The 10 Great Countries with most Nobel prize winners

The Nobel Prize is a renowned global honor introduced yearly in acknowledgment of extraordinary accomplishments in six distinct classes: Harmony, Writing, Physical science, Science, Medication (Physiology or Medication), and Monetary Sciences. It was laid out by the desire of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish designer, specialist, and researcher, who passed on most of his fortune to subsidize the awards upon his demise in 1896. The Nobel Harmony Prize is granted to people, associations, or developments that have buried the hatchet, settling clashes, or propelling the reason for demilitarization and philanthropic work. The Nobel Prize in Writing perceives writers, artists, and dramatists who have delivered remarkable scholarly work, adding to the enhancement of writing and social comprehension. The Nobel Prize in Physical science praises extraordinary commitments to the field of physical science that have extended how we might interpret the universe, matter, energy, and the major laws of nature. The Nobel Prize in Science is granted to analysts who have made weighty revelations or commitments to the field of science, prompting progressions in compound science. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medication is introduced to people or gatherings who have made critical disclosures or accomplishments in the field of medication, especially in the comprehension of the human body and the treatment of sicknesses. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Monetary Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, normally alluded to as the Nobel Prize in Financial matters, isn’t one of the first honors laid out by Alfred Nobel. It was presented in 1968 by the national bank of Sweden and is granted for remarkable commitments to the field of financial aspects. Here is the rundown of top 10 Nations with most Nobel prize victors.

1.United States 403(406)

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US has been granted a sum of 403(406) Nobel Prizes. These renowned honors have been given in different classes, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. The US is a government republic found principally in North America. It is made out of 50 expresses, a government locale (Washington, D.C.), five significant self-overseeing regions, and different belongings. The nation has a rich history, formed by colonization, freedom, toward the west development, and various social and political changes throughout the long term. The U.S. has one of the biggest and most progressive economies around the world, driven by different ventures like innovation, finance, medical services, assembling, and horticulture. The US has an advanced schooling system, with government funded instruction gave at the state and nearby levels. It is additionally home to a few incredibly famous colleges and universities. There were various Nobel Prize victors from the US across different fields, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, Harmony, and Financial Sciences. US has won the largest number of Nobel Prizes.

2.United Kingdom 137(138)

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Joined Realm has been granted a sum of 137 Nobel Prizes. These lofty honors have been given in different classes, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. The Unified Realm (UK) is a sovereign nation situated off the northwestern bank of central area Europe. It is comprised of four nations: Britain, Scotland, Ribs, and Northern Ireland. The UK has a rich history and a critical social impact around the world. Geologically, the UK is an island country and is encircled by the Atlantic Sea, the North Ocean, the English Channel, and the Irish Ocean. The English Channel isolates the UK from central area Europe. Its capital city is London, which is likewise one of the world’s major monetary and social centers. The UK has one of the world’s biggest economies, with different businesses like money, assembling, innovation, and inventive enterprises (film, music, design, and so forth.). London’s monetary locale, known as the City of London, is a worldwide monetary focus. The UK has a rich social legacy, including writing, music, theater, and craftsmanship. Numerous renowned journalists and dramatists, like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen, hail from the UK. The music scene has likewise created universally eminent specialists across different classes.

3.Germany 114

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Photo by Ingo Joseph on

Germany has been granted a sum of 114 Nobel Prizes. These renowned honors have been given in different classes, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Germany is a nation situated in Focal Europe. It is known for its rich history, various culture, and critical commitments to science, innovation, and human expression. Germany imparts its boundaries to a few nations, including Denmark toward the north, Poland and the Czech Republic toward the east, Austria and Switzerland toward the south, and France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands toward the west. Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is likewise the biggest city. Other significant urban communities incorporate Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne, and Stuttgart. Germany has one of the biggest and most remarkable economies on the planet. It is eminent for its solid modern area, especially in auto, designing, and innovation enterprises. The nation is likewise a significant exporter of merchandise. Germany is known for its great school system and is home to numerous esteemed colleges and exploration establishments. The nation has made critical commitments to science and innovation since forever ago.

4.France  72(73)

lighted eiffel tower in paris
Photo by Alex Azabache on

France has been granted a sum of 72(73) Nobel Prizes. These esteemed honors have been given in different classifications, including Material science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. France, formally known as the French Republic, is a nation situated in Western Europe. It is famous for its rich history, social legacy, staggering scenes, and huge commitments to workmanship, theory, science, and writing. The capital of France is Paris, one of the world’s most notorious urban areas, popular for its milestones, for example, the Eiffel Pinnacle, Notre-Woman Church building, and Louver Gallery. Other significant urban communities incorporate Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Pleasant, and Bordeaux. France is home to various notable milestones and vacation spots, including the Eiffel Pinnacle, Royal residence of Versailles, Mont Holy person Michel, Château de Chambord, and the French Riviera. France has a different economy, with solid areas in aviation, car, extravagance products, style, innovation, and the travel industry. It is likewise a main rural maker, especially in wine and cheddar. France has major areas of strength for a framework and is home to a few esteemed colleges and exploration organizations. It has made huge commitments to science and innovation over the entire course of time.

5.Sweden 33

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Sweden has been granted a sum of 33 Nobel Prizes. These esteemed honors have been given in different classes, including Material science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Sweden is a Scandinavian nation situated in Northern Europe. It is known for its shocking normal scenes, rich history, and moderate social arrangements. Sweden imparts lines to Norway toward the west and Finland toward the upper east. It is likewise associated with Denmark by means of the Öresund Extension. The capital city of Sweden is Stockholm, which is likewise the biggest city in the country. Other significant urban communities incorporate Gothenburg, Malmö, and Uppsala. Sweden is known for its broad social government assistance framework, giving free schooling, medical care, and other social advantages to its residents. Sweden has an exceptionally evolved and send out situated economy. Key enterprises incorporate assembling, data innovation, media communications, and environmentally friendly power. Sweden puts areas of strength for on instruction, with an advanced and complete schooling system. It is home to a few incredibly famous colleges. Sweden is known for its imaginative way to deal with different fields, and it has delivered numerous fruitful organizations and new companies, especially in the tech and plan areas.

6.Russia 32

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Photo by Julius Silver on

Russia has been granted a sum of 32 Nobel Prizes. These esteemed honors have been given in different classes, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Russia, authoritatively known as the Russian Organization, is the biggest country on the planet via land region, covering more than one-eighth of Earth’s occupied land region. It is situated in both Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, and its capital is Moscow. Russia is lined by 14 nations, including Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea, among others. It is additionally encircled by a few waterways, including the Icy Sea, the Pacific Sea, and the Caspian Ocean. Russia has a blended economy, vigorously dependent on normal assets like oil, gas, metals, and minerals. It is one of the world’s driving oil and gas makers and exporters. The nation likewise has a critical assembling area, including aviation, protection, and hardware businesses. Russia draws in vacationers with its assorted scenes, authentic locales, and social legacy. Some famous traveler objections incorporate Moscow’s Red Square and the Kremlin, St. Petersburg’s Withdrawal Gallery, the Trans-Siberian Rail line, and the staggering scenes of Lake Baikal and Kamchatka Landmass.

7.Japan 29

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Photo by Charles Postiaux on

Japan has been granted a sum of 29 Nobel Prizes. These lofty honors have been given in different classifications, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Japan, authoritatively known as Nippon or Nihon, is an island country situated in East Asia. It is arranged in the Pacific Sea and is made out of four primary islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku, alongside various more modest islands. Japan has a rich history, culture, and a huge effect on the worldwide economy and innovation. Japan is well known for its progressions in innovation and gadgets. The nation is home to significant organizations like Sony, Toyota, Panasonic, and Standard. Japanese innovation fundamentally affects different businesses around the world. Japan has one of the world’s biggest economies, in spite of the fact that it has confronted difficulties like a maturing populace and financial stagnation lately. The nation is known for its assembling and commodities. Japan’s geology is assorted, with mountains, timberlands, and lovely shores. The notorious Mount Fuji is an image of the nation and a well known traveler objective. Japanese society puts significance on discipline, reliability, and a solid hard working attitude. There is areas of strength for an of gathering character and social concordance.

8.Canada 28

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Photo by Hemil Dhanani on

Canada has been granted a sum of 28 Nobel Prizes. These lofty honors have been given in different classifications, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Canada is a different and tremendous nation situated in the northern piece of North America. It is the second-biggest country on the planet via land region, extending from the Atlantic Sea in the east to the Pacific Sea in the west and the Icy Sea in the north. Canada is known for its shocking scenes, including tremendous backwoods, lofty mountains, and various lakes and waterways. A few popular topographical elements incorporate the Rough Mountains, the Incomparable Lakes, and the Niagara Falls. Canada is partitioned into ten areas and three regions. The regions are Alberta, English Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Sovereign Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The three regions are Northwest Domains, Nunavut, and Yukon. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. Other significant urban communities incorporate Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Quebec City. Canada has a blended economy, with critical commitments from regular assets, assembling, and administrations areas. It is a main exporter of normal assets like oil, gas, minerals, and wood. Canada flaunts a great schooling system and gives all inclusive medical care to its residents, which is openly supported and available to all occupants.

