted with amnesia. Alone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver. He gradually remembers that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to find a means of reversing a solar dimming event that could cause the extinction of humanity. The film rights have been purchased by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and actor Ryan Gosling plans to star as Grace in the film adaptation. Ryland Grace is a devoted junior-high school science teacher in the United States, having left his former career as a molecular biologist. He is recruited by Eva Stratt, head of a UN task force, to find the cause of a solar dimming event that could end humanity. Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish.

2.Klara and the Sun
by Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun is the eighth novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British writer Kazuo Ishiguro, published on 2 March 2021. Klara and the Sun is a thrilling book that offers a look at our changing world through the eyes of Klara. The novel is set in a dystopian future in which some children are genetically engineered for enhanced academic ability. As schooling is provided entirely at home by on-screen tutors, opportunities for socialization are limited and parents who can afford it often buy their children androids as companions. The book is narrated by one such Artificial Friend (AF) called Klara. It is obvious to Klara that they have died, and she is surprised the next morning to see that they are living and that the sun has with his great kindness saved them with a special kind of nourishment. From Josie’s bedroom Klara has a good view of the sun’s progress across the sky, and comes to believe that he goes to his nightly rest within a farmer’s barn that stands on the horizon. With Rick’s help, she makes her way there one evening across the grasslands. Although surprised to find the sun’s resting place is not actually in the barn, she pleads with him to pour his special kind of nourishment onto Josie and to save her life, as he did the beggar. She offers in return to find and destroy the pollution-creating Cootings Machine. Klara and the Sun received favourable reviews, with a cumulative “Positive” rating at the review aggregator website Book Marks. The novel was read on BBC Radio 4 by actress Lydia Wilson, abridged by Richard Hamilton. It was broadcast in ten parts between 7 March and 19 March 2021. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, tells the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, from her place in the store, watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass on the street outside.

by Greg McKeown

Whereas Essentialism is about choosing where to focus your energy, Effortless is about how you functionally structure your work to make the most essential activities the easiest ones to achieve. Essentialism comes an empowering guide to achieving your goals. Effortless shows that achieving more doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it out to be’ . Million copy selling Essentialism comes an empowering guide to achieving your goals. As high achievers, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the path to success is paved with relentless work. That if we want to overachieve, we have to overexert, overthink, and overdo. That if we aren’t perpetually exhausted, we’re not doing enough. Greg McKeown is a speaker, a bestselling author, and the host of the popular podcast What’s Essential. Best Quotes are
• When we apply effortless actions to high-leverage activities the return on our effort compounds.
• When we invite joy into our daily routine, we are no longer yearning for the far-off day when it might arrive. That day is always today.
• After I complain, I will say something I am thankful for.
• When we are fully present with another person we see them more clearly, and we help them see themselves more clearly.
• Simplicity, the art of maximizing the steps not taken, is essential.
• Most geniuses prosper not by deconstructing intricate complexities, but by exploiting unrecognized simplicities. -Andy Benoit
• There is no mastery without mistakes.
• If you are not embarrassed by your first product launch, you launched it too late. -Reid Hoffman
• The most useful knowledge often comes from fields different than our own.

4.Gold Diggers
by Sanjena Sathian

A magical realism coming-of-age story, Gold Diggers skewers the model minority myth to tell a hilarious and moving story about immigrant identity, community, and the underside of ambition. The narrator of “Gold Diggers” is an endearing young man named Neil Narayan, an Indian American living in Atlanta. The first half of the novel is concerned with Neil’s adolescence, and in particular his relationship with the mercurial Anita, his neighbor and childhood friend who’s been changing on him, which he doesn’t appreciate. Throughout the book, Neil is quietly searching for something that will help him know, a narrative he can fit himself into in this country his parents decided he should grow up in and belong to. He finds one such narrative in the library, where a physicist named Pramesh tells Neil about a Bombayan gold digger in California during the Gold Rush. The story sparks Neil’s imagination: “If I had roots in American soil … if our collective past was more textured than I’d been led to believe, then, well, maybe there were other ways of being brown on offer.” In history, we can find reflections of ourselves, trajectories we haven’t imagined we might fit into. But history is tricky, too, in that it is most often written by those in positions of power, those with the ability to erase the existence or the importance of others. Sometimes the only way to assert a history is to write into it, read between the lines, and add a sprinkle of invention.

