Top 10 Most Famous Awards and Highest Honors in the World

An Honor is an award or other sign of acknowledgment offered to pay tribute to an accomplishment. It Is a great inclination when difficult work and devotion are compensated and therefore every industry should have a function that remembers top entertainers. Everybody loves getting grants. The Honors are badge of honor that society gives to somebody who does an extraordinary accomplishment. Here is a rundown of top 10 most well known grants in the entire world.

1.Nobel Prize

the world’s top-most, most popular and most well known grant is THE NOBEL PRIZE. The Nobel Prize is a worldwide honor regulated by the Nobel Establishment in Stockholm, Sweden, and in view of the fortune of Alfred Nobel, Swedish creator and business visionary. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank laid out The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Financial Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, pioneer behind the Nobel Prize. Each prize comprises of a decoration, an individual certificate, and a money grant. These awards are given in the fields of Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, Harmony and Financial aspects. These awards were laid out by Alfred Nobel, the creator of explosive. At present each prize accompanies 9 million Swedish kronor (almost 1,000,000 US Dollars).

2.The Academy Awards

The Foundation Grants, otherwise called the Oscars, are grants for creative and specialized merit for the entertainment world. They are introduced yearly by the Foundation of Movie Expressions and Sciences (AMPAS), in acknowledgment of greatness in artistic accomplishments as surveyed by the Institute’s democratic enrollment. Best Movie, Best Entertainer, Best Entertainer and Best Chief are among the most anticipated declarations when Oscars are given. The Foundation Grants are viewed by a larger number of people as the most esteemed, huge honors in media outlets in the US and around the world.

Champs get a brilliant statuette portraying a knight delivered in the Workmanship Deco style. The significant honor classes are introduced during a live broadcast Hollywood service that is regularly held in February or Walk. It is the most established overall diversion grants ceremony.[7] The first Foundation Grants were held in 1929, The primary Institute Grants show was hung on May 16, 1929, at a confidential supper capability at The Hollywood Roosevelt Inn with a crowd of people of around 270 individuals. the second function in 1930 was the first transmission by radio, and the 1953 service was the first broadcast.

3.The Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize is an honor given for accomplishments in reporting, writing, and melodic structure. It was laid out in 1917 by Joseph Pulitzer, a Hungarian-American paper distributer, who passed on cash in his will to lay out the honor. The award is controlled by the Pulitzer Prize Board, which is made out of 18 individuals, including five writers, five scholastics, and eight individuals from general society. The board is liable for choosing the champs from the sections put together by columnists, journalists, and authors.
The Pulitzer Prize is viewed as perhaps of the most esteemed grant in news-casting and writing.

It is frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of American Reporting” and has been granted to the absolute most unmistakable figures in American history, including Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, and Martin Luther Lord Jr. Champs of the Pulitzer Prize get a testament and a money grant, which is right now set at $15,000. Likewise, they are frequently welcome to give talks and disclose appearances to examine their work and its effect on society. To guarantee reasonableness in the choice cycle, the Pulitzer Prize Board works under severe rules that deny irreconcilable situations and expect that judges recuse themselves assuming they have any association with a section. The board likewise keeps the names of the appointed authorities secret until after the champs have been reported. Generally, the Pulitzer Prize is a profoundly regarded and pursued grant that perceives greatness in news-casting, writing, and music. It plays had a critical impact in molding American culture and keeps on rousing people in the future of scholars, writers, and authors.

4.Fields Medal

The Fields Decoration is perhaps of the most lofty honor in arithmetic, frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of Math”. It is granted like clockwork to somewhere in the range of two and four mathematicians younger than 40 for their remarkable commitments to the field of math. The decoration was first granted in 1936 out of appreciation for Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields, who laid out the honor in his will. The honor is overseen by the Worldwide Numerical Association (IMU), which is answerable for choosing the victors. To be qualified for the Fields Decoration, a mathematician should be younger than 40 on January first of the year in which the award is granted.

The decoration is granted in light of an up-and-comer’s previous exploration and the assumption for future commitments to the field. The victors are chosen by a council of mathematicians delegated by the IMU. The Fields Decoration is joined by a monetary reward, which fluctuates from one year to another. In 2018, the award was set at 15,000 Canadian dollars. Throughout the long term, many recognized mathematicians have been granted the Fields Decoration, including Andrew Wiles, who tackled Fermat’s Last Hypothesis, and Terence Tao, who made huge commitments to numerous areas of math. The granting of the Fields Decoration has in some cases been dubious, for certain pundits contending that it puts an excess of accentuation on individual accomplishment and ignores the cooperative idea of math research. Others have contended that the age limitation might prompt the granting of the decoration to less meriting applicants who end up being youthful.

5.The Grammy Awards

The Grammy Grants, otherwise called the Grammys, is a yearly music grants function that perceives greatness in the recording business. The honors are introduced by the Recording Institute, a non-benefit association comprising of performers, makers, and other music industry experts. The principal Grammy Grants function was held in 1959 and has since become quite possibly of the most esteemed grant in the music business. The honors are introduced in different classifications like Collection of the Year, Record of the Year, Tune of the Year, and Best New Craftsman. Victors are chosen by casting a ballot individuals from the Recording Foundation, which comprises of experts in the music business.
The Grammys have been the subject of discussion throughout the long term, with reactions going from the absence of variety in the champs to allegations of vote fixing. In any case, the honors keep on being a significant occasion in the music business, drawing in probably the greatest names in music. Notwithstanding the honors function, the Recording Institute likewise has different occasions and projects all through the year to help and advance music schooling and the music business overall. These incorporate the MusiCares Establishment, which gives monetary and clinical help to artists out of luck, and the Grammy Gallery, which elements shows on the historical backdrop of music and the recording business. Generally speaking, the Grammys stay a profoundly regarded and lofty honors function, perceiving the best in the music business and supporting the turn of events and advancement of music as a fine art.

6.Ramon Magsaysay Award

The Ramon Magsaysay Grant is a yearly honor laid out in 1957 by the Rockefeller Siblings Asset, out of appreciation for the late President Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines. The honor is given to people or associations in Asia who have shown exceptional administration, boldness, and benevolence in their work.
The honor perceives people or associations who have made huge commitments to the general public in different fields, for example, taxpayer driven organization, public assistance, local area administration, news-casting, writing, imaginative expressions, harmony and worldwide comprehension, and emanant authority.
The honor is viewed as quite possibly of the greatest distinction in Asia, and its champs are known as Magsaysay awardees. The honor conveys a monetary reward, an emblem, and a confirmation. The awardees are chosen by a leading body of legal administrators made out of recognized people from different fields. The Ramon Magsaysay Grant has been given to north of 300 people and associations from various nations in Asia, including India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. A portion of the eminent Magsaysay awardees incorporate Mother Teresa, Corazon Aquino, Mahatma Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Wangari Maathai. The Ramon Magsaysay Grant has been perceived universally for its commitment to advancing civil rights and basic liberties in Asia. The honor has likewise been instrumental in featuring the accomplishments of people and associations that fundamentally affect their networks and society at large.

