Top 10 Most Prescribed Medicines in India in the year 2022

Medications are substances or mixtures that are utilized to forestall, treat, or fix sicknesses, alleviate side effects, or advance recuperating and prosperity in people or creatures. They are regularly evolved through broad logical examination and go through thorough testing to guarantee their wellbeing and adequacy.
The essential objective of medications is to reestablish or keep up with wellbeing by focusing on unambiguous natural cycles, managing regular physical processes, or modifying the direction of an infection. They can be gotten from different sources, including plants, creatures, minerals, or integrated through synthetic cycles. Medications come in different structures like tablets, cases, fluids, creams, balms, infusions, or inhalers, considering various courses of organization relying upon the condition being dealt with. Recommended meds, otherwise called physician endorsed drugs, are meds that must be gotten with a legitimate medicine from an authorized medical care proficient, like a specialist or a medical caretaker expert. These meds are controlled by legislative bodies, like the Food and Medication Organization (FDA) in the US, to guarantee their security and adequacy.
Physician recommended drugs are commonly used to treat explicit ailments and are endorsed in view of a singular’s remarkable necessities. The medical services proficient assesses the patient’s side effects, clinical history, and some other pertinent variables prior to deciding the proper drug and measurements. Here is the rundown of top 10 most recommended medications in INDIA in the year 2022.

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1.Vitamin D (Drisdol, Calciferol)

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Vitamin D, otherwise called Drisdol or Calciferol, is a fat-solvent nutrient that assumes a significant part in keeping up with in general wellbeing and prosperity. It is normally delivered in the body when the skin is presented to daylight, explicitly bright B (UVB) radiation. Moreover, vitamin D can be acquired from specific food sources and dietary enhancements. Vitamin D is fundamental for the retention of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which are significant for the turn of events and support serious areas of strength for of solid bones. It likewise upholds the working of the resistant framework, manages cell development and separation, and assumes a part in neuromuscular capability.
Lack in vitamin D can prompt different medical issues, including debilitated bones, expanded hazard of breaks, and conditions like rickets in youngsters and osteoporosis in grown-ups. People who are at a higher gamble of lack of vitamin D incorporate those with restricted sun openness, more seasoned grown-ups, individuals with hazier skin pigmentation, and those with specific ailments that influence fat retention. Drisdol and Calciferol are physician endorsed prescriptions that contain nutrient D2 (ergocalciferol) or nutrient D3 (cholecalciferol) as the dynamic fixing. These meds are commonly used to treat and forestall lack of vitamin D when dietary admission or sun openness is inadequate. It’s critical to take note of that while vitamin D supplementation can be valuable for those with a lack, extreme admission of vitamin D can be hurtful. It’s prescribed to talk with a medical care proficient to decide the fitting measurements in view of individual necessities and conditions.

2. Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Biomox, Polymox)

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Amoxicillin is a regularly recommended anti-infection used to treat different bacterial diseases. It has a place with the class of anti-microbials known as penicillins and is compelling against a great many microorganisms. Amoxicillin works by repressing the development of microscopic organisms and keeping them from shaping cell walls. This activity at last prompts the annihilation of the microorganisms and the goal of the disease. It is normally used to treat respiratory plot contaminations, urinary lot diseases, skin diseases, and certain physically sent diseases.
Like any prescription, Amoxicillin has the two advantages and expected secondary effects. The most well-known secondary effects incorporate the runs, sickness, retching, rash, and unfavorably susceptible responses. It is essential to accept Amoxicillin as recommended by your medical services supplier and complete the full course of therapy, regardless of whether you begin feeling quite a bit improved prior to finishing the medicine.

3.Levothyroxine (Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Unithroid)

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Levothyroxine, ordinarily sold under brand names like Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, and Unithroid, is a drug used to treat an underactive thyroid organ, a condition known as hypothyroidism. It is an engineered type of the thyroid chemical thyroxine (T4), which is ordinarily created by the thyroid organ. Levothyroxine is recommended when the thyroid organ neglects to deliver sufficient thyroid chemical, prompting side effects, for example, weariness, weight gain, aversion to cold, and sadness. By giving a substitution to the missing chemical, levothyroxine manages the body’s digestion, energy levels, and by and large prosperity. Levothyroxine works by enhancing or supplanting the thyroid chemical in the body. It is changed over into its dynamic structure, triiodothyronine (T3), in different tissues all through the body, where it manages digestion. Remedy and Measurements: Levothyroxine is accessible as tablets or cases and is commonly taken orally once everyday. The measurement relies upon different elements, like the singular’s age, weight, and explicit ailment. It is fundamental to follow the recommended measurement and bearings given by a medical services proficient. While beginning levothyroxine treatment, your PCP might demand occasional blood tests to screen thyroid chemical levels and change the measurements appropriately. This is finished to guarantee that the drug really reestablishes thyroid capability. Levothyroxine ought to be required reliably simultaneously every day to keep a consistent level of the chemical in the body. It is for the most part prescribed to take the medicine while starving, somewhere around 30 minutes to 1 hour before breakfast or some other meds, as specific food varieties and medications can slow down its ingestion. While levothyroxine is for the most part very much endured, a few people might encounter incidental effects, particularly in the event that the measurements is excessively high. Normal incidental effects might incorporate brief going bald, expanded pulse, palpitations, anxiety, quakes, migraine, and gastrointestinal unsettling influences.

4.Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)

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Lisinopril, sold under the brand names Prinivil and Zestril, is a prescription that has a place with a class of medications called angiotensin-changing over catalyst (Expert) inhibitors. It is essentially used to treat hypertension (hypertension), cardiovascular breakdown, and further develop endurance following a coronary failure. Lisinopril works by repressing the activity of Expert, a chemical liable for the creation of a chemical called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II makes veins limited and advances the arrival of another chemical called aldosterone, which prompts liquid maintenance. By hindering the activity of ACE, lisinopril loosens up veins, lower pulse, and diminish the responsibility on the heart. Lisinopril is principally recommended to oversee hypertension (hypertension) and cardiovascular breakdown. It might likewise be utilized to further develop endurance after a cardiovascular failure, treat specific kidney conditions, and forestall headaches. Lisinopril is accessible in tablet structure and is typically taken once day to day. The dose might shift relying upon the condition being dealt with and individual patient elements. It is critical to adhere to the guidelines given by the medical services proficient. Like any drug, lisinopril might cause incidental effects. Normal aftereffects incorporate wooziness, migraine, relentless hack, weariness, sickness, and low circulatory strain. Serious yet uncommon aftereffects might incorporate unfavorably susceptible responses, expanding of the face or throat, chest torment, and trouble relaxing. Assuming that any serious secondary effects happen, clinical consideration ought to be looked for right away. Prior to taking lisinopril, illuminating your medical care supplier about any current ailments or allergies is significant. Lisinopril may not be reasonable for people with a background marked by angioedema, kidney issues, liver illness, or certain other ailments. It is fundamental to unveil any remaining meds, enhancements, or home grown cures being taken, as some might connect with lisinopril. Customary check-ups with a medical care supplier are typically prescribed to screen the reaction to lisinopril and change the measurements if important. Circulatory strain and kidney capability might be surveyed during these visits. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Lisinopril ought not be involved during pregnancy as it might hurt the creating hatchling. It is additionally not suggested for breastfeeding moms, as the drug might pass into bosom milk.