9.Switzerland 27

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Photo by Tranmautritam on

Switzerland has been granted a sum of 27 Nobel Prizes. These esteemed honors have been given in different classes, including Material science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Switzerland is a landlocked nation situated in Focal Europe. It is known for its dazzling scenes, political nonpartisanship, and exclusive expectation of living. Switzerland is lined by France toward the west, Italy toward the south, Austria and Liechtenstein toward the east, and Germany toward the north. The nation is popular for its grand Alps mountain range, which covers a huge piece of its domain. Various lakes, like Lake Geneva and Lake Lucerne, add to the country’s beautiful excellence. Switzerland flaunts a profoundly evolved and different economy. It is eminent for its banking and monetary administrations area, as well as its accuracy hardware, drugs, and watchmaking businesses. The nation is known for creating great extravagance products. Switzerland’s financial framework is renowned for its classification and security. It has been a worldwide monetary center point, drawing in people and organizations from around the world. Switzerland puts serious areas of strength for on training and has a very much respected school system. It is likewise known for its obligation to research and development, adding to innovative headways and logical disclosures.

10.Austria 22

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Photo by Rahat Ali on

Austria has been granted a sum of 22 Nobel Prizes. These lofty honors have been given in different classifications, including Physical science, Science, Medication, Writing, and Harmony. Austria is a landlocked nation situated in Focal Europe. Austria is lined by eight nations: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. It is described by a different scene, including the eastern swamps, the High district in the west, and the Danube Stream going through the country. The capital city of Austria is Vienna, which is likewise its biggest city. Other significant urban communities incorporate Graz, Linz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. Austria has an exceptionally evolved and prosperous economy. It is referred to for enterprises like assembling, the travel industry, and administrations. The nation has areas of strength for a government assistance framework and puts a high accentuation on personal satisfaction. Austria is a famous traveler objective, drawing in guests with its shocking High landscape, noteworthy urban communities, and social attractions. Austria has an advanced schooling system, with let loose and necessary training to the age of 18.

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The 10 Great Countries for Best Education in the year 2022

“Education is the maximum effective weapon which you can use to alternate the world.” While training levels range from us of a to u . S ., there is a clear correlation among the excellent of a rustic’s academic system and its trendy financial reputation and usual nicely-being. In preferred, developing countries generally tend to provide their residents a higher first-class of schooling than the least developed nations do, and completely developed international locations provide the great pleasant of schooling of all. Education is genuinely a essential contributor to any country’s usual fitness. According to the Global Partnership for Education, schooling is taken into consideration to be a human right and performs a crucial position in human, social, and financial improvement. Education promotes gender equality, fosters peace, and increases someone’s possibilities of getting greater and higher life and career possibilities. At a time while information has more and more come to be one of the international’s maximum valued goods and offerings, training can serve as a robust indicator of a rustic’s standard energy and standing. These are the top ten countries in 2022 for education, according to the perceptions of survey respondents.

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Photo by Stanley Morales on

1.United States

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The USA has a unique charm and has usually been drawing proficient students like a magnet. Studying abroad in an American university will permit for priceless educational, expert and private boom, and open up an infinite range of career possibilities after commencement. But there may be extra to why students international suppose that the U.S. Is the Holy Grail of global better education. Some of the maximum valued international universities are in the U.S. Guaranteed a success profession after commencement. U.S. Universities have attractive campuses. Students can study self-reliance from independently minded humans. The United States of America is a North American state that is the arena’s most dominant financial and military strength.
$23.0 trillion
332 million

2.United Kingdom

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The UK is one of the international’s most popular locations to examine higher schooling, with greater than 500,000 global students enrolling each 12 months. The United Kingdom is a famous study overseas vacation spot amongst Indian college students. With non-stop on-going research and improvement conducted with the aid of professors and college students in a extensive variety of regions, UK’s education is considered to be of highest pleasant. The diploma from UK is held in excessive regard by employers everywhere in the world. With presence of a number of the world’s high-quality universities like Cambridge, Oxford, the United Kingdom presently has six establishments within the Global University Ranking with a hundred% educational recognition. Going to college within the UK is a remarkable way to extend your information, meet new people, experience a new lifestyle, and revel in new experiences. Also with over loads of years of excellence within the education region, UK has become a pinnacle destination for research for global students. Any student who is looking to collect a pleasant training must do not forget the gain that UK universities offer on their diverse packages. UK is the most effective u . S . Out of all of the top class countries which gives have a look at opportunity for global college students without having to appear for IELTS. Appearing for IELTS and getting the desired score can sometimes be strenuous. Under some situations IELTS can be waived by way of UK universities if the pupil meets required standards. The United Kingdom is a fairly evolved state that exerts enormous international economic, political, scientific and cultural have an impact on. Located off the northwest corner of Europe, the u . S . A . Consists of the island of Great Britain – which includes England, Scotland and Wales – and the northern portion of the island of Ireland. When it comes to analyzing in premium counties (UK, USA, Canada, Australia), finance is an important aspect to be considered. Considering all of them, UK is significantly inexpensive than other countries.
$3.19 trillion
67.3 million


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International college students be part of this USA in a huge variety for studying. The international community makes it pretty less difficult for the scholars to adjust to Germany. It also units a platform for them to have interaction with numerous cultures for numerous nations. This is turning out to be one of the prime reasons for students to opt Germany for their better research. The rest of the nations levy excessive lessons fees however Germany charges low or no lessons prices for a bachelor’s diploma, making it pretty feasible for maximum of the scholars. Foreign students ought to undergo just a few administrative prices. Although most of the master’s programmes rate training charges, which is markedly decrease than that of other countries. Germany affords multifarious degree publications in its 400+ universities. Although being an industrialized us of a, Germany has a robust base for engineering college students; they could still move for artwork courses for their bachelors, masters or doctorates in its main universities. Your main financial situation, as a student, right here stays the rent of your lodging, the load of which you may without problems lessen through sharing your room with a person. Food, transportation, and other expenditure are without problems less expensive. German regulation permits foreign college students to work element-time for up to twenty hours per week or 120 full days a yr. This allows them to address their living cost or to limit the burden of education to a certain quantity. The degree issued by way of a German university is well identified globally, that is quite evident from the fact that German graduates are very well placed within the global marketplace with moneymaking pay. Academically strong and brilliant students can apply for diverse scholarship programmes to self-sponsor their in addition research. Germany, the maximum populous kingdom within the European Union, possesses one in every of the biggest economies within the international and has seen its position inside the worldwide network grow steadily in view that reunification. The Central European country borders nine countries, and its panorama varies, from the northern plains that attain to the North and Baltic seas to the Bavarian Alps inside the south.
$4.22 trillion
83.1 million


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Canada has a number of the world’s principal instructional organizations. They have a properly-advanced public education and price range structure that functions mainly on the kingdom level. Universities and Colleges in Canada are various in their length, in addition to the guides they provide, and are located throughout the united states. The education device in Canada can be exceptional understood by bearing in mind that Canada splurges greater in keeping with capita on its training structure than another nation amongst the G-7 countries. The admission criterion for admission is determined through the colleges themselves. The excellent way to be positive is to affirm approximately the colleges and the guides on the reputable website. English Language Proficiency exams, like IELTS and TOEFL also are important parts of the utility. Students will also be asked to provide rankings of standardized tests like GRE/GMAT. A range of universities also conduct their individual university-unique entrance examination and interview rounds. The scholarship is open to all college students applying to take a look at in countries like the UK, Canada, and the US with a Leverage Edu professional. By making use of for the scholarship, you could get access to awards worth ₹20,000 to ₹three,00,000* to assist reduce your tuition charge and on-campus prices. Canada takes up approximately two-fifths of the North American continent, making it the second-largest united states inside the international after Russia. The country is moderately populated, with most of its 35.Five million residents residing inside 125 miles of the U.S. Border. Canada’s expansive wilderness to the north performs a massive position in Canadian identification, as does the united states’s recognition of welcoming immigrants.
$1.99 trillion
38.2 million


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Photo by Ivan Samkov on

Education in France is based totally on a national curriculum and is compulsory starting at age three thru age 16. Higher training at public universities is often funded through the government. According to 2018 facts on 15-yr-olds from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Program for International Student Assessment, French students scored barely above the general average among OECD nations inside the three domain names of reading, math and technology. The French government subsidizes a completely big proportion of the actual price of higher training. No distinction is made between international students and French college students: the admission requirements, the stages offered. Postsecondary degrees, based totally at the European structure of Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate, are regulated with the aid of the government, making sure global reputation. Degrees recognized on a national stage through the French authorities are equivalent from everywhere in France irrespective of the group that presents them. France’s device of better education incorporates three,500 public and personal institutions. The gadget as an entire offers fantastic packages at all degrees and in every discipline. Universities get hold of 75% of the international college students who select France for their put up-secondary training. These public institutes of higher education are subsidized via the French State. 20% of international students are enrolled in a application within the Grandes Ecoles such as engineering faculties, business and control schools, veterinary colleges and a few others, those Grandes Ecoles are public or private institutes of higher schooling recognized by the State. Nearly three,000 public and personal institutes of higher education provide courses in precise sectors which includes business, management, engineering, sciences, political science, fashion layout, archeology and so forth. France ranks sixth in the global in phrases of domestic spending on studies and improvement. 42% of the doctoral applicants in France are internationals. For instance, the united states’ National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is the sector’s leading studies corporation. France has the sector’s sixth-biggest financial system. Its gross home product ranks second in Europe, and the country is Europe’s 2nd-largest market, with sixty six million customers. France is also the world’s fourth-biggest exporter of services and Europe’s main vacation spot for manufacturing investments.
France is domestic to extra of the sector’s pinnacle a hundred maximum innovative corporations than any other USA in Europe. It ranks 6th in the world in wide variety of international patent programs. 71 competitiveness clusters around the united states form an attractive ecosystem of startups, laboratories, universities, and foremost businesses. Situated within the very coronary heart of Europe, France is the sector’s pinnacle visitor destination in phrases of range of traffic from all over the world. Located in Western Europe, France is one of the global’s oldest international locations, and its attain extends around the globe via technology, politics, economics and possibly notably, culture.
$2.94 trillion
67.5 million