7.Booker Prize

The Booker Prize, otherwise called the Man Booker Prize, is a lofty scholarly honor given yearly to the best original written in English and distributed in the Unified Realm. The award was laid out in 1969 by Booker McConnell, a global organization that had some expertise in exchanging products and has since become perhaps of the most regarded scholarly honor on the planet. The honor has gone through a few changes throughout the long term. In 2019, the award was renamed the Booker Prize after the Man Gathering, which had supported the honor beginning around 2002, finished its sponsorship. The award cash for the victor was additionally expanded to £50,000, up from the past £25,000. The Booker Prize has been granted to a wide assortment of scholars, including Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Hilary Shelf. The making a decision about board changes every year and comprises of scholarly pundits, journalists, and scholastics.
The determination cycle for the Booker Prize includes the accommodation of books by distributers. The longlist is then picked by a board of judges, which is then trimmed down to a waitlist of six. The champ is browsed the waitlist by the appointed authorities. Winning the Booker Prize is viewed as a significant accomplishment for journalists, and the honor has assisted with sending off the vocations of numerous essayists. Notwithstanding, contention has now and again encompassed the award, for certain pundits contending that it will in general lean toward more standard, business fiction over additional exploratory or testing works. Notwithstanding this contention, the Booker Prize remaining parts quite possibly of the most esteemed scholarly honor on the planet, and winning it can essentially affect an essayist’s profession.

8.Michelin Star

The Michelin Star is an esteemed culinary rating framework made by the French tire organization, Michelin. The framework was first presented in 1926 and was initially expected to empower car travel in France by featuring extraordinary cafés along well known courses. Today, the Michelin Guide covers cafés in more than 30 nations and is broadly viewed as the highest quality level in top notch food. The Michelin Guide grants one, two, or three stars to cafés in light of a bunch of severe rules. One star shows a “generally excellent” eatery, two stars specify “brilliant cooking that merits a diversion,” and three stars designate “uncommon food that merits a unique excursion.” The models for procuring stars incorporate the nature of fixings, dominance of strategy, concordance of flavors, consistency over the long run, and the culinary expert’s character as reflected in the cooking.

Procuring a Michelin Star is a colossal distinction for any eatery, as it connotes that the foundation has accomplished the most elevated level of culinary greatness. Cafés that get Michelin Stars are in many cases highlighted in the media and can consider a critical expansion in business to be an outcome. In any case, the most common way of procuring a Michelin Star is famously thorough, and numerous skilled culinary experts and cafés are never perceived by the Aide. All in all, the Michelin Star is a profoundly regarded culinary rating framework that perceives eateries for outstanding cooking. While procuring a Michelin Star can be an incredible help to an eatery’s business, a troublesome and demanding interaction requires extraordinary expertise and devotion.

9.The Merlin Award

The Merlin Grant is a lofty acknowledgment in the field of sorcery. It is named after the renowned performer Merlin and is introduced by the Worldwide Entertainers Society (IMS) to performers who have made critical commitments to the specialty of enchantment. The honor was laid out in 1968 and is viewed as quite possibly of the greatest honor a performer can get. Beneficiaries of the honor are chosen by a board of judges from the IMS, which is the biggest association of entertainers on the planet. To be qualified for the Merlin Grant, a performer probably exhibited outstanding expertise and imagination in their exhibitions, as well as added to the progression of the field of enchantment through their developments, composing, or educating.

The actual honor is a gold-plated statuette of Merlin holding a precious stone ball, and it is introduced to the beneficiary at a service went to by individual performers and different individuals from the enchanted local area. There have been numerous renowned entertainers who have gotten the Merlin Grant throughout the long term, including David Copperfield, Siegfried and Roy, Penn and Teller, and Criss Heavenly messenger, among others. It is essential to take note of that the utilization of counterfeiting in any part of the Merlin Grant designation or show process is completely denied and can bring about exclusion or repudiation of the honor.

10.Turing Award

The Turing Grant is viewed as quite possibly of the most lofty honor in software engineering and is frequently alluded to as the “Nobel Prize of Registering.” It is named after Alan Turing, who is viewed as one of the principal architects of software engineering. The honor is given every year by the Relationship for Figuring Apparatus (ACM) to people who have made critical commitments to the field of software engineering. The commitments can be hypothetical or viable and probably fundamentally affected the field. Beneficiaries of the honor get a monetary reward and a bronze sculpture of Alan Turing. The honor is much of the time given to people who have made commitments to regions like calculations, programming dialects, PC engineering, and man-made brainpower.

A few prominent beneficiaries of the Turing Grant incorporate John McCarthy, who is credited with instituting the expression “man-made brainpower,” Tim Berners-Lee, who is the designer of the Internet, and Elegance Container, who is known for her work on PC programming dialects. All in all, the Turing Grant is a profoundly regarded grant in the field of software engineering that perceives people who have made critical commitments to the field. Its significance is reflected in the type of its beneficiaries and the effect their work has had on the field.

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Building is a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land, having a roof and usually windows and often more than one level, used for any of a wide variety of activities, as living, entertaining, or manufacturing. This is an art or business of assembling materials into a structure. Buildings come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials available, to weather conditions, land prices, ground conditions, specific uses, and aesthetic reasons. Tall building is anything that ‘breaks the existing skyline and/or is significantly taller than the surrounding built form’. Here is the list of Tallest 10 Buildings in the world

1.Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa is the Tallest building in the world. Dubai is recognised as a home to Burj Khalifa and other megastructures. The Burj Khalifa has broken so many world records standing at 828m (2,716.5 ft.) above ground. It has the highest number of stories in the world (over 163), which includes the world’s highest outdoor observation deck and the highest occupied floor in the world. The elevators operating in the tower are the tallest service elevators in the world running at the longest travel distance. It is the highest outdoor observation deck in the world, has the elevator with longest travel distance in the world. The Burj Khalifa is crowned as one of the most elite and highly coveted residential places in the world. It is the tallest free standing structure in the world. It is the highest occupied floor in the world. It is the second highest swimming pool in the world (76th floor). Totally 54 working elevators traveling 40 miles per hour. The cost of the Burj Khalifa is USD $1.5 billion.

Burj Khalifa was designed by Adrian Smith and the architecture firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in collaboration with Samsung C&T Corporation. It is also a top tourist attraction in Dubai. Burj Khalifa is one of the best spots to watch sunsets in Dubai. This towering skyscraper lies in the heart of Downtown, a district commonly referred to as the ‘Centre of Now‘. People flock here from around the globe to witness the exciting celebrations, fountain shows and fireworks. The concept behind the development by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum was to build on Dubai’s ever-growing status as a popular tourist destination, with this skyscraper adding to that vision. It’s three times as tall as the Eiffel Tower and nearly twice as tall as the Empire State Building. Burj Khalifa and Downtown Dubai itself are developed by Emaar Properties. Excavation beginning on 6th January 2004, the tower was completed and opened to the public on 4th January 2010. It was inspired by the spider lily flower. As a first precaution, the tower was built in a Y-shape to make it more stable.