5.Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)

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Ibuprofen, regularly sold under brand names like Advil and Motrin, is a nonsteroidal mitigating drug (NSAID) that is broadly used to ease torment, lessen irritation, and lower fever. It has a place with a class of drugs called propionic corrosive subordinates. Component of Activity: Ibuprofen works by hindering the development of specific synthetic substances in the body called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are liable for advancing irritation, agony, and fever. By lessening their creation, ibuprofen mitigates these side effects.

  1. Pain Alleviation: Ibuprofen is ordinarily used to ease gentle to direct agony, for example, migraines, toothaches, feminine spasms, muscle throbs, and joint agony. It can give transitory alleviation from these inconveniences by lessening aggravation and obstructing torment signals.
  2. Anti-fiery Impacts: Ibuprofen has calming properties, making it helpful in treating conditions portrayed by irritation, like joint pain (counting rheumatoid joint inflammation and osteoarthritis), tendonitis, bursitis, and gout. It decreases expanding, torment, and firmness related with these circumstances.
  3. Fever Decrease: Ibuprofen is likewise successful in diminishing fever by following up on the nerve center, the piece of the mind answerable for managing internal heat level. It cuts down raised internal heat levels in conditions like influenza, normal cold, and different contaminations.
  4. Dosage and Organization: Ibuprofen is available without a prescription (OTC) in lower dosages and furthermore in higher remedy qualities. The suggested dose fluctuates relying upon the age, weight, and explicit condition being dealt with. It is normally taken orally with water and can be taken regardless of food, yet taking it with food might assist with limiting stomach disturbance.
  5. Potential Aftereffects: Like all prescriptions, ibuprofen might cause secondary effects, albeit not every person encounters them. Normal aftereffects incorporate stomach upset, acid reflux, heartburn, sickness, and gentle gastrointestinal (GI) aggravations. In uncommon cases, ibuprofen can cause more serious secondary effects like gastrointestinal dying, kidney issues, and hypersensitive responses. It’s vital to follow the suggested measurements and counsel a medical services proficient in the event that any unsettling side effects happen.
  6. Precautions and Associations: Ibuprofen might connect with different drugs, including blood thinners, headache medicine, certain antidepressants, and certain pulse meds. It is essential to illuminate your medical services supplier pretty much every one of the prescriptions, enhancements, and ailments you have prior to taking ibuprofen.
  7. Contraindications: Ibuprofen ought to be stayed away from or involved with alert in people with a background marked by stomach ulcers, kidney illness, liver sickness, coronary illness, asthma, or draining issues. Pregnant ladies, particularly during the third trimester, and people with a background marked by hypersensitive responses to NSAIDs ought to likewise practice alert.

6.Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall, Adderall XR)

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Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine, regularly realized by the brand name Adderall (and Adderall XR for expanded discharge), is a medicine recommended for the treatment of consideration shortfall hyperactivity jumble (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It contains a blend of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which are focal sensory system energizers. Adderall works by expanding the levels of specific synthetics in the mind, like dopamine and norepinephrine. These synthetics assume a part in managing consideration, drive control, and hyperactivity. By adjusting these synapses, Adderall further develops center, capacity to focus, and decrease imprudent conduct in people with ADHD. It’s critical to take note of that Adderall is a physician recommended medicine and ought to just be taken under the management of a certified medical care proficient. The measurements and length of treatment fluctuate contingent upon the singular’s condition and reaction to the medicine.
While Adderall can be helpful for people with ADHD when utilized fittingly, it likewise conveys possible dangers and incidental effects. Normal incidental effects might incorporate expanded pulse, raised circulatory strain, loss of craving, a sleeping disorder, dry mouth, and touchiness. A few people might encounter more serious secondary effects or unfriendly responses, so it’s urgent to counsel a medical services proficient in the event that any worries emerge. Tt’s crucial for use Adderall as recommended and try not to involve it for non-clinical purposes. Adderall has a potential for misuse and can be propensity framing when abused. It is delegated a Timetable II controlled substance in the US because of its maltreatment potential. Adderall is a professionally prescribed prescription containing a blend of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It is normally endorsed for ADHD and narcolepsy, as it further develops concentration, consideration, and motivation control.

7.Amlodipine (Norvasc)

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Amlodipine, regularly realized by its image name Norvasc, is a prescription utilized essentially for the treatment of hypertension (hypertension) and specific sorts of chest torment (angina). It has a place with a class of medications called calcium channel blockers. Amlodipine works by loosening up the veins, permitting blood to stream all the more effectively and diminishing the responsibility on the heart. This assists lower with blooding pressure and further develop blood stream to the heart, freeing side effects from angina. While taking Amlodipine, it is vital to adhere to your PCP’s guidelines and take the medicine precisely as endorsed. The standard beginning portion for hypertension is 5 mg once day to day, which can be expanded to a most extreme portion of 10 mg each day if fundamental. For angina, the standard beginning portion is 5 mg once day to day, and the most extreme portion is 10 mg each day. Normal symptoms of Amlodipine might incorporate migraine, dazedness, weariness, flushing, and enlarging in the lower legs or feet. In uncommon cases, more serious secondary effects can happen, like a quick or sporadic heartbeat, extreme tipsiness, or enlarging of the face, lips, tongue, or throat.

8.Albuterol HFA (Ventolin HFA, Proair HFA, Proventil HFA)

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Albuterol HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) is a normally utilized inhaler medicine that has a place with the class of medications known as bronchodilators. It is principally used to treat and oversee side effects related with asthma, ongoing obstructive pneumonic illness (COPD), and other respiratory circumstances that cause aviation route narrowing. Albuterol HFA is accessible under different brand names, including Ventolin HFA, Proair HFA, and Proventil HFA. These brands contain a similar dynamic fixing, albuterol sulfate, however may contrast as far as their definition and inhaler gadget plan. Albuterol works by loosening up the muscles in the aviation routes, accordingly opening them up and considering more straightforward relaxing. While utilizing an albuterol HFA inhaler, you normally shake the inhaler a long time before each utilization and afterward take in the prescription through your mouth. It is critical to adhere to the particular directions given by your medical care supplier or the item marking with respect to the right dose and recurrence of purpose. Albuterol HFA inhalers are viewed as short-acting bronchodilators, meaning they give speedy help of side effects during intense episodes of breathing hardships. In the event that you are encountering an unexpected beginning of wheezing, windedness, or chest snugness, you can involve your albuterol HFA inhaler as coordinated by your medical services proficient. It’s critical to take note of that albuterol HFA inhalers are not expected to be utilized as support treatment for long haul the board of asthma or COPD. In those cases, different prescriptions, like breathed in corticosteroids or long-acting bronchodilators, might be endorsed for everyday use. Albuterol HFA can make side impacts. Normal aftereffects might incorporate expanded pulse, unsteadiness, migraine, wooziness, and throat bothering. On the off chance that you experience extreme secondary effects or on the other hand in the event that your side effects don’t further develop in the wake of utilizing the inhaler, looking for clinical attention is fundamental.