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Switzerland, officially referred to as the Swiss Confederation, is a small country in Central Europe made of 16,000 rectangular miles of glacier-carved Alps, lakes and valleys. It’s one of the global’s wealthiest nations, and has been well-known for centuries for its neutrality. Home to a number of the arena’s top universities and establishments for specialized have a look at, Switzerland is a real show off for revolutionary and precise schooling. Matterhorn (the tallest mountain inside the Alps), the Rhine and Staubbach Falls, the Aletsch Glacier, the lakes, grottos and gorges… the list goes on. Switzerland is actually blessed with a amazing set of natural wonders — lots of which can be very reachable. Whether you just need to take within the beauty or get a touch greater adventurous, there are so many opportunities available. Many global students record that one in every of their preferred pursuits at the same time as residing and reading abroad in Switzerland has been participating in one of the numerous journey sports. Switzerland is one of the most secure nations within the global with a very low violent crime price. Petty crime including robbery is likewise uncommon which means that, even as discretion and vigilance remains counseled, college students analyzing in Switzerland could have greater peace of thoughts — specially whilst exploring the many points of interest the united states of america has to provide. With efficient administration and a clean crusing transport gadget, Switzerland gives the best starting block to explore the rest of Europe during your studies. Switzerland borders 5 different European nations, specifically Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Liechtenstein. Due to the excessive preferred of schooling, having studied in Switzerland will really appearance correct on your resume when searching for employment. Switzerland also has one of the highest common salaries in Europe and some big corporations have places of work in lots of elements of the u . S ..
$813 billion
8.70 million


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Studying a bachelor’s diploma in Japan is likewise extra low cost than in lots of other G7 nations and there are many scholarship opportunities to be had. Japan is famend for its extraordinary training gadget and is the top-performing OECD country in studying literacy, math and sciences with the common student scoring 529, properly above the OECD average 486. 94.6% of Japanese adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary schooling, better than the OECD average of seventy eight%. All Japanese universities are regulated by using the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEXT) and therefore degrees from Japanese universities are identified across the world. By deciding on to look at at a university in Japan, you could be assured of an splendid training. Japan is the world’s 3rd biggest financial system and domestic to many famous multinational companies inside the era, car and manufacturing sectors. With Japanese groups being energetic around the arena, information of the Japanese language and enterprise culture can be extremely beneficial for your destiny career each in Japan and overseas. It is widely known that Japan faces demographic pressures as its population maintains to decrease and age hastily. This is growing awesome employment possibilities for global college students who graduate from Japanese universities. At many Japanese universities, global students pay the identical fees as Japanese home college students, this enables to make Japan a more low-priced vacation spot than many other G7 countries. Tuition charges will range between distinct universities so make sure to check the rates on the particular universities you are interested by. International college students in Japan also have the capability to paintings element time up to 28 hours every week at some point of semester and as much as 40 hours every week over holidays, once more making reading in Japan a extra financially viable option than many other international locations. Japan is one of the most secure countries in the world. The crime fee in Japan is extraordinarily low, with minimum charges of drug use. The Economist Intelligence Unit ranks Tokyo and Osaka as the world’s 1st and third safest cities respectively. While Japan does have herbal disasters once in a while it additionally has very high building requirements. Japan’s herbal propensity for earthquakes has delivered forth centuries of improvements in earthquake-resistant generation, putting Japan at the forefront of safe infrastructure within the global.

Japan changed into additionally the primary USA in the international to enshrine environmental protections into regulation and maintains to have very sturdy meals protection policies. According to the World Health Organization, the Japanese have the longest lifestyles expectancy in the international, thank you in part to Japan’s tremendous medical device which you will have get admission to to as a student through the very less costly countrywide medical insurance system. Japan’s way of life and history maintain to fascinate many people around the sector. Japan is a country that places a lot of effort into retaining its historic web sites and cultural background, regularly leading to unique juxtapositions of the metropolitan and the historical. Japan places a excessive significance on physical training as part of a whole-frame technique to training. It is assumed that to develop children as wholesome, nicely rounded individuals, the body and the mind should study at the same time. Japan, one of the global’s maximum literate and technically superior international locations, is an East Asian united states made from four major islands. While most of Japan is covered by means of mountains and heavily wooded regions, the country’s roughly 126 million humans lead a fairly urban lifestyle. Long culturally encouraged by means of its buddies, today the united states of america blends its historic traditions with components of Western life.
$4.94 trillion
126 million


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Photo by Keira Burton on

The Kingdom of Sweden, flanked by using Norway to the west and the Baltic Sea to the east, expands throughout plenty of the Scandinavian Peninsula and is one in all the biggest nations within the European Union with the aid of land mass. The best and global status of the Swedish education gadget desires no rationalization, with Universities always ranked a few of the excellent in the world. Sweden has an thrilling and particular student life that is steeped in centuries of way of life. Sweden’s largest scholar populations may be determined in the towns of Uppsala and Lund, where scholar nations, companies in particular responsible for organizing pupil events, are ample. Each kingdom has its very own vibe and new worldwide college students get the opportunity to fulfill and socialize with Swedish and other global students alike. Students in Sweden are provided with a ample and sundry way of life to immerse themselves. Sweden gives an high-quality region to examine and broaden your English language capabilities. Sweden is a prime region to behave as a hub for a European adventure. There are numerous locations at some point of Europe easily and cheaply reached thru one of Sweden’s ten global airports or via a teach machine that connects with mainland continental Europe through the famed Øresund Bridge. Sweden’s geographic place creates a really perfect environment for herbal aesthetic extremes. Combined with Sweden’s “freedom to roam,” most people’s proper to access almost all public land for leisure purposes. Whether you enjoy tenting, skiing, ice skating, hiking, or fishing, Sweden offers international college students analyzing overseas endless possibilities to explore all the lovely nature Sweden has to offer.
As an international scholar in Sweden, you could expect to be treated similarly and with fairness. You can even discover that the system is installation to help you succeed in undertaking your goals, so long as you’re inclined to place in the effort.

$627 billion
10.4 million


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Australia is not simplest the u . S . A . Regarded for natural wonders and beaches however additionally for effective education system and extraordinary schools and universities. The universities like Australian National University, The University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales and Monash University are all the various top inside the global university scores posted by way of the leading ranking companies. Australia is among the maximum preferred look at vacation spot within the global wherein over 7,00,000 international students are presently studying. The USA has seven towns, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth, and Gold Coast, which might be even recognized by QS ranking business enterprise as the first-class towns within the world for studying. Australian look at programs are constantly updated to satisfy the economic requirements with enter from Industrial leaders. Australian universities provide superb studies centers and opportunities to encourage students to discover new things in unknown territories. There are over three,000 scholarships, presents, and bursaries that Australian institutes award to global students, that could help help your studies in Australia. Australia is a secure and comfortable united states, and some of its towns have the lowest crime fee inside the global. In fact, the towns stated above are among the top ones for maintaining the extremely good popular of living. The Commonwealth of Australia occupies the Australian continent. The us of a also consists of some islands, maximum significantly Tasmania. Indigenous humans occupied the land for as a minimum 40,000 years before the primary British settlements of the 18th century. The University of Western Australia is offering scholarships to high-accomplishing students across the globe.
25.7 million


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Photo by ICSA on

Higher schooling within the Netherlands is understood global for its high high-quality. Dutch instructional institutes rating properly across the world. A Dutch degree is consequently relatively valued all over the world. The Netherlands has even more bikes than inhabitants. The cycling conditions in the Netherlands are extremely good; the us of a has over 37,000 km of outstanding cycle lanes and road users are used to cyclists. The Netherlands is one of the maximum centrally positioned countries in Europe making it surprisingly clean to journey to different international locations at the same time as reading. The Netherlands has a exceptional public shipping machine, We can get there train, bus, metro, tram or ferry without difficulty. In case you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you are loose to paintings with out restrictions. In case you’re a non-EU pupil, you’re allowed to work for 16 hours a week or fulltime inside the summer months June, July and August. The orientation yr (zoekjaar) permit permits latest graduates from non-EU international locations to stay in or go back to the Netherlands for a period of up to 12 months. During this orientation 12 months, graduates can seek employment or paintings without having a further paintings allow. This approach they’ve loose get right of entry to to the Dutch labour market. International graduates can observe for this unique paintings and residence allow within three years after their graduation at a Dutch better educational institute. Every every so often the entire united states of america turns orange. The shades of the country wide flag are pink, white and blue. Literally the whole thing turns orange: human beings, houses, shops, motors or even complete streets. Situated alongside the fringes of Western Europe, the Netherlands is a coastal lowland freckled with windmills feature of its improvement across the water. Three primary European rivers – the Rhine, Meuse and Schelde – run via friends Germany and Belgium into the state’s busy ports.
$1.02 trillion
17.5 million

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Safe means protected from or not exposed to danger or risk. Safety is one of the top priorities for nations worldwide, be it in better protecting its citizens on the streets, guarding them against wrongdoing or even safeguarding them against online crime. This report is published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace, “an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to shifting the world’s focus to peace as a positive, achievable and tangible measure of human wellbeing and progress.” A total of 163 countries are featured in the report. There are 23 different indicators used to determine how safe or how dangerous a country is. Main factors are Number of internal and external violent conflicts, Level of distrust, Political instability, Potential for terrorist acts, Number of homicides, Military expenditures as a percentage of GDP. Based on these factors, a score is calculated for each of the 163 nations featured. The lower the score, the higher the nation is ranked in terms of safety. Here is the list of top 10 safest countries in the world.