2.Shanghai Tower

Shanghai Tower is located in Shanghai, China. It surpassed the second tallest building in the world. 632-metre high Shanghai Tower, designed by Gensler. The Shanghai Tower is a masterful piece of civil and environmental engineering. It is one of the world’s most impressive architectural marvels. The project started in November 2008 and Opened to the public in 2016. It’s cost is around £1.5 billion. The Chinese government has described this building as ‘a symbol of a nation. We were given rare access to this new addition to the building just before completion in the company of Gensler’s managing principal, Daniel Winey and Xia Jun, Shanghai Tower’s design leader and a star in the Chinese architectural firmament. Shanghai Tower is designed to embrace and stimulate the life of the city. Yet, instead of parks spread horizontally across the city, the tower provides gathering spaces stacked vertically. Within 127 stories, Shanghai Tower houses Class A office space, entertainment venues, retail, a conference center, a luxury hotel, and cultural amenity spaces. By emphasizing public space and locating shops, restaurants and urban amenities at the atrium levels, Shanghai Tower provides a new experience for living and working in super tall towers. It has the tallest and fastest lifts travelling at 40mph to almost the full height of the tower: that’s 580 metres in 32 seconds.

The ground floor becomes an ‘open market’ linked to the subway network. The glass has been designed to minimize reflected light, so that people inside can see out over Shanghai. With car parking below ground, the first five stories above ground comprise the commercial retail podium. The building is separated into nine zones, each separated by public sky lobbies. These 12 or 15 storey-height voids are formed within the twisting space between the external glazing and the structural core. The floors of these lobbies extend out to the curtain wall and therefore close each volume off from the one above and below. Each sky lobby is landscaped with a mixture of semi mature trees and local varieties of shrubs in planters. With these sky gardens acting like Trombe walls, there is no requirement for heating or mechanical ventilation in these airy spaces. The building is designed to withstand an earthquake of up to 7.5 on the Richter scale with the help of the world’s largest tuned mass damper. Other energy-saving devices are there in this LEED Gold building range from geothermal heat sources to gas-fired co-generation. While most of the tower’s energy will be provided by conventional generating systems, a bank of 270 wind turbines at the top of the tower should create around 350,000 kWh per year. It is sited adjacent to the neighboring Jin Mao Tower.

3.Makkah Royal Clock Tower

Makkah Royal Clock Tower is located near Masjid al Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel is a 120-storey structure is a mixed residential and hotel complex. It is both the tallest hotel and the tallest clock tower in the world. It is also the fifth-tallest freestanding structure in the world. Royal clock is one of the ten tallest skyscrapers in the world. The measurement of 43m*43m clock tower is the world’s largest clock face. The building complex is metres away from the world’s largest mosque and Islam’s most sacred site, the Great Mosque of Mecca. It was developed as part of the King Abdulaziz Endowment Project, which aimed to modernize the city to offer world-class accommodations for the increasing number of visitors and residents of the Holy City of Makkah. Makkah Royal Clock Tower project was developed by Saudi Binladin Group. Construction of the complex was started in 2004 and finished in 2012. This structure spreads over seven towers erected above podiums. The tallest tower adorned with the Makkah Royal Clock stands 601m-high above ground. The Makkah Royal Clock Tower site is spread over 23ha south of the Masjid al Haram. It has a built-up area of 2.8 million square metres (21.5 million square feet).

The seven towers of the building rest on a 15-storey and 115m-high podium, which houses a grand retail area. The tower housing the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel is located in the middle of the building structure. Six towers Hajar, ZamZam, Maqam, Qibla and Marwah are situated to the sides of the clock tower. The Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel is a 120-storey structure. A 23m-high crescent made of fibreglass-backed mosaic gold is mounted at the top of the tower. It has Islamic Museum, a Lunar Observation Centre and a large prayer room with a capacity for more than 10,000 people. Makkah Royal Clock Tower complex houses residential towers for permanent residents, a five-star hotels and Resorts for accommodating the Hajj pilgrims, and the Abraj Al Bait shopping mall. The podium has 79 elevators and 111 extra heavy-duty Transvario escalators. The tower features 94 elevators and 16 extra heavy-duty Transvario escalators. The adjacent towers have 12 elevators including two helipad elevators and six extra heavy-duty Transvario escalators. It offers parking space for more than 1,000 vehicles. Makkah Royal Clock Tower complex, also known as the Abraj Al-Bait Towers. The total cost of construction is US$15 billion.

4.Ping An Finance Center

Ping An Finance Center is 599meters supertall skyscraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Ping An Finance Centre is now Shenzhen’s tallest building, also securing status as the second tallest in China and the fourth tallest in the world. It also broke the record of having the highest observation deck in a building at 562 m (1,844 ft). Ping An literally means Safe and Well. Ping An Insurance Company of China, which is one of the world’s biggest investment companies. The building is owned by Ping An Insurance and the group occupies a large amount of space in the building. Most office floors are used for the offices of Ping An Insurance company. Some office floors are leased out to tenants. 20 floors are occupied by hotels. From 116th to 118th floors, an observatory is occupied. The gross floor area of the tower is 378,600 square meters. The architectural design of Ping An Finance Center was completed by New York based architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates.

The structural engineering for the tower was done by Thornton Tomasetti, which is another firm based in New York City, Thornton Tomasetti has provided structural design for numerous skyscrapers throughout the world. The shape of the tower is that of a taught steel cable, outstretched by the sky and the ground at once. The form is emphasized by eight composite super-columns that extrude beyond the building envelope. This design is not only visually appealing, but also practical. The streamlined shape of the tower improves both structural and wind performance. The tower is adorned by total of 1,700 tons of 316L stainless steel. The city prominently within the Pearl River Delta’s high-speed rail corridor that increases access to the region’s rapidly densifying cities. The construction of Ping An Finance Center officially completed on March 28, 2017. It is estimated the construction cost $1.5 billion. It has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city.

5.Lotte World Tower

Lotte World Tower is a supertall skyscraper is located in Shinchon-Dong, Songpa-Ku, Seoul, South Korea. The tower is built in close proximity of the Lotte World Park and near the bank of Han River. Lotte World Tower is designed by American architecture firm Kohn Pedersen Fox. Lotte World Tower stands 555 meters tall. It is currently the tallest building in South Korea Tower doesn’t contain spire, but the uppermost part is composed of parapet. The highest occupied floor is 497 meters. Lotte World Tower ranks 5th in the world. The tower has 123 floors above ground and 6 floors below ground. Tower contains a wide variety of spaces for different functions, including retail stores, offices, a luxury hotel, observation decks and an “officetel”. Officetels is the hybrid of offices and hotels, they are commonly found in Korea, offering accommodations for people who work in the building and feature services typically only found in hotels, such as furnishings, front deck services, and gym access. Tower 10-storey shopping mall, known as Lotte World Mall.

The design of various interior program spaces of the tower is inspired by the traditional Korea arts, including Korean ceramics and calligraphy, and is integrated with modern aesthetics.
The exterior of the tower is comprised of light-toned silver glass, and accented by a filigree of white painted metal.
Lotte World Tower is designed being able to resist an earthquake of 9 on the Richter scale and winds up to 80 m/s. The construction of Lotte World Tower was contracted by Lotte Engineering & Construction, another subsidiary of Lotte Group themselves. The construction began in March 2011 and opened to public on April 3, 2017. Visitors will access the observation deck through the high speed elevators, ascending with a speed of 20 m/s, it is claimed to be the fastest elevators in the world. Other names of the tower are Lotte Jamsil Super Tower, and Lotte World Premium Tower. The top 10 floors of the tower are remained for observation decks and some other entertainment facilities like rooftop bar. Title was previously held by Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea before 2017. Annual tower visitors are 1300 million.

