Every morning sound of bird’s song will be more joyful and refreshing to hear while waking up. Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. The bills of birds make them one of the most beautiful species on Earth. The long curved beaks of some birds help them to finding food easily, also make more attractive than other birds. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings. There are about ten thousand living species, more than half of which are passerine, or “perching” birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behaviors as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Songbirds, parrots, and other species are popular as pets. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Here is the list of top 10 birds with Aamazing beaks.

1.Rhinoceros Hornbill

selective focus photo of toco toucan perched
Photo by Jonny Lew on

Rhinoceros hornbills are large colorful birds found in tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Rhinoceros horn bill have upward curve casque on their bill, just like rhino horn, native to rain forest of Indonesia, Southern Thailand and Singapore. Their huge bill and casque are orange and red. The rhinoceros hornbill is a large arboreal hornbill, 80 to 90 cm (31–35 in) long. This casque is largest one among horn family, which also brings this common name for them. They are predominately black in color, with white legs and a white tail with a black band.

Male’s casque are little bigger than that of female birds. The rhinoceros hornbill is the state bird of the Malaysian state of Sarawak and the country’s National Bird. It took almost six for the completion of growth of casque over the bill of rhinoceros horn bill. They also this casque to amplify it’s calls, becomes so loud, can hear throughout the forest. The diet of the rhinoceros hornbill is dominated by fruit, but it will take any insect, small reptile, rodent, and smaller birds that it can catch. In captivity it can live for up to 35 years.

2.Great Hornbill

photo of a black and white wreathed hornbill perched on a branch
Photo by Aldo Picaso on

The great hornbill is a large bird with a very large bill, which bears a sizable, brightly colored, horny growth known as the casque. The body is mostly black with a white neck, wing coverts, and flight feathers. The great hornbill is a large bird, 95–130 cm (37–51 in) long, with a 152 cm (60 in) wingspan and a weight of 2 to 4 kg (4.4 to 8.8 lb). The average weight of 7 males is 3 kg. Great horn bills are one of largest members of hornbill family native to Southeast Asia. They have yellow colored curved massive bill, the black and yellow mixed casque at top of bill becomes prominent feature of great horn bill. The great hornbill has a wide distribution and can be found in China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) also known as the concave-casqued hornbill, great Indian hornbill. The large majority of the population is found in India. It takes eggs, amphibians, reptiles, insects, mammals, and small birds as diet. The greater hornbill is able to consume as many as 150 figs during one meal. The casque on top of bill have a concave shape and no special purpose other than sexual selection. During breeding season great hornbill also make loud duet, rapid mixture of barks and roar. The great hornbill is long-lived, living for nearly 50 years in captivity.

3.Keel-Billed Toucan

black and green toucan on tree branch
Photo by Carlos Spitzer on

The keel-billed toucan is a large bird with mostly black plumage and a very large multi-colored bill. It has red and white coverts under and on top of its tail, green skin around the eyes and lore (the area between the eyes and the bill), a yellow face and throat, and blue legs. This species has a very large range and can be found in Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela. The toucan’s beak appears quite heavy, but is actually light. It is hollow, made of the protein keratin with thin rods of bone for support. Keel billed toucan also called as rainbow billed toucan because of colored large bill, native to South America.Their bil grow up to a length of 20 cm, almost one third of length of their body.

keel-billed toucan is one of the colorful beaks in the world, can see different colors, but green color is found to be spread in most of all areas. This bird is a poor flyer, moving from tree to tree mostly by hopping. The length of bill of keel-billed toucan doesn’t affect balance of body as it is very light, but very strong. Keel-billed toucan is an omnivore. They usually feed on fruits and berries, also like to have insects, lizards and small frogs. Keel-billed toucan lives in the tree holes together with 5 to 6 other birds.
Female lays 1 to 4 eggs in the cavities of trees. Both male and female take part in the incubation of eggs that lasts 16 to 20 days. Keel-billed toucan can survive 15 to 20 years in the wild.


pink flamingos standing on green lawn
Photo by Jimmy Chan on

These birds live in shallow lakes, mangrove swamps and sandy islands of Africa, Asia, America and Europe. Adult bird is 3.3 – 4.6 feet tall and weigh between 3.3 – 9 pounds. There are six distinct species of Flamingo. Flamingos are large pink colored birds found in saline and alkaline lakes of many continents. Just like color of feather the unique shape of beak makes flamingos to special among species of birds. Adult flamingos’ feathers range from light pink to bright red due to their food supply. The brighter the feathers, the more well-fed the flamingo is. Baby flamingos don’t have curved bill, it becomes curved after few months. Their bent bills acts like a filter, help to feed on small fishes, plankton and larvaes from mud. The bills have black color at tip and pale orange at part next to head.

The Flamingo is the National bird of The Bahamas. Flamingos are a familiar sight even to those who have never seen one in real life. Flamingos used to feed in flocks, in that way they can alarms other flamingos whose head are down in mud, in searching for food. Flamingos feed by stirring up mud with their feet. Flamingos hold their breath while feeding. They also found in colonies in breeding time. Flamingos are monogamous and they produce one egg each year. Both mother and father keep the egg warm before it hatches. Flamingos also born in grey color and only turn to pale color after two year. Few days after hatching both parents will start feeding their chick with milk-like substance rich in fats and proteins. Flamingos live between 20 and 30 years.

5.Shoe Bill

The most prominent feature on the shoebill’s body is its beak. It is large and shaped like a shoe, which is the reason why the bird is named “shoebill”. Beak is 9 inches long and 4 inches wide. It ends with a nail-like hook, which is used for killing of the prey. Shoebill feeds during the night. Shoe bills are pre-historic looks tall bird native to Africa. This beautiful bird can be found only in eastern parts of Africa, all the way from Sudan to Zambia. Te bulbous bill of this birds grow up to a size of 9.4 inches, have grayish marking in it. Shoebill is very large bird. It can be reaching 1.5 pounds in weight. The sharp edges of mandibles help them to catch prey easily.

It can stay silent for very long period of time while waiting for the prey to appear, it is often called “statue-like” bird. Before swallowing, shoebill with cut the prey in half with its sharp bill. They also have a sharp hook at tip of the bill, can easily pierce on any prey. They also feed on Fishes, frogs, fish, amphibians, lizards, water snakes, snails. Baby crocodiles and turtles. Nests are built with grass. Female lays one to three eggs. They will hatch after 30 days-long incubation. Young shoebills will fight with one another. Shoebill can survive more than 35 years in the wild. They frequently live in areas that humans find hard to reach.

6.Roseate Spoonbill

bird water animal lake
Photo by Irina Babina Nature and Wildlife on

The unique spoon like beak itself brings this common name for this bird. This wading bird use their special beak to collect food like small aquatic insects and fishes. Their bills are very long and flattened, found in large numbers in Caribbean shores, Central America, Mexico, southern Florida, coastal Texas and southwestern Louisiana. Spoonbills fly in long diagonal lines with their necks and legs completely stretched out. The roseate spoonbill receives its bright coloring from the pigments of the crustaceans that it eats. Reaching a height of up to 2.5 feet (80 centimeters), the roseate spoonbill’s wingspan can stretch 1.5 times as wide, reaching up to 4 feet (120 centimeters). There are six species of spoonbill in the world; the Roseate Spoonbill is the only one with pink plumage. Spoonbills use their specialized bills to feed. They sweep their open bills through the water, and when a prey item like a fish or insect comes between the mandibles, the bill snaps shut.

The long legs of roseate spoonbills help them easily walk in water, the bright pink coloring feathers also makes this species of bird more attractive. In the United States, a popular place to observe roseate spoonbills is “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. Roseate spoonbills must compete for food with snowy egrets, great egrets, tricolored herons and American white pelicans. The roseate spoonbill nests in shrubs or trees, often mangroves, laying two to five eggs, which are whitish with brown markings. Immature birds have white, feathered heads, and the pink of the plumage is paler. The bill is yellowish or pinkish.