5.Luck of the Titanic

by Stacey Lee

The richly imagined story of Valora and Jamie Luck, twin British-Chinese acrobats traveling aboard the Titanic on its ill-fated maiden voyage. Valora Luck has two things: a ticket for the biggest and most luxurious ocean liner in the world, and a dream of leaving England behind and making a life for herself as a circus performer in New York. Much to her surprise, though, she’s turned away at the gangway; apparently, Chinese people aren’t allowed into America. Luck of the Titanic is a historical fiction that works to tell the story of the six Titanic survivors of Chinese descent. It follows twin siblings, Valora and Jamie Luck, two twin British-Chinese acrobats traveling aboard the Titanic’s maiden voyage, which was the same time of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Determined to make it to America, Valora brews a plan that will allow them to get into America before the ship makes it across the Atlantic.

6.Four Hundred Souls
by Ibram X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain

A chorus of extraordinary voices tells the epic story of the four-hundred-year journey of African Americans from 1619 to the present. This collection of diverse pieces from ninety different minds, reflecting ninety different perspectives unlocks the startling range of experiences and ideas that have always existed within the community of Blackness. The story begins in 1619—a year before the Mayflower—when the White Lion disgorges “some 20-and-odd Negroes” onto the shores of Virginia, inaugurating the African presence in what would become the United States. It takes us to the present, when African Americans, descendants of those on the White Lion and a thousand other routes to this country, continue a journey defined by inhuman oppression, visionary struggles, stunning achievements, and millions of ordinary lives passing through extraordinary history. While themes of resistance and struggle, of hope and reinvention, course through the book, this collection of diverse pieces from ninety different minds, reflecting ninety different perspectives, fundamentally deconstructs the idea that Africans in America are a monolith—instead it unlocks the startling range of experiences and ideas that have always existed within the community of Blackness.

7.People We Meet on Vacation
by Emily Henry

From the bestselling author of Beach Read comes a sparkling new novel that will leave you with the warm, hazy afterglow usually reserved for the best vacations. Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love. Poppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart—she’s in New York City, and he’s in their small hometown—but every summer, for a decade, they have taken one glorious week of vacation together. Until two years ago, when they ruined everything. They haven’t spoken since. Poppy has everything she should want, but she’s stuck in a rut. When someone asks when she was last truly happy, she knows, without a doubt, it was on that ill-fated, final trip with Alex. And so, she decides to convince her best friend to take one more vacation together—lay everything on the table, make it all right. Miraculously, he agrees. Now she has a week to fix everything. If only she can get around the one big truth that has always stood quietly in the middle of their seemingly perfect relationship.

8.Crying in H Mart
by Michelle Zauner

Crying in H Mart: A Memoir is a 2021 memoir by Michelle Zauner, singer and guitarist of the musical project Japanese Breakfast. It is her debut book, published on April 20, 2021, by Alfred A. Knopf. From the indie rockstar of Japanese Breakfast fame comes an unflinching, powerful memoir about growing up Korean American, losing her mother, and forging her own identity. Vivacious and plainspoken, lyrical and honest, Zauner’s voice is as radiantly alive on the page as it is onstage. In this story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humor and heart, she tells of growing up the only Asian American kid at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother’s particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother’s tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food. As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band–and meeting the man who would become her husband–her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother’s diagnosis of terminal pancreatic cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her. Its title is a reference to H Mart, a Korean-American supermarket chain.