6.One World Trade Center

One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan, New York City. One World Trade Center was built in remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attack that happened on September 11, 2001. It is a reminder of the lives that were lost and hope for the future. One World Trade Center has become an architectural and emotional force. It’s the tallest building in the United States. It is also the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. One World Trade Center is the sixth-tallest in the world. The building has a cubic base and its edges form eight isosceles triangles. Near its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon. The building’s architect is David Childs, whose firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) also designed the Burj Khalifa and the Willis Tower. The construction of below-ground utility relocations, footings, and foundations for the new building began on April 27, 2006. One World Trade Center became the tallest structure in New York City on April 30, 2012. On May 10, 2013, the final component of the skyscraper’s spire was installed, making the building, including its spire. It, stands at 1,776 feet, a direct reference to the year the Declaration of Independence was signed.

World Trade Center One contains more than 40,000 metric tons of structural steel and it has 103 floors. The tower’s observation deck was specifically constructed with the memory of the Twin Towers in mind. The deck itself begins at 1,362 feet, and a glass parapet extends to 1,368 feet – the exact height of the South and North Towers. 1WTC’s unique construction elements are its high-strength concrete, which can withstand seven times more pressure than standard concrete, and its reinforcement steel bars, which are significantly longer than normal. It generates power internally. One World Trade Center contains a total of 71 elevators. They can travel as fast as 23 miles per hour. It was built from recycled construction debris and materials. These are the tallest skyscrapers in the world. The building opened on November 3, 2014; the One World Observatory opened on May 29, 2015. The building has 94 stories, with the top floor numbered 104. One World Trade Center is also called as WTC or Freedom Tower. The new World Trade Center complex will eventually include five high-rise office buildings built along Greenwich Street, as well as the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, located just south of One World Trade Center where the original Twin Towers stood.

7.Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre

The Guangzhou Chow Tai Fook Finance Centre is a 530-metre (1,739 ft) tall mixed-use skyscraper in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, which was completed in October 2016. It is the seventh-tallest in the world, the tallest building in Guangzhou and the third-tallest in China, and It is the fastest assembled skyscraper of the supertall variety in history. There are 95 elevators. It has the world’s fastest elevators (72 kph). The Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre has a total of 111 above ground and five below ground floors and houses a shopping mall, offices, apartments, and a hotel. The development has 66 office floors, 23 serviced apartment floors, 11 hotel floors, a ballroom and meeting rooms. It has three-storey car park providing approximately 1,700 parking spaces. The skyscraper has a gross floor area of 507,681.0 m2 (5,464,633 sq ft). The complex was designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox. It is also called Dongta (East Tower). The other tower is called West Tower.

The new CTF stands out as one of two supertall towers in Tianhe in downtown Guangzhou. The other tower is the Guangzhou IFC Tower that is about 200 meters away. With the Canton Tower, the three towers dominate the Tianhe area. The project adopts utility district cooling system (DCS) instead of self -generate cooling chiller plant for the heat, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system for podium retails and offices. As the project is designed to the standard of LEED certification and China Green Building Label. It is environmentally superior than the buildings without this certification incentive in terms of more energy efficient, lower water usage and better indoor comfort. It is also meant to be stronger and earthquake resistant. Guangzhou is one of China’s biggest cities, and it has become one of China’s great business and shopping cities. It is one of the most visitor highlights. The top floors contain an observation deck and hotel.

8.Tianjin CTF Finance Centre

Tianjin CTF Finance Center is a super-tall skyscraper in Tianjin, China. Tianjin CTF Finance Center is fourth tallest in Asia and third tallest in China. This tower is the second tallest building in Tianjin after Goldin Finance 117, eighth tallest building in the world. 530 meter tall skyscraper contain house offices, 300 service apartments, 350 room hotel and a five star. It consists of 97-storey towers, 5-storey podium and 4-storey basement. The detail-designed and intricate building façade is one of the most significant components contributing to the upcoming icon of the district. Construction started in 2013 and was completed in 2019. The tower will be a striking new landmark in the Tianjin Economic Technological Development Area (TEDA), existed outside Tianjin. Tianjin CTF Finance Center is designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP in collaboration with Ronald Lu & Partners. The building commonly designed as the softly curving glass skin integrates eight sloping mega-columns that follow a lyrical line connecting the centers and corners of all four elevations.

These curving mega-columns increase the structure’s response to seismic concerns and are integral to both the gravity and lateral systems. By stacking reducing floor plates, the tower tapers dramatically to minimize the surface area exposed to wind, sun, and moisture. The gently-undulating curves of the facade subtly denote the integration of the three distinct programs within a singular smooth object. Square in plan with rounded corners, the floor plate geometry enables unique interior fit-outs and customization options for occupants. In the design effect, in the daytime, the building will refract the sunlight to show various colors, and at night, the top of the inclined tower glows like a diamond. The new plan is rocket-shaped and dominated by arcs; the crown is like a cicada’s wings. The 389,980-square-meter project has been designed to LEED Gold standards.

9.CITIC Tower

CITIC Tower is a supertall skyscraper in the Central Business District of Beijing. It is the tallest skyscraper in Beijing, the fourth-highest in China and number eight worldwide. CITIC Tower is Northern China’s third tallest building in Tianjin. It is popularly known as China Zun. The groundbreaking ceremony of the building took place in Beijing on September 19, 2011. The 109-storey, 528 m (1,732 ft) building is the tallest in the city. It was completed in late 2018. The nickname China Zun comes from the zun, an ancient Chinese wine vessel which inspired the building design, according to the developers, the CITIC Group. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates(KPF). It is a mixed-use building, featuring 60 floors of office space, 20 floors of luxury apartments and 20 floors of hotel with 300 rooms. Rooftop garden is also there at top floor at 524 m (1,719 ft) high.

Top three floors of the building will be administered by the National Security authorities after rectification. CITIC Tower is also the headquarters of another development partner, Kerry Group. The tower was conceived as an equilateral triangular block with landscaped sky gardens at various levels. The architecture was designed by P&T Group. Its unique design is composed of equilateral triangles and circles. The interior canopy features bespoke aluminum ribbing that follows its curvature and echoes the tower’s elegant façade expression. The tower also connects to a vast underground transportation network, linking together a pedestrian passageway system, a B2-level roadway, and four subway lines. It includes 5 of the 11 tallest structures in the world, imagined for the CITIC Tower, a vase-like form, varying from 78-meter-wide at the base to 54-meter-wide at the center and finishing up with 69-meter-wide at the top. The building puts in place a square plan with rounded corners.

10.TAIPEI 101

The Taipei 101 formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center. It is an extremely tall skyscraper designed by C.Y. Lee and C.P. Wang in Xinyi, Taipei, Taiwan. Construction of Taipei 101 began in 1999. This tower contains offices and restaurants as well as both indoor and outdoor observatories. The public observatories are on floors 88 to 91. The tower is adjoined by a multilevel shopping mall. Taipei 101 is owned by Taipei Financial Center Corporation. The skyscraper opened on 31 December 2004 to celebrate New Year’s Eve. In 1997, led by developer Harace Lin, the Taipei Financial Center Corporation, a team of several Taiwan banks and insurance companies, won the rights to lease the site for 70 years. They developed a building for the Build Operate Transfer agreement with the city government. It is the First tallest building in Taiwan, Seventh tallest in Asia and tenth tallest building in the world. Taipei reaches a height, including the spire, of 1,667 feet (508 metres).