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Land of ice and fire, better known as Iceland has been voted the safest country in the world 13 years in a row now. The Global Peace Safety index looks at crime rates, the political landscape, natural disasters and health risks. The official categories are social safety and security, ongoing domestic and international conflicts and the level of militarization. Iceland is a unique place with a strong yet sensible character. Here air quality is exquisite. Iceland is a Nordic nation with a relatively small population of 340,000.Icelanders feel safe in their country, even if they are in a position of power. Icelanders have excellent English language skills. Here the crime rate is very low. Iceland is not inhabited by mosquitoes, ticks, bears, snakes, poisonous spiders or any kind of other hazardous animals. You can roam around the highlands in berry season. The strict driving regulations in Iceland are yet another overlooked aspect contributing to the overall safety of its citizens and visitors alike.

2.New Zealand

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Photo by Ketan Kumawat on

New Zealand is the second-safest country in the world. New Zealand has a very low crime rate, especially violent crime. New Zealand has no deadly animals, unlike its neighbor down-under, Australia, known for having some dangerous wildlife. Corruption Perception Index ranks us the least corrupt country in the world, equal with Denmark. New Zealanders are by and large open-minded and believe people should be free to live the lifestyle they choose. It’s pretty safe and secure, you and your family can feel free to get out and enjoy everything New Zealand has to offer. We can enjoy New Zealand’s open spaces, discover the beaches, have fun in the playgrounds and parks, picnic, explore the bush, climb mountains and cycle to our heart’s content. We can also expect officials and people in authority do what they’re supposed to do without requiring extra cash, ‘service fees’ or favours. police in New Zealand do not carry personal firearms.


woman wearing black and white blouse and white short standing on forest
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Portugal is the third safest country in the world. Portugal has made an economic resurgence, decreasing its unemployment rate from over 17% to 7%. It is second among the countries of the European Union. The issue of security is far from being a strict law enforcement issue. Today, security is a decisive factor in attracting investment, in attracting tourists that we hope to have again, in order to strengthen the country’s global image easily from countries that have great potential like this, in which insecurity limits economic development, investment or tourism”. Portugal is beaten only by Iceland and New Zealand on this list of the safest countries, and is ranked far higher than neighbouring countries such as Spain and France. Alongside climate, safety is an important deciding factor. An increased police presence has resulted in a decreased crime rate in the country. The sun shines for about 3,000hours a year in the Algarve, and the warm sea breeze from the Atlantic Ocean always feels pleasant on the skin. Political climate in the country has been stable for years and crime rates in Portugal are some of the lowest in Europe.


Austria is the fourth-safest country in the world. Austria ranking comes with developed economies and healthcare systems. Austria has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe. But there are still some hotspots where trouble may find travelers. Austria earned low weapon imports. The U.S. Department of State has assessed Vienna as being a LOW-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Austria has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe, and violent crime is rare. Crime rates generally decreased slightly during 2019. Credit card fraud is less prevalent than in the U.S. because Austrians typically purchase goods and services using cash or bank transfers instead of using credit cards. Cybercrime in Austria generally follows worldwide trends. Due to the country’s political instability, social unrest has increased. Austria is a very safe country to visit. Serious crimes are uncommon, although people should be aware of pick pocketers and purse-snatchers.


Denmark is considered an extremely safe country to visit. It is a country with almost no risk of natural disasters. Everyone in Denmark has access to healthcare with no additional fees to them, tuition-free education, and the elderly are provided at-home care helpers. There are no risks for women traveling solo in Denmark. We can relax, but still remain careful and stay out of dangerous situations such as finding ourselves alone with strange people, or in poorly lit or empty streets. Denmark has recently experienced a rise in gang violence, especially among immigrant groups. Denmark has a temperate climate, which is characterized by mild winters, coldest months being January and February with an approximate temperature of 1.5 °C (34.7 °F), and cool summers, with an approximate temperature in August of 17.2 °C. Denmark has a high level of equality and a strong sense of common responsibility for social welfare.


Canada also ranked as the sixth best country in the world for women, third in business, and second in terms of citizenship rankings. Safety is one of the top priorities for nations worldwide, be it in better protecting its citizens on the streets, guarding them against wrongdoing, or even safeguarding them against online crime,” reads. Canada is among top ‘safe and stable’ countries for international students. Canada has introduced some measures to allow international students to travel to their desired destination. Canada is considered one of the safest destinations in the world. Crime rates are low, police are trusted, easy to contact, and quick to respond. No matter where you travel some common-sense is an important part of personal safety and the security of your property. In Nova Scotia it’s also common to see wildlife along the sides of highways, so pay attention to the sides of the road.


The city-state is also the second-safest city in the world. Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, which is due to severe penalties that are issued for even small crimes. Singapore residents felt the highest sense of personal security and have positive experiences with law enforcement. Gross domestic product per capita is high and unemployment is low, making Singapore one of the wealthiest nations in the world. The top three—Singapore, New Zealand and Australia—are able to provide a pre-pandemic quality of life for their populations, with the exception of international travel, which is basically shut down to prevent the virus from slipping back in.” Singapore gained self governance in 1959, and in 1963 joined the Federation of Malaysia. In 1965 it left the federation and became independent as the Republic of Singapore. Safety and security serve as a major point of pride, residents and visitors are subject to harsh penalties. One of Asia’s four economic tigers, Singapore has seen impressive growth in recent years as efficient manufacturing and production practices have made way for free-market innovation in the booming electronics and pharmaceutical industries. Space constraints coupled with rapid population growth contribute to concerns about the rising cost of living and income inequality. Conservation, land reclamation efforts and improved environment-friendly practices amid the urbanization and industrial pollution are also a focus.

8.Czech Republic

Security in the country is a crucial factor for tourism. The Czech Republic excels so well in this respect .Assessment of GPI is based on government expenditure on the military and weapons industry, relationships with neighbouring countries, degree of respect towards human rights, economic and educational situations, risk of terrorist attacks and of course criminality. Most peaceful countries tend to be smaller with a well-developed democratic system and fair economic situation. Crime rates have steadily decreased over the years, especially violent crimes. The Czech Republic also has a low impact of terrorism. Czech Republic is relatively involved high in foreign conflicts, the high ratio of the number of prisoners per capita, and security forces and police assessment. Safety should be one of the factors you consider when choosing a country to study abroad in. the Czech Republic is considered one of the safest destinations. The country’s strongest point was safe communities. The Czech Republic also boasts an efficient health care system – Czech hospitals are clean, the state-run insurance system is relatively inexpensive, and coverage is almost universal. Furthermore, the capital city of Prague is considered one of the safest and most beautiful cities in the world, too.


The ninth-safest country in the world is Japan. Japan is receiving high marks for low crime rates, internal conflict, and political terror. Japan is known for having limited immigration and limited access to firearms. According to the Safe Cities Index from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Tokyo is considered the safest city in the world, ranking first in cybersecurity, second for health security, and fourth for infrastructure security and personal security. The Japanese people are kind, courteous, and respectful, making Japan a must-go for female travelers. Crime is basically nonexistent in Japan. Basically, We can go anywhere in Japan without fear. Japan takes natural disaster preparation very seriously.


Switzerland is the Tenth safest country in the world. Switzerland reinvests much of its economic success back into its infrastructure, which translates into dependable and modern transportation, healthcare, communication, and education systems. With its rich green valleys, sparkling lakes, and majestic mountain ranges, Switzerland is not only one of the most beautiful places on earth, it is one of the most safe and stable countries in the world. Switzerland being well-prepared to handle the crisis. Switzerland was able to maintain neutrality through both world wars. Switzerland has so many beautiful, clean, and well-managed cities with extremely low crime rates, many major corporations have their headquarters here. It can boast a low unemployment rate, averaging about 3% over the last decade. This country has effective criminal justice systems and governments that maintain very healthy relationships with their citizens. Switzerland ranked amongst the ten highest weapons exporters per capita every year for the last five years. Switzerland ranks fourth global food security country.

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10 Great Waterfalls in the world

One of Mother Nature’s most soothing yet exhilarating and beautiful creations in the world is the waterfall. There is just something mesmerizing about watching water tumble off a rock face into a pool or raging river beneath. The noise it makes, the sheer volume of water – it’s magical. There are thousands and thousands of waterfalls strewn across the world, but not all are created equal.

1. Iguazu Falls, Argentina/Brazil

waterfalls under cloudy sky
Photo by Diego Rezende on

The staircase character of the falls consists of a two-step waterfall formed by three layers of basalt. The steps are 35 and 40 metres  in height. The columnar basalt rock sequences are part of the 1,000-metre-thick  Serra Geral Formation within the PaleozoicMesozoic Paraná Basin. The tops of these sequences are characterized by 8–10 m  of highly resistant vesicular basalt and the contact between these layers controls the shape of the falls. Headwater erosion rates are estimated at 1.4–2.1 cm/year

The Iguazu Falls are located where the Iguazu River tumbles over the edge of the Paraná Plateau, 23 kilometres  upriver from the Iguazu’s confluence with the Paraná River.Numerous islands along the 2.7-kilometre-long edge divide the falls into many separate waterfalls and cataracts, varying between 60 and 82 m high. The number of these smaller waterfalls fluctuates from 150 to 300, depending on the water level. About half of the river’s flow falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil’s Throat.

The Devil’s Throat canyon is 80–90 m wide and 70–80 m  deep. Left of this canyon, another part of the river forms 160-200 individual falls, which merge into a single front during flood stage. The largest falls are named San Martín, Adam and Eva, Penoni, and Bergano.