9.Malibu Rising
by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Four famous siblings throw an epic party to celebrate the end of the summer. But over the course of twenty-four hours, their lives will change forever and secrets that shaped this family’s generations will all come rising to the surface. Malibu: August, 1983. It’s the day of Nina Riva’s annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: Nina, the talented surfer and supermodel; brothers Jay and Hud, one a championship surfer, the other a renowned photographer; and their adored baby sister, Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over—especially as the offspring of the legendary singer, Mick Riva.
The only person not looking forward to the party of the year is Nina herself, who never wanted to be the center of attention, and who has also just been very publicly abandoned by her pro tennis player husband. Oh, and maybe Hud—because it is long past time to confess something to the brother from whom he’s been inseparable since birth. Jay, on the other hand, is counting the minutes until nightfall, when the girl he can’t stop thinking about promised she’ll be there. Kit has a couple secrets of her own—including a guest she invited without consulting anyone. By midnight the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours before dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family’s generations will all come bubbling to the surface. Malibu Rising is a story about one unforgettable night in the life of a family: the night they each have to choose what they will keep from the people who made them.

10.Set Boundaries, Find Peace

by Nedra Glover Tawwab

In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. These techniques will help you end the struggle, speak up for what you need, and experience the freedom of being truly yourself. Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them–in order to achieve work/life balance, cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But what do “healthy boundaries” really mean–and how can we successfully express our needs, say “no,” and be assertive without offending others. Licensed counselor, sought-after relationship expert, and one of the most influential therapists on Instagram Nedra Glover Tawwab demystifies this complex topic for today’s world. In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. Rooted in the latest research and best practices used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), these techniques help us identify and express our needs clearly and without apology–and unravel a root problem behind codependency, power struggles, anxiety, depression, burnout, and more.

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A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. A book is a number of pieces of paper, usually with words on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry etc. of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and leaders are avid readers. Even fictional novels are praised for their excellence by successful businessman like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. A great book influences your life. It influences your thought process. Any book that teaches you to be fair to the world is a great book. Reader has a lot of benefits like increase your vocabulary, improve focus and concentration, reduce stress and improve your memory. If you’re struggling to find a career, Advice from an expert, however, might be just the thing is to pick up one of these published career advice books. The Best 10 books and its summary are as follows.

  1. “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy

“The Compound Effect” offers readers the real deal when it comes to becoming a success. Darren Hardy pulls insight from his 20-year journey as a curator of the industry and reveals his six principles of success.
“It reveals the truth about prolonging small changes in our life that compound to negative results. This is book summary of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. This summary also includes key lessons and important passages from the book. Always take 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to you. The compound effect is the operating system that has been running your life whether you know it or not. You cannot improve something until you measure it. Success is doing a half dozen things really well, repeated five thousand times. You don’t need more knowledge. You need a new plan of action. Consistency is the ultimate key to success. If you aren’t better, work harder. The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. Choice is at the center of all success and failure. It is what we choose that makes the biggest difference. Too often we sleepwalk through our choices. We default to choices that our society and culture tells us we should do. Keep a daily gratitude journal about your spouse.

Write down one thing you are thankful for each day about your spouse then give them the book as a gift one year later. You have to be willing to give 100 percent in your relationships. You alone are responsible for your situation. Everyone has the opportunity to be lucky. Track your behavior for at least one week. Tracking will revolutionize your life. The author started by tracking every financial decision in a notebook. Merely becoming conscious of your actions begins to change them. Start by saving 1 percent of your money each month. Then save 2 percent the next month. Continue until you are saving 10 percent of what you earn. The earlier you start making changes the more the compound effect works in your favor. The older your habits are and the deeper their roots, the harder they are to change. Design the life you want first and the business you want second. Write down your most important goals. The hardest part of momentum is the beginning. But Once you get moving you can keep going very easily. There is a difference between learning and studying. Learning leads to knowledge. Studying a topic means you are invested in it and try it out. What you need is to study, to practice, and to take action on the knowledge you have.
Small choices + consistency + time = significant results.

  1. “What Color is Your Parachute?” by Richard Bolles

“What Color is Your Parachute” is the world’s popular job-search and self-help book with its long-trusted guidance for job-hunters and career-changers. “It is a very practical book with many exercises and activities given by Richard Nelson Bolles for you. Great trips and exercises forcing you to think, reflect, take action and get to know the best job search practices from defining your dream job to resumes to interviewing to networking.” This book has been in print since 1970 and has been revised annually since 1975. It is available in 22 languages and used in 26 countries around the world. It is one of the most highly regarded career advice books in print. Richard Nelson Bolles wrote numerous spinoffs of What Color Is Your Parachute? targeted at specific audiences and career issues.