7.American White Pelican

pelicans with long beaks on grass against pond
Photo by Skyler Ewing on

Largest aquatic bird in the world native to Central and South America. They grows up to a size of 70 inches and their huge beak measures up to 15.2 inches. The lower mandible of American white pelican acts like a filter, help them to catch fishes and to filtered out the water. In breeding season their bill becomes more deep in color, vivid orange colors. Interestingly a unique ‘horn’ will also grows in upper bill of American white pelican during breeding season. This type of horn never can seen with other pelican species. Pelican is an amazing bird that can be found in all continents except on the Antarctica. The Pelican family is at least 30 million years old. There are eight species of pelicans. The American White Pelican grows a temporary “Horn”. Its bill can reach 18 inches in length. Pelicans technically have nasal openings. However, in all eight species, the nostrils are sealed off, buried under the beak’s horny sheath. Pelicans predominantly breathe through their mouths. Underneath the bill, pelicans have throat pouch that can hold 3 gallons of water. Pouch is mainly used for feeding. They don’t store food in the Pouch on their Bills.

Some males have colorful feathers while others have ability to change the color of the pouch, neck and bill into bright colors during courtship. Pelican is easily recognized by its large body, short legs with webbed feet. Webbed feet are used for swimming and diving. They can fly to the height of 10 000 feet using the warm wind currents. It can eat 4 pounds of fish per day. Main food of Pelicans is fish, they can also eat turtles, crustaceans and tadpoles. Very hungry pelicans will even attack and eat seagulls. While diving for fish, pelicans can end up in fishing nets. Brown Pelicans are on the list of endangered species. Both males and females are in charge of the building of the nests that are usually located on the trees near the water. Nests are built using the feathers, leaves and sticks. Female lays 1 to 3 eggs. Incubation period lasts between 28 and 36 days. Young pelicans eat by scooping the food from the bills of their parents. Pelicans can survive between 10 and 30 years in the wild. Pelicans are very social birds. They live in large colonies composed of several hundreds of birds. The Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is the largest member of the pelican family and perhaps the largest freshwater bird in the world in length and weight by swans.

8.Black Skimmer

The unique long beak of black skimmer make them totally different from that of other shore birds. The bill is long but thin, the lower mandible is longer than upper one. The part of bil nearest to head is deep orange and nearest to tip is deep black. Black skimmers are large tern-like seabirds that can be found in the Americas. Black skimmers inhabit coastal marshes, sandy shores and islands, shallow bays, estuaries, lagoons, creeks, inlets, and rivers. This unique shaped bill also help them in searching for food, drags the lower bill while they flies over surface of water, help them to catch small fishes easily. Adults in breeding plumage have a black crown, nape and upper body. The forehead and under parts are white.

The upper wings are black with white on the rear edge, and the tail and rump are dark grey with white edges. Non-breeding adults have paler and browner upperparts, and a white nape collar. Immature birds have brown upperparts with white feather tips and fringes. The under parts and forehead are white, and the under wings as the adult. Baby Black Skimmers are born with their upper and lower mandibles the same length. Black Skimmer pairs share parental duty. Males and females both incubate the eggs – in fact, male Black Skimmers even have brood patches. Both parents also brood the newborn chicks and feed the nestlings. Although Black Skimmers spend most of their life near water, they do not swim. Black Skimmers use their elongated lower mandibles to feed by skimming it over the water. Black skimmers usually feed in large flocks, travel at distance of 5 miles in searching for food.

9.Atlantic Puffin

photo of birds
Photo by Michelle Reeves on

The Atlantic puffin has become Iceland‘s most precious bird and a tourist attraction. He is both captivating and peculiar and has been nicknamed ‘Sea Parrot’, ‘Penguin of the North’ and even ‘Clown of the Sea’ and is also known as the Common Puffin. In Iceland we just call him ‘Lundi’. The Atlantic puffin has black and white feathers and a large and colorful beak. It is a seabird in the auk family that breeds in and around Iceland. Atlantic puffin is an attractive species of seabird native to Atlantic ocean. They have a colorful broad and triangular beak, half nearest tip of beak is orange inc color and half nearest to head is slate grey. Only adult Atlantic puffins have such broad bills, younger on growing stage the upper edge curve of bill develops. Atlantic puffins have penguin like colors, called as clown of sea.

They spend most of their lives at sea, used to rest in waves. Using their wings also swims underwater, dive at depth of 200 meters, can catch number of fishes at a time using broad beak. The waterproof feathers allows them to stay wars when they float in ocean. Puffins spend most of their lives out at sea, resting on the waves when not swimming. Puffins are carnivores and live off small fish such as herring, hake and sand eels. Puffins mate for life. Puffins don’t make nests, they dig holes. The female puffin only lays one egg each spring. In the wild, these winged wonders live for around 20 years. The puffin is a poor flier. The puffin is an excellent swimmer.

  1. Long Billed Curlew

Long-billed Curlews spend the summers in areas of western North America with sparse, short grasses, including short grass and mixed-grass prairies as well as agricultural fields. Male and female Long-billed Curlews look pretty much alike, but females have a longer bill with a more pronounced curve at the tip than males. The 8.6 inch long bills in 26 inch body becomes main attraction on this species of bird. The long bill curved downwards, have long neck and small head. The female bird have longer bill than that of male birds. The long bill helped them to catching shrimps and crabs from deep tidal mud flats. They also feed on earthworms and grasshoppers. Long-billed curlews are able to swim if necessary, having webbed front toes. The long bill of this bird allows it to reach shrimp and crabs in their deep burrows in the mudflats. The bill’s end is controlled by separate muscles, so it acts like a finger. Cinnamon-brown underwings visible in flight. Feeds by probing mud with bill or dunking head under water. These birds Breeds from southern Canada to northern California, Utah, northern New Mexico, and Texas.

It has been known as “sicklebird” and “candlestick bird.” Candlestick Point in San Francisco was named after this indigenous bird. Long-billed curlews are mainly carnivorous. When in grasslands, this bird eats grasshoppers, crickets and beetles. It also eats small amphibians. In its winter habitat, small crustaceans, mollusks, seeds and berries form its diet.
Long billed curlews used to make nest in dry places using material such as pebbles, grass, stems, twigs and seeds. Both parents look after the young, females usually abandon the brood to the male 1–3 weeks after hatching and depart for winter grounds. The chicks also leave the nest soon after hatching. Male and female Long-billed Curlews incubate the eggs and care for the brood. The parents both defend the nest; usually the female incubates during the day, with the male taking his turn at night. They are one of eight species of curve-billed shorebirds in the genus Numenius, many of which are experiencing rapid population declines, and two of which, Eskimo Curlew and Slender-billed Curlew are recently extinct or likely so, respectively.

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Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings. But few bird species do not have strong enough wings to fly, so these birds are flightless. There are about ten thousand living species, more than half of which are passerine, or “perching” birds. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behaviors as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Songbirds, parrots, and other species are popular as pets. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Singing-bird means a bird sings a songster. The singing of birds is one of the most refreshing sounds in nature, which can provide great joy and peace to both body and mind of human beings. Every morning sound of bird’s song will be more joyful and refreshing to hear while waking up. There are some species of birds which are able to sing, almost all of the males sing.

1.Common Nightingale

Rufous Nightingale or Nightingale is a small passerine bird from the thrush family Turdidae. The nightingale is the national bird of Ukraine. One legend tells how nightingales once only lived in India, when one nightingale visited Ukraine. The name nightingale means ‘night songstress’. “Nightingale” is derived from “night”, and the Old English galan, “to sing”. Common Nightingale is considered as the most pleasant melodic bird song. The song of a matured nightingale male consists of more than 250 variations. The song is loud, with an impressive range of whistles, trills and gurgles. It is possible to hear the song of the nightingale at dawn and during the night.

Song of the these birds has been described as one of the most beautiful sounds in nature, inspiring songs, fairy tales, opera, and a great deal of poetry. Both male Nightingale and female Nightingale looks similar. The common nightingales live in Asia, Europe, Africa and Mediterranean. It is not found naturally in America. The common nightingale is slightly larger than the European Robin with the length between 5.5-6.5 inches. Common Nightingales have plain brown plumage, whitish throat and reddish brown plumage. These bird’s nest will be on or near the ground in dense vegetation. In the winter season they migrate to Africa and in the Spring season they travel to North to breed.