9,Prednisone (Deltasone, Rayos, Prednisone Intensol)

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Prednisone is a manufactured corticosteroid prescription that is normally endorsed to treat different ailments. It has a place with a class of medications called glucocorticoids, which are known for their calming and immunosuppressive properties. Prednisone is accessible under a few brand names, including Deltasone, Rayos, and Prednisone Intensol. Prednisone is essentially used to lessen irritation and smother the safe framework’s reaction in conditions like sensitivities, asthma, rheumatoid joint pain, lupus, and certain skin conditions. It works by mirroring the impacts of cortisol, a characteristic chemical delivered by the adrenal organs. Cortisol assumes a critical part in controlling irritation and safe reactions in the body. When taken orally, prednisone is quickly consumed and utilized in the liver. It then applies its belongings all through the body. The measurement and span of treatment with prednisone rely upon the particular condition being dealt with and the singular patient’s reaction to the medicine. It is normally recommended in a tightened portion, continuously diminishing the measurements over the long haul to limit potential withdrawal side effects. While prednisone can be profoundly compelling in overseeing different provocative circumstances, it is essential to take note of that it might cause a scope of secondary effects. Normal aftereffects incorporate expanded hunger, weight gain, liquid maintenance, raised pulse, mind-set changes, and trouble dozing. Long haul use or high-portion treatment might prompt more extreme aftereffects, including osteoporosis, muscle shortcoming, expanded vulnerability to diseases, and adrenal deficiency.
It is critical to follow the recommended dose and length of treatment with prednisone and to talk with a medical care proficient for legitimate checking and the executives of expected incidental effects. Unexpectedly halting prednisone after long haul use can bring about adrenal emergency, a possibly dangerous condition portrayed by adrenal organ disappointment. Prednisone ought not be taken without a specialist’s remedy, as its utilization requires cautious assessment of the singular’s clinical history, current meds, and potential medication cooperations. It is fundamental to impart any current ailments, like diabetes, glaucoma, or osteoporosis, as well as any continuous medicines or meds to the recommending medical services proficient. Prednisone is a generally utilized corticosteroid prescription recommended to treat different incendiary circumstances. While it can give critical advantages, it is vital to know about its likely secondary effects and to utilize it under clinical watch.

10.Gabapentin (Neurontin)

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Gabapentin, regularly realized by its image name Neurontin, is a drug principally used to treat epilepsy and neuropathic torment. It has a place with a class of medications called anticonvulsants or antiepileptics. Gabapentin works by influencing the synapses in the cerebrum, explicitly gamma-aminobutyric corrosive (GABA). It is accepted to build the development of GABA, a synapse that represses nerve action and assists with decreasing seizures and torment signals. While basically endorsed for treating epilepsy and neuropathic torment, Gabapentin may likewise be recommended off-name for different circumstances, like a tendency to fidget, hot blazes, and certain mental issues like uneasiness and bipolar problem. It is critical to take note of that utilizing Gabapentin without legitimate clinical management or a substantial solution can be hazardous. Abuse or maltreatment of Gabapentin can prompt unfriendly impacts, including dazedness, sleepiness, obscured vision, coordination issues, and, surprisingly, respiratory melancholy. Also, unexpectedly halting the medicine can cause withdrawal side effects. In the event that you accept Gabapentin might be a reasonable treatment choice for you, it is fundamental to talk with medical services proficient who can assess your condition, give a legitimate determination, and endorse the prescription if fitting. They will think about variables like your clinical history, current drugs, and any possible contraindications prior to deciding the right measurements and treatment plan for you.

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THE 10 GREAT SMALLEST BIRD SPECIES IN THE WORLD (ranked by the Height of the Bird)

Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings. But few bird species do not have strong enough wings to fly , so these birds are flightless. Birds are a group of feathered theropod dinosaurs and constitute the only living dinosaurs. There are about ten thousand living species, more than half of which are passerine, or “perching” birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species. Many social species pass on knowledge across generations, which is considered a form of culture. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behaviours as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Songbirds, parrots, and other species are popular as pets. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Here are the 10 Smallest Bird Species the world ranked by Height of the Bird.

1.Bee Humming Bird(Mellisuga helenae)

The Bee Humming Bird is the smallest living bird and also the world’s lightest bird at under 2 grams. It has the smallest nest in the world. The Bee Humming Bird, zunzuncito or Helena Humming Bird is a species of Humming Bird. They are also known as “the flying jewels” because they are able to change the color of their feathers when they fly, this is the unique character. It is native to Cuba. The Average length of Bee Hummingbird is 5 – 6 centimeters and weight is 1.7 grams. The male has a green pileum and bright red throat, iridescent gorget with elongated lateral plumes, bluish upper parts, and the rest of the under parts mostly grayish white. Female bee hummingbirds are bluish green with a pale gray underside. The tips of their tail feathers have white spots. Hummingbirds are named after the humming sound which is produced by their wings during flight. Hummingbirds are very intelligent animals. They have larger brain size than other birds. Their brain weights 4.2% of the hummingbird total body weight. They do not have the sense of smell.

Hummingbirds can see and hear better than humans. They can even detect ultraviolet light. They can move their wings 70 times in a single second, so it requires a lot of energy. Hummingbirds use carbohydrates (sugars) as the main source of energy for flight. Nectar from flowers is the best source of sugar. It also eats insects, which provide them with enough proteins. Female usually lays 2 eggs, which are very small about just ½ inches long. Eggs represent 10 percent of the mother’s weight. Baby cannot fly and it spends first three weeks of life in the nest. Most hummingbirds die in the first year of their life. Those that survive, have an average lifespan of 5 years in the wild and more than 10 years in captivity.

2.Costa’s Humming Bird(Calypte Costae)

The Costa’s Hummingbirds (Calypte costae) are small North American desert birds that occur in the western United States and Mexico, but are known to wander eastward and as far north as Alaska and Canada. Average length of Costa’s Humming Bird is only 8 centimeters long and average weight is 3 grams. It’s native to the southwestern USA. The desert might seem like a bad place for a creature that feeds at flowers, but it is the favored habitat for Costa’s Hummingbird. The Costa’s hummingbird can usually be found in the arid deserts and gardens of its range. The male Costa’s hummingbird has a green and black back and flanks and a small black tail with patches of white below its tail. The male Costa’s hummingbird sports a vibrant purple cap and has throat feathers that flare out behind its head. The female Costa’s hummingbird, not as distinct as the male, is gray-green above and white on its underparts.

Jules Bourcier, a French naturalist and hummingbird expert named the Costa’s Hummingbird after his friend Louis Marie Pantaleon Costa de Beauregar. Costa was a Sardinian patriot, statesman, military commander, historian, and amateur archaeologist who was also fond of collecting hummingbirds. Compact and short-tailed with a slightly drooping bill. Researchers calculated that a Costa’s Hummingbird needs to visit 1,840 flowers to meet its energy requirements for one day. Even though they are traditionally migratory birds, an increasing number of them choose to remain throughout the year in areas with temperate climates, where food supplies are ample. It feeds on nectar and insects. They are typically found near plants such as the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) and cholla cactus (Opuntia acanthocarpa). They use their long, extendible, straw-like tongues to retrieve the nectar while hovering with their tails cocked upward as they are licking at the nectar up to 13 times per second. Sometimes they may be seen hanging on the flower while feeding.