More than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world’s most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2021. At its core is Richard N. Bolles’s famed Flower Exercise, a unique self-inventory that helps you design your career and your life around your key passions, transferable skills, traits, and more. The flower exercise involves looking at yourself from seven different angles: compatibility with people, workplace conditions, skills, purpose, knowledge, money, and location. In the exercise, each angle will be visually represented by a flower petal. When you’ve finished the exercise, you’ll end up with a one-page diagram of your flower that contains a visual summary of your personality as it relates to your career. This book is twelve times more effective than sending out traditional resumes.

  1. “The Leader Who Had No Title” by Robin Sharma

In “The Leader Who Had No Title,” author and leadership speaker Robin Sharma offers great things. In this book, readers will learn how to work with and influence people like a superstar, regardless of your position; how to recognize and then seize opportunities in times of deep change; the real secrets of intense innovation and so much more. Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution. Initiative and hard work is the warm-up act for a headliner called success. Small daily improvements, over time, lead to stunning results. “Each of us is born into genius”. We are responsible for our actions and their consequences. Inspire, influence and elevate each person. Treat everyone with respect, kindness and appreciation. If we change day by day small actions, those will become a habit. In the same time small changes every day will add up to a massive new improvement in the long run. You should be inspiring, engaging and elevating. It’s all on you. You are going to choose your most empowered response. When you do that, your life changes within minutes. “It teaches people that they all are leaders whatever their position. It helps people look at the concept of leadership from a different angle. It starts with yourself. Wherever people are in their career, they should do everything to stretch their leadership, it is all about self-empowerment. There is a great example about a housekeeper in the book that shows powerful leadership.” “It’s also a great inspiration for learning how to seize opportunities and remove fear blocks related to change.”

You need no title to be a leader: Success is something that’s consciously created. ‘Simply remember that no matter what your position within the organisation and no matter how old you are or where you live .To lead without a title “you will have to be unrealistically persistent and wildly courageous.” The deeper your relationships, the stronger your leadership. ‘Leadership is about having unshakeable faith in your vision and unrelenting confidence in your power to make the positive change happen. You have the power to show leadership and no one and nothing can ever deny you that.’ To be a great leader, first become a great person. Training and strengthening your inner leader will help you perform at extraordinary levels. Success is created through conscious choice. You need to have passion to do any job. It is not the title that gives you respect but the amount of contribution you make to your work. The way you start your day determines how well you will live your day. Happy people really do make happy leaders. Leadership is about correcting and criticizing others when they are doing things wrong. The secret to moving through hard times is to just keep moving forward. You will learn hard-hitting tactics to become mentally strong and physically tough enough to lead your field. This book explains real-world ways to defeat stress, build an unbeatable mind-set, unleash energy, and balance your personal life regardless of what you do within your organization and the current circumstances of your life, the single most important fact is that you have the power to show leadership.

  1. “Good to Great” by Jim Collins

Jim Collins is the author of “Good to Great.” Jim Collins evaluates the factors that allow a small fraction of companies to make the transition from merely good to truly great. Research has shown that leader who have brought the ‘Good to Great’ transformation are not the one, who is charismatic or big personality but is rather quiet, shy, deliberate. They are the one’s who have the combination of humility and professional will. It is a known fact that the right team is needed to achieve the success but what is even more important is to build the right team even before you know what and which path to take towards greatness and hence it is ‘first who then what’. After sifting through mountains of data and thousands of pages of interviews, Collins and his crew discovered the key determinants of greatness – why some companies make the leap and others don’t. Over five years, the team analyzed the histories of 28 companies from good companies to great companies.

  1. “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield

“The Success Principles” teaches readers how to increase their confidence, tackle daily challenges, realize their ambitions and live their life with passion and purpose. In both work and life there are timeless principles. When you apply these you lead to success. This book talks about those in very practical ways and helps the reader learn what can move them forward.