The Canary species (Serinus canaria) comes from finch lineage and originated in the Canaries, a small chain of islands located off the West African Coast. The male Canary birds are better singers than females. Canary birds are masters in imitating the sounds they hear from the surroundings repeatedly. The proper training from the owners also let them to learn varieties of songs and sounds. They show ability to learn instrument tones, musical notes and sounds of other birds. The Canary birds sing in all seasons except summer. Europeans fell in love with the canary’s song, and began importing. These birds were eventually transported across the Atlantic ocean to the North and South American continents, and wild canaries still roam throughout parts of Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Canaries have attractive yellow feathers and these are having friendly nature with human beings. These species can come in a variety of colors other than yellow, like white, pink, and orange, although yellow is by far the most popular of all the choices. Solid-colored canaries do not naturally appear in the wild; in fact, breeders specifically created solid-colored canaries to be pets and the musically talented bird’s popularity inspired the naming of this specific shade of yellow. According to folklore, the Canary Islands were named after a first century native chief who explored the islands and found the largest of them to be overrun by a pack of wild dogs. This inspired the chief to name the island Canaria after the Latin word for dog – Canis. Many years later, visitors who came across the wild canary birds belting their songs throughout the trees began collecting these birds and nicknamed canaries. Canaries can live more than 14 years with proper care.

3.Asian Koel

The Asian koels are a member of the Cuckoo family. We can find up to 14 subspecies. They are unusual among the Cuckoos in being largely frugivorous as adults. They found in India, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Solomon Islands and Southeast Asia. They inhabit light woodlands, shrubby areas with scattered trees, gardens, plantations, and urban areas. The male Asian koel has a typical call “ko-ooo‘ and they repeat the call in definite intervals. The female bird has rhythmic ‘kik-kik-kik‘ call. It has been compared with the “nightingale” due to its melodious call. The Koel makes a variety of calls, including the distinctively loud, repetitive, high- pitched mating calls from dawn, and can sometimes be heard till night.

The Asian koels are very vocal during the breeding season (March to August in South Asia). This bird is a widely used symbol in Indian and Nepali poetry. Asian koels inhabit in light woodlands. The male Asian koels are in glossy-bluish color. The females have brown upper parts with white spots. Their underparts are creamy with brown bars. Adults have ruby-red eyes and wings are relatively short. Thick, large bill is slightly down-curved and very pale in color The Asian koel is a large and long-tailed cuckoo measuring 39–46 cm (15–18 in) and weighing 190–327 g. Asian koel is a brood parasite bird and it lays eggs in the nest of other birds including crows, shrikes, and starlings. It will provide parental care until the young Koel is ready to fly.

4.Rose breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted grosbeak is an attractive song bird that is native to Northeastern United States and Canada. Rose-breasted grosbeak produces melodic, warbled songs that sound like songs of American robin with slightly shorter phrases. Both male and female rose-breasted grosbeaks can sing in a melodious voice, features many notes in different pitches. They have bright black and white plumage with dark red triangle marking on white breast. Rose-breasted grosbeak can reach 7.1 to 8.3 inches in length and 1.4 to 1.7 ounces of weight. The rose-breasted grosbeaks are breed in woodlands and forest of Northeastern United States. In winter season, they migrate to Central and South America. Males and females build nest in the trees together. Nest is cup-shaped and made of twigs, decaying leaves and straws. The finished nest measures about 3.5–9 inches across and 1.5–5 inches high on the outside, while the inner cup is about 3–6 inches across and 1–3.5 inches deep.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks breed in moist deciduous forests, deciduous-coniferous forests, thickets, and semi open habitats across the northeastern United States, ranging into southeastern and central Canada. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks eat, beetles, bees, ants, sawflies, bugs, butterflies, and moths, elderberries, blackberries, raspberries, mulberries, June berries, and seeds of smartweed, pigweed, foxtail, milkweed, plus sunflower seeds, garden peas, oats, wheat, tree flowers, tree buds, and cultivated fruit. It is porous and eggs can be seen from below. Female lays 1 to 5 pale green or bluish eggs. Both males and females participate in the incubation of eggs during a period of 11 to 14 days. Hatchlings are helpless at birth and depend on their parents until the age of 30 days. Rose-breasted grosbeak can survive more than 12 years in the wild.

5.American Robin

Robins are very popular birds both in North America, as well as in Europe. American robins inhabit in pine forests, mountainous regions, shrub lands and woodlands. It is the National bird of Great Britain. The American Robin belongs to the thrush family, which also includes bluebirds and solitaires. It is often the last bird heard as the sun sets. This North American bird is known for its striking plumage and beautiful song. The song of the American robin features different whistles. They repeat some phrases for three for four times in a sequence in different pitches. Their song becomes more clear and pleasing at dawn. American robins also make alarm calls when they get threatened by potential predators. The plumage of American robins are in gray-brown color, head in is in black and has orange under parts. Unlike male the female bird has pale color. The male and female American Robins look surprisingly similar, although if you look closely, the female is a bit duller than the male. Female adults go to the roosts only after they have finished nesting. The birds use pieces of straw, twigs, and dry leaves to build cup-shaped nests, and add moss, mud, and sometimes feathers to mend and line the interiors.

Female robins pick nesting sites tucked away in thickets or unexposed tree branches, but sometimes they nest on the ground or atop outdoor light fixtures, too. Robin roosts can be huge, sometimes including a quarter-million birds during winter. In summer, females sleep at their nests and males gather at roosts. As young robins become independent, they join the males. Robins can raise up to three broods in one breeding season, each time laying 3-5 sky-blue eggs that take roughly 14 days to hatch. American Robins live for two years in the wild. Some individuals live as long as 6-9 years, with one wild robin living almost 14 years. Robins sometimes will flock to fermented berries. By ingesting large quantities include more insects and worms in their spring and summer diets, they appear to be drunk and exhibit behaviors such as falling over while walking. It is one of their main characteristics. The comic-book superhero Robin was inspired by an illustration of Robin Hood, a later version had his mother nicknaming him Robin because he was born on the first day of spring. American robins feed on earthworms, insects and fruits.

6.Song Thrush

A familiar and popular garden Song Thrush bird can be seen on farmland and in towns and cities. They mainly inhabit in woodlands, suburban garden and parks. Song thrush is an attractive, singing bird that found in Asia, Europe and Africa. Adult males and females are alike and these are omnivorous. Song thrushes are known for their beautiful song that features a wide range of notes. Song thrushes also repeat some phrases three of four times while singing. Several call notes; most often a thin sharp ‘ssit’ also an alarm call, which is a high pitched ‘tic-ic-ic-ic-ic’. Mimicry may include the imitation of man-made items like telephones, and the song thrush will also repeat the calls of captive birds, including exotics such as the white-faced whistling duck.

Song Thrush is smaller and browner than a Mistle thrush with smaller spotting. Song Thrush is relatively small and has a length between 8-9.5 inches and weigh up to 110 grams. The head of Song Thrush shows a faint eye stripe, more pronounced and buffy in front of the eye, a thin dark malar stripe and patchy ear coverts. Its breast is washed buff continuing down the flanks, belly and under tail pale creamy white. It likes to eat snails which it breaks into by smashing them against a stone with a flick of the head. The song thrush builds a neat mud-lined cup nest in a bush or tree and lays four to five dark-spotted blue eggs. Song thrushes also travel for long distance in between seasons.

7.Channel-billed Cuckoo

The channel-billed cuckoo is a species of Cuckoo in the family Cuculidae. With a wingspan of one meter the Channel-billed Cuckoo is the largest parasitic bird in the world and the largest Cuckoo. Channel-billed cuckoo” has been designated as the official common name for the species by the International Ornithologists’ Union (IOC). Latham gave it the name “channel-bill” after a groove in its upper mandible. They can be found in Eastern Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand. Each bird of Channel-billed Cuckoo would makes loud calls in different tones. The Channel-billed cuckoo measures between 56–70 cm (22–28 in) long, with 88–107 cm (35–42 in) wingspan, and weighing between 560–935 g.

The bill is bi-colored, with a grey base becoming straw-colored at the tip. The bill is large slightly curved and reminiscent of the bills of hornbills. The bird is sometimes erroneously referred to as a hornbill. The channel-billed cuckoos lay eggs in nests of other birds, especially in nest of Australian magpies. It takes three to four weeks for to get the cuckoo chicks to get in full feathered shape and they leave the host’s nest. During spring season channel-billed cuckoos migrate to Eastern Australia. They breed in subtropical regions of Australia. In next winter season, channel-billed cuckoos will return to New Zealand and Indonesia. There are three subspecies, one migratory, the other two residents.