The largest section of the building, between the base and the spire, consists of eight modules, or groupings, of eight stories each. The building also expresses its distinctively Chinese character in its resemblance to a stalk of bamboo or an elongated pagoda. 16 steel columns in the core and 8 steel “super columns” at the perimeter are filled with concrete up to floor 62. The damper is a steel weight of 660 metric tons (728 short tons), suspended between the 92nd and 87th floors at the building’s centre. Its elevators, capable of traveling 60.6 km/h (37.7 mph) and used to transport passengers from the 5th to the 89th floor in 37 seconds. In 2011 Taipei 101 received a Platinum rating under the LEED certification system to become the tallest and largest green building in the world. Taipei 101’s postmodernist architectural style evokes traditional Asian aesthetics in a modern structure employing industrial materials. Its design incorporates a number of features that enable the structure to withstand the Pacific Ring of Fire’s earthquakes and the region’s tropical storms.

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Mountain is generally considered to be steeper than a hill. To measure the hight of a Mountain above the sea level, Waugh’s surveyors used a method called triangulation. Observers examined the peak from several points and Knowing the distance from the points to the mountain to calculate the mountain’s actual height above sea level. The observers themselves had to know their own elevation above sea level.
1.Everest Mountain

scenic view of mountain
Photo by Philip Ackermann on

Everest is known as “Sagarmatha” in Nepal and “Chhomolongma” in Tibet. Everest is located in Nepal standing on the Nepal-China border with the height of 8,848 meters (29,029 ft) above sea level. In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society, as recommended by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India, who chose the name of his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest, despite Everest’s objections. Mount Everest attracts many climbers, some of them highly experienced mountaineers. There are two main climbing routes, one approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal. Climbing Mt. Everest is probably one of the biggest adventures in the world. it takes nearly 2 months to climb Mount Everest. Despite the fact that climbing Everest is close to the deadliest experience, there are daredevils who are climbing inspirations to the climbing enthusiasts. Although reaching the top of the world is an arduous and potentially deadly undertaking due to the extreme altitude, avalanches, icefalls, and other hazards, the mountain lies quite close to the equator, at a latitude of approximately 28 degrees. 17 different routes have been pioneered to the summit of Everest. Everest’s summit has approximately one-third the air pressure that exists at sea level, which significantly reduces a climber’s ability to breathe in enough oxygen. Because of this, scientists have determined that the human body is not capable of remaining indefinitely above 19,000 feet. Earth scientists estimate that Everest is 50 to 60 million years old by geological standards. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

  1. K2 Mountain
landscape photography of mountains covered in snow
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

Someone had once said that happiness comes in peaks and valleys. K2 Mountain lies in Pakistan in the Karakoram Range of the Himalayas. K2, Chinese Qogir Feng, also called Mount Godwin Austen, called locally Dapsang or Chogori, the world’s second highest peak with 28,251 feet (8,611 metres) height above the sea level. The glacier- and snow-covered mountain rises from its base at about 15,000 feet (4,570 metres) on the Godwin Austen Glacier, a tributary of the Baltoro Glacier. There are many peaks in Karakoram range, the second peak, K2 is the highest point of the Karakoram Range and the highest peak in Pakistan. K2 is known as the “Savage Mountain”. K2 is the deadliest and approximately one person dies on the mountain for every four persons, who reach the summit. Occasionally known as Chhogori, or Mount Godwin-Austen, other nicknames for K2 are “The King of Mountains” and “The Mountaineers’ Mountain”. American climber George Bell famously wrote: “It’s a savage mountain that tries to kill you. It’s so deadly because of the combination of elements. It is about 800 feet lower than Everest, but the topography is much tougher. While climbing Everest you have stretches that are steep, then it flattens off. K2 is prone to frequent and severe storms that make the already treacherous climbing conditions on its slopes even more challenging and humans find functioning at such high elevations difficult. It is one of the world’s most difficult mountains to climb. The number of people to have reached the top constitutes only a small fraction compared with how many have successfully climbed Mount Everest. K2 is surrounded by five of the world’s 17 highest mountains. K2 is widely believed to be one of the most dangerous mountains and most grueling climbs in the world.

  1. Kangchenjunga Mountain

Kanchenjunga, the 3rd highest peak in the world with the height of 28,169 ft (8,586 m). The views of the mountain and the entire range are spectacular. Even the first sight of it makes you feel so proud. One of the most precious thing on earth, every time you see it you will fell in love with the view. Mr. Joe Brown and George Band of British Expedition team on 25 May, 1955 climbed this peak for the first time. Kangchenjunga is the highest peak in India, and also the name of the surrounding section of the Himalayas. It Kangchenjunga was assumed to be the highest mountain in the world, but calculations based on various readings and measurements made by the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India in 1849 came to the conclusion that Mount Everest, known as Peak XV at the time, was the highest.
The meaning of ‘Kanchenjunga’ is “The five treasures of the high snow. “The Five Treasures of Snows”, as it contains five peaks. The treasures represent the five repositories of God, which are gold, silver, gems, grain, and holy books. Other Kanchenjunga climbing milestones include the first woman to reach the summit (Briton Ginette Harrison in 1998), the first solo ascent (Frenchman Pierre Béghin in 1983), and the first ascent without the use of supplemental oxygen (Britons Peter Boardman, Doug Scott, and Joe Tasker in 1979). Some of the factors that make the job of mountaineers even more difficult are unpredictable weather conditions and the possibility of a snow slip at every step. Low oxygen level and bitter cold are also key factors. Many of those who have died had developed symptoms such as confusion, a loss of physical coordination and unconsciousness, which suggest high-altitude cerebral edema, a swelling of the brain that results from leakage of cerebral blood vessels. Once you are fatigued you become slow and since the oxygen supply is limited, there is a risk. “Kanchenjunga is three times tougher than Everest.”

  1. Lhotse Mountain

It is located at the border between Tibet (China) and the Khumbu region of Nepal. Mount Lhotse was first climbed in 18 May,1956 by Mr. Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss from Switzerland. It consists of three summits, the highest one is Lhotse I at 27,940 feet (8,516 metres). Lhotse lies just south of Mount Everest, to which it is joined by a ridge at an elevation of about 25,000 feet (7,600 metres). It is sometimes considered part of the Everest massif. E1 was the original survey symbol (denoting Everest 1) for the mountain. On May 18, 1956, Fritz Luchsinger and Ernest Reiss, two Swiss climbers, made the first ascent of Lhotse I. Himalayan programs are recognized worldwide as simply outstanding, with a reputation for our highly professional staff of leaders, climbers and guides, first-rate logistics and our resulting record of success on the mountain.
Team will fix the route all the way to the summit, but there is steep ice and rock in the Lhotse Couloir, so you need to be very fit and capable. On summit bid you will be provided 7200 liters of climbing oxygen (same as Everest climbers) with 1800L at C3, 3600L at Col, 1800L higher on the climb. The trek to Everest BC is one of the world’s classic human powered adventures. We have three trekking departures to Base Camp. Nelson’s already heavily marked belt. She’s one of about 10 women who have skied the world’s highest peaks those exceeding 8,000 meters and she’s the only woman who has skied more than one. She skied Cho Oyu in 2005 with no supplemental oxygen or assistance. The South face raises 3.2 km and is 2.25 km wide making it the steepest face of this size in the world.