3.WeeBill(Smicrornis Brevirostris)

Average length of WeeBill is just 8 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. Wingspan is approximately 15 cm (5.9 in). The Weebill was described by John Gould in 1838 as Psilopus brevirostris. The Weebill’s common name comes from the short, stubby, pale beak. The eye is pale cream, and there is a pale line above the eye. The Weebill is native to Australia’s jungles, forests and it is Australia’s smallest bird. Inhabits dry, open woodlands, especially Eucalypt forests. Eucalyptus-rich areas, they have a diet that’s based on larvae and small insects. It is very vocal as it forages in trees, where it feeds primarily on insects, sometimes in mixed flocks with thorn bills and pardalotes.

The Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris) is a species of bird in the family Acanthizidae, it is an insectivorous passerine. The Weebill’s plumage is nondescript, with olive-grey upperparts and paler, more yellowish under parts. It grades from more brownish plumage in the Southern regions of Australia to more yellow in tropical areas. Other names of it include tree-tit, short billed tree-tit, scrub-tit, or short-billed scrub-tit. The voice of the Weebill is a loud, clear, musical “pee-pee p’wee”, “wee bit” or “wee willy weetee”, often heard from a considerable distance. They display a preference for foraging in the canopy foliage of healthy Eucalyptus trees, where they are more likely to retrieve insects. The Weebill is widespread in all climates.

4.Goldcrest(Regulus Regulus)

Goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe. Average length of Goldcrest(Regulus Regulus) is 9 centimeters, weight is 5.7 grams and wingspan is 14 cm. Goldcrest includes many countries in the Middle East, East and Central Asia, India and many parts of Europe. It is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. Birds on the Canary Islands are now separated into two subspecies of the goldcrest, but were formerly considered to be a subspecies of the firecrest or a separate species, Regulus teneriffae. It is small bird with finely shaped bill and a short tail. Crown stripe yellow in female, orange in male. Since bird is often viewed from below, the crown stripe is often not visible. The dark eye with the large, pale grey eye-ring is a better character. Their thin beak is ideally suited for picking insects out from between pine needles.

It’s colourful golden crest feathers, as well as being called the “king of the birds” in European folklore, gives rise to its English and scientific names. The scientific name, R. regulus, means king or knight. The Goldcrest breeds in coniferous woodland and gardens. It builds three-layered nest on a tree branch. It is the fact that Goldcrests can incubate as many as 12 eggs at one time in their nest. Eggs are incubated by the female alone, and the chicks are fed by both parents. Contact call a very high pitched “zit zit zit”, only similar to Firecrest and treecreepers. Goldcrests eat tiny morsels like spiders, moth eggs and other small insect food. Birds from the North and East of its breeding range migrate to winter further South.

5.Simple FireCrest(Regulus Ignicapilla)

Averagelength of Simple FireCrest(Regulus Ignicapilla) is 9.3 centimeters and weight is 5.5 grams. FireCrest is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. The Firecrest is as small as the Goldcrest and is clearly very closely related to it, but the two species can coexist because of their subtly different ecological requirements. It is possible that this species was the original “king of the birds” in European folklore. It breeds in most of temperate Europe and northwestern Africa, and is partially migratory, with birds from central Europe wintering to the south and west of their breeding range. This kinglet is constantly on the move and frequently hovers as it searches for insects to eat, and in winter it is often found with flocks of tits.

Firecrests in the Balearic Islands and north Africa are widely recognized as a separate subspecies, but the population on Madeira, previously also treated as a subspecies, is now treated as a distinct species, the Madeira firecrest, Regulus madeirensis. The common Firecrest breeds in broadleaved or coniferous woodland and gardens. Seven to twelve eggs are incubated by the female alone. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge 22–24 days after hatching. It may be hunted and killed by birds of prey, and can carry parasites. Simple firecrests tend to be seen more frequently during autumn and winter.


Average length of Pardalote(Pardalotidae) is 9.5 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. The Pardalote is a particularly attractive Australian bird and native to Australia. Pardalotes are a family, Pardalotidae, of very small and brightly coloured birds. This family is composed of four species in one genus, Pardalotus, and several subspecies. Within the family two species, the forty-spotted pardalote and the red-browed pardalote, are fairly invariant species, but the remaining two species are highly variable. Spotted Pardalote also called as HeadacheBird. All four species nest in deep horizontal tunnels drilled into banks of earth. Externally about the size of a mouse-hole, they can be very deep, at a metre or more.

Some species also nest in tree hollows. Eventhough they weigh just 6 g. Their small size lets them get into small holes of eucalyptus trees to hunt for lerps and other native larvae. The name derives from a Greek word meaning “spotted”. They are seasonal breeders in temperate areas of Australia, but may breed year round in warmer areas. Pardalotes spend most of their time high in the outer foliage of trees, feeding on insects, spiders, and above all lerps. Their role in controlling lerp infestations in the Eucalyptus forests of Australia may be significant. Pardalote has short tail, strong legs, and stubby blunt beak. They are monogamous breeders, and both partners share nest construction, incubation and chick-rearing duties. Voice is a very clear and repetitive double “ding”.

7.Brown Gerygone(Gerygonemouki)

Average length of Brown Gerygone(Gerygonemouki) is 10 centimeters and weight is 6 grams. It is a Small plain bird with thin bill. It’s Upperparts brown, under parts whitish, with gray face, red eye, and distinctive patch of white in under tail. Juveniles lack red eye and have yellow gape (base of bill). Inhabits rainforest, wet forest, and surrounding habitats of Eastern Australia. The Brown Gerygone is similar to both the Large-billed, G. magnirostris, and Mangrove,G. levigaster, Gerygones. The Brown Gerygone is one a group of species of small birds which were formerly known as warblers, due to their loud, melodious song. However, as they are not related to the ‘true warblers’ that occur in Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia, their name was changed. Their new name, ‘gerygone’, which is pronounced ‘jer-ig-on-nee’, comes from Greek, meaning ‘the children of song’. It is also known as the Brown Warbler.

The tail feathers are dark and may be white-tipped. It feeds on insects. The brown Gerygone call is a soft what-is-it. In Victoria there has been a westward expansion of this species, with confirmed sightings in the Dandenong Ranges, East of Melbourne. It has been seen in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. The Brown Gerygone builds a rounded dome nest with a tapering ‘tail’ from roots, plant fibres, spider web, moss and lichens, which is suspended from a low branch or vine. Both parents feed their young ones.


Average length of Verdin(Ariparusflaviceps) is 10 centimeters and weight is 7 grams. The Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) is a species of penduline tit. Verdins are insectivorous, continuously foraging among the desert trees and scrubs. These restless birds comb the foliage of trees for insects and spiders, sometimes hanging upside down to investigate hard-to-reach places. They supplement their insect diet with fruits and even nectar, which they may sip from hummingbird feeders. Verdin rivals the American bushtit as one of the smallest passerines in North America. It is gray overall, and adults have a bright yellow head and rufous shoulder patch (the lesser coverts). Unlike the tits, it has a sharply pointed bill.

Juveniles have a light gray body without the rufous shoulder patch and yellow head. The base of the short bill is thick by the head, and draws to a sharp point at the tip. Their nests are best described as spherical masses of bulky twigs and branches that are then lined with grasses, feathers, and hair. Verdins nest in shrubs and thorny thickets with few trees. Both males and females build nests for roosting and nesting, and both incubate the eggs and tend to young. Clutch sizes vary from 3-6 eggs, which are light green with irregular dark red-brown spots, concentrated at the bottom end of the egg.