8.House Sparrow

The small and beautiful house sparrows are closely connected with humans. The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae. It is native to most of Europe, the Mediterranean region, and much of Asia, but they found in most parts of the world and inhabit in rural and urban areas. Their introduction into North America occurred in 1851, when a group of 100 birds from England was released in Brooklyn, New York. You won’t find them in extensive woodlands, forests, or grasslands. Their song features different types of notes like ‘chirup’ or ‘cheeps‘.female house sparrows use such notes very rarely where the male bird uses different notes to make contact and to attract female. The female house sparrows make soft chattering sound when a male bird come within its sight. They also make alarm calls which sounds like ‘quer..quer…quer’.

The plumage of the house sparrow is mostly different shades of grey and brown. Males have a grey crown, black bib, reddish-brown back streaked with black, and grey breast and belly, while females have brown, streaky backs and are buff below. The house sparrow is typically about 16 cm (6.3 in) long, ranging from 14 to 18 cm (5.5 to 7.1 in) and weight of sparrow ranges from 24 to 39.5 g. It is a compact bird with a full chest and a large, rounded head. Males are slightly larger than females. House sparrows also aggressively protect their nest. House sparrows eat various kinds of seeds supplemented by some insects, they mainly feed on berries, seeds and insects. The average life expectancy of a wild sparrow is almost always under 10 years, and usually closer to 4-5 years. In captivity, they have a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years.

9.Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie belongs to the crow family. Magpie is a sedentary bird. They communicate with each other via chattering voice, they make loud chattering in “wock-woch, pjur, queg-queg-queg, weer-weer” notes. They are also known for mimicking the sounds of other birds. It spends most of its life in the radius of 6 miles of the place of birth. Black-billed Magpies live among the meadows, grasslands, and sagebrush plains of the West. Though they like open areas and are not found in dense woods, they stay close to cover for protection from raptors. Magpie is an omnivore. Magpie can reach 16 to 18 inches in length and 7 to 9 ounces of weight with a wingspan of 24 inches. Magpie has long, pointed beak, short, rounded wings and long, wedge-shaped tail. Magpie is easily recognized, black-and-white-colored bird. Upper parts of the body and wings are black-colored with iridescent green, purple and blue sheen. Belly, parts of wings, flanks and ramp are covered with white plumage. Males and females look alike. It can rapidly change direction of flight when needed. Magpie is very intelligent bird and one of the rare animals that can recognize its own image in the mirror.

It consumes grains, berries, nuts and fruit during the winter, eggs, chicks and rodents during the spring and insects during the summer. They also kill small mammals such as squirrels and voles, and raid birds’ nests. According to a popular myth, magpie likes to collect and store shiny objects and jewelry in the nest. Recent scientific studies show that magpie is actually scared of shiny items and that it avoids them. Magpies are monogamous birds that mate for a lifetime. Magpies nest in the trees, or on the ground when trees are not available. Nest can be open or more frequently covered with roof and equipped with two entrances. Nests are typically about 30 inches high and 20 inches wide. Female lays 5 to 8 eggs that hatch after 3 weeks. Female is responsible for the incubation of eggs, while male provides food for female during this period. Both parents take care of their chicks until they learn. Young magpies learn to fly at the age of 3 to 4 weeks. Magpie lives in loose flocks during the summer and in large groups of around 200 birds during the winter. Magpie can survive around 5 years in the wild.

10.Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

The yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Zanda funerea) is a large cockatoo native to the south-east of Australia measuring 55–65 cm (22–26 in) in length. The yellow-tailed black cockatoo is found in forested regions from south and central eastern Queensland to southeastern South Australia including a very small population persisting in the Eyre Peninsula. This social yellow-tailed black cockatoo known for their loud calls. They usually make high-pitched contact calls like “kee-ow…kee-ow…kee-ow“. Yellow-tailed black cockatoos make soft calls while searching for food and harsh alarm calls when get threatened. Their loud, wailing calls carry for long distances. It has a short crest on the top of its head. Its plumage is mostly brownish black and it has prominent yellow cheek patches and a yellow tail band.

The body feathers are edged with yellow giving a scalloped appearance. The adult male has a black beak and pinkish-red eye-rings, and the female has a bone-colored beak and grey eye-rings. In flight, yellow-tailed black cockatoos flap deeply and slowly, with a peculiar heavy fluid motion. Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos were once content to feed on the seeds of native shrubs and trees, especially banksias, hakeas and casuarinas, as well as extracting the insect larvae that bore into the branches of wattles. Breeds November-February. This species has a long breeding season. Both sexes construct a nest in a large tree hollow. The clutch size is usually 2 and the female incubates the eggs while the male supplies food. Usually only one chick survives which both parents care for. Time in the nest is around 168 days.

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Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. Birds are from one of six basic animal groups, with the others being amphibians, fish, invertebrates, mammals, and reptiles. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings, but few bird species do not have strong enough wings to fly, so these birds are flightless. The fossil record indicates that birds are the last surviving group of dinosaurs. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behaviours as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Birds range in size and weight from the 5 cm (2 in) and 1.6-2 grams bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) and 104-156 kg ostrich. They are endothermic vertebrates, characterized by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a lightweight but strong skeleton. Most of the largest birds in the world are flightless which allows them to have denser bones and heavier bodies. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Here are the top 10 largest bird species in the world (by body weight).


Ostrich is so unique and different to any other animal including members of their own family that is Ratitae Family. The flightless ostrich is the world’s largest bird. Ostriches have an average mass of 104 kg and average length of 210 cm. Male Ostrich has black feathers and the female has grey feathers. It is also thought that Ostrich has the largest eyes of any land vertebrate at 50 mm in diameter. The size of their eyes helps them to easily see predators like lions from a long distance. They have brilliant eye-sight which means they can see an object as far away as 3,5km during the day time. Ostrich is the fast runner of any bird or other two-legged animal and can sprint at over 70 km/hr, covering up to 5m in a single stride. All of the herd’s hens place their eggs in the dominant hen’s 3m-wide nest, though her own are given the prominent centre place; each female can determine her own eggs amongst others. The giant eggs are the largest of any living bird at 15cm long and weighing as much as two dozen chicken eggs, though they are actually the smallest eggs relative to the size of the adult bird.

Eggs hatch after 35–45 days incubation, and the male usually defends the chicks and teaches them to feed, although mums and dads cooperate in rearing the young. When threatened ostriches run although their powerful, long legs can be formidable weapons, capable of killing a human or a potential predator like a lion with a forward kick. Ostriches have inspired cultures and civilizations for 5,000 years in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Ostrich has three stomachs. Ostriches are native to Africa but are farmed all over the world, particularly for their feathers, skin which is used in leather products, and meat. Lacking teeth, ostriches swallow pebbles to grind their food. An adult ostrich carries about 1kg of stones at any one time. One Ostrich Egg can take up to 1, 5 hours to boil. Ostriches can go without drinking for several days, using metabolic water and moisture in ingested roots, seeds and insects, but they enjoy liquid water and frequently take baths where it is available. The ostrich brain weighs about 40 grams. Natural life span is 50 – 60 years. Territorial fights between males for a harem of two to seven females usually last just minutes, but they can easily cause death through slamming their heads into opponents.


Cassowary is the largest native vertebrate in Australian rainforests. It is the second heaviest bird in the world to the ostrich. It is the third tallest bird in the world. Cassowary looks like an odd combination of ostriches and turkeys. It has large body covered in black feathers, bluish skin of the head and reddish neck. Upper parts of the legs are blue while lower parts are grey in color. Cassowary has a helmet like crest on the head. It is usually 6 inches long and reaches 6.7 inches in height. Cassowary reaches between 55 and 129 pounds in weight. Females are larger than males. The cassowary egg is the third largest of all birds at about 584g. Cassowary is an omnivore (eats both plants and animals). It usually eats different types of fruit, seeds, shoots, fungi, small invertebrates and insects. There is no chewing in the eating process. Cassowary has excellent eyesight and sense of hearing. They can easily detect low-pitched sounds. Males build nests where females lay between 3 and 8 eggs. Eggs are greenish-blue in color. Female can use several different nests to deposit her eggs. Females are not responsible for the survival of eggs or young birds. Males are in charge for the incubation of the eggs that lasts 50 days. Young cassowaries are brown and covered in stripes. Also, males take care of the chicks until they reach the age of one year. Cassowaries are also excellent swimmers that can swim long distances.