About 900 m of the 2.7 km  length does not have water flowing over it. The water of the lower Iguazu collects in a canyon that drains into the Paraná River, a short distance downstream from the Itaipu Dam. The junction of the water flows marks the border between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The surrounding environs of jungly rainforest are equally beautiful, creating a magical memory you won’t ever forget. The falls are protected in a national park and can be viewed from either the Argentine or Brazilian side.

The Iguazu National Park consists of two national parks, one in Foz de Iguazu and the other one in Puerto Iguazu . The curious thing is that although one only sees the falls as the main attraction, the park has a size of 252,982 hectares.

These falls in Argentina and Brazil managed to attract so much attention that almost at the same time they were declared National Parks . And after some years and millions of visitors fascinated by the landscape and the sound of this natural attraction, UNESCO declared them as World Heritage Site in 1984, and reaffirmed as Exceptional Universal Value  in 2013.

2. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia

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On the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia, the UNSECO World Heritage site of Victoria Falls is one of the planet’s most beautiful and impressive waterfalls. It’s known locally as “The Smoke that Thunders.” It provides habitat for several unique species of plants and animals with a width of 1,708 metres.

During the rainy season, you can expect to get soaked walking along the trail on the Zimbabwe side, where the best views of the falls are found.

The Zambia side takes you up close and personal with the impressive wall of water that plunges over a 1.7-kilometer-wide precipice that is more than 100 meters deep. You can even swim in Devil’s Pool, which is literally at the top of the falls on the Zambian side.

Victoria Falls is a waterfall on the Zambezi River in southern Africa,.  

The nearby national park in Zambia is named Mosi-oa-Tunya, whereas the national park and town on the Zimbabwean shore are both named Victoria Falls.

While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls is classified as the largest, based on its combined width of 1,708 metres  and height of 108 metres  resulting in the world’s largest sheet of falling water. Victoria Falls is roughly twice the height of North America’s Niagara Falls and well over twice the width of its Horseshoe Falls. In height and width Victoria Falls is rivalled only by Argentina and Brazil’s Iguazu Falls.

During the flood season, however, it is impossible to see the foot of the falls and most of its face, and the walks along the cliff opposite it are in a constant shower and shrouded in mist. Close to the edge of the cliff, spray shoots upward like inverted rain, especially at Zambia’s Knife-Edge Bridge.

Victoria Falls presents a spectacular sight of awe-inspiring beauty and grandeur on the Zambezi River, forming the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was described by the Kololo tribe living in the area in the 1800s as ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’ – ‘The Smoke that Thunders’. In more modern terms Victoria Falls is known as the greatest curtain of falling water in the world.

Columns of spray can be seen from miles away as, at the height of the rainy season, more than five hundred million cubic meters of water per minute plummet over the edge, over a width of nearly two kilometres, into a gorge over one hundred meters below.

Facing the Falls is another sheer wall of basalt, rising to the same height, and capped by mist-soaked rain forest. A path along the edge of the forest provides the visitor prepared to brave the tremendous spray, with an unparalleled series of views of the Falls.

One special vantage point is across the Knife-edge Bridge, where visitors can have the finest view of the Eastern Cataract and the Main Falls as well as the Boiling Pot, where the river turns and heads down the Batoka Gorge. Other vantage points include Livingstone Island, the Falls BridgeDevils Pool and the Lookout Tree, both of which command panoramic views across the Main Falls.

3. Havasu Falls, Arizona, USA

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Photo by Joey Kyber on

Havasu Falls is the most beautiful of the five Havasupai Waterfalls that plummet over orange-red cliffs into bright turquoise-blue pools in a side canyon of the Grand Canyon. The number of people allowed into the canyon is limited, and there is often a waiting list to experience this bucket-list worthy waterfall.

Havasu Falls is located 2.4 km from Supai. It is the more famous and most visited of the various falls along Havasu Creek. It consists of one main chute that drops over a 27 to 30 m vertical cliff into a series of plunge pools. High calcium carbonate concentration in the water creates the vivid blue-green color and forms the natural travertine dams that occur in various places near the falls.

Due to the effects of flash floods, the appearance of Havasu Falls and its plunge pools has changed many times.[3] Prior to the flood of 1910, water flowed in a near continuous sheet, and was known as Bridal Veil Falls.[4] The notch through which water flows first appeared in 1910, and has changed several times since. Water currently flows as one stream. In the past, there were sometimes multiple streams, or a continuous flow over the edge.

There are many picnic tables on the opposite side of the creek, and it is easy to cross over by following the edges of the pools. It is possible to swim behind the falls and enter a small rock shelter behind it. However, drownings have occurred.[6] From the trail head parking lot, until the Supai Village, there is no access to drinking water. Hikers are advised to bring their own water with them. In the town of Supai, there is a general store and cafe where food and beverage can be purchased.

4. Angel Falls, Venezuela

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Photo by Oliver Sjöström on

Located in Venezuela, Angels Falls is the world’s highest waterfall at a staggering 979 meters .This is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls for comparison. The water comes from the Churun River and does a free-fall drop over the edge of a mountain into a set of white water rapids below. There is a second drop of 30 meters just beyond the rapids.

To reach the falls, however, is no easy feat. The waterfall has been known as the Angel Falls since the mid-20th century; they are named after Jimmie Angel, a US aviator, who was the first person to fly over the falls.

They were not known to the outside world until American aviator Jimmie Angel.

The name of the waterfall “Salto del Ángel” was first published on a Venezuelan government map in December 1939. It’s a landscape so dense and diverse that it’s like a botanical Mandelbrot: from a distance trees, on which grow succulents and ferns, on which grow mosses and creepers, on which grow small shoots of verdure, on which feed a dazzling array of bugs – and so on ad infinitum. It’s worth the effort to get there – an effort we thought we’d achieved after a three-day journey of planes, strains and automobiles that delivered us to the shores of Cainama Lagoon and the faded grandeur of Waku Lodge. Just one boat ride to go, and we’d reach the fabled falls, known hereabouts as Salto Angel. 

“It’s a long day,” said our Waku host, Pablo, whose calm demeanour and proven ability to fix all problems instilled in us unquestioning faith. “And the men on board will have to push the boat through shallow sections because, right now, the water is low.”

5. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

niagara falls in canada
Photo by Tomas Anunziata on

It isn’t the tallest waterfall in the world, but Niagara Falls is certainly impressive in its scope and power. Niagara Falls is comprised of three waterfalls, the largest of which is Horseshoe Falls. Straddling the border between the USA and Canada, the water cascades 614 feet down Niagara Gorge.

The falls can be viewed from a number of viewpoints in New York and OntarioCave of the Winds is one of the most unique viewpoints. Here, you will descend 175 feet into the Niagara Gorge to experience the power of the falls mid-flow from the Hurricane Deck. You’ll be given a rain jacket because you will get wet.

Niagara Falls is famed both for its beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Balancing recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century.

Niagara Falls State Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted; he also designed Central Park in New York City.

Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in America, established in 1885 as the Niagara Reservation. Over 8 million visitors explore Niagara Falls State Park annually.

Niagara Falls is comprised of three waterfalls, from largest to smallest, the Horseshoe Falls , American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. Niagara Falls’ vertical height is over 176 feet in some sections.The American and Bridal Veil Falls were turned off in 1969 by the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers to study the effects of erosion. There are plans to “turn off” the Falls again to rebuild two, 115-year-old bridges.

Niagara Falls’ current erosion rate is approximately 1 foot per year and could possibly be reduced to 1 foot per 10 years due to flow control and diversion for hydro-power generation. The water that flows over Niagara Falls is at 25-50% capacity at any given time. Cave of the Winds, located at Niagara Falls State Park is torn down and re-built every year. The birth of Niagara Falls can be traced back more than 12,000 years to the end of the last glacial period.

Despite myths to the contrary, Niagara Falls does not freeze in the winter. However, the flow of water was reduced to a mere trickle for a few hours on March 29, 1848 because of an ice jam upstream in the Niagara River. During periods of peak flow in the summer and fall, more than 700,000 gallons of water per second pour over Niagara Falls.

Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie of the five Great Lakes drain into the Niagara River,  before emptying into Lake Ontario. These five Great Lakes make up almost one-fifth of the world’s fresh water supply.

Niagara Falls is not the tallest waterfall in the world; however, the beauty of the falls comes from the height and the incredible volume of water running over the falls at a given time.Fish travel over Niagara Falls and most survive because of their ability to flow with the water.Energy from the Niagara River has been harnessed for hydro-electric power generation as far back as the mid-eighteenth century.

Power generation facilities along the Niagara River supply more than one-quarter of all power used in New York State and Ontario. 50 to 75 percent of the water flowing along the Niagara River is diverted from going over the Falls to hydroelectric power generating stations. One of the oldest surviving United States flags is permanently displayed at Old Fort Niagara. It was captured by the British during the War of 1812. The original Flight of Five locks that were built in 1840 still exist along the Erie Canal in Lockport.

6. Dudhsagar Falls, India

time lapse photo of water falls in the forest
Photo by Aleksey Kuprikov on

Dudhsagar Falls also known as the Sea of Milk is referred to as India’s highest waterfalls which is approximately 310 meters high and 30 meters wide.

One of India’s tallest and most impressive waterfalls, Dudhsagar Falls cascades down more than 1,000 feet in four tiers at nearly 100 feet wide. The speed and force with which the water falls and sprays also gives Dudhsagar Falls its “sea of milk” nickname because this is the illusion it creates dropping into the Mandovi River below.