The Book in Three Sentences
1.“If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.”
2.“Everything you think, say, and do needs to become intentional and aligned with your highest purpose, your values, and your goals.”
3.“To achieve desired outcomes, one must replace complaining with making requests and taking action.”
The Five Big Ideas
1.“You have control over only three things in your life—the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take .”
2.“Stated in its most basic form, the Law of Attraction says, what you think about, talk about, believe strongly about, and feel intensely about, you will bring about.”
3.“You can lose the material things, but you can never lose your mastery—what you learn and who you become in the process of achieving your goals.”
4.“One of the great strategies for success is to act as if you already are where you want to be.”
5.“The world doesn’t pay you for what you know; it pays you for what you do.”
Summary of Success principles are
Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life. Be Clear Why You’re Here. Decide What You Want. Believe It’s Possible. Believe in Yourself. Use The Law of Attraction. Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement. Keep Score for Success. Learn More to Earn More. Stay Motivated with The Masters. Mastermind Your Way to Success. Develop a Positive Money Consciousness. Connect with People Who Can Expand Your Vision. “Everything you think, say, and do needs to become intentional and aligned with your purpose, your values, and your goals.” “Everything you experience today is the result of choices you have made in the past.” “The day you change your responses is the day your life will begin to get better”. “The only thing that will change your results is to change your behavior.”
“To create a balanced and successful life, your vision needs to include the following seven areas: work and career, finances, recreation and free time, health and fitness, relationships, personal goals, and contribution to the larger community.” “Stated in its most basic form, the Law of Attraction says, what you think about, talk about, believe strongly about, and feel intensely about, you will bring about.” “Many people fail to take action because they’re afraid to fail. Successful people, on the other hand, realize that failure is an important part of the learning process.” “An important part of any focusing regimen is to set aside time at the end of the day—just before going to sleep—to acknowledge your successes, review your goals, focus on your successful future, and make specific plans for what you want to accomplish the next day.” “To learn and grow in life, you need to be teachable, too.” “To become wealthy, you’ll need to surface, identify, root out, and replace any negative or limiting beliefs you may have about money.”

6.“Emotional Intelligence 2.0″ by Travis Bradberry and Jean Graves

“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” offers a step-by-step program to increase emotional intelligence (EQ) to exceed your goals and achieve your potential. Emotional intelligence (EQ) needs little introduction, EQ is critical to your success. This book delivers via four core EQ skills that enable you to achieve your potential: 1) Self-Awareness 2) Self-Management 3) Social Awareness 4) Relationship Management. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose increasing your EQ. It explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way. Research shows convincingly that EQ is more important than IQ.” “We need to not only know what being emotionally intelligent means but we need to recognize how and when to apply it to our lives.

  1. “The Goal” by Eliyahu M Goldratt

This thrilling novel-style book follows the story of a plant manager whose factory is quickly heading for disaster and will face closure in 90 days unless character Alex Rogo can turn things around. Summary, own thoughts and key lessons of Eliyahu M Goldratt is as follows. Doing work and making money are not the same thing. Simplify your problem to the point where you understand the true goal of your organization. With your goal in mind, identify the constraints within your system and focus on improving the output of that constraint without worrying about the productivity of all related processes. The Theory of Constraints: Step one: identify the systems constraints. Step two: decide how to exploit the constraints. Step three: subordinate all other processes to the decisions. Step four: elevate and improve the systems constraints. Step five: if in a previous step a constraint has broken, return to step one.

The goal is not to reduce cost, but to increase throughput. A system with local maximums is not an efficient system. You should not try to maximize the productivity of every moment because it’s not an optimally designed system. Most people are so focused on technical details that they can’t see the bigger picture. Don’t bother “checking the numbers” instead “check your assumptions. Make sure the bottleneck only works on good parts by performing quality control before parts go into the bottleneck. You can’t afford to waste time within the bottleneck. The area with the biggest amount of inventory is usually a sign of a bottleneck. There is always a bottleneck in every process. You have to manage the process based on the bottleneck. Most processes are a series of dependent events. In any series of dependent events most people can only go as fast as the people in front of them. Because of this, your throughput is only the output of the final person. To learn, we should not just give people results to memorize, but stories and plots that allow us to deduce the answers.