9.GoldenHeaded Cisticola(Cisticola Exiles)

Average length of GoldenHeaded Cisticola(Cisticola Exiles) is 10 centimeters and weight 8 grams. It is tiny, sandy-colored bird with short tail and dark-streaked back. Breeding adult males have orange-gold crown. Inhabits grasslands of northern and eastern Australia, where perches prominently. Very similar Zitting Cisticola always has a streaked crown and a very different “tick-tick-tick” song but otherwise almost identical. The Golden-headed cisticola (Cisticola exilis), also known as the bright-capped cisticola. It is a species of warbler in the family Cisticolidae. It is also known as the “finest tailor of all birds”. It constructs nests out of plants and spider threads.

This species has been known by several English names in addition to the golden-headed cisticola, including bright-capped cisticola, bright-headed cisticola, bright-crowned cisticola, gold-capped cisticola, yellow-headed cisticola, exile warbler and fan-tail warbler. Males slightly heavier than females. The Golden-headed cisticola is omnivorous, primarily eating invertebrates such as insects and small slugs, but also eating grass seeds. It usually inhabits a single place throughout its life, but habitat changes sometimes cause it to move to a different location. It produces a variety of sounds distinct from other birds, which, according to the Sunshine Coast Council, range from a “teewip” to a “wheezz, whit-whit”. It mates in the rainy season. Three to four eggs are laid at a time, which are incubated by the female, taking 11 days. After hatching, the female feeds the chicks and the male defends the nest, chasing away animals that come near it. Young remain in the nest for 11–13 days.

10.Lesser GoldFinch(Spinus Psaltria)

Average length of Lesser GoldFinch(Spinus Psaltria) is 10 centimeters and weight is 10 grams. The Lesser Goldfinch is known by its scientific name Spinus psaltria, is a small perching bird that’s common to the Southwestern United States. It is native to North America, the Bahamas, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Though similar in looks to the common sparrow, these birds, unlike the sparrow, hail from the finch family. Lesser Goldfinches are beautiful songbirds whose scientific name is derived from the ancient Greek word for female harpists, psalteria. Lesser Goldfinch birds were first formally described by the American zoologist, Thomas Say. While American Goldfinches lose all the yellow color from their plumage in winter, the Lesser Goldfinch retains a yellow tone. Though, both Lesser Goldfinches and American Goldfinches have a grayish-toned bill in winter plumage.

It feeds in small groups moving through low weeds, shrubs and trees to take mainly small seeds, as well as buds, flowers, or fruits, often visits feeders. It’s a very common bird that’s found in multiple habitats at different elevations and has been observed to be a predominantly monogamous bird. It is particularly sexually dimorphic, with significant coloration differences between males and females. Nests generally were placed toward tips of long branches in the middle of ponderosa pines. Most nests were well concealed in needle clusters in trees near forest edges and openings. This petite species is not only the smallest North American SpinusFinch, it may be the smallest true Finch in the world. Males are easily recognized by their bright yellow under parts and big white patches in the tail (outer rectrices) and on the wings. Female is similar to American Goldfinch. Like other goldfinches, it has an undulating flight in which it frequently gives a call: in this case, a harsh chig chig chig.

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A Gold mine is a place where gold is dug from the ground. Something that produces something desired (such as money). Gold mines remain important hubs of industry around the world as prospectors gamble on striking it rich with one of the world’s most valuable metals. Demand remains high for the precious metal, particularly in jewellery-making and as a relatively safe investment opportunity. Gold often occurs in free elemental form in rocks, veins and alluvial deposits in the form of nuggets or grains. A mine is a source of great wealth or profit. According to Mining Technology, Here are the 10 Biggest Gold Mines by reserves in the world in the year 2020.

1.Carlin, USA. 411 koz.

The Carlin Trend hosts one of the largest gold concentrations in the western hemisphere. Total Carlin’s production is 4% of world Production. Carlin deposits are 75% of US production. It has good hunting grounds for big deposits. On July 1, 2019, Barrick’s Goldstrike (including 60% share of South Arturo) and Newmont’s Carlin were contributed to Nevada Gold Mines and are now referred to as Carlin. This gigantic integrated operation located west of the city of Elko on the geologic feature known as the Carlin Trend, Stretching 56km (35mi). Nature concentrates the metals by a process of partially melting Crustal rocks at the depth, letting them melt arise through the crust and on the way cool and dumping valueless minerals such as Feldspars and amphiboles and then concentrating the useful minerals and metals in the remaining magma or hydrothermal fluid. Carlin–type gold deposits are sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits. These deposits are characterized by invisible gold in pyrite and arsenopyrite. This dissolved kind of gold is called “Invisible Gold”, as it can only be found through chemical analysis.

  1. Olimpiada. 277 koz.

Located in one of Russia’s most prolific gold mining provinces, Olimpiada is largest gold mine in Russia, one of the largest gold mines on the globe. It is operated by Polyus. Olimpiada is Polyus’ largest gold operation and accounts for almost half of its total gold production. The company’s Olimpiada and Blagodatnoye mines are part of its Krasnoyarsk business unit, which is the second-largest gold asset in the world by output. The combined production from the two operations represents 63.7% of the company’s total gold output. This ore mined at the site is processed at three plants with a combined capacity of 13 million tonnes of ore annually. Olimpiada is located in the Severo-Yeniseysky District, 25km away from the village of Yeruda. The site is approximately 500km from the city of Krasnoyarsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Western Siberia. It is situated at a distance of 20km from Blagodatnoye mine. Polyus Gold has claimed the Olimpiada gold mine is estimated to contain proven and probable reserves of around 28 million ounces. The mine produced 1.38Moz of gold in 2019 and 1.32Moz of gold in 2018.

  1. Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic. 238 koz.

The Pueblo Viejo mine is a gold mine located in the north-central region of the Dominican Republic in the Sanchez Ramirez Province. It is the largest gold mine in the Americas and eighth largest in the world. This mine produced 581,000 ounces of gold in 2018 and 6.55 million ounces of gold in reserve. The mine comprises two major oxide deposits known as Monte Negro and Moore and three other small deposits. The Pueblo Viejo mine in the Dominican Republic is about 100 km northwest of the capital city of Santo Domingo. The mine is operated by the Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation — a joint venture between Barrick (60%) and Newmont (40%). Pueblo Viejo has a mine-life of more than 30 years and is expected to produce over one million ounces of gold per annum. It is the largest undeveloped gold mine in the world.

  1. Cortez, USA. 208 koz.

Cortez Gold Mine is a large gold mining and processing facility in Lander and Eureka County, Nevada, United States, located approximately 75 miles (120 km) southwest of Elko and comprises the Pipeline and South Pipeline deposits and the Cortez Hills deposit. Pipeline and South Pipeline are open pit mines, while Cortez Hills is an underground and open pit mining operation. On July 1, 2019, Cortez was contributed to Nevada Gold Mines, a joint venture between Barrick and Newmont Corporation. It consists of three distinct units: the Cortez open pit and two Carlin-type disseminated gold deposits – Pipeline and South Pipeline. The entire Pipeline complex contained 23 million ounces of gold between the original orebodies, the Pipeline orebody and the later discoveries of South Pipeline, Crossroads and Gap. It will also retain a contingent royalty interest in the future production of the property.