The falls are located in India’s Goa province inside the Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary, about 60 kilometers from Panjum and 45 kilometers from Mudgaon.

The falls is located in the Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary and Mollem National Park among the Western Ghats. The waterfall forms the border between Karnataka and Goa states.The falls is a punctuation mark in the journey of the Mandovi River from the Western Ghats to Panjim where it meets the Arabian sea. The area is surrounded by deciduous forests with rich biodiversity.This waterfalls is also known as Tambdi Surla to some of the local people.

One can reach the Dudhsagar Waterfalls with the help of Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife sanctuary Taxi near a Goan Village called Molem. This Association will take you through lush green forest and some heavy flowing streams and get back to you same place. Currently, this is the only access to the Waterfall.

7. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

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Photo by Pixabay on

Kaieteur Falls is the world’s largest single drop waterfall by the volume of water flowing over it. Located on the Potaro River in the Kaieteur National Park, it sits in a section of the Amazon rainforest included in the Potaro-Siparuni region of Guyana. It is 226 metres  high when measured from its plunge over a sandstone and conglomerate cliff to the first break. It then flows over a series of steep cascades that, when included in the measurements, bring the total height to 251 metres . While many falls have greater height, few have the combination of height and water volume, and Kaieteur is among the most powerful waterfalls in the world with an average flow rate of 663 cubic metres per second . From the airstrip landing, it’s a 15-minute walk to the top of the falls.

Kaieteur Falls is about four times higher than Niagara Falls, on the border between Canada and the United States, and about twice the height of Victoria Falls, on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa. It is a single drop waterfall.

Upriver from the falls, the Potaro Plateau stretches out to the distant escarpment of the Pakaraima Mountains. The Potaro River empties into the Essequibo River which is one of the longest and widest rivers in South America and the longest river in Guyana

Deep within Guyana’s region of the Amazon Forest lies Kaieteur National Park, home to a gargantuan cataract sharing the park’s name. Rivaled by few in the world when taken into account its combined height and the sheer volume of water from the Potaru River flowing over its precipice at any given moment, Kaieteur Falls further distances itself from the crowd of most spectacular waterfalls in the world for its remoteness. Surrounded by pristine rainforest, simply reaching this wonder requires hiring a tour company that will charter a plane in order to even reach a trekking point that accesses the falls. 

A pair of similar legends further contribute to the Falls’ mystique. According to local Patoma Indian lore, chief Kai saved his people by paddling over the precipice in an act of self-sacrifice to the spirit Makonaima. The second version is slightly less altruistic, as relayed by geologist Charles Barrington Brown in his account from when he “discovered” the waterfall on an expedition in 1870; Brown was told by Amerindians that a despised old man was put in a boat by relatives eager to be rid of him, and unceremoniously pushed into the current, which lent the falls their current name translating to “old-man-fall.”

Wear sturdy shoes to visit Kaieteur Falls, as there are uneven pathways to navigate between the three different lookouts. You will spend around 2 hours on the ground before flying back to Georgetown or onwards to another destination depending on your day tour package. The first major stop along the way was at the so-called Boy Scout’s View. From here, we were able to get our first frontal look at the falls on land.

The overlook got its name because local boy scout troops were initiated only after hiking from the bottom to this viewpoint at the top of the gorge. Given the height of the ledge we were on, this hike must’ve been a pretty big deal.

8. Yosemite Falls, California, USA

Photo by Anand Dandekar on

Yosemite Falls is the highest waterfall in the world and the tallest in North America. Yosemite National Park is an American national park located in the western Sierra Nevada of Central California, bounded on the southeast by Sierra National Forest and on the northwest by Stanislaus National Forest. Located in stunning Yosemite National Park, Yosemite Falls consists of three separate falls with a drop of 2,425 feet that give the illusion of one giant cascade of water.

Yosemite Falls is fed by snowmelt, so to see it at its fullest, visit in late spring or early summer when you can hear it thunder from across Yosemite Valley. A very small number of rock climbers have taken the opportunity to climb the normally inaccessible rock face beneath the falls, although this is an extraordinarily dangerous undertaking; a single afternoon thunderstorm could restart the falls, sweeping the climbers off the face.

The park is managed by the National Park Service and covers an area of 748,436 acres and sits in four counties: centered in Tuolumne and Mariposa, extending north and east to Mono and south to Madera County. Designated a World Heritage site in 1984, Yosemite is internationally recognized for its granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, giant sequoia groves, lakes, mountains, meadows, glaciers, and biological diversity. Almost 95% of the park is designated wilderness.

The geology of the Yosemite area is characterized by granitic rocks and remnants of older rock. About 10 million years ago, the Sierra Nevada was uplifted and then tilted to form its relatively gentle western slopes and the more dramatic eastern slopes. The uplift increased the steepness of stream and river beds, resulting in the formation of deep, narrow canyons. About one million years ago, snow and ice accumulated, forming glaciers at the higher alpine meadows that moved down the river valleys. Ice thickness in Yosemite Valley may have reached 4,000 feet  during the early glacial episode. The downslope movement of the ice masses cut and sculpted the U-shaped valley that attracts so many visitors to its scenic vistas today.

The name “Yosemite” originally referred to the name of a tribe which was driven out of the area  by the Mariposa Battalion. Previously, the area had been called “Ahwahnee” by indigenous people.

Yosemite is home to countless waterfalls. Peak runoff typically occurs in May or June, with some waterfalls  often only a trickle or completely dry by August. Storms in late fall rejuvenate some of the waterfalls and all of them accumulate frost along their edges many nights during the winter.

It was popularized and attracted tourists from across the country in the latter half of the 19th century. With such a ground swell of visitation and interest, this established the chain of events that would ultimately result in The Yosemite becoming a California State Park in 1864 .

The falls consist of three sections:

The first stage is the Upper Fall, which is said to plunge 1,430ft.

The second stage is the Middle Cascades, which tumbles down a height of reportedly 675ft.

The final stage is the Lower Fall, which is said to drop 320ft.

9. Plitvice Waterfalls, Croatia

time lapse photography of waterfalls during sunset
Photo by Pixabay on

Plitvice Lakes National Park  is one of the oldest and largest national parks in Croatia. In 1979, Plitvice Lakes National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage register.

The national park was found in 1949 and is in the mountainous karst area of central Croatia, at the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The important north–south road that passes through the national park area connects the Croatian inland with the Adriatic coastal region.

The protected area extends over 296.85 square kilometres. About 90% of this area is part of Lika-Senj County, while the remaining 10% is part of Karlovac County.

Each year, more than 1 million visitors are recorded. 

They are separated by natural dams of travertine, which is deposited by the action of mossalgae, and bacteria. The particularly sensitive travertine barriers are the result of an interplay between water, air and plants.

16 lakes are separated into an upper and lower cluster formed by runoff from the mountains, descending from an altitude of 636 to 503 m. The lakes collectively cover an area of about 0.77 square miles, the water exiting from the lowest lake forming the Korana River.

The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colors, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colors change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight. It is located roughly halfway between capital city Zagreb and Zadar on the coast, the lakes are a definite must-see in Croatia.

The beauty of 16 lakes are inter-connected by a series of waterfalls, and set in deep woodland populated by deer, bears, wolves, boars and rare bird species.  The National Park covers a total area of 300 square kilometres, whilst the lakes join together over a distance of eight kilometres. It’s probably one of the more memorable waterfall attractions in the world .

10. Fall Creek Falls, Tennessee, USA

cascade creek environment falls
Photo by Jonathan Meyer on

Fall Creek Falls, at 256 feet, is one of the highest waterfalls in the eastern United States. Other waterfalls within the park include Piney Falls, Cane Creek Falls, and Cane Creek Cascades. The park is located in Bledsoe and Van Buren counties, 11 miles east of Spencer and 18 miles west of Pikeville. It is located in the eastern portion of the rugged Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, the waterfalls are part of Fall Creek Falls State Park and can be accessed via a three-mile round-trip hike that gains about 715 feet total.

Beyond the main falls, the park is home to five other beautiful waterfalls, as well as cascades, gorges, and 34 miles of hiking trails. You can even stay in a cabin or campsite. Fall Creek Falls State Park is one of Tennessee’s largest and most visited state parks. The park encompasses more than 29,800 acres.. Laced with cascades, gorges, waterfalls, streams and lush stands of virgin hardwood timber, the park beckons those who enjoy nature at her finest.

Fall Creek Falls State Park is one of the most scenic and spectacular outdoor recreation areas in America. Fall Creek Fallsis the highest free-fall waterfall east of the Mississippi River.

The Cane Creek Gorge presents as a large gash in the western edge of the Cumberland Plateau, stretching for some 15 miles  from the Cane Creek Cascades to Cane Creek’s mouth along the Caney Fork River. Cane Creek rises atop Little Mountain — which lines the plateau’s eastern edge above Sequatchie Valley — and winds northward across the plateau.

Just beyond its source, Cane Creek slowly gains strength as it absorbs Meadow Creek and several smaller streams. As the creek enters the gorge, it drops several hundred feet in less than a mile, including 45 feet  over Cane Creek Cascades and 85 feet  over Cane Creek Falls. A few hundred meters north of Cane Creek Falls, Rockhouse Creek spills 125 feet  over a plunge waterfall. Over the next half-mile, Cane Creek absorbs Fall Creek and Piney Creek, both of which enter from smaller gorges to the immediate west. During this stretch, part of the creek disappears underground into limestone sinks and reemerges at a spring known as “Crusher Hole.” Cane Creek continues to lose elevation before steadying near its confluence with Dry Fork. Beyond Dry Fork, the creek gradually descends to the Highland Rim, where it empties into the Caney Fork River.