  1. Makalu Mountain

Makalu, the world’s fifth highest peak in the world rising to 27,838 feet (8,485 meters). It is located in the Mahalangur Himalayas19 km (12 mi) southeast of Mount Everest, on the border between Nepal and China. Makalu is an isolated peak whose shape is a four sided pyramid. Its size alone is impressive, but its perfect pyramid structure with four sharp ridges makes this mountain all the more spectacular. The name of the mountain was probably taken from the Sanskrit word Maha-Kala, which means Big Black and is a by-name of Shiva, one of the most important gods of Hinduism. The mountain has another name in the local dialect – Kumba karna, which means The Giant. Makalu has proved to be a challenging climb. The climb is technical, involving steep snow, ice, and rock at high altitude. This mountain is notorious for its steep pitches and knife-edged ridges that make the climbing Makalu very open to the elements. Makalu was first summited on May 15, 1955 by Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy of a French expedition led by Jean Franco. Franco, G. Magnone and Sirdar Gyaltsen Norbu summitted the next day, followed by Bouvier, S. Coupe, Leroux and A. Vialatteon the 17th. The French team climbed Makalu by the north face and northeast ridge, via the saddle between Makalu and Kangchungtse (the Makalu-La), establishing the standard route.

  1. Cho Oyu Mountain

It is located in Nepal-China border in Nepal. Cho Oyu is the world’s sixth highest mountain and considered to be the easiest of the fourteen 8,000m peaks. Cho Oyu, mountain, one of the world’s highest with 26,906 feet (8,201 m) height above the sea level. It is in the Himalayas where the cen¬tral Asia plateau meets the Indi¬an sub-con¬ti¬nent on the NepaleseTibetan (Chinese) border about 20 miles (30 km) northwest of Mt. Everest. There is a beautiful meaning the Goddess of Turquoise, owing to its colours in the setting sun. Cho Oyu is known as being one of the easiest peaks due to its straight forward approach and lack of objective dangers. Mount Cho-Oyu was first climbed on on October 19, 1954 by Australian Joseph Joechler, Herbert Tichy (Italy), Pasang Dawa Lama (Nepal).
The expedition provides a perfect entrance into the world of high-altitude Himalayan climbing. Our route is composed of snow slopes with short sections of ice and rock scrambling. Some of our past Cho Oyu climbs have had 100% summit success. The peak offers views which are equally splendid as the name. This makes it the second most climbed eight-thousander in the world, giving ground only to Mount Everest. Climbers are also encouraged by the fact that most attempts end in reaching the summit of Cho Oyu.

  1. Dhaulagiri Mountain

It is located just north of central Nepal. Dhaulagiri is reflected as one of the most fascinating peaks to climb. In 1958, Swiss climber Max Eiselin found a better route and made plans to climb the mountain, landing a permit for 1960. Dhaulagiri was first summated by an Austrian, Swiss and Nepali expedition on May 13, 1960. The name of Dhaulagiri is Dhawala means “Dazzling, White Beautiful” and Giri means “Mountain”. Many of Dhaulagiri’s snow and glacier covered peaks exceed 25,000 feet (7,620 metres), including Dhaulagiri I, II, III, and IV.
The tallest, Dhaulagiri I, reaches an elevation of 26,795 feet (8,167 metres) and is the world’s seventh highest mountain. Upon its discovery in 1808, Dhaulagiri was thought to be the world’s highest mountain, displacing Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador. Dhaulagiri stands over the great Kali Gandaki Valley, which by some measures is the deepest gorge on earth. The Annapurna I, which is 34 km east of Dhaulagiri I, in between these two giants a gorge is formed, known as Kaligandaki Gorge, This gorge is deepest gorge in the world and Kaligandaki River flows in this gorge. The Gandaki, a tributary of the Ganges River, is a major Nepalese river that flows south through the Kali Gandaki Gorge. The deep canyon, which plunges between Dhaulagiri on the west and 26,545-foot Annapurna I on the east, is the world’s deepest river gorge if measured from the river to the summits.

  1. Manaslu Mountain
landscape photography of snowy mountain
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

Mount Manaslu, is the world’s eighth-highest mountain, reaching a lofty 8,163m/26,781ft. It is located in the Mansiri Himal in the west-central part of Nepal. It is located forty miles east of Annapurna and dominates the Gurkha massif. The mountain’s long ridges and valley glaciers offer feasible approaches from all directions, and it culminates in a peak that towers steeply above its surrounding landscape, and is a dominant feature when seen from afar. This mountain was previously known as Kutan l. Its name, which means “Mountain of the Spirit”, comes from the Sanskrit word Manasa, meaning “intellect” or “soul”. Manaslu was first climbed on May 9, 1956 by Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu, members of a Japanese expedition. The Manaslu region offers a variety of trekking options. There are a half dozen established routes on the mountain today, the south face being arguably the toughest in climbing history. It is the 4th most dangerous 8000m peak. All routes to the base camp of Manaslu begin in Kathmandu. Expedition time is approximately 62 days. It is a serious high-altitude mountain where climbers lose their lives every year. It is a longer climb but similar to Denali in spirit in that you climb on steep snow slopes most of the time but obviously at a significantly higher altitude. Also you are using fixed ropes continuously from Camp 1 on. It is a great training climb for aspiring Everest climbers to see how their body reacts to high altitude 8,000m. According to the Himalayan Database in 2012, The success rate is about 60%, about half summit without using supplemental oxygen.

  1. Nanga Parbat Mountain
scenic view of mountains during dawn
Photo by Simon Matzinger on

It is located on southern side of Indus River in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Nanga Parbat lies in Pakistan with the height of 26,660 feet (8,126 meters) and it was known as “Killer Mountain” till the first half of the twentieth century. It is less dangerous to climb, but still very difficult. The name Nanga Parbat is derived from the Sanskrit words nanga and parvata which together mean “Naked Mountain”. Nanga Parbat, also called Diamir the “king of the mountains”, situated in the western Himalayas 17 miles (27 km) west-southwest of Astor, in the Pakistani-administered sector of the Kashmir region. The mountain’s steep south wall rises nearly 15,000 feet (4,600 metres) above the valley immediately below, and the north side drops about 23,000 feet (7,000 metres) to the Indus River. Bahl from Australia was the first one to ever climb Nanga Parbat in 1953. It has three vast faces. The Rakhiot (Ra Kot) face is dominated by the north and south silver crags and silver plateau. The Diamir face is rocky in the beginning. The Nanga Parbat peak was discovered in the nineteenth century by Europeans.
10.Annapurna Mountain

Annapurna is a series of peaks, the highest of which is called Annapurna I, with the height of 26,545 ft /8,091 m. The peaks in the Annapurna range are some of the world’s most dangerous to climb. The mountain is located in Nepal along a 55-kilometer (34-mile) ridge just east of the Gandaki River, which has carved one of the deepest river gorges in the world. The Annapurna massif contains six major peaks, Annapurna I (8091m/26,545ft) Annapurna II(7937m/26,040ft) Annapurna III(7555m/24,786ft) Annapurna IV (7525m/24,688ft) Gangapurna (7455m/24,457ft) Annapurna South (7219m/23,684ft). The Annapurna Conservation Area is home to several world-class treks, including Annapurna Sanctuary and Annapurna Circuit. On June 3, 1950, the French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal reached the summit of Annapurna, making it the first eight-thousand meter peak ever successfully climbed. The rocks that make up Annapurna’s summit – limestone formed at the bottom of a warm ocean – are a reminder of the powerful tectonic forces that pushed up the world’s highest mountains.