  1. Kibali, DRC. 202 Koz.

The Kibali gold mine is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), approximately 220 kilometres east of the capital of the Haut Uele province, Isiro, 150 kilometres west of the Ugandan border town of Arua and 1,800 kilometres from the Kenyan port of Mombasa. It is expected to produce 600,000oz of gold per annum for the first 12 years. The Kibali gold mine is located within the Moto greenstone belt. The gold mineralisation is scattered throughout the region. Kibali is co-owned by AngloGold Ashanti (45%), Barrick Gold Corporation (45%) following its merger with Randgold Resources, and Société Minière de Kilo-Moto (SOKIMO) (10%), a state-owned gold mining company. Kibali produced 807,000 ounces of gold in 2018. It comprises an integrated open pit and an underground operation as well as a 7.2Mtpa processing plant. The mine is named for the nearby Kibali River. There are two zones: Kibali-Durba-Karagba trends north-east, and Pakaka-Mengu trends north-west. Gold-bearing deposits are found throughout the region. Facilities include a sulphide and oxide plant that can process 7.2 million tonnes of ore per year, three 44MW hydroelectric stations, a 32MW backup thermal power generator and separate storage facilities for cyanide and flotation tailings.

6.Cadia East, Australia. 195 koz.

Cadia produces gold doré from a gravity circuit and gold-rich copper concentrates from a flotation circuit at Cadia. The gold dore is then refined at the Perth Mint and concentrates are piped to a dewatering plant at nearby Blayney and sent by rail to Port Kembla in New South Wales for export. The Molybdenum Plant is expected to deliver an additional revenue stream in the form of a molybdenum concentrate which will be a by-product credit to AISC per ounce. Newcrest’s Cadia is made up of the Cadia East underground panel cave mine and the Ridgeway underground mine (currently in care and maintenance). Cadia East mine in the Cadia valley produced 752,000 ounces of gold in 2018.
Cadia East is the biggest gold mine in Australia despite 11% production decline in March Quarter 2020. The Cadia East orebody is one of the world’s largest gold deposits, comprising a Mineral Resource of 2,347Mt containing 33.2Moz of gold and 6.59Mt of copper, along with a current Ore Reserve of 18.7Moz of gold and 3.16Mt of copper. It will underpin production from the Cadia Valley for at least the next 30 years. Initial exploration pointed to an underground mine similar to Ridgeway Deeps, however, more recent drilling has revealed that a much larger zone of mineralisation exists, likely to support both underground and open cut mines.

  1. Lihir, PNG. 187 koz.

Newcrest’s Lihir operation on Aniolam Island in the New Ireland Province of Papua New Guinea is 900 kilometres north-east of the capital Port Moresby. The gold deposit at Lihir is within the Luise Caldera, an extinct volcanic crater that is geothermally active.
The Lihir mine produced 976,000 ounces of gold in 2018, a 6% improvement over 2017. Most of the ore extracted from Lihir is treated through pressure oxidation and conventional leaching. The mine produced 933,000oz of gold in the financial year ending June 2019. The mine is expected to produce 1Moz of gold in 2020. Lihir is looking to stabilise throughput at or slightly above these levels and increase focus on lifting recovery rates to maximise overall gold production and cash flow in the future. It employs approximately 4,500 residential and fly-in-fly-out workers.

  1. Loulo-Gounkoto, Mali. 176 koz.

Barrick’s Loulo-Gounkoto complex comprises two distinct mining permits, Loulo and Gounkoto, and is situated in western Mali, bordering Senegal and adjacent to the Falémé River. Barrick Gold Corporation’s Loulo-Gounkoto complex has demonstrated its mettle, exceeding its 2019 guidance with production of 714,802 ounces of gold. An intensive exploration program in the Kenieba region, Loulo-Gounkoto has significant growth potential and is well-placed to meet all the targets. Société des Mines de Loulo SA (Loulo) owns the Loulo gold mine, and Société des Mines de Gounkoto (Gounkoto) owns the Gounkoto gold mine. Both Loulo and Gounkoto are owned by Barrick (80%), and the State of Mali (20%). This is also the product of a long and constructive partnership between the government of Mali and ourselves, and in this regard it is gratifying to report that we have made significant progress towards settling the dispute between us over tax and related issues which allows us to look forward to continuing to grow our partnership with the Mali government and its people

  1. Fekola, Mali. 164 koz.

The Fekola Mine is located in southwest Mali, on the border between Mali and Senegal, approximately 500 km due west of the capital city, Bamako. B2Gold acquired the world-class Fekola Gold Project through a merger with Papillon Resources Limited in October 2014. The Fekola Mine generated almost US$134 million in revenue for the Government of Mali in 2019. B2Gold will continue to monitor the situation and work to ensure that its mining operations continue normally, providing economic benefits and job creation both to the communities around the mine and to regional and national governments. Foreign investment and political stability in Mali are crucial for the country. B2Gold is a low-cost international senior gold producer headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has operating gold mines in Mali, Namibia and the Philippines, and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Mali and Colombia. In 2020, B2Gold forecasts consolidated gold production of between 1,000,000 and 1,055,000 ounces.

  1. Fosterville, Australia. 160 koz.

Kirkland Lake’s Fosterville Mine is second highest-grade and one of the lowest-cost gold mine globally, located 20km from the city of Bendigo in the State of Victoria, Australia. The Fosterville Mine features growing gold production at increasingly high grades, as well as extensive in-mine and district scale exploration potential. In March Quarter 2020, Kirkland Lake achieved 25% y-o-y production growth at Fosterville. In particular, the Swan Zone contributed 532,000 ounces at an average grade of 58.8 g/t Au (281,000 tonnes) to the updated Mineral Reserve estimate. The mine is located in an area with well-developed infrastructure and is accessible by paved roads. Fosterville’s ore is processed at the Fosterville Mill, a 2,275 tonne per day processing facility.

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Freshwater lakes are bodies of still, unsalted water surrounded by land. They are usually found in low lying areas and are fed from streams, rivers and runoff from the surrounding area. Lake, any relatively large body of slowly moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin of appreciable size. Definitions that precisely distinguish lakes, ponds, swamps, and even rivers and other bodies of non oceanic water are not well established. Fresh water can be defined as water with less than 500 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved salts. Water is critical to the survival of all living organisms. 3% of the earth’s water is fresh. 2.5% of the earth’s fresh water is unavailable: locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere, and soil; highly polluted; or lies too far under the earth’s surface to be extracted at an affordable cost. 0.5% of the earth’s water is available fresh water. Here are the top 10 largest freshwater lakes by Surface Area in the world.

1.Lake Superior

Lake Superior is the Largest fresh water lake by surface area. It has taken into the account of the saline Caspian sea. Lake Superior has been described as “the most oligotrophic lake in the world.” It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is shared by the USA and Canada, also the part of the Great Lakes of North America. Lake Superion occupies an area of 82,400 square kilometers. These magnificent freshwater lakes are not only beautiful, but also essential for human survival. Lake Superior is home to 88 species of fish. Lake Superior contains 10% of all the earth’s fresh surface water. The deepest point in Lake Superior (about 40 miles north of Munising, Michigan) is 1,300 feet (400 meters) below the surface. Lake Superior has over 400 islands, the largest of which is Isle Royale, with a size of 207 square miles. The lake has an island called the Isle Royal, which contains many smaller lakes, which in turn have their own islands as well. The Lake Superior shoreline, if straightened out, could connect Duluth and the Bahama Islands.
The average underwater visibility of Lake Superior is 27 feet, making it easily the cleanest and clearest of the Great Lakes. Underwater visibility in places reaches 100 feet. The lake is home to many endemic species of fish, however, some have been wiped out due to overfishing and exotic species being introduced. The lake’s primary inflows are the Nipigon River, the St. Louis River, the Pigeon River, the Pic River, the White River, the Michipicoten River and the Kaministiquia River. The only outflow of Lake Superior is the St. Mary’s River. We must srtive to protect these from further degredation, for our sake, and for the sake of their intrinsic value. Water in Lake Superior is retained, on average, 191 years. Migrating birds of prey funnel down Lake Superior’s north shore in great numbers each fall. On a single day at Duluth’s Hawk Ridge as many as 100,000 birds of prey might pass by. Lake Superior rests mostly on Precambrian rock at the southern edge of the Canadian shield, the largest exposure of such bedrock on the planet.