Cassowary is look like a ‘giant prehistoric turkey’, but they are in fact descendants of dinosaurs. Cassowary is referred as the ‘most dangerous bird on Earth’. They will not attack for no reason. Like the emu and the ostrich, the cassowary is another flightless bird. Although they cannot fly, they can surely put up a fight, jumping as high as two metres from the ground, and they can run at a speed of up to 50 kilometres per hour. They use their casque and claw in self-defence. They attack up to 200 people every year. Of these 200, 70% of attacks occur due to people trying to get up close to the cassowary, wanting to feed them, causing the cassowary to feel threatened. The southern cassowary, also known as the double – wattled cassowary, Australian cassowary or two-wattled cassowary have an average weight of 45 kg and are around 155 cm long. Southern cassowaries are found in north-eastern Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. Northern cassowaries also known as the single – wattled cassowary or golden-necked cassowary, are slightly smaller with an average weight of 44 kg and average length of 149 cm. They are endemic to northern New Guinea. As the Cassowary roams the rainforest they disperse the seeds into a new area of the rainforest in their own special fertilizer formula. Cassowary can survive 12-19 years in the wild and between 40 and 50 in captivity.


The emu belongs to a group of flightless running birds known as ratites, the most primitive of the modern bird families. Emus are endemic to Australia, where they are the largest native bird. It lives throughout most of the continent, ranging from coastal regions to high in the Snowy Mountains. It is the second tallest living birds in the world that can reach up to 190 cm tall. Emus are omnivores. They eat seeds, fruit, bark, nuts and stems. They also eat insects, small reptiles, amphibians and other small animals that they can handle. They require a large amount of water, drinking 9-18 litres daily. Emus are soft-feathered birds with long necks and legs. They weigh an average of 33 kg. Female emus are usually slightly larger than the males and have significantly wider rumps. Emus Have Big Bodies and Tiny Wings. They Are the Only Birds with Calf Muscles. They’re Fast Runners, High Jumpers, and Strong Swimmers. On top of the sheer size of their legs, a few special features help boost their strength.

Emus also have an impressive vertical leap, which can quickly carry the large birds up to 6.8 feet off the ground all without the help of wings. They only have 3 toes and a reduced number of bones. The female lays a clutch of eggs in the male’s nest over several days. Males Incubate the Eggs for 56 days and raise the Chicks. They store lots of fat when food is plentiful, providing fuel for leaner times, and also seem to have a sixth sense for finding water, sometimes trekking hundreds of miles to get it. Emu migrations are based on rainfall, according to the SCBI, which notes they mainly rely on the sight of rain-bearing clouds, but may also use other clues like the sound of thunder or the scent of wet ground. Emus are not very social. They have vestigial wings, which they flap when they run to stabilize themselves. They Can Be Helpful to Farmers. The lifespan is 10 to 20 years in the wild and up to 35 years in captivity.

  1. Penguin

Penguins are amazing birds. Most penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. Large penguin populations can be found in countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina and South Africa. Emperor penguins are endemic to Antarctica and are the tallest and heaviest of all living penguins weighing an average of 31.5 kg and measuring 114 cm in height. King Penguins are the second largest penguin species. King penguins weigh 13.6 kg on average and are 92 cm in length. Little Blue Penguins are the smallest type of penguin, averaging around 33 cm (13 in) in height. The fastest species is the Gentoo Penguin, which can reach swimming speeds up to 22 mph. There are 17–20 species of penguins alive today. Penguins live in many locations and habitats. Penguin feet are adapted to walk long distances. According to some animal experts, the penguin is one of the most streamlined animals in the world. Penguins spend around half their time in water and the other half on land. Most birds have hollow, air-filled bones to help them stay light for flight. Penguins adapted with solid bones instead. Penguins have adapted flippers to help them swim in the water. Penguins eat a range of fish and other sea life that they catch underwater.

Penguins ingest a lot of seawater while hunting for fish, but a special gland behind their eyes, the supraorbital gland filters out the saltwater from their blood stream. Like other birds, penguins don’t have teeth. Instead, they have backward-facing fleshy spines that line the inside of their mouths. These help them guide their fishy meals down their throat. Penguins have excellent hearing skills. Many male penguins gift female penguins with rocks in order to woo them. Penguin parents both male and female care for their young for several months until the chicks are strong enough to hunt for food on their own. Penguins are very social animals. Like all penguins, Emperor penguins are flightless but they have adapted to the harsh conditions of their environment which is the coldest for any breeding bird. Feathers provide up to 90% of their insulation and they are able to thermo regulate their core body temperature without altering their metabolisms. A group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they’re called a waddle.


Greater rheas are flightless birds native to South America. Rhea can be found in open grasslands, pampas and woodlands of Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Peru and Brazil. There are two species of rheas: Greater or American Rhea and Darwin’s Rhea. The greater rhea is the largest of all South American birds and is related to ostriches and emus. Greater rheas have an average mass of 23 kg and an average length of 134 cm. A small population of greater rheas has established itself in Germany. Lesser rheas, also known as Darwin’s rhea, are found in South America. It weighs on average 13.5 kg and has an average length of 96 cm. Body of rhea is covered with grey-brown plumage with dark patches on the neck and back. Abdomen and thighs are covered with white feathers. Rhea has strong legs with three toes that are designed for running. Although it is unable to fly, rhea can run very fast and reach the speed of up to 40 miles per hour. Wings provide stability during running.

Rhea is an Omnivore, it consumes both meat and plants. Different kind of seeds, fruits, roots, plants, lizards, insects, reptiles and rodents are normal part of rhea’s diet. Rheas also like to consume agricultural crops. These flightless birds use their long, powerful legs to outrun trouble. Females lay their eggs one every other day for a week or ten days in a ground nest of the male’s design. The male rhea incubates the eggs of all its mates for six weeks and cares for the newly hatched young. They aggressively guard their young during this period. Unlike other animals, males are fully responsible for building of the nest and care of the eggs and chicks after hatching. Rheas live in big flocks except during the breeding season. Sometimes they live with deer and other animals. Farmers often considered them as pests. Rhea eggs are collected for food and many people eat their meat. Their skins are used in the manufacture of leather. Maximum lifespan of the rhea in the wild is 15 years.


The wild turkey is the largest species of bird that is able to fly. They weigh on average 13.5 kg and have an average length of 124 cm. Turkeys are quiet agile fliers staying close to the ground and flying for no more than 400 m at a time. Domestic turkeys are unable to fly as they are too fat. Individual turkeys have unique voices, this is how turkeys recognize each other. Turkeys are intelligent and sensitive animals that are highly social. They create lasting social bonds with each other and are very affectionate; rather similar to dogs. Turkeys have the ability to learn the precise details of an area over 1,000 acres in size. Like peacocks, male turkeys puff up their bodies and spread their elaborate feathers to attract a mate. The male is substantially larger than the female, and his feathers have areas of red, purple, green, copper, bronze, and gold iridescence. Female feathers are duller overall, in shades of brown and grey. The long fleshy object over a male’s beak is called a snood. Turkeys have 5000 to 6000 feathers. A turkey’s gender can be determined from its droppings, males produce spiral-shaped poop and females’ poop is shaped like the letter J. It can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour and fly as fast as 55 miles per hour.

There are six subspecies of wild turkey, all native to North America. Male turkeys are called “gobblers,” after the “gobble” call they make to announce themselves to females (which are called “hens”) and compete with other males. Wild turkeys are the same species as the domesticated turkey. They are native to North America but got their name from the domestic turkey which was misidentified as an unrelated species imported into Europe by Turkish merchants. The turkey is believed to have been sacred in ancient Mexican cultures. The Mayans, Aztecs and Toltecs referred to the turkey as the ‘Great Xolotl’, viewing them as ‘jewelled birds’. They can change the colors. Wild turkeys sleep in trees. A Female Turkey lays about 10 to 12 eggs, one egg per day, over a period of about two weeks. The eggs will incubate for about 28 days before hatching. Baby turkeys, called poults, eat berries, seeds and insects, while adults have a more varied diet that can include acorns and even small reptiles. There is one other species of turkey, the ocellated turkey, which can be found on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The meat from domesticated turkeys is widely eaten by people across the world.