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Ten Highest Bridges in the World

The height of the bridge is ranked by the height of the deck which is the maximum distance from the road of the bridge down to the ground or water beneath.

1.Sidu River Bridge, China

Sidu River Bridge which hangs over 1,627 nauseating feet above a canyon floor, connecting two mountaintops. This bridge was part of China’s ever-expanding highway system, connecting two disparate parts of the country that were previously separated by difficult, mountainous terrain and multiple rivers.
It is located in the Hubei Province and crosses the valley of the Sidu River. The bridge spans just over 5,000 feet across the river valley . It is located at the border of Yichang and En’shi in the Hubei province. It is 1365 m across. This is not to say that the bridge isn’t safe. main cables are capable of holding up over 43 million tons of weight, which should be more than adequate to support any number of vehicles that might want to make the trip across. huge amounts of steel and concrete that make up the bridge strong.

  1. Baluarte Bridge, Mexico

The Baluarte Bridge is built across the deep ravine in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range in north Mexico. The 403m (1,322 ft)tall bridge is the Guinness World Record holder for the highest cable-stayed bridge. The 1,124m Baluarte Bridge is an essential part of the Mazatlan-Durango highway, a $1.4bn new roadway linking the coastal city of Mazatlan to Durango, the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Durango. It is also the second highest bridge in the world.
The bridge is expected to carry more than 2,000 vehicles every day. The bridge is officially called the Baluarte Bicentennial Bridge. It is the crown jewel of the greatest bridge and tunnel highway project ever undertaken in North America. it will be the only crossing for more than 500 miles (800 km) between the pacific coast and the interior of Mexico. By cutting a safer, more direct route through the mountains, the highway department of Mexico hopes to improve trade and increase tourism between the city of Durango and the coastal city of Mazatlán.

  1. Baling River Bridge, China

The Baling River Bridge is a suspension bridge in Guanling County in Guizhou Province of China. With a height of 1,214 feet (370 mtrs) from deck to water, the Balinghe River bridge is the tenth highest bridge in China .The suspension range is 1,088 m 3,570 ft long, and the bridge has an aggregate length of 2,237 m 7,339 ft. It is likewise one of the world’s most elevated bridges with 370 m 1,210 ft of freedom over the river. Balinghe bridge is located in a hot spot of high Chinese bridges and is less than 100 miles (161 km) from many others in the region, Also be sure to visit nearby Huangguoshu waterfalls, one of the largest in China with a drop of 243 feet (74 mtrs).

The deck tallness of a bridge is the most extreme vertical drop remove from the bridge deck, the street, rail or other transport bed of a bridge down to the ground or water surface underneath the bridge range. The bridge is a piece of the G60 Shanghai, Kunming Expressway among Kunming and Guiyang and lessened the movement time over the river valley from one hour to four minutes. Balinghe is one of a dozen high Chinese suspension bridges with extremely long spans. Some of the others are Siduhe, Aizhai, Jinshajiang Bridge Jin’an, Dahe, Qingshuihe, Chishuihe Bridge Hongjun, Kaizhouhu, Daduhe Bridge Xingkang and Beipanjiang Huajiang bridges.

  1. Beipanjiang River 2003 Bridge, China

The highest bridge in the world upon its opening in late 2003, the 1,200 foot (366 meter) high Beipanjiang Bridge Guanxing highway became the second Chinese span in just two years to take this honor. The bridge is also one of 4 Beipanjiang River crossings to have been among the world’s 10 highest. Then in 2016 the Beipanjiang Bridge Duge opened with a World Record deck height of 564 meters. The word Beipanjiang translates into North Winding River with the word “Bei” meaning north and “Pan” meaning winding. The Beipanjiang River traverses through some of China’s most spectacular mountain gorges. When China began to expand its road and railway system in the 1990s, the river became the biggest obstacle between the city of Guiyang and the city of Kunming.
The Beipanjiang River bridge was one of 4 medium sized suspension bridges that were designed and built in the same time period. The other 3 include the Azhihe, Xixi and Luojiaohe bridges. Despite its fall from the top spot among China’s highest spans, the Beipanjiang Bridge Guanxing is still one of the most vertigo inducing of all with cliffs that plummet into a void that seems to have no bottom. The bridge is perfect for tourists with pedestrian friendly parking areas on both sides of the gorge as well as walkways along the edges of the span.

  1. Aizhai Bridge, China

It is located deep in the heart of China’s Hunan Province near the city of Jishou, the suspension bridge is the largest structure on the Jishou to Chadong expressway with a deck 1,102 feet (336 mtrs) above the DeHang Canyon and has also become a major tourist attraction with a walkway partly made of glass accessible via a large group of escalators and elevators. It is the world’s highest and longest tunnel-to-tunnel bridge in China to cross a valley so wide it seems to be connecting two mountain ranges. The first three were the Siduhe, Balinghe and Beipanjiang Hukun bridges.
With most of the structure hidden from view, the bridge will come as a jaw-dropping surprise whether you enter the canyon from either tunnel. In addition to cost savings, the stubby support also allows the bridge to blend more naturally into its surroundings. The taller bridge tower is no less unique with side span cables that soar down the backside of a mountain, making first time visitors quizzical as to what exactly lies ahead. The overlook and visitors center offer additional views of the broad valley. In view of the particular problems posed by the surrounding landscape and geologic conditions, and to minimize the impact of the bridge on the natural environment, a novel pylon-girder detached suspension structure was adopted, in which there is a large difference in the span between the main cable and the stiffening girder.

  1. Beipanjiang River 2009 Bridge, China

The river remains the biggest obstacle between the city of Guiyang and the city of Kunming. Construction of the bridge was built using a method developed by the Chinese that had never been used before on a bridge so large. It was opened to the public in 2009, just 6 years after another (and higher) bridge crossing the same river was opened (see number 4 in this list).The 1,043 foot (318 mtr) high Beipanjiang highway bridge became the 3rd high crossing of the Beipanjiang River to debut in just 8 years. The first was the 902 foot high (275 mtr) Beipanjiang railway bridge which debuted in 2001 as the highest railway bridge in the world. The second was the Beipanjiang 2003 bridge on the Xingyi to Guiyang Highway which opened as the world’s highest bridge with a suspension span 1,200 feet (366 mtrs) above the river. The 3 bridges are spaced about 50 miles apart from each other. No other river on earth outside China has more than one high bridge over it .
It Cuts a huge swath from the northwest end of Guizhou Province to the southwest where it becomes the Hongshui he river at the border of Guangxi Province. The total height of 525 feet (160 mtrs), the tower is almost equal in height to the Mackinac bridge in Michigan. It also became the World’s Highest Railway bridge, toppling the quarter century record of the Mala Rijeka viaduct in Podgorica, Montenegro. In 2009, the Beipanjiang Railway Bridge Shuibai lost its highest arch title to another Chinese span, the 965 foot (294 mtr) high Zhijinghe road bridge. The 118 kilometer railway connects Liupanshui and Baiguo.