2.Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria is the world’s largest tropical lake and the second largest freshwater lake. It has 69,485 square kilometres area and is shared by Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It covers with a maximum depth of 80 m it is relatively shallow. A population of over 30 million people live in its basin. Lake Victoria is one of the African Great Lakes and is named after Queen Victoria. There are 84 islands inside the lake itself. In Lake Victoria the water hyacinth caused a reduction in fish through de-oxygenation of water, blocking of the in flow and out-flow of the lake, and disruption in fishing activities and lake transportation in late 1990s. Water hyacinth is a fresh water plant capable of vigorous growth. It was introduced on the African continent as an ornamental plant in early 20th century, and since then has spread rampantly. This massive lake, commonly known as Nyanza, is twice the size of Wales, and forms a natural boundary between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The lake is the heart of the African continent, the source of its mightiest river, the Nile.
This mighty body of water is rich in fish life, with shimmering shoals of colourful cichlids and large Nile Perch. The ecological health of Lake Victoria has been affected profoundly as a result of a rapidly growing population, clearance of natural vegetation along the shores, a booming fish-export industry, the introduction of several exotic plant and animal species, the disappearance of about 50 % of its fish species, prolific growth of algae, and dumping of untreated effluent by several industries and human settlements. It has suffered tremendously in terms of biodiversity due to the introduction of new exotic species and water pollution. As a result, the fishing industry of the area has also suffered. The lake receives water from annual rainfall, as it lies in the tropical regions. Lake Kagera is also one of the sources of water. The lake’s outflow is the river Nile, which is most famous.

3.Lake Huron

West of Lake Michigan is Lake Huron, which is shared between USA and Canada. The lake reaches a maximum depth of 750 ft. It has a surface area of 59,600 square kilometres but has lower volumes of water than Lake Michigan. The name of the lake is derived from early French explorers who named it for the Huron people inhabiting the region. The Huronian glaciation was named due to evidence collected from Lake Huron region. The northern parts of the lake include the North Channel and Georgian Bay. Lake Huron was originally called La Mer Douce, or “the freshwater sea,” by French explorers. It has the longest shoreline of the Great Lakes. Mackinac Island is a popular tourist attraction. It is home to the Manitoulin Island, which is the largest island to be found in any lake throughout the world.
Lumbering and fishing have been important economic activities in the Lake Huron region, and many resorts line the lake’s shores. The Saginaw River basin is intensively farmed and contains the Flint and Saginaw-Bay City metropolitan areas. The lake was once home to a number of fish and other species of animals, but this has suffered due to the introduction of exotic and invasive species post colonisation. As part of the St. Lawrence Seaway, the lake supports heavy commercial traffic in iron ore, grain, and limestone. The primary inflows of the glacial lake are the Straits of Mackinac, the St. Marys River. The main outflow of this river is the St. Claire River. The lake is 206 mi (331 km) long from northwest to southeast, and its maximum width is 183 mi.

4.Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Lake Michigan is the only one of the Great Lakes located entirely within one country, the United States. Dipping the toes into the freshwater and watching a Pure Michigan sunset will become a great experience in the life. It is shared, from west to east, by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Green Bay is a large bay in its northwest and Grand Traverse Bay is in the northeast. Michigan’s western Great Lakes region benefits from a unique climate, which creates a favorable environment for growing a wealth of agricultural products. The word “Michigan” is believed to come from the Ojibwe word Michi Gami meaning “large lake”. This lake is with a water surface area of 22,300 square miles. The lake also contains numerous islands, notably the Beaver Island archipelago and the North and South Manitou Islands located between the Upper and Lower peninsulas. Approximately 100 streams flow into the lake, only a few of which are of appreciable size. The Manistee, Pere Marquette, White, Muskegon, Grand, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph rivers enter the lake from the east.
There are 59 lighthouses that stand on the beaches of Lake Michigan as reminders of the importance of the centuries-old shipping industry, a story told well at the Michigan Maritime Museum in South Haven. The state is a leader in many crops including blueberries, cherries, asparagus and grapes for juice and wine. Approximately 12 million people live along the shores of Lake Michigan. There are a number of beaches along the coast, and the Great Lakes are sometimes referred to as the “Third Coast” behind the Pacific and Atlantic. Some of the most popular “beach” towns on the Michigan side of the lake include St. Joseph, South Haven, Grand Haven and Holland. The water of Lake Michigan has an unusual circulatory pattern. Winds and resulting waves keep Lake Michigan from freezing over, but it has been 90 percent frozen on a number of occasions. The lake’s average water depth is 279 feet (85 meters) and its maximum depth is 925 feet (282 meters).

5.Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika is an African Great Lake With a maximum depth of 1470 m and an area of 32 900 km². Its volume of 18 880 km³ It is the second-oldest freshwater lake in the world, the second-largest by volume. It is the deepest lake in Africa and holds the greatest volume of fresh water, accounting for 16% of the world’s available fresh water. Tanganyika is considered one of the most biologically rich lakes on the planet. According to the World Conservation Union (IUCN), “no place on earth holds such a variety of life.” Of the 2000 plus species found in the lake, over half are found nowhere else. At least 90% of the water influx is from rain falling on the lake’s surface and at least 90% of the water loss is from direct evaporation. The clear waters host more than 350 different species of fish and is well known for aquarium fish exports and excellent angling. The major river flowing into the lake is the Ruzizi River, formed about 10,000 years ago, which enters the north of the lake from Lake Kivu. Lake Tanganyika has a remarkably uniform temperature. The lower regions are only a mere 3° C colder than the surface.
The reason for this strange phenomenon has yet to be discovered. The lake has a complex history of changing flow patterns, due to its high altitude, great depth, slow rate of refill, and mountainous location in a turbulently volcanic area that has undergone climate changes. Lake Tanganyika is an ancient lake. Its three basins, which in periods with much lower water levels were separate lakes, are of different ages. It’s water tend to be brackish. Though fed by a number of rivers, the lake is not the centre of an extensive drainage area. The largest rivers discharging into the lake are the Malagarasi, the Ruzizi, and the Kalambo, which has one of the highest waterfalls in the world (704 feet [215 metres]). Lake Tanganyika is also an evolutionary showcase due to its great age and stability. Ninety eight percent of the lake’s cychlids (which comprise two thirds of all the lake’s fish) are unique to Tanganyika. Also endemic are all seven of its crabs, five out of the thirteen bivalve molluscs, more than half of its gastropod molluscs and eleven of its thirty three copepod crustaceans. Sport fishing is very popular here and catches include the goliath tigerfish and Nile perch.