This majestic and beautiful animal is well-known for being graceful and quite peaceful to look at. Swans are birds of the family Anatidae within the genus Cygnus. Often seen gliding across lakes, the swan has long represented elegance and refinement. A swan will mate for life. There are six to seven species of swan called the Black-necked Swan, Black Swan, Mute Swan, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra swan which includes the Bewick’s Swan and Whistling Swan, and the Whooper Swan. Mute swans (Cygnus olor) are the heaviest of all waterfowl weighing an average of 11.87 kg. They average 100-130 cm in length. Trumpeter swans weigh slightly less at 11.6 kg but are longer at 138-165 cm. Swans live in the flooded grassland, lakes and ponds, rivers and streams and wetlands habitats. The swans are generally found in temperate environments, rarely occurring in the tropics. Black swans are native to Australia. The black swans of Australia and New Zealand, which have been introduced to North America and Europe. Swans can fly as fast as 60 miles per hour. They are found in Australia, New Zealand, and South America. The swans are close relatives with geese and ducks. Swans are herbivores. Swans feed primarily on aquatic vegetation, with their long necks allowing them to feed on plants growing on river beds. They also eat small fish, frogs and worms. A Polish mute swan cob (Cygnus immutabilis), a morph of the mute swan, and a pure white version with pink legs instead of the usual black colour, has been verified as the largest bird to take flight weighing in at 23 kg. Swans have elongated, curved necks.

Swans have streamlined bodies, and their feet are webbed. Swans have beaks with saw like edges that appear like they have teeth. They have very strong wings with a wingspan of 3 meters or 10 feet. The swan has about 25,000 feathers in its body. Their calls consist of a loud, deep, sonorous, trumpet-like honking sounds, as well as peeps, hisses and gurgles. Swans build their nests on land out of twigs and leaves, and the female swan lays between 3 and 9 eggs. Swan eggs take between 35 and 42 days to hatch. The baby swans hatch out of their eggs after an incubation of just over a month. Swans couple will guard their baby swans furiously from predators. The swan’s main predator is the human, who hunts the swan for it’s meat and it’s feathers. A baby swan is called a cygnet. A male swan is called a cob, and a female swan is called a pen. A group of swans is called a bevy or a wedge in flight. The swan song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song in the moment just before death, having been silent during most of their lifetime. Several species are migratory. Some migratory swans travel to Iceland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Central Asia, China, and Japan. Swans live for approximately 20 to 30 years. It can live for up to 40 years in the wild.


Great bustards (Otis tarda) weigh on average 10.6 kg and are 115 cm in length. Bustard gives an ostrich like appearance. These large creatures are rather shy, behavior varies from bird to bird. They breed in open grassland in Southern and Central Europe and Asia with 60% of the population resident in Spain and Portugal. The Arabian bustard, which lives across Southwestern Arabia and the Sahel region of Africa. They weigh between 4.5 and 11 kg and are therefore quite large, yet smaller than the kori. Kori bustard is large terrestrial bird that belongs to the family of bustards. The Kori bustard (Ardeotis kori) is Africa’s largest flying bird and a contender for the heaviest flying living bird weighing an average of 11.4 kg and measuring 150 cm in length. Kori Male Bustards are two times bigger than female Kori Bustards. The kori makes barking sounds to intimidate their potential attackers. The Kori bustard has a very impressive wingspan. The male bird has a wingspan of 230 to 275 cm. The female, considerably smaller, spans 80 cm across its wings on average. Kori bustards are omnivores. Their diet is mostly based on insects, snakes, lizards and small mammals. They occasionally consume berries and seeds. Kori bustards are covered with white, black, grey and brown feathers.

Kori bustards have black crest on the top of a head. Kori bustards have long necks and short bills. Their legs and feet are elongated and end with three fingers. Kori bustards are able to fly, but they spend most of the time on the ground. Kori bustards often walk near the zebras, antelopes and other animals that are gathered in herds to find food. Kori bustards are not migratory birds. They will leave their home ground only when water and food sources become scarce. Kori bustards can survive up to 30 years in the captivity. Kori bustards similarly help other animals. Carmine bee-eaters ride on their back and take full advantage of how the kori bustards stride through the grass. Insects get dislodged from their grassy perches and are quickly picked up by these opportunistic birds. People hunt kori bustards because of their meat. The great Indian bustard is a large ground bird with a height of about one metre, you can find them in India and Pakistan. The Australian bustard, as suggested by its name, you can encounter this bird all across Australia and southern New Guinea. Female lays 1 – 2 eggs in a shallow depression in the ground. Females take care of the eggs and young chicks. Incubation lasts 23 to 24 days. Five weeks after hatching, young birds are ready for independent life.


Albatrosses are large seabirds which belong to the biological family Diomedeidae. They live in the region of the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. Albatross of the biological family Diomedeidae has 22 species. Out of 22 albatross species, 19 are officially endangered. There are four main species of albatross: Great Albatrosses, North Pacific Albatrosses, Mollymawks and Sooty Albatrosses. Great Albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds. Albatrosses are very large and spend much of their life in the air. Albatross can fly as fast as 60 mph. However, because of their long wings do not have strong muscles, they cannot flap while they fly. Wandering albatrosses spend most of their life in flight and can remain in the air without flapping for several hours at a time. Albatrosses have some of the longest ranges of all birds and some individual wandering albatrosses have been known to circumnavigate the Southern Ocean three times in one year. The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is also known as the snowy albatross, the white-winged albatross and the goonie. It weighs an average 11.9 kg and is up to 135 cm in length. It has the longest wingspan of any living bird ranging from 2.5 m to 3.5 m and unverified reports put the largest wingspans at 4.22 m and 5.3 m. They can coast for several miles in just a single flap. Albatross sleep in flight. The albatrosses ate and found their food at the surface of the sea. The bill is large, strong and sharp. This bill is made of horny plates. Along the sides are the two “tubes”. They are actually long nostrils.

The tubes of all albatrosses are on the sides of the bill. They help the albatrosses develop their sense of smell a lot. The feet have no last toe and the three other toes are all webbed. Their legs are quite strong, and they can walk well on land. All birds have a large gland at the top part of their bill, above their eyes. Albatrosses use them to help take out saltwater, it makes a liquid that makes the saltwater drip out of their nose. The adult albatrosses usually have a dark upper-wing and back, and white undersides when they are getting ready to take flight. They eat squid, fish and krill. Sometimes, they may also eat carrion and or other kinds of zooplankton. Albatrosses come ashore to make their nests, mostly on islands, and usually near the nests of other birds. They have the longest incubation period of any bird. Albatross lay just one single egg every 2 years. The male and female take turns feeding and guarding their chicks until it is large enough to care for itself. Albatross are known to live well into their sixties, even reaching up to seventy years old. Scientists were baffled to discover a 63 year old bird that was still laying eggs and raising chicks. They can live to be over 60 years old. They spend 80% of their lives at sea.


Pelican is an amazing bird that can be found in all continents except on the Antarctica. The Pelican family is at least 30 million years old. There are eight species of pelicans. The Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is the largest member of the pelican family and perhaps the largest freshwater bird in the world in length and weight by swans. Dalmatian pelicans are found in lakes, rivers and estuaries in south east Europe, Russia, India and China. They weigh on average 11.5 kg and are 183 cm in length. It has a wingspan similar in size to the great albatrosses and is one of only 4 species of birds having verified wingspans of over 350 cm, the others being the wandering albatross, the southern royal albatross and the great white pelican. The American White Pelican grows a temporary “Horn”. Pelican has the largest bill of all birds. It can reach 18 inches in length. Pelicans technically have nasal openings. However, in all eight species, the nostrils are sealed off, buried under the beak’s horny sheath. Pelicans predominantly breathe through their mouths. Underneath the bill, pelicans have throat pouch that can hold 3 gallons of water.

Pouch is mainly used for feeding. They don’t store food in the Pouch on their Bills. Some males have colorful feathers while others have ability to change the color of the pouch, neck and bill into bright colors during courtship. Pelican is easily recognized by its large body, short legs with webbed feet. Webbed feet are used for swimming and diving. They can fly to the height of 10 000 feet using the warm wind currents. It can eat 4 pounds of fish per day. Main food of Pelicans is fish, they can also eat turtles, crustaceans and tadpoles. Very hungry pelicans will even attack and eat seagulls. While diving for fish, pelicans can end up in fishing nets. Brown Pelicans are on the list of endangered species. Both males and females are in charge of the building of the nests that are usually located on the trees near the water. Nests are built using the feathers, leaves and sticks. Female lays 1 to 3 eggs. Incubation period lasts between 28 and 36 days. Young pelicans eat by scooping the food from the bills of their parents. Pelicans can survive between 10 and 30 years in the wild. Pelicans are very social birds. They live in large colonies composed of several hundreds of birds.