  1. Liuguanghe Bridge, China

Only the Beipanjiang River has a more spectacular group of high river crossings in China. The beautiful location spawned a temporary food vendor village on the Southeast side of the span sometime. Liuguanghe became the world’s highest bridge at 975 feet (297 mtrs). It is located near the city of Guiyang in China’s Western province of Guizhou, this 100 mile (161 km) stretch of 2-lane highway contains 2 suspension bridges, one 650 feet and one 550 feet high. as well as another concrete beam bridge 600 feet (183 mtr) high and two arches, 380 (116 mtr) and 360 feet (110 mtrs) high. The scale of the Liuguanghe bridge is not always evident from photographs until you realize that the main span of the bridge is 787 feet (240 mtrs) between piers – longer than any beam bridge span that has ever been built in the United States. The pier on the west side of the bridge is the tallest point of the structure standing 295 feet (90 meters) in height. Resting on top of the two piers is a single-cell box girder with a height of 44 feet (13.4 mtrs) over the piers and 13 1/2 feet (4.1 mtrs) at mid-span. On the northwest end of the bridge there is a temporary pullout along the shoulder to park. From there you can walk across the bridge and peer into the void over the 4 foot (1.5 mtr) high concrete barrier.
For those who may not be familiar with cantilevered concrete beam bridges, they are the most popular type of high bridge in China by far. Beam bridges are built by two formwork carriers that advance out from either side of the pier cap with the load balanced evenly on both sides. This has created a deadly cocktail with head-on collisions occurring on a weekly basis. The Liuguanghe arch also marks the upper end of the Wujiang Dam reservoir that extends just a few hundred meters further upstream of the crossing when the lake is at full level.

  1. Zhijinghe River Bridge, China

Zhijinghe River bridge is located about 50 miles (80 kms) south of the Yangtze River gorge in China’s mountainous Hubei Province, the Zhijinghe River bridge is the highest arch bridge in the world with a deck 965 feet (294 mtrs) in height, it surpassed the Beipanjiang Railway bridge by 40 feet (12 mtrs) and West Virginia’s New River Gorge bridge by 90 feet (27 mtrs). India’s Chenab River bridge will be higher when it opens sometime after 2015 but Zhijinghe will still retain the honor of highest roadway arch since Chenab is a railway bridge. Zhijinghe is also the world’s highest tunnel to tunnel bridge. The soaring red span is also impressive for its 1,411 foot (430 mtrs) length, ranking it among the world’s ten longest arches.
A major connection on the last 300 mile (483 km) link of the 1,350 mile (2,175 km) long West Hurong highway that now connects Shanghai on the Pacific coast with the cities of Chongqing and Chengdu in the west, the span is just one of many jaw-dropping high bridges along the Yichang-Enshi portion of the route including Siduhe, the highest bridge in the world and Longtanhe, the largest beam bridge viaduct on earth. Throw in 6 other bridges over 500 feet (150 mtrs) in height and you have the greatest stretch of bridge “high-way” in the world.
The type of steel truss arch used for the Zhijinghe bridge may look common but the Chinese have taken it one step further, developing it into a unique type of structure all its own. The eight large steel tubes that run along the underside of the Zhijinghe arch were initially hollow. Once the arch was closed, concrete was pumped into these tubes from the bottom up. First used by the Chinese in 1990, they have refined and improved the technique and now use it on the majority of their steel arch bridges. Depending on the length of the span and the width of the bridge, different styles of tubing are used. For Zhijinghe, they adopted an array of single tubes spaced apart from each other. Other configurations include dumbbells with two tubes closely connected, a mix of a dumbbell and single tubes such as was done on the Beipanjiang River Railway bridge or a tight cluster of tubes known as “multiple contiguous”. Once hardened, the concrete solidifies and stiffens the arch, improving the compressive strength of the entire structure.

  1. Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado, United States

Height of 291 m (955 ft). The Royal Gorge Bridge is a tourist attraction within a theme park. The bridge deck crosses the Royal Gorge above the Arkansas River, and is located in the U.S. state of Colorado . The bridge is 1,260 feet (384 m) long It is the highest in the United States. YOU CAN WALK ACROSS THE BRIDGE OR GLIDE ACROSS IN AN AERIAL GONDOLA. A ONCE-AN-A-LIFETIME THRILL AWAITS ON THE CLOUDSCRAPER ZIPRIDER AND ROYAL RUSH SKYCOASTER. The bridge was the highest suspension bridge in the world with a roadway 955 feet (291 mtrs) above the Arkansas river. There will eventually be at least a dozen Chinese suspension bridges of greater height.
While the Royal Gorge bridge no longer holds any world records, this Rocky Mountain wonder of wire and wood is still the highest bridge in the United States and one of the most popular destinations in the state of Colorado with more than 500,000 visitors a year. Since its construction, the Royal Gorge has become much more than a bridge but an entire park that includes more than a dozen attractions that can keep you busy for an entire day.
Other attractions that have been added over the years include a miniature railroad, a carousel, a zoo, burro and wagon rides, a theater, a concert pavilion, a gift shop and visitors center and three eating places as well as the Royal Rush Skycoaster, a thrilling swing ride that threatens to throw you off into the gorge. Special events like“Go Fast! Games” that were held the last weekend in September during the mid-2000s where BASE jumpers from around the world converged on the bridge to leap off into the void of the Arkansas River canyon.
THERE ARE ATTRACTIONS AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. No history of Royal Gorge would be complete without mentioning the railroad that has traveled through the bottom of the canyon in one form or another since 1879. IT IS ONE OF COLORADO’S MOST ICONIC NATURAL WONDERS.

  1. Beipanjiang River Railway Bridge, China

It is located southwest of the city of Liupanshui near the north end of China’s Guizhou province on the Shuibai Railway, the Beipanjiang railway bridge crosses an exceptionally deep gorge with vertical cliffs rising hundreds of feet from either side of the Beipan river.The 902 foot (275 meter) high Beipanjiang River railway bridge became the highest arch bridge on earth, unseating the 23-year old record long held by West Virginia’s New River Gorge bridge as well as being the second highest bridge of any kind in the world. It also became the World’s Highest Railway bridge, toppling the quarter century record of the Mala Rijeka viaduct in Podgorica, Montenegro.
The bridge was the first of what is now 4 Beipanjiang crossings to have been among the world’s 10 highest. The second was the Beipanjiang Guanxing highway bridge that opened in 2003 near Huajiang. The third came along in 2009 on the Guiyang to Kunming Hukun Expressway. Then in 2016 the Beipanjiang Bridge Duge opened with a World Record deck height of 564 meters. Most of these bridges are spaced about 50 miles apart from each other. No other river on earth outside China has more than one or two high bridges over it – the Beipanjiang has 8 with more to come!
The word Beipanjiang translates into North Winding River with the word “bei” meaning north and “pan” meaning winding. Cutting a huge swath from the northwest end of Guizhou Province to the southwest where it becomes the Hongshui he River at the border of Guangxi Province, the Beipanjiang River traverses through some of China’s most spectacular mountain gorges. The river remains the biggest obstacle between the city of Guiyang and the city of Kunming.
It is located north of Qinglong city, the Beipanjiang has always been Guizhou’s second greatest river after the Wujiang. Designed to carry trains that reach speeds of 250 kilometers an hour, the 721 meter long crossing has a main arch .

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