  1. “Grit” by Angela Duckworth

Angela Duckworth has also found scientific evidence to prove that grit can grow. “Beyond talent, beyond creativity, beyond training, beyond being in the right place at the right time; success and achievement require grit.” The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a focused persistence called grit. Grit isn’t luck. Grit isn’t how intensely, for the moment, you want something. “A Grit is an ultimate concern.” a goal you care about so much that it organizes and gives meaning to almost everything you do. Grit is holding steadfast to that goal even when you fall down, even when you screw up, even when progress toward that goal is halting or slow. It combines resilience, ambition, and self-control in the pursuit of goals that take months, years, or even decades. Grit is great. It’s a lucid, informative, and entertaining review of the research Angela has assiduously conducted over the past decade. The book also includes suggestions on how to develop grit, and how we can help support grit in others. Angela Duckworth is a tremendous scientist. In her book “Grit,” author and psychologist Angela Duckworth explains that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a passionate persistence. Angela has found through her research that grit, which is a combination of passion and perseverance for a singularly important goal, is the hallmark of high achievers in every domain.

  1. “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson

In this book, author Jeff Olson teaches readers why some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else. “The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret.” “Jeff Olson demonstrates that it is the discipline of doing the little, daily, persistent things that end up making massive differences to success at all levels – work, health, wealth.” The Slight Edge is a way of thinking, a way of processing information that enables you to make the daily choices that will lead you to the success and happiness you desire. The Slight Edge simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you. Discover that “one” thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success. Once you got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE.
Consistently repeated daily actions + time = unconquerable results
1.1% improvement each day = 365% in 1 year
2.Philosophy: Plant, Cultivate, Harvest
3.95% of the people live a mediocre life; be part of the 5%
4.“Your philosophy creates your attitudes, which create your actions, which create your results, which create your life.”
5.Little daily actions are easy to do, but also easy not to do
6.Results are invisible in the beginning
7.Little actions seem insignificant, but they add up
8.Show up, show consistently, commit for the long haul, practice integrity
9.The effect of time compounding is huge
“The journey starts with a single step — not with thinking about taking a step.”
“The right choices you make today, compounded over time, will take you higher and higher up the success curve of this real-time movie called “your life” ”
“Any time you see what looks like a breakthrough, it is always the end result of a long series of little things, done consistently over time.”

10.“The Power of Full Engagement” by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

In this highly scientific, practical book, authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate how managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. Managing Energy, Not Time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal tells you how to use your energy positively. The number of hours in a day are fixed and so time is not unlimited or flexible but the quality and quantity of energy in ourselves is not limited or inflexible. From the research done with these athletes, it was discovered how the focus on their energy training gave them their superlative performances. The training program has four steps, such as to mobilize 4 main energy sources, equate energy spent with regular energy refreshment, increase capacity in the similar way that some of the best athletes do and form specific and positive energy management systems. The book reveals how, by the power of full engagement, one can get into a positive routine to manage one’s energy, with a practical and scientific approach.

Summary of The Power Of Full Engagement
o 1.In order to increase performance, we need to focus on managing our energy rather than our time.
o 2.We can reach full engagement by maximizing all four of our energy levels.
o 3.In order to maintain energy levels we need to train our energetic muscles and give them time to recover.
o 4.To reach your full potential, you must develop and maintain good physical energy.
o 5.In order to maintain positive emotional energy levels, never neglect what you enjoy or your physical health.
o 6.Training your mental energy helps you stay focused and creative at the same time.
o 7.Spiritual energy is the source for motivation, derived from committing to others as well as ourselves.
o 8.To live at full engagement, you must find a positive and intrinsically motivating purpose.
o 9.We have to connect to our deepest values to fuel the energy which gives our lives purpose.
o 10.Facing the truth and accepting our limitations increases positive energy.
o 11.Rituals are powerful tools to effectively manage energy capacity.

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