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Bird is a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly. Most Birds can fly, using powerful muscles to flap their wings. But few bird species do not have strong enough wings to fly , so these birds are flightless. Birds are a group of feathered theropod dinosaurs and constitute the only living dinosaurs. There are about ten thousand living species, more than half of which are passerine, or “perching” birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species. Many social species pass on knowledge across generations, which is considered a form of culture. Birds are social, communicating with visual signals, calls, and songs, and participating in such behavior as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking, and mobbing of predators. Songbirds, parrots, and other species are popular as pets. Recreational bird watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Here is the list of 10 Beautiful Birds in the World.

1.Golden Pheasant

One of the most beautiful birds in the world, the highly intelligent golden pheasant sometimes referred to as the Chinese pheasant, is popular. Golden pheasants are famous for their brilliant colored plumage. Golden pheasants live in the dense forests and woodlands across Western and Central China. These exist in many countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Mexico. They are also established in numerous European and South American countries. They are primarily ground-dwelling foragers during the day but roost in tall trees at night. They have a beautiful golden-yellow crest tipped with red. Their under fpart is bright red and face. Sides and throat are rusty tan. The wattle of golden pheasant is yellow and its upper back is green. They also have dark, red shoulder feathers and a long pale brown tail. The male golden pheasants are more colorful and longer than females.

An adult male normally has a length up to 42 inches. A golden pheasant weight is About 630 grams. These are clumsy fliers and can only manage short, fast bursts of flight. Golden pheasant chicks emerge from their shells covered in reddish-brown and buff-colored down. Golden pheasant eggs are similar to duck eggs and cab be eaten. Golden pheasants are most prized for their beauty, and, besides, it would be an expensive meal. Breeding pairs often sell for over $200. Currently, the golden pheasant is evaluated as “Least Concern.” Their sound is often described as “chack chack. Interestingly, the tail account for two-third of its total body length. Golden pheasants are poor fliers and spend most of their time on the ground. They mainly feed on seeds, berries, grain and other vegetation including shoots of rhododendron and bamboo, as well as grubs, spiders, and insects. Golden pheasants are foragers and move slowly while pecking around the forest floor for food.

2.Scarlet Macaw

One of 17 species of macaws, the scarlet macaw is one of the most beautiful members of the parrot family and one of the largest Neotropical parrots. The Scarlet Macaw, with a wingspan of over 3 feet (1 meter) is the largest parrot in the world. Scarlet macaw is very popular as a house pet because of its intelligence and ability to quickly learn to speak, perform tricks and distinguish colors and shapes. Some of these birds can even perform simple math problems and most macaws have limited ability to mimic. They inhabit in humid evergreen forests across Central and South America. Scarlet macaws prefer life in the rainforest. Scarlet macaw is active during the day. They have bright red plumage with blue back. Their upper wings are yellow and edged with green color. With wide strong wings and hollow bones that aid flight, they can reach speeds of 56 kilometers (35 miles) per hour. The scarlet macaw has a strong, curved beak to crack hard nuts and seeds, and a tongue that can hold onto the kernel to pull it from the shell.

Males and females both look the same. Scarlet macaw has flexible feet that are used for manipulation of food, branches and other items used as tools. Left foot is used for feeding and handling of different items, while right foot ensures stability of the body. It mostly consumes nuts, seed, fruit, flowers and leaves. Scarlet macaw produces different types of screams and low-pitched noise for communication and to inform other birds about the nearby predators. Scarlet Macaws are very loud birds that make a variety of low-pitched sounds including squawks, screeches and screams that can carry for up to a couple of miles (kilometers). Female lays 2 to 4 eggs that hatch after 24 to 25 days. Chicks are naked and blind at birth. They fledge 3 months after hatching. Both parents take care of their offspring until they reach the age of 15 months and become ready for the independent life. Scarlet macaw can survive 40 to 50 years in the wild and up to 80 years in the captivity. Their Weight is about 1.5 kilogram.


These birds live in shallow lakes, mangrove swamps and sandy islands of Africa, Asia, America and Europe. There are 6 species of flamingos. The word Flamingo comes from the Spanish and Latin word ‘flamenco’ which mean fire, it refers to the bright colors of the bird’s feathers. Flamingo chicks are born grey when hatched. Baby flamingos will hatch in the nest made of mud. Both mother and father keep the egg warm before it hatches. Few days after hatching both parents will start feeding their chick with milk-like substance rich in fats and proteins. Each Flamingos’ shade of pink varies by species, with the Caribbean species a vivid pink and the Greater species a pale pink. The Greater Flamingo is the most widespread and largest member of the flamingo family. Fully grown flamingo male birds can grow in excess of 180cm tall – that’s the same as supermodel height of 5’11. Their neck is long and lean and has a distinctive downward, bend beak.

The long leg and specially adapted beak let them to catch small fishes, larvae and planktons from the mud. Their diet mainly consists of brine shrimp, plankton, and blue-green algae. Flamingo also spends hours on oil up their plumage from the special glands using their plumage. It helps them to keep their plumage always in good condition. Flamingos spend 15-30% of the day in cleaning their feathers: oil produced in a special gland will be spread over feathers with a help of their beak. Flamingos hold their breath while feeding. Flamingos are powerful fliers, when flying in a flock, the top speed of a flamingo can be as high as 35 miles per hour. During migration, they travel at a distance of over 300 miles to reach their new habitat. The average lifespan of a flamingo bird in the wild is 30 to 40 years. The typical lifespan in captivity, according to Basel Zoo, is over 60 years. Flamingos (like penguins) are monogamous birds. The females lay only a single egg each year.


Peacock it one of the largest flying birds in the world. The colorful tail feather display of peacocks is probably the most beautiful courtship display among bird family. The males are “peacocks” and the females are “peahens”, and their babies are called peachicks. One day old baby peafowl can walk, eat and drink without assistance. There are three types of peafowls in the world – Indian, Congo and green peafowl. The Indian peafowls are the most common type of peafowls found around the world. Peacocks can grow up to 6 to 7 feet in length. They can weigh between 8-13 pounds. A peacock’s head is crested with feathers creating a crown-like appearance. They have an inch-long beak adapted for preying on small creatures like insects. In fact, the long tail of a peacock makes 60% of its total length. The feathers can be gathered and sold without the birds coming to any harm. Their bodies are covered with brown feathers and an elongated tail with impressive blue and greenish feathers are found on males.

The tail has eye-like spots with red, gold, and green feathers surrounding the eyespots. Peacocks can show off 200 feathers on their tails at any one time. Family of peafowl is called “bevy”. Group of peafowl is called “party”. Peacocks have a loud and disruptive call. Peahens lay three to six eggs in a clutch. She will solely incubate them for about 29 days. Peacocks in the wild can live for up to 20 years. Peacocks can fly limited distances, especially with their heavy tail. They prefer to stay on the ground. Unlike ducks and other birds, peacocks cannot enter the waters and swim. Peacocks are ground-dwelling birds, eating insects, plants, fruit, seeds, ants, flies, snakes and amphibians. They live in forests, farmland, bush land and other warm regions with easy access to low trees. Peacocks are widely seen in many Asian countries, they are dominant in India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Peacocks are polygamous (mate with more than one female) and usually form a harem that consists of 2-5 females. The female peafowl or peahen also chooses a peacock with lengthy tail and more eye spots.

5.Keel billed Toucan

The keel-billed toucan is a large bird with mostly black plumage and a very large multi-colored bill. It has red and white coverts under and on top of its tail, green skin around the eyes and lore a yellow face and throat, and blue legs. These species has a very large range and can be found in Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela. The keel-billed toucan is the national bird of Belize. Bill is usually 4.7 to 5.9 inches long. Due to their colorful bill, keel-billed toucan is also known as rainbow-billed toucan. Bill doesn’t affect stability of the bird. The toucan’s beak appears quite heavy, but is actually light, it is made of light-weight protein called keratin and its internal structure is spongy. Keel-billed toucan is not very good flyer. It moves mostly via hopping. It is approximately 59 cm size and it’s weight is up to 400 grams.