6.Lake Baikal

Situated in south-east Siberia, the 3.15-million-ha Lake Baikal is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1,700 m) lake in the world. It is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing 22–23% of the world’s fresh surface water With 23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi) of fresh water. It contains more water than the North American Great Lakes combined. With a maximum depth of 1,642 m (5,387 ft) Baikal is the world’s deepest lake. It is considered among the world’s clearest lakes. Baikal is home to thousands of species of plants and animals, many of which are endemic to the region. It is also home to Buryat tribes, residing on the eastern side of the lake, raising goats, camels, cattle, sheep, and horses, where the mean temperature varies from a winter minimum of −19 °C to a summer maximum of 14 °C. Known as the ‘Galapagos of Russia’, its age and isolation have produced one of the world’s richest and most unusual freshwater faunas, which is of exceptional value to evolutionary science. It is home to approximately 1,700 to 1,800 endemic plant and animal species. Lake Baikal has historically played a large role in the Russian imagination.
It represents the unspoiled beauty of Russia and is sometimes referred to as the Sacred Sea. It attracts more than 500,000 tourists a year. The lands around Lake Baikal are generally warmer than the rest of the area because large bodies of water have a moderating force. There are 27 mostly uninhabited islands in Lake Baikal. More than 300 streams and rivers feed into Lake Baikal, but the Angara River is the only outlet. It carries out about 60 cubic km (15.8 trillion gallons) of water per year into the Yenisei River. During the summer, when the lake is full of melted ice from the Siberian mountains, it is sometimes possible to see more than 130 feet (39 m) down. The stunning clarity is the result of the melted ice’s purity, plankton that eat floating debris and a lack of mineral salts in the lake , according to Baikal World Web. There are several theories about what could have caused the unification, including sinking earth, falling rocks, erosion and earthquakes. Likely, it was a combination of all factors. Lake Baikal is in a rift valley and up to 2,000 earthquake tremors are detected each year.

7.Great Bear Lake

Great Bear Lake, lake in northern Fort Smith region and southeastern Inuvik region, Northwest Territories, Canada, lying astride the Arctic Circle. The Great Bear Lake is a lake in the Canadian boreal forest. It is the largest lake entirely in Canada. The fourth-largest in North America, and the seventh-largest in the world. The name originated from the Chipewyan language word satudene, meaning “grizzly bear water people.” The Sahtu Dene people are named after the lake. Grizzly Bear Mountain on the shore of the lake also comes from Chipewyan, meaning, “bear large hill.” Irregular in shape and containing many small islands, Great Bear Lake is roughly 200 miles (320 km) long and 25–110 miles (40–175 km) wide and has a maximum depth of 1,356 feet (413 m). Its area of 12,096 square miles (31,328 square km) makes it the largest lake entirely within Canada and the fourth largest in North America. The 70-mile- (113-kilometre-) long Great Bear River, which drains the lake westward through marshes into the Mackenzie River, forms an important transportation link during its four ice-free months.

8.Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is an African Great Lake and the southernmost lake in the East African Rift System, located between Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Lake Malawi, also known as Lake Nyasa in Tanzania and Lago Niassa in Mozambique. It is the fourth largest fresh water lake in the world by volume. Lake Malawi is between 560 and 580 kilometers long and about 75 kilometers wide at its widest point. The lake has a total surface area of about 29,600 square kilometers. The lake is 706 m at its deepest point. This is the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa. Lake Malawi is a meromictic lake, meaning that its water layers do not mix. The property is an area of exceptional natural beauty with the rugged landscapes around it contrasting with the remarkably clear waters of the lake. Lake Malawi is globally important for biodiversity conservation due to its outstanding diversity of its fresh water fishes.
The property is considered to be a separate bio-geographical province with estimates of up to 1000 species of fish half occurring within the property, estimated as the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world. Endemism is very high: of particular significance are the cichlid fish, of which all but 5 of over 350 species are endemic. The lake contains 30% of all known cichlids species in the world. The property is also rich in other fauna including mammals, birds and reptiles. There are five villages included within enclaves inside the property. Here the soil is poor and crop failure frequency is high. Collaboration with the governments of Tanzania and Mozambique needs to be maintained and strengthened for the long term protection and management of the entire lake ecosystem, and consideration of the potential for its extension is required.

9.Great Slave Lake

Great Slave Lake is the second-largest lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It is also the deepest lake in North America at 614 metres (2,014 ft), and the nineth-largest lake in the world. It covers an area of 28,568 km2 (10,502 sq mi) in the southern part of the territory. The lake shares its name with the First Nations peoples called Slavey of the Dene family by their enemies the Cree. This place gets in our soul. It’s the endless water and endless land. It’s that feeling you get when you take off from civilization with the roar of twin otter engines in your ears – and the freedom you feel once you arrive. Great Slave has been at the heart of history, culture and recreation in the Northwest Territories. Every year some 5,000 trophy fishers come North, many bound for the Great Slave’s North Arm and East Arm. Because the lake is clean and cold, fish keep near the surface in summer. Yellow Knife, the capital of the Northwest Territories, is an isolated mining town built on gold and now sustained by diamonds—an outpost of civilization surrounded by a vast, austere landscape of rock and tundra and water—most notably, the enormous Great Slave Lake, on whose shore the city is built. Yellowknife Bay shelters a fleet of more than two-dozen houseboats, all brightly painted and lovingly adorned. Residents run their floating homes on some combination of solar power and batteries. This pretty, nautical neighbourhood even hosts its own version of a drive-in film festival, albeit with canoes and kayaks. The lake is fed by several rivers, of which the Slave River from the south is the most important, and is drained to the west by the Mackenzie River, which eventually empties into the Arctic Ocean. Many of these communities depend on the lake for its abundance of fish, which helps drive the fishing and tourism industry.

10.Lake Erie

It forms the boundary between Canada (Ontario) to the north and the United States (Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York) to the west, south, and east. It is the southernmost, shallowest, and smallest by volume of the Great Lakes and therefore also has the shortest average water residence time. The major axis of the lake extends from west-southwest to east-northeast for 241 miles (388 km), and the lake has a maximum width of 57 miles. Approximately twelve million people live in the watershed, including seventeen metropolitan areas with more than 50,000 residents. The lake provides drinking water for about eleven million of these inhabitants. At its deepest point Lake Erie is 210 feet (64 metres) deep. The lake was named by the Erie people, a Native American people who lived along its southern shore. The tribal name “erie” is a shortened form of the Iroquoian word erielhonan, meaning long tail. The total area of the lake’s drainage basin is 30,140 square miles (78,062 square km), exclusive of surface area, which is 9,910 square miles.
Numerous new cleanliness and wellness policies and procedures have been put into place throughout the region to ensure that our guests not only have a fun and memorable visit, but a safe one. A place where time moves a little slower, loved ones feel a little closer and there’s a Great Lake between you and your worries. From island hopping to birdwatching, record-breaking roller coasters to water parks, wineries to dockside dining, plus hidden gems that keep the fun going all year long. Algae can persist for weeks during summer by blooms carried by winds and currents eastward through the lake. Eighty percent of Lake Erie’s total inflow of water comes through the Detroit River. Eleven percent is from precipitation (rain and snow). The remaining nine percent comes from the other tributaries

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