The man-made Fall Creek Falls Lake, controlled by a dam, assures continuing flow of water to Fall Creek Falls. The lake dominates the park’s southern section.

 A pine-hardwood forest covers much of the tabletop plateau above the falls. There is a rich mixed mesophytic forest in the gorges, and old-growth mixed mesophytic forest occur in four areas of the gorge. In the 1950 classic work “Deciduous Forests of the Eastern United States,” ecologist Lucy Braun described the forest at Fall Creek Falls as including tulip poplar, basswood, buckeye, northern red oak, white oak, hickories, eastern hemlock, and American beech, among many other species. This type of forest is the most diverse forest in the eastern United States and has more dominant canopy species than any other deciduous forest type.”

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10 Great places to visit in the world

The world is filled with such a wide variety of wonderful destinations and beautiful places to visit, it can be quite difficult to compile a list of the best ones. Thinking about a traveler who, for whatever reason, has never set foot outside his or her home town, where would be the first places they might visit?

The list of the world’s best places to visit has to include great cities, like New YorkParisLondon, and so on, each of which is filled with a multitude of individual sites or must-see places to visit. The list also includes specific sites, monuments, and locations, each also worthy of a visit in their own right.

For more ideas on where to go and what to see, read our list of the top places to visit in the world.

  1. Machu Picchu, Peru
photo of machu picchu
Photo by Chelsea Cook on

Machu Picchu is located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru, on a 2,430-metre  mountain ridge.It is located in the Cusco RegionUrubamba ProvinceMachupicchu District, above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometres  northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, cutting through the Cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain climate.

Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438–1472). Often mistakenly referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas”, it is the most familiar icon of Inca civilization. The Incas built the estate around 1450 but abandoned it a century later at the time of the Spanish conquest. Although known locally, it was not known to the Spanish during the colonial period and remained unknown to the outside world until American historian Hiram Bingham brought it to international attention in 1911.

Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. Its three primary structures are the Intihuatana, the Templeof the Sun, and the Room of the Three Windows. Most of the outlying buildings have been reconstructed in order to give tourists a better idea of how they originally appeared. By 1976, 30% of Machu Picchu had been restored and restoration continues.

Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historic Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll.

Machu Picchu built in the 15th century AD and abandoned less than a 100 years later, the remote site continues to amaze with its perfectly joined, mortarless, intricate stonework. Huge multi-ton blocks of stone are perfectly joined with each other, without the use of mortar or cement.

The journey to Machu Picchu typically starts in the mountain city of Cusco, which was the capital city of the Inca Empire. Cusco is a fascinating place to explore-be sure to spend a few days there before or after your Machu Picchu adventure. It’s possible to hike the Inca Trail from Cusco to Machu Picchu.

  • The Grand Canyon, Arizona
grand canyon during sunset
Photo by David Ilécio on

The Grand Canyon is an awesome place. Its overwhelming size and its intricate and colorful landscape make it without question one of the seven marvels of the natural world.

While it is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is unmatched throughout the world for the vistas it offers to visitors. Geologically it is hugely significant because of the thick sequence of ancient rocks that are beautifully preserved and exposed in the walls of the canyon. These rock layers record much of the early geologic history of the North American continent.

Most of the 5 million annual visitors to the Grand Canyon arrive at the South Rim and experience its beauty from the many overlooks along the canyon edge. There are many miles of paved and unpaved walkways along the rim. The North Rim of the Grand Canyon shares similar outstanding views from a vantage point 1000 feet higher than on the South Rim. Here too are walkways and overlooks that let you take in the grandeur of the canyon.

Strong hikers can climb down to the Colorado River via the Bright Angel Trail or South Kaibab Trail. For a less exhausting experience, mule pack trips use the same trails to take their riders down and up canyon.

With geology formed over the past two billion years, yes billion, the 277 mile-long canyon itself is believed to have been started around five to six million years ago. It was formed by the flow of the Colorado River, which still flows through it and continues to erode the geology along its course. The Grand Canyon is up to 18 miles wide in places and up to a mile deep. Imagine standing on the edge, looking down a sheer rock wall almost a mile to the river below.

Most visitors come to the area referred to as the South Rim, and there is a range of accommodations available, from tents to a rustic luxury canyon-side resort built from logs. There are a few accommodations on the remote North Rim, and these are reserved years in advance.

Many visitors access the canyon via the historic Grand Canyon Railway, which runs from the town of Williams, Arizona. The 64-mile rail line provides an entertaining way to get to the canyon with food and live music onboard. For those driving, the canyon is about a three-and-a-half-hour drive north from Phoenix .

3. Rome, Italy

colosseum rome italy
Photo by Davi Pimentel on

The Roman Forum, also known by its Latin name Forum Romanum is a rectangular forum  surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.

The Eternal City is more like a giant, living museum. Visitors are immersed in and surrounded by thousands of years of history. It include the Colosseum and adjacent Roman Forum; the Pantheon; and Vatican City, a separate country in the middle of central Rome.

Take some time to explore the outskirts of Rome, too. Consider a hike along a tomb-lined section of the Appian Way, the ancient Roman superhighway, and a visit to one of the aqueduct ruins outside the city.

For centuries the Forum was the center of day-to-day life in Rome: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city’s great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome, it has been called the most celebrated meeting place in the world, and in all history. Located in the small valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum today is a sprawling ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations attracting 4.5 million or more sightseers yearly.

Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman Kingdom‘s earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia , and the Temple of Vesta , as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.

Other archaic shrines to the northwest, such as the Umbilicus Urbis and the Vulcanal (Shrine of Vulcan), developed into the Republic‘s formal Comitium (assembly area). This is where the Senate as well as Republican government itself began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.

Over time the archaic Comitium was replaced by the larger adjacent Forum and the focus of judicial activity moved to the new Basilica Aemilia . Some 130 years later, Julius Caesar built the Basilica Julia, along with the new Curia Julia, refocusing both the judicial offices and the Senate itself. This new Forum, in what proved to be its final form, then served as a revitalized city square where the people of Rome could gather for commercial, political, judicial and religious pursuits in ever greater numbers.

4. Maui, Hawaii

shore during sunset
Photo by James Wheeler on

The island of Maui is the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands at 727.2 square miles (1,883 km2) and is the 17th largest island in the United States. Maui is the best island in the world. Travelers around the globe favor “The Valley Isle” so much, they’ve named it a top destination and the best island.

Possessing a luxurious and hip image, Maui hosts world-class resorts, exciting activities and championship golf, all surrounded by staggering natural beauty. The islands’ “aloha spirit” and native host Hawaiian culture provides an unparalleled vacation experience.

In addition to relaxing by the resort pool or on the beach with a great book and the iconic fruity cocktail, visitors can take advantage of activities such as golf, sailing, eco-tours, shopping, ziplining, wine tasting and farm tours plus so much more.

Points of Interest The central Maui town of Kahului/Wailuku is the island’s business center, while West Maui hosts sprawling beaches, upscale hotels of Ka’anapali and the historic whaling town of Lahaina. South Maui is home to a high-end resort district, Wailea plus offers a good spot for snorkeling, diving and wildlife watching. Maui’s best area to explore underwater is the lava rock crescent-shaped Molokini, so take a 25-minute boat ride and explore.

Iao Valley, reposing between the volcanoes near Kahoolawe, is a place the modern world seems to have left behind. There is fascinating and dramatic history here, much of it violent, with the Iao Needle rock pillar having served as a natural altar.

In the case of Hana, the journey may be as important as the destination. With giant waterfalls, artist hamlets and rainbows along the way, make it a day trip and stop for picnic supplies in Pa’ia. The infamous Road to Hana is curvy and minimally maintained. Thank goodness development of this isolated town has been limited so visitor’s can enjoy a truer sense of Hawaii.

This Hawaiian island offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. You can surf, enjoy a meal on the beach at a five-star luxury resort in Wailea, ride a horse across a dormant volcano in Haleakala National Park, or hike through a rainforest in the West Maui Mountains. The natural scenery is amazing-it’s truly one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

When it comes to accommodation, there is something for everyone here, from rustic hippie bungalow bed and breakfasts to five-star luxury resort hotels. Wailea has all the luxury

5. Maasai Mara, Kenya

group of man on a desert
Photo by Follow Alice on

Maasai Mara is one of the most famous and important wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa, world-renowned for its exceptional populations of lion, African leopard, cheetah and African bush elephant .

Maasai Mara, also known as Masai Mara, and locally simply as The Mara, is a large national game reserve in NarokKenya, contiguous with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. It is named in honor of the Maasai people, the ancestral inhabitants of the area, who migrated to the area from the Nile Basin. Their description of the area when looked at from afar: “Mara” means “spotted” in the local Maasai language, due to the many short bushy trees which dot the landscape.

Kenya’s Masai Mara is an incredible bio-diverse area and a popular safari destination. It’s an opportunity to see the “big five” animals (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo) all during one trip .

Maasai Mara is one of the most famous and important wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa, world-renowned for its exceptional populations of lionAfrican leopardcheetah and African bush elephant. It also hosts the Great Migration, which secured it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, and as one of the ten Wonders of the World.

The Greater Mara ecosystem encompasses areas known as the Maasai Mara National Reserve, the Mara Triangle, and several Maasai Conservancies, including Koiyaki, Lemek,  Mara North, Olkinyei, Siana, Maji Moto, Naikara, Ol Derkesi, Kerinkani, Oloirien, and Kimintet

The protected Masai Mara National Reserve park area is huge, over 1,500 square kilometers of mainly grassland, extending all the way to the Serengeti plain of Tanzania. The popular times to visit are during the twice-yearly migrations, the main one being in July and August. Over a million wildebeest and other animals cross the area in huge groups to go from one feeding area to another. Most visitors fly into Nairobi, then take a small bush plane to the Mara.