Keel-billed toucan is very social and playful bird. It travels through the jungle in groups of 6 to 15 birds. Keel-billed toucans use loud, frog-like calls for communication. Female lays 1 to 4 eggs in the cavities of trees. Incubation period is 16 to 20 days. Hatchlings are naked and blind at birth. Both parents provide food for their chicks until they become ready to leave the nest at the age of 8 to 9 weeks. Keel-billed toucan lives in the tree holes together with 5 to 6 other birds. They all sleep with bills tucked under the body to make room for other birds in the group. Keel-billed toucan is an omnivore. Its diet is based mostly on the fruit and berries, eggs, insects, lizards and frogs. People in some parts of Central and South America avoid keel-billed toucans due to widespread belief that these birds are associated with demons and evil spirits. Keel-billed toucan can survive 15 to 20 years in the wild.

6.Atlantic Puffin

The Atlantic puffin has become Iceland‘s most precious bird and a tourist attraction. Atlantic Puffin is from the auk family that breeds in and around Iceland. It has been nicknamed ‘Sea Parrot’, ‘Penguin of the North’ and even ‘Clown of the Sea’ and is also known as the Common Puffin. Atlantic puffin is a bird that looks like a close relative of penguins even though they are not genetically related. These birds can be found in the eastern parts of Canada, northern parts of United States, western parts of Europe and northern Russia. 60% of the world’s puffins breed in Iceland. A puffin’s beak or bill changes color during the year, it is pale during the winter and more colorful during the spring, when mating season starts. Atlantic puffin is also very fast flyer. It can reach the speed of 55 miles per hour by flapping its wings 400 times per minute.

Atlantic puffin is a small bird. It weighs 17.5 ounces. Males are slightly bigger than females. Female lays one egg. Incubation period lasts 42 days. Both parents take care of the chick. The Atlantic puffin has black and white feathers and a large and colorful beak. Puffins spend most of their lives out at sea. They come to the coast only once per year to reproduce. Atlantic puffin is an excellent swimmer. Its webbed feet and strong wings allow fast and precise movement through the water. It can dive 200 feet deep and remain submerged for up to one minute. They only measure about 30 cm from the tip of their beak to the end of their tail and stand at about 20 cm. Puffins are carnivores and live off small fish such as herring, hake and sand eels. Atlantic Puffins can load between 10 to 30 fishes in their huge beaks. Puffins dig their holes or burrows using their beaks and feet. They prefer to make their burrows in earth. Their lifespan is 20 years in the wild.

7.Blue Jay

Blue jays are very intelligent as well as beautiful birds. Blue jays communicate via loud screams and high-pitched calls. They are able to imitate sound of hawks, cats and humans. It could mimic human speech and voice of other pets. They found across forests of Eastern, Central North America and South Canada. Blue Jays live in wooded urban and suburban areas. These areas include parks, backyards, and forest edge habitat. Blue Jays are often found near their preferred food sources, which are Oak trees and bird feeders. Blue jay is a songbird that belongs to the family of crows. Blue jay is mostly blue-colored. Face, throat and belly are white. Wings and tail are covered with white, black and blue plumage. Blue feathers actually contain brown pigment. Blue jay can reach 9 to 12 inches in length and 2.5 to 3.5 ounces of weight. Male Blue Jay is slightly larger than female Blue Jay.

Blue jay has crest on top of the head. Erect crest is a sign of aggression, while brush-like crest symbolizes fear. Flattened crest can be seen in relaxed birds. Blue jay is an omnivore. It eats seed, nuts, acorns, fruits, insects, eggs and young birds. They may steal nestlings and eggs of other birds. Blue jay has a wingspan of 13 to 17 inches and it flies at speed of 20 to 25 miles per hour. Blue jay is active during the day. Blue jays live in pairs or small family groups. They gather in large flocks during the migratory season. They are very cooperative with their species, and a group of jays will often drive off other birds that are using “their” feeders. Female builds cup-shaped nest in the trees. 2 to 7 bluish or brown eggs hatch after incubation period of 16 to 18 days. Hatchlings are naked, blind and helpless at birth. Father provides food for the mother while she takes care of the chicks. Young birds are ready to leave their nest at the age of 17 to 21 days, but they stay with their parents for at least one or two months. It can survive around 7 years in the wild and up to 26 years in the captivity

8.Bohemian Waxming

Bohemian Waxming is part of the waxwing family. These inhabit in boreal forests across North America, Eurasia, Canada and Alaska. The Bohemian waxwing, also known by its scientific name of “Bombycilla garrulus”. There are 3 different types of waxwings in the genus Bombycilla; Bohemian waxwing, Japanese waxwing, Cedar waxwing. The cedar waxwing is a bit smaller than the Bohemian waxwing and has a yellow belly. The Japanese waxwing has red at the end of its tail and a larger black mask. It also doesn’t have a yellow stripe on its wings. Bohemian waxwings are medium-sized birds and can grow anywhere between 19 and 23 centimeters (7.5 and 9.1 inches) in length and have a wingspan of between 32 and 35.5 centimeters (12.6 and 14.0 inches). The average weight of this type of bird is about 55 grams. Bohemian waxwings are short-tailed stocky songbirds with soft dense plumage. They are mainly buff-grey in color, have black face markings, and a pointed crest. Their wings are patterned with white and bright yellow, and some feather tips have the red waxy appearance.

Females are similar to males, although young birds are less well-marked and have few or no waxy wingtips. Bohemian waxwings are social birds. Bohemian waxwings are herbivores and carnivores. These birds are primarily fruit eaters and rowan berries are their favorite food. They also consume insects during the breeding season; mosquitoes and midges are the most common prey, but many other insects and some spiders are also eaten. Some birds can easily eat hundreds of berries a day. One of the most amazing facts about Bohemian waxwings is that one bird was recorded eating between 600 and 1,000 cotoneaster berries in six hours, an incredible amount for such a relatively small bird. Both the male and females build the nest, which consists of twigs and is built in a tree, preferably a pine tree. The female incubates the 3 to 7 eggs she lays in the nest for about 2 weeks. The chicks are completely naked and have bright red beaks. They are fed by both the parents and their initial diet usually consists of insects.

9.Wood Duck

Wood Ducks are medium sized ducks with some extraordinary colors and patterns. They can be found throughout most of the eastern half of the United States. They are also known as a Carolina Ducks. Wood Duck is probably the most stunning colorful waterfowl in the world. The male bird has a metallic, purplish green head and crest. Their belly is white and chest is dark red. Their wings are patterned blue and black. Females are not colorful as males. They have grey brown head, white belly and white speckled beast. They perch and nest in trees. Wood Ducks have particular nesting requirements. They will commonly use abandoned woodpecker holes or those from other animals to nest and lay their eggs.

Typically very close to water or even hanging over water. However sometimes they will nest as far as a mile from water, never too far though. A female wood duck lays anywhere from 6 to 15 eggs. Baby Wood Ducks are Precocial. Precocial means when the babies hatch they can immediately swim and find food on their own. Their feet have sharp claws. After the mother has left in just 8 short weeks, baby wood ducks are ready to fly. Females with young sleep out of water, preferably on the bank or on logs and away from danger. Most wood ducks roost and sleep on the water. Wood ducks are able to reduce their oxygen consumption and remain underwater for a minute or some times longer. Wood Ducks feed by dabbling or walking on land.

10.Hyacinth Macaw

It is one of the most popular types of the macaw parrots. They are largest type of parrots. There are more than 350 parrot species in the world, with the macaws being the largest of them all. With an impressive length of 100 cm, hyacinth macaw is the largest of all flying species of parrots in the world. The hyacinth macaw flourish in the wild, where they are mostly found in grassland areas and dry forests such as the ones in Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. They can live up to 80 years. Hyacinth macaw’s lifespan is extremely long. They inhabit in semi-open areas and savanna grasslands of Northern Brazil. Their population have been declined in past few years.

Today, less than 5000 Hyacinth Macaws left in the world. Hyacinth Macaw is famous for their striking cobalt blue plumage with bright yellow rings around the eyes. They also have a beautiful long tail and strong and curved black bill. With proper training, Hyacinth Macaws could be an excellent pet. To make them comfortable, You should also give them a lot of space. They are very playful and not so good at imitating words like some other members of Macaw family. The hyacinth macaw diet consists mainly of green vegetation, fruits, insects, and nuts. Nuts are the main type of diet in the wild, specifically palm nuts. They have fast flight speeds about 56 Kph. They are social birds and they live and travel in flocks.

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