6. Montreal, Canada

high rise buildings
Photo by Nancy Bourque on

Montreal is the second largest French speaking citiy in the world, after Paris. However, most Montrealers – especially in downtown – are bilingual. Many more speak a third language. In downtown stores, shoppers are greeted with a confident BonjourHi, a term which is becoming more and more popular, indicating bilingualism.

As you listen to the sound of French being spoken around you and explore Old Montreal, wandering down its narrow cobblestone streets-you might think you’re in France. The historic area is filled with quaint shops and cafes; this Canadian city can be a chance to experience a bit of Europe in North America.

The city also has a thriving food scene, with several popular farmers markets, including the Atwater Market and the Jean Talon Market. It’s also known for its bagels, cooked hot and fresh by several iconic must-visit bakeries.

Be sure to visit the beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica and take a drive up to Mount Royal, the big hill (or low mountain) the city is named after. You’ll be rewarded with some amazing views extending all the way to the port.

Montreal has the highest number of restaurants per Capita in Canada and the second in North America after New York. Montreal’s restaurant scene is very cosmopolitan with menus from literally around the world, with an often added French touch.

Montreal is the first North American city to have been designated UNESCO City of Design by the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity in 2006. With this honor, Montreal’s effort and enthusiasm as well as the city’s potential for economic and social development in the field of design is recognized.

Montreal is build around Mont Royal, from where the city received its name. Mont Royal Park, located on the mountain, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the same person who designed New York City’s Central Park. No building in Montreal can be taller than the famous Cross found on Mont Royal!

Montreal has an Underground City, which is a series of interconnected tunnels beneath the city that run for over 32km. The tunnels connect shopping malls, over 2000 stores, 7 metro stations,universities, banks, offices, museums, restaurants and so on. Unlike what is commonly believed, Montrealers use the underground tunnels mostly in the heat of the Summer rather than to escape the cold in Winter!

7. New Zealand

scenic view of the mountains
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on

Auckland lies between the Hauraki Gulf to the east, then extending in Hunua Ranges to the south-east, the Manukau Harbour to the south-west, and the Waitakere Ranges and smaller ranges to the west and north-west. The surrounding hills are covered in rainforest and the landscape is dotted with 53 dormant volcanic cones. The central part of the urban area occupies a narrow isthmus between the Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea and the Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean. Auckland is one of the few cities in the world to have a harbour on each of two separate major bodies of water.

The isthmus on which Auckland resides was first settled c. 1350 and was valued for its rich and fertile land. The Maori population in the area is estimated to have peaked at 20,000 before the arrival of Europeans.  After a British colony was established in 1840, William Hobson, then Lieutenant-Governor of New Zealand, chose the area as his new capital. He named the area for George Eden, Earl of Auckland, British First Lord of the Admiralty. Maori–European conflict over land in the region led to war in the mid-19th century. Auckland was replaced as the capital in 1865 by Wellington, but the city continued to grow, initially because of its port and logging and gold mining in its hinterland, later from pastoral farming , and manufacturing in the city itself. It has throughout most of its history been the nation’s largest city. Today, Auckland’s central business district is New Zealand’s leading economic hub.

The University of Auckland, founded in 1883, is the largest university in New Zealand. The city’s varied cultural institutions—such as the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the Museum of Transport and Technology, and Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki—and national historic sites, festivals, performing arts, and sports activities are significant tourist attractions. Architectural landmarks include the Harbour Bridge, the Town Hall, the Ferry Building and the Sky Tower. The city is served by Auckland Airport, which handles around one million international passengers a month. Despite being one of the most expensive cities in the world, Auckland is recognised as one of the world’s most liveable cities, ranked third in the 2019 Mercer Quality of Living Survey.

With its striking natural beauty, friendly citizens, and recent popularity due to its use as the filming location for the Lord of the Rings films (as well as many others), this island nation is one of the world’s great places to visit. The biodiversity here is amazing-it’s believed New Zealand was one of the last places on earth to have human inhabitants.

Start your visit off in the capital city of Auckland, with its culture, history, and museums. Spend some time on the water and at the beach-Waitemata Harbour has beaches, along with a range of sailing and boating activities.

Visit the Rotorua area to learn about and experience indigenous Maori culture and head to Queenstown to experience the country’s wide range of outdoor extreme action sports. Remember, this is where bungee jumping was invented.

8. Istanbul, Turkey

brown concrete dome building at night
Photo by Burak Karaduman on

Istanbul is a major city in Turkey that straddles Europe and Asia across the Bosphorus Strait. Its Old City reflects cultural influences of the many empires that once ruled here. In the Sultanahmet district, the open-air, Roman-era Hippodrome was for centuries the site of chariot races, and Egyptian obelisks also remain. The iconic Byzantine Hagia Sophia features a soaring 6th-century dome and rare Christian mosaics.

The city held the strategic position between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. It was also on the historic Silk Road. It controlled rail networks between the Balkans and the Middle East and was the only sea route between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. In 1923, after the Turkish War of Independence, Ankara was chosen as the new Turkish capital, and the city’s name was changed to Istanbul. Nevertheless, the city maintained its prominence in geopolitical and cultural affairs. The population of the city has increased tenfold since the 1950s, as migrants from across Anatolia have moved in and city limits have expanded to accommodate them. Arts, music, film, and cultural festivals were established towards the end of the 20th century and continue to be hosted by the city today. Infrastructure improvements have produced a complex transportation network in the city.

Turkey’s capital city is another destination that offers a great mix of culture, food, and history. There are thousands of years of history here, starting with Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans and leading up through the Ottoman Empire.

It’s an Islamic country with a secular government, so it’s a good place for Western tourists to experience Islamic culture. There’s a mix of the new and the timeless here unlike anywhere else. You can spend the night at a wonderful restaurant eating great Turkish food and dancing to Turkish music, then rise (very early) in the morning to the sound of the Ezan or morning Islamic call to prayer. It echoes across the rooftops as it’s broadcast from loudspeakers set atop the minarets of the city’s mosques.

Istanbul has excellent public transit, which means it’s easy to get around and explore all the major sites and monuments. Must-see places include the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, and Topkapi Palace.

9. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

man looking at an ancient temple
Photo by Tiago Cardoso on

Angkor Wattemple complex at Angkor, near SiemreabCambodia, that was built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II (reigned 1113–c. 1150). It is the world’s largest religious structure, covering some 400 acres (160 hectares), and marks the high point of Khmer architecture.

It is located just outside the Cambodian city of Siem Reap, Angkor Wat is the largest religious site in the world. It was created originally as a Hindu temple and mausoleum for the Khmer ruler in the early part of the 12th century and was converted to a Buddhist temple at the end of the 12th century. Just part of a enormous ancient city. Angkor Wat is the temple area, Angor Thom was the city and palace area. There are hundreds of other ruin sites in the area, all part of the ancient capital of Angkor.

Siem Reap and its temples and ruins are now very easily accessible via daily flights from Hong Kong and other large Asian cities. Accommodations range from inexpensive guesthouses to lavish luxury resorts, with everything in between.

10. London, England

city view at london
Photo by Dominika Gregušová on

Several bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark, in central London. The current crossing, which opened to traffic in 1973, is a box girder bridge built from concrete and steel.

Throughout its history, London bridge has been a busy thoroughfare, and was once lined with shops. The road over the bridge was only about 4m wide between the shops. It was so narrow it often jammed with people, horses and carts.

The Old London Bridge of nursery rhyme fame dates from 1176, when Peter, a priest and chaplain of St. Mary’s of Colechurch, began construction of the foundation. Replacing a timber bridge (one of several built in late Roman and early medieval times), Peter’s structure was the first great stone arch bridge built in Britain. It was to consist of 19 pointed arches, each with a span of approximately 24 feet (7 metres), built on piers 20 feet (6 metres) wide; a 20th opening was designed to be spanned by a wooden drawbridge.

The stone foundations of the piers were built inside cofferdams made by driving timber piles into the riverbed; these in turn were surrounded by starlings. As a result of obstructions encountered during pile driving, the span of the constructed arches actually varied from 15 to 34 feet in the width of the protective starlings was so great that the total waterway was reduced to a quarter of its original width, and the tide roared through the narrow archways like a millrace. “Shooting the bridge” in a small boat became one of the thrills of Londoners.

In 1205 Peter of Colechurch died, and three other London citizens completed the bridge by 1209. Almost immediately the bridge became not only an important commercial crossing but also a choice business and residential site. Shops lined both sides of the roadway between the fortified gates at either end; houses were built above the shops, with 138 premises being recorded in 1358. Walkways and additional rooms were extended between the buildings, transforming the roadway into a tunnel-like passage through which merchants and other travelers bustled. In the 1580s, during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign, water mills were installed that added to the uproar.

This historic English city is another destination just filled with incredible places to visit. A trip to London is an opportunity to visit iconic places like the Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London.

Take advantage of the city being a cultural center as well by seeing a West End theater show or watching a musical performance at the Royal Albert Hall. Modern London is also a city of fine dining, luxury hotels, and world-class shopping.

Don’t miss the museums, the vast British Museum is free, and usually quite crowded. Make time to visit The Wallace Collection, a free museum on Oxford Street. It has one of the world’s greatest collections of furniture and porcelain, along with some important Old Master paintings.

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